Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1872, p. 2

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la lb TSMi Ml I iCva FRIDAY NOV I J j I an I iialio Our Toronto Despatch I had an be notoriety I abOa Mi Hi Small I I tiling worthy of Tli a a hoi North of a of ad I 1 lb II 1 A NEWMARKET ERA NOV IB 1872 by Mr IV King Township Council it had Cad Two We can boar American News b foot of snow foil at the I yesterday CUrtaiuun Nov holltn in browns rolling mill ajhyHiriltaitUfowhirwMi Younglown Ohio exploded I day instantly l fireman and iouioaifutiy injured throe others- lann I Who up Nov Early I missioi this morning body of lln- Into A now tank being construct Mead wrut removed his to both i 1111 where it was tire ii KiYlII la j lo Torrlblo Conflagration BOSTON IN FLA phi communication between lb r iinl ban boon serionily by tho fire We ten lnion and Franklin Telegraph Cow panic sorer Ah might be expected tit fire bail placed tbo business of few city at complete stand Mill every thing being neglected growing tailaclcciedbytcn McDowell Long before half past ton tbo time fixed for the service tbo church was pack- Hi lanig were bo Mr p Tio lu in the heart of The tiro brigades from tho neighbour of Salem Lynn Manchester now and other which assisted to nobly in quenching the conflagration tl Claras i School 17 IB each of til chtgrapfa pern- leave taking up their instruments to- morrow morning and to vacate lino i will be taken by the actio I o drawn by to Iron adjoimng tow J w thai l an on Mich the td M M TJl0 coffin with Now York loal which now Mfttj of tho American MJ J colourH aword and on it bo certainly at top Gen- Grant in in an open carriage Medical Election- r travelled city imperilled Toe fint work of the city will be to attend lo tbo of ffifr hartley by caring for by thugb the heart of par- of Barton llomcn General Sherman Sluriden ln of the city and will j the fire baa of appeared in frightful It timatcd that and radatil thereon tbo Chair The id roportcu the re- t ii tin- North of ton of the Gwillitnbnry and rug up and Mil- of I with Pro- j of W Bennett seconded TtiU iiil il iL Allan I lupanx Mwnud I and other army full uniform p Tho fii leorly an hour to a given point greying toward laing thrown wont both of Summer atreot to and ii ox la Nov A llligbatrocl and lion of trade on ioTod from More- support of in direction in vicinity of upon the city now tbo conflagration have ever much are Iwcn lelograpbcd for from Providence Tho deep fooling of and other place trow and depression Midnight Firo moving up t and plans arc even and ban reached made for rebuilding It I to TbeCalho- dont that there will be no delay Serious Accident On Monday ium11m lloyI lu by which Mm Evans of Spring brook instantly killed and several more or low I injured This train on Delaware Western Railway ran over a lorgo boulder about two mi Ion from here In filing car full of down an distance of 190 Seven labourcra and sixteen four of whom will probably die poor will devoirs J and and every I as to ita i improwd moving j majority of tho risks spreading any to fin Fall As Court shortly The wharves at souUi and vessels are on tire offices Tho majority and has of New York and other burned outride of will withstand the n-nlm- Honour Duo Vw9 midnight A lire bock Spectator estimates the fourth of I insurance by Boaton fire largo four stoiy granite tore on I amount to corner of Summer and King- ton- I Nov 10th 1030 p Frank Mills convicted of man- occupied on first story by The following are general bound- slaughter of Thomas Barky was Baldwin A ones of conflagration The i j- dealers It had caught whole length and both sides of Sea engine room and flames Street Federal and near- spread with rapidity up tho down to wharf elevator- and wero firat aoen in a nearly direct line to Fort underneath woodWork Hill alone Hamilton and Battery be in tbo dock His arkou that it was unfortunate that tors had been disclosed on the prisoners trial showing bow affairs of this kind were conducted in the city That parties of young congregated night after night I Lloyd Marshall foreign ana Colonial By the Atlantic Cable in UM 11 rtionieb it it- being Jacksons lal II Carried Mr of tin- Slum Vicr Jl br 1 the lane M iiilali plaeo iil bo root in length and lim- put in 11 a Said Calm in illl earn tr I a virkniaulik mini bi lea than a din Uffld- fnol of water Bridge the the plot by and Bridge lv Mr seconded by that the clerk i tod lo tin the by fat tho of Roads nod in the Town of Keswick A ByLaw for that bo passed on ICth day of the charter to Do I publish oral the coming of the On which is already in by Mr N Btake There a- a was a resolution pasod reconimt-iid- tort of ng the municipalities to lake slock I Iw honor of being in days gone by tingle act