Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1872, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1 If omenta SB Train Time 6ra NOV 1 In of bat I I one four more lo bo done A union who hi niut bo and I- and hold oat to It an object for i iirll add a lmnl may I ho llonanj tin- inr loart oralionlho incrcao n- iinlinlqal At any ralo iho llic valuool wc mot a miniate will more than give insular tkl- 11 l now on ape lea i MM killt ml thorn will rapid Miaa Tor an win i What hall 10 ho ha all enmity Wo it for our men to lie talk Serenade A A number of of his political Our Toronto Despatch I Heathen own Mr It am a men in I Bad other luit since binary abode wc dbeipl pi iMr Mo of rm I KB I ROOKfii f lies RICHARD ML IT at Mr Hun iir Scott Hit office held by Blahs Ministry while Mr retires from the office of Secretary and hi place id by Hon T Pardee It Mr I party hippo- indulged in bat the forget that when ailed the of their loaders they did precisely the same thing Judge was taken from the Bench of Canada into the jicr Administration and surely if right for Conservatives there can bo no Tory impropriety or immor ality in following the pre cedent The fact the acceptance of office by Hon Mr Mowat appear lo hare completely the Opposition and failing anything to fault they seiz ed upon a more and thereby singularly the wont feature in other new of Cab inet is Mr Pardee He is admitted to bo a aound lawyer a good debater an scholar and considerable influence in tbti House Wo mako therefore new Ministry will command full confidence of Legislature and of tbo Province Charley Duraiid A signing hit Charles written a half column of of all filth down street trying to something naughty of the Era A Barrister Wo remember lebodv of that nom hat nothing in Oct it- Tin- Western on the Northern Central whieb left hero 1010 last night ran Into a landttlide three miles on thin side of York Pa The and express cam wen- thrown from track John Curry engineer was crushed under and killed Phillips I badly injure era wore hurt ted for four hoi correspond en forward London Timet tho following of funeral of Her Majesty at linden on Sep John Oct 21 Hon Pennsylvania died in this city yea lenlay afternoon of dropsy an illness of about llirco months- Oct can and Claims to day applications for ox for taking tostimony alhehtg I than usual Com betDg dctirotis of transacting linens without unnecessary lose PohtAkd Me Oct A visit tbo livery to night shows nearly every sick Probably ninetenths of the horses in city a T B lin vacancy to be filled it of President of the Council without emolument I Since penning tho foregoing we of nfllr jt find the in Toronto II be seen Hon Mr It Is Mr Kin place Premier P it 1 Hon Mr Crook of At- j lHcrUki lhe point out his flagrant Mr Oct i have been received hero of I Mexican border a ao a gang of living along the Hi on Texan aide Tho sol of tbo raid lo and when tbo Mexican off emptcd impede their rulHans murdered and several other and then tire and completely do- all in town in fight which ensued two of the killed Stops have been taken the military million i lien along the Texan border to it- the gang in order that Ihcii lawlessness may not go ununinbcd Oct Tho doath of Mr look at her toms inspired some faint of her recovery but during night chill after which wai very easy until four oclock when peacefully away Tho funeral dace in Dr Church oclock on Friday Oct lent today tho proclamation declar- that all tho provisions of the act imposing discriminating foreign ton and duties in United and shall remain in full force a relates to goods and hit United States in vessels from countries other than long as any diacrimi- shall continue to bo upon goods and imported iulo Franco iu vessels of tho States from other ban United Stales Presentation to A P Esq Canadian Preen Association a presentation A P in of their excursion the Lakes In July last Tho gift which is bcaatilol in dexign bean tho following Tho following copy of iter which accompanied the prcson- ilh Mr Cockburus reply thorn Ballon Mull and Mallook of this city They turnod this statin wilh The New Diamond Fields in their charge about oclock sh iho funeral conducted in as a man- I has been cleared is was with her rank performed by Dr here the Proloatant pastor of hour Into who had been tho Princess faithful and valuable adviser iu I rejects of Christian and y pastor of family scot of Tho first porli hold in of the modest limits of her confined the bora of and thoo belonging to tbom only exception was Km press of Germany who had to her during her last illness and who bail for years been bound to losost tics friendship nnd iation of her were pi and Prince Arthur prassoly from and tho Alice her husband Prince Louis Various representative of tho absent members of house sisled Tho