AND NORTH YOEK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISE mi Tin TO know to utter axd to argue according to conscience all OTHER LIBERTY NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY NOV 1872 Terms 150 in Advance THE Book and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS for or tnminiproBiiljetoia off by tolling there that Bill folks bad soot to Cape Aon for a key bat it hadnt come yet ami nobody could amy for certain what we should have for Thanksgiving There are plenty of turkeys down the street said Katie we need not send anywhere Willie his lip I forgot that my cuter was such a little girl he thought She dont know what Tom meant by a Cape Ann turkey I am glad she dont The boy swallowed hie indignation and have splendid dir once before father died bcr mother sitting at table with ladiea and gentlemen and she wore a pretty drees and blue ribbons captains were so polite to her said she moat go with father the voyage Im glad she didnt for ho never came back I need proud of her Katie you cant think Now she all the time night and day Im just tired of the pre- board Shes getting gray bain and I saw the tears in her eyes Sun day when she talked about Thanks- The boy a blue eyes filled as be spoke lie stooped over the basket lest Katio should see them and be gan to turn over the chips Wby Katie 1 here are pieces of bard wood Tho carpenter gave thorn said the child Ho said they would make a hot fire to brown the turkey i trying to catch a fish We iytbing nice for Thanksgiv- Ive lost my hook I five Willie tears lest tba gentleman should know that he was crying bat stood looking vigorously at the roof of building aforesaid though thore friends of the lato Hon ourable John having obtained consent of his family propose taking measure Ainu bo which could Walt You didnt tell him wo could one did you No indeed I said flushing besides Willie and the child sank to a whisper perhaps God may send us one yet Ive Him ever so many times I yon wanted it so much Willie she added deprecatmgly as if afraid of her brothers displeasure Did you suppose Katie be really would I think He might said the little solemnly and after looking up in moment with her large dark eyes she added the ravens brought Elijah something to cat when God told them to mother read that Last week dont yon remember Willie boy did not answer immediate- thinking it all ask Him than for me You great bettor than I am never make mother any trouble friend up the here who may bo to help you out of your So saying he walked up to the door of a rickety shop at the bead of the wharf where he from tho boy had never spok returned with a couple of Then he showed Willie bow to fasten to the line and baited my fellow try your In- Willie luck again Williss thanks you may be sure Before friend wharf bad caught oral rule Willie after a long and church clock wore pointing twelve would not do to stop longer more than two hours since be had had his first bito and even his young blood was chilled with sitting long on windy wharf and lit were aching bitterly as he tho wot another but Im thankful for two anyway hero goes dm should forward their to Mr Geo McDonnell Cornwall before tho December V The GovernorGeneral in acknowledgement the services of Kan in promoting Canada and thus familiarising the militia with the use of the rifle as national weapon and with a view to tho efficiency of militia service has been pleased to appoint him to bo a staff officer of militia of Ca nada with rank of Lieut Colonel n same flu Mr J A Ardagh of Barrio has been appointed Assistant County Judge for to aid Judge of tho duties of his office and Mr nay for a long time the partner of Sir George Cartier in the law firm is to bo appointed to the third Judge ship of Manitoba Mr is ible lawyer and an up right man It appears to us Lower Canada is getting share of the Dominion Government appointments for Mani toba Since Governor Archibalds arrival at Ottawa ho has been in con ferenco with the Hon Secretary on the subject of halfbreed lands in Mani toba and I understand that a scheme has been adopted by which the 140 to which each halfbreed will titled will result in an advan- tagously shaped farm and at bo to survey and capablo of easy and explicit description under tho provisions of the Dominion Lands Act It is proposed to proceed vary with allotment and on set forth in the Order in the house Mother I ho stopped short and th a prolonged whistle looked about did I tf I fro Tart Us pais sad nisi paid to Us ft CUrfa work l0 r AH to Avon asirs His boots wore much worn bat be was working vigorously away Katie interrupted his exercise Dont do that Willie dear yon make them last till Kicking makes them I dont see how you brought this basket out of the shipyard laid the boy as be raised it and walked on brought it for inc almost to where yon were waiting The children went down the dark ling street stopping occasionally to peer- into the stores where people tiling and chatting over the market baskets they were filling Looking down a long street that in a wharf Willie spoke out sadden earnestness I know what Ill do Katie I What Willie Perhaps I catch some flab and if mother would roast them in maybe they would bo al as good as turkey for Thanks giving Ive seen moo fishing from that wharf sometimes I dont know as they caught anything but maybe they didnt try so hard as I Whore will you get a book and There are tome old hooks in a box upstairs and a line bat dont tell Katie dont toll anybody What will yon do for a bait said the little girl who to have grown practical all at once Ill dig some clams answered Willie thats what the men have But palled oat of the hoe cant dig with It Then Ill dig with my bands said downright Willie whose blood was at the thought of overcoming some of the minor difficulties in tho way of a thanksgiving dinner Dont yon be afraid Katie if I can only make