or connect as with transaction deserving the of a low blackguard So for as the Era is concerned perhaps it will be gratifying to tbo Division Court missionary to know that circula tion is steadily on increase and that at iho present time we issue a larger number weekly than tentbs of tbo local papers of tbo defy Bar wore prescni Mr p May Mr Mr enjoys the and inuny others residing of lino of road now survoy ifpalart wo bold offices in the gift of people to which the Division Court Barrister been North Gwllllmbury Council Members all present The I in the Chair Minutes Previous Moiling read and approved followingCoiumuncatioh litions and Hills were then laid the A Communication from the Clerk of tho Township of East itb reference to the Township Li between Kant and North Also a Communication from the County Treasurer giving notice dored worthy The fact is this IU of money to bo lor High modern stammering stuttering Black- stone ia vain and conceited to a tyrannical degree everything by turns but nothing long apples of Sodom which turned in the band that plucked the each succeeding turn only serves demonstrate bis fickleness to lb other regarded as a Division Court missionary pedlar of lemperanee traits or practical political ho is limply remarkable a magnificent There is one line of proles- In I School purpose A Petition from Calvin and others praying that the Council lake no action on a previous application to establish a road on tho North half Lot No in the 3rd Concession of Townxhip of North Also from David Draper and other asking that a rood may be established between Lota 11 and 12 in the Con of the Township of to be used lieu of the ido road between Lots and 1 1 said wnccssion and also from Allen Pearson asking for a Certificate disorderly ner drunk and and thiM so little effort that tho boy with whom prisoner had quarrelled wan now- lying in his grave The prisoner had bad a narrow escape Tho jury would have been justified in bringing in a verdict for murder when it would been bis Lordships duty to pass upon him a ironic penult of the law ship hoped that cii of Iho roof- The at work before any other caught Tho buildings in mo vicin ity were all of granite four slorics high and each was surmounted by a ease was Mansard roof nono of them being over y to opposite fairly march to Kilhy Street far as Lit- hall doll and Central Streets and Iron Milk to Summer on Street Within these succumb was dirocily o that in which tho fire out and occupied by Hen A Kims Harding Bros A Co Id bo accepted as by all young men to lead Some Moore Co George Lide C ter A Co and Corant Bros all whole- ox- solo dealer- in dry and fancy goods Lord- was at corner of Ouaplace Blocks of gran to weighing tons split as if by and burled suit The jury bad found great trouble in ing the nature of tho prisoners guilt court had also been in considering case and how to treat it so that both the of jus tice be served and so that bis punishment servo as an Court wide and planks went throuffh air as if they wore feathers Within thirty minutes the flames wore coming out in fiery bil lows from window and up stairway leading to A Stewarts room was a perfect column of flames Piles of dry goods went whittling across square lodging on the window sills of the magnificent stores on block a solid wall of granite several with bard labor minutes after inside but the victed of burglary heat warped fivo years in tho j la William alias King victed of housebreaking was to two years in poo A hurricane raged and In tense beat and perfect rain of hot coals drove everything before it Kvery building building is consumed All the prio- cipal cities have proffered by tele graph sympathy and aid The loss is now estimated at between and kil od The ber of houses burned out of dwelling aod heated like Charlos Silbnrne alias King I Eourstory granite blocks seemed like breaking and larceny was sentenced shavings and deafening explosions to two years and six months in the constantly beard penitentiary houses at the upper end of Charles assault two months i ralstrcet were fast being licked by imprisonment with bard labor f Minor A Michael assault three had their store packed lull npns bard only common assault was to pay a tine of bo imprisoned till paid William Welsh alias of burglary six months imprison labor personating a voter recently in this city was sentenced to one months imprisonment with hard labor Moore and Moo convicted ol unlawful wounding were each sentenced to ix months imprisonment in coiiimon gaol with hard labor His com mented severely on the of attack on com plainant and ices con nected with it Francis and last of tboir lock three hours before tho firo eloped it all Marsh Bros A lbeir- hail put i in tho cellor and sent their goods up stairs to bo made a aw