coffin was covered a moss of flowers over it was scribed text I am tbo way the truth and the life Aflor a few touching words from two pastors the funeral procossion started and and reached the cemetery common lo Cetho overhangs iho valley in which linden is situated This was chosen as accordance with her desire that sho should bo buried ph i whore her life cemetery was thronged ipectful spectators bo of all cemetery tbo dark green should the western hills and the sky clear September evening last prayers the last blessings pronounced in iho grand solemn of German and li sod offices were performed as each of tho male relations including Princes joined in the ful ceremony of throwing lo dust upon coffin which lay pie BOWS A he Prir Cliark Barrister im in Charles lharand iho wouldbe Judge ui- retirement the respect tiC esteem of reform party query Is easily By a new Cabinet will bo a strong niciuli he suddenly be- an ardent of the as strong as pre- j Mac- it Premier boa had for which bo was rewarded parliamentary by being Inspector and previous lo Confederation Courts When it was found under Is lhe the position of master from which he mC4 r into print indict- was promolcl lo lhe Vice Chancellor- teeming slander and ship in Upper Canada In this con- 1 abuse the nectionwe av observe tho Oppcad- liuiTircss making a great ado of a There is no disguising tho fact if is village is to conlinuo growing in tain its position as the largest commercial location in the Hiding it will bo more of a manufoctaring The field open lo us in this respect it must be certain extent limited Tho raw material prises which might bo conducted here with profit while waterpower is a barrier other At no doubt in some lines of wood iron woollens leather or pottery could be manufactured profitably and importance of locality thereby largely enhanced much being conceded tbo bow are these enterprises lo bo attracted hither There is use in talking about leaving them individual effort Already Iho si plus capital of moat of our and men is absorbed and profitably invested We see no other way than by offering special ind meats Already the Corporation has placed a minute on record pledging to credit If on reasonable within com- Division Court A aossionyof lbFsrOiDIrlkoCourlof In on Tutay tumor Jud lbs US Wr sad ditirMtl fram Court I sbojikl James Soubrvilli Setre tary Sept 20th 1872 A P Cockbir Muakoka Ontario Sir The uadcrsignod as a Com- Canadian Press Associa tion cheerfully perform duly entrusted to them in accordance with the following Resolution at last annual mooting That this Asso- have pleasure in tendering to the Atlantic Cable andthoomcon of steamer a silver Ice Salver and Goblet suitably as a memento of the visit of the Association to the beautiful Iiakes of and as a tangible recognition of special kindness extending to Association by Mr and officers of the and that President and Secretary Treasurer bo a committee to procure and forward tcsli- Wo therefore ask your of those article- in kindly spirit that prompts this Association in tendering thorn Wo have tbe honor to bo sir Yours truly To Messrs Jaisos SomervUlo and Committee of the Canadian Proas Association I year favor of the alt accom jianicd by a packogo containing a magnificent present from Ice their late district My absence from this for a fow weeks will account for delay in acknowledging liful and romantic lakes of ny distinguished gentlemen of iho Fourth Estate representing as thoy do so great a power and inir it as do so ably for coin- good of Canada but for the kind nose and consideration which prompted such a handsome and dy testimonial am both grate- id proud May request you these my sentiments to of your Association begging them to accept the heartfelt thanks of myself ana the officers of Also my most cordial invitation to a welcome at all times to as a body or individually Assure them also that their recent visit wilt be W lake Oct- patch from today Vortur Bliss Stales at tho city of Mexico tele graphed tonight it Wilson tilled Stalls at that ho bad been informed from that tbo steamer Guatemala of I tho Panama lino was wrecked on the oar of Chiapas on the 13th and twentythree of Marshall S Tho New York the death of Marshall distinguished lawyer formerly noted as a politician in Canada but resident in New York where he prac tised his profession with noted suc cess Mr was born in Stock bridge Massachusetts but emigrated to Canada at an studied law and became eminent as a lawyer He plunged politics about tin the arose in this country from the ad ration of pub- lib affairs by notorious Family Compact Ho espoused Liberal cause was elected to the Caned Parliament and became speaker House Whether bo took a active steps to bring about the robef- lion of 1838 positively known hat that bo was in correspond