Newmarket Era, 13 Dec 1872, p. 1

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Friday Morning Proprietor AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISED ME THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AKUUE FREELY AUUJUDINO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY DEC 1872 Terms 150 in Advance Bool and Job Establishment PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS of tb or a MB prom n rosOT Physiciun Surgeon c I I J Solicitor Attorney AY HORSE TO ioav Buggies for Sale Of Xtilc At a J J Land General Agent Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY PHOTOGRAPHY A HOOD First Prize in 1871 Organ and Special Notice Recently occupied by Mr I PHOTOGRAPHS Of Ptrwnt or OLD PICTURES Instruments J DALES The Maiden for Ida foreign Colonial American News pretty bad for the eu pioce of him Kiln thought I The of course wait but engineer prni come op on 11 oclock St Louis Dec A special a to be present at the inquest the the Treasury Department lowing morning ban been on the trail of the counlei As toon aa tho train went on of railroad bonds look my ajJWatKj by were sold in New York a year ago few of no men about station arrested on Saturday on tbe St it the track to look for Francis River near Bolivar body found it crushed out John Carpenter a steel a bloody mass flesh and engraver and formerly employed in scattered through the baches the Treasury and Edwin and among tho weeds by tlio road- Sale who is said to hare commit tod also found a bottle of forgeries in New Orleans four y Accident appear to be NB Particular pains taken FIRST TEETH PRICE TONE AND FINISH Tho Sabbath Bells thing on the rails but wan rcsirai by a man who said Save ilmt evidence shovelled up tho re here tr mains it was the best we could do I recognized a bat wo round a Bo- Sab longing to and shred oilmen have clothing by him had been killed put all of body that we could find into an old shoebox together with hi hat and his bottle of rum and placed it in freight Thin was all by- ten oclock and alter locking the ip through found in their possession also Ac The prisoners aires day are on their way to Wa bled Ihoio far not including tbop he who killed in battle Troops arc on their ay to exterminate the New You a published card of erected to Mr Greeley in Central Park A subscription now being made for bis children may perhaps bo for that purpose BIBLE DEPOSITOR Architect Civil Engineer Dr Robinson LDS cab rj I MIES K dr physician ami coroner PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur Office Main HI OR J Hi- Solicitor in Chancery Money to Lend HUNTER A Physicians Surgeons c OFF Where tZ may t ii I P COEOBEB OF YOKE id XLHOBO run i Barber ic jriS Corns I MARBLE WORKS Select Freight Story Insurance Company Three Years Policies Lni Ob m I ftP DWELLING Mr Murray Scott OF VOCAL MUSIC TJ raj Rates are Lower NEW BAKERY OWN JOSEPH SOU and Coroner for the County of latsttsjxita of fcUiuUril I muatr in vl ncvUaxl CsUts4 tun f A a flU ill be llMfAto 21 I CANNON DENTIST ilra R B JOY BARBER HairDresser So HE A R of Main and feiaiSfS 1 OPENeFI BAKERY ON MAIN door to J P Jacksons Store Mi ppl of BREAD CAKES Mil I ISM TAKEN A nnijraDlt t is Ao Lawyer Charged iu all till aad mm Jppljto J J Solicitor and Valuator for Society ftln Si All J I few T il ftefc I lo fcAAA Ctarp MiWrau A Mi ill A iia ifcwii 1 r rUbdpA I J lSIUSiikC- Ml f WW pwdllj In PLUS EC SMS Willi L I FOR i- Asa velveteen MAK I Mai scfcl Dress AND I Making We Ulleerj TAULE ling in West lamp and itching clouds If at homo i express was duo having locked nod prepared mail I luungitg depot While noticed of walking on th track ens lncm l I nearly due All did but one I him and on coming with bin discovered that he was drunk 1 recognised him as John Ellis a hand employed by one of tho farmers Ml gh to bo mark MONEY TO LEND Ho THE HURON AND ERIE ugly bat managed T lho sUtion I talked to him Jn W incurred I At LONDON ONT as SBOsst M ABUlDCDiaarlsaaatrTW of it be woud knock would be till tbe c I however led to promise to go home through Carpen ters Woods and keep off the t Ho started off in that direction but noon returned and ajtkcd me to lend him a coat as ho was afraid of get ting wet 1 told I had but and in case of a storm I needed thai royxelfas I had miles to walk Again be started but again became bail tin dark I Woods to John HIV tell his wife of terrible had befallen her husband I looked through window lie- report that Schuyler is to fore I wrapped tho door editor of the Tribune and lea tablo was set covered cloth and down by the hearth on a wax the hopper kept warm men ta pure Ellin my knock by lonm- to tbo door Oshawa I am wrong perhaps beet way to tell new all Dec About It il If BO k this evening a fire broke out clothing and bat store Kill- hi and soon to the adjoining buildings TUmauricos drug store was the next to go then Woods dry land toofc goods store and in succession the rvawn good store of Trewin the drug I store of Dr tbe dry goods store put her band her bead I Mr the book J I as in Wilcox tho con fret store ol ugbl then I jewellery tore Wan bo drunk of J Johnston the dry good I am very sorry to say ho u tho I must go to a Henry th to lake care of himself He in hurt tobacco lore of It bar- already and I take care f J it J Hall and Walk in and shop of eorgUurth which are all in ruins The steam engine of Whitby I will go to my with Madam is dew said I and you not his will send some of my folkn to stay with yrm night and tomorrow wo will for the funeral She began to walk the floor child was killed tlio the same fate but the man T The queer men are still at They have a now of circular which are send ing out broadcast owr tbe country out remarkable iitlucvmenu to green lc deal in money We wont say took out top these swindlers out and enough lo have dic ker with them deserves to be bitten It i reported that certain prominent merchants of Now Yurie have compleiod purchase San own Ttie of tho and black of 0000 exports are mahogany ard other valuable woods tobaccos honey and hides mi in me il into the Legislature a bill to provide more for of elections by Judges of law courts ami to prevent bribery and corrupt practices nun Act Baux Mr Carvers Manager Royal Can adian Batik