Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1872, p. 1

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lilt Friday Morning JACKSON tr Proprietor AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE HE TILE LIBEBTT TO TO AND TO ABGUE FfiSKLT ACCORDING TO CON8CIBXCK ABOVE ALL Vol XXINo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY DEC 6 1872 Terms lBO in Advance PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDER For of f or fj 1 Physician Surgeon J Solicitor Attorney Surveyor Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style Finish V tan DAY HORSE HOTEL PHOTOGRAPHY A M HOOD lb of aaJ that First Prize in 1871 DOMINION Organ and SSI ITU occupied by Mr Land General Agent PHOTOGRAPHS Special Notice B It ore iirt I Landscapes Ji J DUDLEY Or OLD PICTURES Musical Instruments of Ha sad take inM FINISH Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY 1S AD FIRST PRIZE TEETH a UTtw and One NorfA of the Market w lo Ana MONET To ll Dr Robinson CABINET MAKER And Undertaker I Auntie wu sadly wearied by while roiling down bar checks this sod she finally laid down were singing work and said emphatically in Well my friend when I am J umm Wo ill want to see my minister M sad svsrr bail let him know and I am euro bo I will come We cant expect him j In amazement lady looked ways to know we are on- down upon poor little deformed leu and ber eyes twinkled a girl beside ber Could it be unlet had tbo mallpox and that she understood those word and bang flag bat there thing I do hope and pray that I shall die before my minister docs A little while after that financial In the Village The op Dear old Hannah with her gentle eyes soft white hair parting in silverware on either aide her calm wrinkled the ten der of that month which had all lite Me been the outlet for loving To be she thia worlda riches and ill bay a be raised more and more as the window with her work people did not come to church they bad done Everybody seemed cold One Sunday in sad crisis Mr Sincerity preached mpore sermoa must quote his bat I noticed Aunt Hannahs eye were fixed on me and ber moved I knew she must be praying for me and with this thought my heart words and strength Her filled with team and this helped me more and before my sermon was over I bad tho at tention of every one in the house As I came oat of the church she lingered The rest of tho people had gone She pat band in mine and lilting up tearful face said dear young friend your sermon ha been such a blessing to me I do wish I do something for in your trouble wish could help I told her the words were here that I had spoken that it her face and ber prayers which bad given ma courage and faith to speak oat it was hard to make her realize it Our poor Aunt Hannah It was the last sermon she ever beard A few days after Frank and I were alt- ting reading in the parlor before sunset we heard a heavy tall and rushing opstairs we found oar dear aunt lying lifeless on the floor A sudden stroke of paralysis the doc tor said bat Ace waa ao calm peaceful as we laid her on the bod it seemed a deathlike sleep Mr died a month after Hannah bad her she died now although those lips of deeply by the thought tbey contained the idea that her poor little vile body should yet be arrayed in glorious grace I or it simply the tone that had affected ber soon therefore as the sermon ended and the ser vice was over lady turned to the child and asked Dal yoa like the hymn very much my dear O yea said quietly yes very much indeed Will yoa tell me why continued lady kindly and pathetically as could in which I churned hers lain silent tinder the S I hear Pore k to I for redirbrdrepoorndm jho Aitkin innenp before nd It front pew t I iV easily She always earns oL she coald That used to some of the younger one who plain of the long arose difficulties in this ever bate It is related of a certain lady if Paol and Barnabas some- moderate circumstances who yet a mooied trooble in the habit of attending a the people thought the church that she waa not the lovely whom mention has already been made yoa maam Im going tc look as beautiful as she op In heaven do you mean Yes maam And are hoping to go there Fixing her large lull on th enquirers face and with a thrillios with emotion she than a year from this time that same little deformed thing had fallen asleep So early had she exchanged her crooked shape and wan little face for one all heavenly and divine In the loan time what an unspeakable com- to that crushed and sensitive bad been But the proud wordly- minded woman withal had been taught a wholesome lesson and from that time forth aa oft tempted to yield to characteristically beset ting sin and to pray selfishly for earthly periehablo the recol lection of that once pale face lighted up with blissful hope of