with tho insurgents there is little doubt and it is almost equally tain that bis sympathies were entirely with them The correspond which ho carried on with leaden was intercepted and placed in bands of Governor of Upper who before examining into its nature sent for Mr Bidwell and told him frankly that his correspond was in his possession and that ho hod not yet opened it Ho gavo Mr the or of leaving tho let lorn would be destroyed Mr chose tho latter tivo and left Canada never to return though subsequently all who were engaged in this rebellion of 183738 were pardoned and Mr invited lo return and take a part public affairs as many others of refugees did He took up his reel donee in Now York as already stated and continued practice of law sense of honor and account that the Gi choice of abiding the opening of the intercepted letters or tin country forever It has been inferred from these facts that the letters were of a treasonable character and know Ibis Mr Bid ill chose the course bo did and expatriated himself for- over from the land of his adoption- Hamilton Tune this region and tho honor to be gentlemen Yours A- Accident on Great Western Oct 29 Between one and two oclock this afternoon the Pacific express going went on Great Western Bail way met serious accident just after passing Baamsville One of the cars the forward It is said off track and either one or other Pullman cars and a Wag Denver Colorado Oct no longer any doubt as to th vcry of diamond fields in souk tbo western Colorado and Arizona every Several packages of stone have line through and after ho San Francisco been proved to reach- J contain diamonds of first water luck being an together precious A company of hundred men organized here who will start in isherlea equipped and for a six months expedition York ItW says diamond district has been foajA British amine in Colorado nearly of Denver was a liltlo pre- he proposed extension of the Minister son A Santa An Bancroft on seltlenenl of the eiticers party Mr tt by saying engmtHT of for difficulty between A Railroad lft 1 3rd and had boon Tho fish 3rd following and it fault if tho sal the Arkansas and Tonnes not be Creek to the head waters of Pine Bull of trouble if lhe Treaty of articles the 1825 British North American will are open to American and lhe American fisheries as rib of the parallel of al Salt City and hearing of down Piney Aintab By the terms were attracted the brilliancy of tones found their region and any suspicion of their quite a number were gatb- Aftor amvwg north latitude to British fishermen but M lhe British concession is claim ed to bo of more value than American a commission is lo deter mine what sum if any is to bo paid Great Britain by the United Slates opening which this until the codfish question is we can hardly consider thai the lost for difficulty Kng land audAmerioa has Steamer Missouri Burned at lett on Oct for Hav ana and Nassau was burned of Abaco It is reported lhat over eighty lives wore lost A arrived here from Nassau this half- past three oclock bringing tbo above intelligence Latee Tho steamer Anna just in from Nassau reports that only twelve were saved from tho Tho id crow are rvtiortcd lost Oct- 30 JQuinan of Mail line furnishes tho following despatch re ceivod by thai company in relation to the loss of lhe steamer Nassau eta Ket West Oct II J Treasurer of the At lantic Mail Steamship Company Tho Missouri was burnt at sea twentyfive miles from Abaco The following are saved Samuel Comb seaman Jones teaman P McGovern waller pantry many Richard Murphy sec ond pantryman George John Enrique Yanco Tunnel James racr and Saunders coloured Tboro is but little hope for rest of the crew and passengers Particular by Anna Is at Key diamonds were produced and tested and proved to bo diamonds lav Mr Stanley tho discoverer of will loavo Kngland for America on the of November Photographs of Sir Fronds r District Mr A London paper suggests the in large Quantities of food Mail The s Wei JolINSOIf r Storm on Winnipeg A fearful storm unequalled in tho memory of the oldest inhabitant took place on Lake Winnipeg a short lime ago The waters of the lako at tho southern end roso -uI- dculy and in shape of a tidal wavo inundated country for ten or twelve miles inland Tbo waters covered the land in some place to a depth of from eight to fot There was a strong north wind at the time and owing to great length lake north wind always raises water at tho southern shore It is ad by some who were at the northern part of lake near the mouth of Saskat chewan that In courso of half an hour water foil some twelve feet and of increased proportion ately on sou thorn shore Ten or fifteen persons some of whom wore camping on shores of lake have been drowned and a number of persons who have been in vicinity of tho lake