the fish bite Im a bit troubled about the rest of it Can go with you Willie of Taatb Christmas trim out faster can vita her own little feet awl Vakaaiu A fellow C Oh It isnt a nice place for a would have to want to ON MAIN STREET r door to J Jaekxm Store hops saasl f BREAD CAKES 1 AND I I to a liberal tiara of pasta BUTTER AND TAXES IS EXCUAAE A all A without and WiUle pointed to a rent in the elbow of his sasssastssaT jacket I tore that today Mother et mo go ragged she will ait night to mead it I wish I REMOVAL buy boots and things and you should HE SUBSCRIBER HAS I asked mother to let me try bat she aid I most go to school to go to school he went burnt cheeks turning let all the boys wen talking this tell how be grabbed for the clams which to have a wonderful power for stretching their necks judging from the depth at which he table set out in tempting like old times and ult presently I of April 1871 Cam Ant Onx Tell Can any one toll wby a man who cannot pay small bills can always find money to buy liquor and treat when happening among their friends Can any one tell how young men whodndge their washerwomen and are always behind with their landlords can play billiard night and day and are always ready for a game of cards Can any one loll bow men live and support their that final bast- families who have no income and from bis mothers hands which are i a delicious and constantly employed full of thoi half starred Can anyone toll I very wel- four- fifths of young women boy who had brought a I a brainless fop under a plug kcn appetite as well as a pair of ah from the I coat to a man whith soma Hi looked smiling J brains Hurrah I exclaimed Willie John Telegraph in about in tho joy of allusion to the horse disease at New is heart and quite forgetful of tho Brunswick remarks As regards ah which were still dangling own locality wo may tto in Where did you get those Caught them mother for oar J In tho TLankiving bat wo shant need persons of all classes are lor less affected by it Veterinary other laughed at his antics practitioners hare as much business but she asked him presently to take they can attend to So far there out and dress them They been no deaths 11 bo very nice for seven or eight cases wsho added Little Katio per day have boon reported All the lowed him out animals appear to bo doing well I didnt tell Willie she said ex- They become very week and some of todly though mother wondered them fall over in tho stall and wondered whore yon wi the morning I thought you woald bo back soon when man brought rkey You see Willie God did do it What 1 said Willie didnt mother bay it and then keep it a No indeed I she dont know who it man wouldnt tell I t her crying after the act eating Weakness seems to be the general and most prominent effect to the disease ttr The ease of tho Ticbborne claimant came before Mr Justioe in Chambers on a summons calling on Messrs Gorton and Do Five who bave boon bis attorneys to deliver to the claimant all docu ment custody relating to bis and toldher defence The application was Id asked and God I on ground that solicitor rail bad a lion on the papers until their Maybe Ho did said Willie bill of costs had been paid Tba thoughtfully it looks so of the Defence Fund were I think the boy was right bat ready to pay the a k if he baa is might to get the nice Thanksgiving it tried with all but bill could i Willie on wharf had inquired about the family in the little shop and ho it was who bad a turkey to be be taxed until I after the vacation Ultimately it have was arranged that the matter should Master Pollock Id of the discussion Mr Jns- be knew from tba best authority that notice of trial tup Thursday lost marriage between Mr W son of found them below the boles tho Governor of Ontario and Miss which showed him whore to dig or Laura was celobratod what trials he had with one rusty something tugged ad of his lias Pol- New PREMISES and Sts ll BLACK And Carriage Work He asked me what I was going to WETHJSRELL and when I didnt answer Tom J Nolan laughed and set all the boys book At last fori sudden jerk and Willie came near going over The line bad parted Willie drew It op and stood look ing at It ruefully His last bops was gone he had do other hook An elderly gontleman sitting on a bench in sun partially sheltered front wind by an bid wooden building bad been intently watching Willies doings for the last half hour What is it my boy he approaching him suddenly Willie looked The old face that was smiling on him was a very kindly one in spite of the grey beard the above church The service was conducted in the usual anncr was listened to by a large including the guests The Rev J performed the assisted by tbe Rev Dr Ketchum who took the tatter part of service choir sang a hymn and psalm blessed are they that fear the Lord which were rendered very well The bridal party bride and bridegroom bridesmaids and groomsmen After the tho guests drove down to Mr Chipman s where substantial breakfast awaited tbci Tbo usual toasts were drunk and speeches delivered among which Governor and Mr Boyd raised smiles on tbe faces of all present St Croix Comer Oct would bo given for tho sittings after invariably apeak of Blake and Mackenzie and Archie and Peter but never tail to put the proper title before names of Ottawa Premier the Fi nance Minister and Minister of Militia Take up any Tory journal and the reader will find these gentlemen called Sir John Sir Francis and Sir George and properly so Bat when opponent is spokr Peter write Peter Mitchell They Mackenzie of Joe Tory journallsl Joo or Peter have one rule for Ministerialists sod another for the Opposition whils they invariably preface the name of a Tory with Mr or thoy invariably drop it before that of a Reformer It is but scant courtesy to call an opponent his proper name instead of dabbing him Id tbe adopted towards prise fighters and criminals Whig