the coming transformation would rebuke and put to flight her unholy temper and in spire in its stead a desire an earnest fervent aspiration after that beaut that matchless loveliness that those and those alone can know who shall have part in the first resurrection Christian Advocate The Heavenly Beauty Preparations are being made both at Oxford and Cambridge for the great University boat race Oxford has issued the formal challenge At Oxford they have introduced the sliding seat and the new crew la re ported to be a strong lot The steamer arrived at Detroit on Saturday Nov from Saoit St Marie with steam pomps working It appears she struck a batter by of tbo Rev Spor- a furore by her the lower classes in Cambridgeshire England The Owen Sound town conn ed have voted to assist in a preliminary survey of the proposed ilway from Owen Sound to Paisley The directors of the Lake Railway between and Cleveland have suspended the run ning Sunday trains their road The Wesleyan Methodists of Ottawa are preparing for the building church that will accommodate thousand persons and cost aoO- A Physicians Surgeons OFF Dr field fBYblC a an on Coroner for the County of York ui IT 1 owaav KMktt If utuuJea JOSEPH SON mpMtfall to mmm to iUbi R B JOY OPENED A M HairDresser c A R I BJ rtspMtsIlr door to J Store sad kstfSBf cm base apply BREAD CAKES t la AND BUM Mht litwnl of BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IS A nil is soli sstAiassHH HURON AND ERIE Society LONDON ONT tfodwir ftosaujli So Lawyers Costs Sol all livla inwieg Is J J LAND Y Solicitor and Valuator for Society Wsstra sad ret riii Emporium of Fashion SCOTT 118 BOND CANNON N TIS T ih of 1 kroaU rf em PLCS an out Pimo w M lin We iJi HI 0 ma TRIMMED CLOTB MANTLES I mm see sad Dentistry C ADAMS King Street Bast Toronto satssaam of TsmJ sad all wk damaged as proceed farther Superior Her passengers and render unlit to voyage to Lake and Auntie lenng the church a poor deformed ray My girt pulled her by the drees pleading that asking at the same time Maam banded over to the Algol The goes Into dry dock repairs and will probably winter in Windsor The Tim say broker of Catharines Mr JAm brose Goodman who baa been for many year employed minister did aot call on them enough annoyed and mortified and again that he did not spend time because of own plain features and composing hit sermons DOC specially stylish mothod of drew would tell Aunt Hannah there were in attendance at the thought the minister did not same not a few far more love- bring out the young people enough ly in person and more richly attired to the evening and Miss than herself her Sabbaths strange Brown thought it was a shame be bad it may appear wore often spent in not followed up that faea- real misery of this bitter who bad gone off to the other struggle on her pert with envy and Church pride The frentle bine would look One Sunday she was about on these women and Auntie lenng the church in her kind yth be my 1 prav for htm AY the ay and God sore to make upon her back was crooked all plain Then Miss Brown face so sallow her clothes poor I would say I think it is about time But there waa such an eager woo-be- for m go and would say gone look her good bye and take up her knit- the lady could ting but tbey were gone I said Yea my do often icon her drop work and go right along took poor forlornlooking 1 jjjji cook 1- WW day the sewing society met to Great Britain and the including the Vienna Expos- la A letter from Cuba mentions that the military engineers are con structing a fortified miles long which will require a force of troops to man it for the purpose effectually severing the of the insurgents The trial trip of the ion ia said to bare mod a great suc cess The average speed nearly fourteen knots an boor and the circles and half circles ia described having been too best re corded of any large ship Fastest Tarr on The Hart steamer arrived at Londonderry on the 3rd November She left Quebec at noon oo the 26th October thus making the passage days boors and minutes to Dairy and 8 days and hours to Liverpool This the fastest trip Dee A Are broke it this morning about oclock In Keflbrd Co a establishment Both the stock and store were ranidly con- together with the office of Telegraph wblch waa lo cated in the building The cause of fire unknown The loss la fully covered by insurance Last week a remarkable stop page of a mill by eels clogging the heels occurred at Hundleys mill Spring Hill Staunton county West Virginia Th mill stopped and the miller upon searching oat found the wheel was clog ged with eels to the quantity of several bushels which bad got into it and stopped it from running It waa cleaned out and waa clogged several Lime more during the day Bom of eel were two or three feet lona Nor 14 The train