shoot ing and fishing ore missing In one case an Indian lost wire and ten children and barely escaped himself by climbing a tree Tbe rent of a family wore on a raft and while he was tying it to a tree it broke away and the whole was lost Mr A Fisher of Sarnie and Mr Bowey were shooting on shore of Winnipeg Lako at time but vary fortunately for themselves ihoy camped on a hill about thirty feel above water and escaped drowning They arrived In town last Thursday evening Great tears are entertained regard ing tho safety of two young men from this town one lato of Toronto tho from Alton Ontario were camped at mouth of the river at loo time of tho inundation Two of their acquaintances from town wont in search of a fow days ago and returned finding no trace of young men fbey found their canoe upset containing sumo provisions and their dog which was drowned also found their tent ammunition shot bogs and mostly all the things which tbey took with them except their fowling from tho hut I shall do so next thousand and cars did not leave track but fourth a Pullman on left and partially over- lh land of lb turned car in rear two Pullman and a Wagner were com- falling down a A Canadian fa 1Ilfc low embankment The passenger Lake bringing nearly all more with them an ancV had Iain leas bruised but it is thought that nono of them are dangroualy hurt The conductor Mr who baa been a number of years on the road was thrown across the back of a seal and is supposed to be seriously in jure Ho received some wounds about the head and hi hack is badly sprained Immediately it known here the an accident bad occurred Mr Wallace the traffic accompanied by her official of the road loft for the of the disaster taken with parent oi for twenty arising the super In I in attributed It presence of dead body promrOy tho latter War Three children of Lord and Lady florin Lord Lady Blackwood and Honourable Terence Temple Blackwood arrived in the Prussian at Quebec on Monday night and cheap article of of door beef and mutton A sportsman who bos best sixty miles up tho Madawaska report tho takes frozen and throe feet of snow tho ground in thai part SOT Canada Air Lino reached tbo town of yesterday and the arrival of iron horse was warmly greeted by the inhabitant It is rumoured IbatSir Fraaelt I is about lo accept the intendenco of leading banking i in Montreal War John Esq the successful merchant of Toronto Fund A man who rcgiitered hit name a A Macdonald at a hotel it Boston and who was found dead hi bed a few night ago was as a noted burglar of London His Excellency Lord is it to bo announced that he greatly regrets that he could not pro long his stay In Toronto but that be was called to Ottawa to transact business which did not admit of delay or Mr Scott Robertson of S firth an enterprising cheat I r upon Saturday boxes of cheese worth 1200f This lot of cheese sent direct or pool and will be there Ministry is no longer a secret The bat is being passed around among the clerks tlio Treasury to the superannuated knight child named nail waborod lo death in Pelerboro yesterday tho garden with brother playing with a lighted candle and a ofabollowpump- The proprietor of trated London Metes have despatched Mr Simpson of tbe well known artists of that paper to order to obtain illustrations of lb connected with marriage of the Emperor of China Tho law examination win be held next month a follows Pri- for student and Nov aw Students for call with honours 14th Nov Law Student for call to Bar 15th Nov articled clerk lor of fitness Nor scholarships 19th Nov- Slat Nov Poet Hope A foot rse me off today between to men named and Hall of ice The distance from Pott po to six mile in a victory for about ono mile The Cobourg road waa thronged with spectator I of the race was minutes and seconds Oct 29 Aboot hair past one today tho Pacific on the Great Western was passing through Beamsvillo depot twenty eaat of Hamilton a point at trains do not stop too win of switches in to yard broke and threw six coach oats the track No passenger were cadi I Tho conductor Mr hurt about the head All the I except him wore bl to The track was cleared fearful balloon at Illinois on it in Oct aeronaut 1ml a ready to Ascend when before he lb car it broke loose ad upward the hanging around iho leg of a ma and carried him to a height of about one hundred when he managed to climb into the basket When the balloon haw reached a distance of foor feet from earth dclibw jumped out and wa picked The know wham of Ontario Mr will find a ays Niagara Durham and a third Sooth OxforaV They go on guessing and pa- their empty noddles over tht matter We the on subject but prefer lo let continue until tim solve the for them and vinccs them how wide of the ma were all their

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