informs that there in circulation in South Dum fries rather dangerous counter feits The note altered is old Province Canada 1 bill and the alteration consists in bill being altered from tbo original to a 10 The work is very clumsily done the I added thereto is a cipher bile word one in centre of the bill rased in it plao- is the word ten No other bill la altered and a very i nation of ten dollar notes quickly discover the counterfeit I parties be on their guard Actok Ont Dec A Patrick Powers waa burned ibis morning I cl It I work Had it this engine there can be no doubt but that the tire would have over to side of I the street Hotel hastened away In a short time the block Cowans new block and Hatch bereaved woman was being tendHy Jt block were in imminent cared for by best that over danger front being badly scorch lived my mother and it only by the utmost When I opened the freight bouse exertions of firemen and citizens the place smelted a barroom that south The unfortunate victim of folly had buildings with the completely saturated body exception of Dean TrewinV liquor that vile stench Woods and of death with thoughts The losa is of a grogshop estimated at between thirty and forty The inquest was held Tho dollars As far wo can testified that he blew for the lowers by the fire are pretty bo struck that head light shining d roctly in of ibo locomoiiv did not illuminate tbo curve at all The great that juntas he turned ho saw a man ng i track with fee down into a drain be lie be whistled and struck tho ma most lb samo instant tho paten Several acciden have occurred of the having his wrist broken drawback in as the scarcity ot water P till both were drunk He to bed and about four oclock his wife woke up and discovered bouse on fire It is supposed tbo old woman set it on fire smoking during the night Powers got Dp am let out of the stable next door then went back into the house to recover bis money amounting to about which was in box under the bed It is supposed ho had sec- and was returning is roof fell in on him He was heard to cry Oh save me mo After the fire ho was found the door with his arms i burned off and the body a charcoal burnt out of all rest of humanity He leaves a large in destitute circumstance Deceased worked as a sectionman Grand Railway here ry at Montreal Recent advices from Sir Geo is again taking bis accustomed part public affairs Mr A man escaped from a lunatic and shortly afterwards set tiro of in neigh I corroborated the engineers state ment and told bow I to induce to keep off the rack My testimony waa corroborated by others verdict was accidental Limerick and placing death Tho railroad company lno was roasted to though under no legal obligation to death mans expense Tho for ilway from Niagara 4 in emeu Why do white sheep more black ones Because there are ore of them Monkey akin fur will be the fashion ibis winter and of course will ape it The husband who do too rod wife with kioa found afterward bat she disagreed with bim BBU Young ladies who lace too lightly when drawing for inner evidently prefer grace before IS Precious boy that the Detroit Dentistry ST ADAMS Dentist King Street East of i In Twk ul Vskuiu rein bio larg- REMOVAL At oclock precisely I heard the In blow for the and then short sharp and quick down brake- saw the reflection of the head light on tbo down by tho curve but could not seethe light it self Presently that disappeared and THE SUBSCRIBER HAS then know the train ED TO HIS Thinking that perhaps some thing waa wrong with the switch 1 Tmr funding and men going back and Sts was the matter at least I did not sad Is a r I went back to my mail bags and BLACK SMITHING And Carriage Work jpaued the wifo moved ended the matter south offthe three I have walk on Disturbances in ward an train Si In tbo tight in 33 tn- Ibiok must be were killod and in Malaga I- ail 1 the were left dead field Forty hi to Persons have been arrested for them Ifl mail bad been struck tho at the engineer would have been blamed yet if ho were to sop train try time a man pat himself in dan ger he might not make ten miles an Iroad track is not place for a promenade and every man who walks on it should bo punished Thats a pretty long aory Sam a bystander as the freight agent concluded take a drink to wet your whistle Doxt for a charter to a railway from Rend through and Dresden to a point on the River St- Clair or Lake Huron The clergyaion Of Woodstock have unanimously joined in a memo rial to the Town Council petitioning that body to coaae licences away I neither dr railroad tracks Under head of appoint ments in the last issae of the Ontario Gazette we noticed the following para graph Samuel Lount of the Town of Esquire to be Registrar of for the County of Simcoe in the room and stead of Lonnt Esquire resigned Tbe Utter gen been Registrar for tbe County of Simcoe for the last thirty years daring about fifteen of which The Clinton Vfw Era speak very favourably of tho success popularity of the plan adopted there of inspecting ana branding butter desired effect baa been attained an improvement in the quality of butter A named William Bum recently removed from Detroit to taking bis housekeeper a woman named Barret with biro A few days since home with I logs fruit of the date tree mamma if I iindung the mamma dates enough will I grow up t almanac A poet In Pittsburg baa sent a local paper a poem in Jie alludes to daw as the of moon A miser having threatened to poor laborer a thing I want to know reditor fiercely when going to pay me what you When Im going to Why our a pretty folk lor a prophet An about to god begged that tbe rope m hi tied under his arm instead of round his neck for said Pat I a ticklish in the throat that tie there I would certainly kill myself laughing A man who has a redheaded sweet heart addressed bar Sweat Auburn loveliest of plain Sweet Auburn got mad about She ob jected to being classed among the plain though called the loveliest of them moat extraordinary in stance of patience on record is that Tan American Judge who listened for two days while a couple of wordy lawyer contended about construction or an act of Legislature and then ended con troversy by quietly remarking A

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