of the North Grey Rail- road arrived here this afternoon The ballasting on the line almost The station here a flu structure three hundred and forty- feet in length containing large scorn for the free storage grain la ready for business The will be opened for traffic on Monday 25th inst and present indications point to a large business with the Owen banks and commenced ines the above that town suddenly with a of house and Hannah so daring child glad the ana shone for hoped the around that grand boot for Ho a she Id I took sent before winter cams She other knew what getting children ready for peril though she AE6IAKE t Goods ssmm Hot PREMISES s Mutism MHislkscitt cold weather meant had bad none of own She did esaa to feel a proprietorship in all children tbOQgfa and as ah would sometimes tell story after story would sit at Ike and look ML sad op in her flare thinking she was the sad asal Fill heat story look bad ever bad sMsatsd si neverending one at I little this sawing meeting Before I the minister cam a waa bis custom REMOVAL rideotly her and waa drink g in influences whose impress would fade away- The lady who had poor thing to this new once conceived a strange in and felt more than re paid for the alight sacrifice she had But th to be the charm of this unfortunate She sat and lieteoed if hardly knowing whether she in Dress Making AND ssSiss and St w Perfect were discussing him to me sometime that be ie main topic of ia oar irsge Mis Prim said ah thought she wouldnt say it was so hot waa pretty sure thai th Bar Mr Sincerity their minister called to sick Rosa Day on of the Unitarian folks and weri right by old Sister Greys house and ah been sick a fortnight and sits Id pew fore- moat bis wife too A re aura be did not stop BLACK SMITHING Arid CaMTUff Work West ao ah said hesitatingly St Cat bar in ISO left the unknown There are stated to be some circa instance connected with bis departure which if as repre sented render him eligible for a place in tho penitentiary notwithstanding for many year hi character was reproach The decision ican interests on Pacitic In the San Joan gives the United the trade of China and Japan which Rossis ia now developing Ii also gives the Northern Pacific rail road th advantage of on of the finest harbors on the Pacific near it western terminus as it were at a distance of over thousand mile apart take In wi Russia and oar three great lines of trassconti nental railway communicating be tween the Pacific and Atlantic Ban gor Whig B Pearson this village met with an accident last body Nay yoa would have Wednesday afternoon while working hardly known now that face so at Mr Gundys bouse He was on a eat with rapwre for the same that scaffold finishing roof of a looked up pleadingly and wben from some cause be missed the second hymn his footing and fell to the ground the choir sang the one beginning lh such force as to reader him And moat body die to a which state be must have tone Th lady I remained some time as there was no her wont waa to other parson about place On in wathchlng and coming to himself be to make envying another lady who bad just bis way toward bom and noticed in u in Why lore like a potato it becomes less by When is an army like a tack a ladys skirt When it is tea Why is a novel writer an ex traordinary animal Because of hi out of hi bead M- Youre In good spirits said th distiller to fala clerk who had just stumbled into a foil rat Way liken attractive both in feature and attire that she had quit forgotten both child and her devotion when again fait a vigorous pull at dress and beard the little creature at her ids in a whisper sretaira O listen I listen maam I the big tears mean- party in passing who procured a conveyance and took him horn injuria which bo received ap pears to bar OB the head and back But we are glad to loam that fa ia recoveries and will we hope be able to be around In a few days- glasses to get at their beat tones you most keep them wet Mr Joab Billings that opera dont nave any more effect on him than castor oil would on a gra in image At Illinois bom of Judge Davis the liquor law dodged by those placards saloons Admittance ten cents drinks free pie who took selves the matrimonial estate at Al- laadale last week were and the of tin can and bora was kept up from till dewy mora a to ford and master would not pay the piper A Some chil dren at dinner table were dmcaae- that baa often troubled the leads of older and wiser persons Wasnt Adam a good man before he got a wifof answered a little girl How long was a good man af ter be got a A very abort time What made a bad man after he got a wife I At juncture a little follow spoke up Mies Ann I can answer that question Well what waa Bee mad him eat the wrong apple

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