paperbouses camo next an with hard federals lodging bouses is Not forty hare boon killed and are now known to bo buried beneath tbe ruiaa When the excitement is over it it likely Ibis number will be Increased fourfold On of the present a farmer named J Collins of Whit- 1 church concession connty of York committed what appears to been a very determined suicide It would appear from the information that deceased had a good deal of titrable in his family We should tion also that the informations go how that unfortunate man permitted to remain suspended I for hours Tbo medical gen- mado post mortem examination swears it before himself as coroner The inquest was held at Mr Milieus inn by J MA I Emma Collins daughter of- deceased deposed that she waa years of ago went to tbe barn about for the of bringing in deceased to his breakfast taw him banging by a strap ho had boom trouble lately owing to boys leaving him majority of largo city dealers convicted of at tho election National Bank Jock ami an hour later National Bonk of North America was in as bad a condition loos of course is beyond computation There Hide a complete list of firms whose places of business with their stock are a total loss up to midnight- Sampson paper and kott two boys of about were brought in convicted of His Lordship tl ought it boon better if the complainant I had given the boys a sound whipping instead of going through all the pro cess of indictment and trial They sentenced to one months im prisonment a George convicted of larceny waa sentenced to six months impri sonment with hard labor Thomas larceny Co wool Arnold paper and A Co crockery IV Nichols Palmer A wool Jl I Thomas Tyler HallowoU A Co months imprisonment with bard Philip Miller larceny throe months imprisonment with hard labor Michael Dal ton larceny thtOe rths out A Co Nov p Re ports are contradictory bat it said the firo is now under control postoffice is in danger the build ings adjoining it being on firo Tho telegraph is now in the Provi dence Depot Atlantic Cable circuits are not interrupted by the firo There an extra circuit by way of Montreal and Portland should Boston routes fail Boston p It is now con fidently believed that firo is under nth ban Tho lot rfib bard Masonic Morris of APaWmiMEHT Tho iderstaod that Aid has been appointed to bold by Mr Crown Lands Department Michael Getting month imprison Eliza Wilson convicted of robbing from the person On the motion of Mr Mackenzie Counsel for Crown who said there were stances of extenuation in case prisoner waa allowed to go on own security that she would appear for sentence when called upon Tbe Grand Jury camo in with the following Tomkins larceny iring true bill J Tbe corporation of the city of To- bill If build at Of mild will perhaps that figure by Tho district is bounded by Sum mer Brood Central Water Washington and Bedford streets 15 a D- The Transcript office is already in flames and old South Church dear to all is at last to fall a victim to firo Boston 130 p m f bo fire under control and has boon so Sam It is now considered thor oughly subdued although the engines still continue to work The in tho sired- in the neighbourhood of tbo burnt district are morning enquiries at police headquarters after missing persons increased greatly ana it it feared the number of victim who particularly Ho wantod Robt it home and work form bo has taken no buj drink lately Mrs Jane Collins was next sworn Deceased loft homo previous day apparently in good health ha John to rent place and- he said if nothing occured be would go out day for purpose- Deposed that about a quarter oclock be was coming op the beard a woman holler a had taken place met tea daughter of the deceased who said her father had killed himself la bam when I went and door I saw body banging by a strap was followed by oldest girl she foil down on the floor at feet I turned round tad assisted her back to the house witness got there Mr Greenfield up and after some few minutes Mm McLean had a consuIUtioa what waa beat to be done thought leave body as it and saw Mr ws all wont back and cut tbo body down Millcn and Robert Hill war next examined as to habits oft deceased Mrs Margate being said deceased bad a groat deal of trouble with his family both and girls bo said way they wsr carrying on waa enough lo make cut his Throat Several witnesses were ex amined including Dr J who deposed having made a post mortem examin ation of the body and that death from strangulation Tho jury found that deceased caaw to bit death by suicidal hanging Leader asa Wo learn from Owen Sound that the recent accident on the Grey A Railway whereby three men wore killed ssreral injured was caused by piled on tbo track by fiend la toman form

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