NEWMARKET ERA DEC 13 Now Advertisements are thai I Ink Drops Mr Mr PUN fr the J by the foreign Colonial By the Atlantic Cable Our Newmarket DEC 13 1872 Toronto Despatch iunqiM1 the lit Mr McKcllor happens to be redtapo fraternity in tho throe agony For our pari wo consider the Agriculture should be a pratiial fa they art just the elite of men titled far tho position Many those who write column of abuse bout the Hon gentleman occupying the office of Com of Agriculture do the n Swede Turnip and ft Kohl and they presume lo dictate with effrontery and dlo out advice like professor or Knight of the Plough Mr- to laugh at lift puny attempt made to weaken hi influence with tlio people of Ontario Ben on for be annual fa- 1 li ring by law for Monday next Bo J airat4th filled by I J Fire In New York LIVES LOST New Yoax Dec A lire broke it at a littlo put cloven oclock last night in upper part of the Fifth marked also that there was of Avenue hotel on the T pot and toon at work pouring streams of water upon tho midnight enveloped Ibo of Twenty third Many of guests had retired or about retiring for night when the alarm sounded and when tlio the hose into the of the building a anionic the more the Ac liquor and if the Grand Jury could suggest any mean by which this evil could be abated would lythirdfer an important benefit on society He Urged this point on He concluded by saying that they would a waa cuatomary tho gaol and other pi more timid who rubbed for their trunk demanded settlement of and loll the bouse After the had boon pretty wall extinguish- firemen on going through the in what in known the cock occupied by tbo laundrywomen do nicotic were horrified by being which were piled on the floor Lantern were immediately procured and a horrible tight revealed It than fifteen bodiea all burned beyond recognition were found lying near only window of the room which waa barred that escape by that means impossible and the staircase leading to tho room being on fire wore compelled to for death It is supposed that many were burned to death wf sleep while position of m barred remains showed that the lunate creatures died in great agony Up to twenty oclock had been recovered another which probably all tire originated and that their would be abort number of cases of appeal from convictions for selling liquor ihen entered bat no were In the other Court ft largo of ended cases Wert posed of The list i I containing between and 90 Mr Greeleys Funeral Mr The Dp 1 Kino In Township under stand the old Council will seek re election tor respective office they now A rumour reaches that Mr Win Wells ha- been solicited the for Ma truthfulness Another rumour ha- apt Armstrong will seek ale li with the view of opposing Mr Bell but rla i that Mr Well- dldute at all The I place at WnirciiLEcu So far as we can learn the existing Council in Township will all seek reelection and aland for tho respective office now held by each It wa rumored Dr Hunter intended being a candidate for the We bis authority for saying such the fact and further thai will be candidate for any year The Mat irp ha- increased to the twuDepuiyHcuvo Slier hat a candidate for the ihejrido of the Sea an Hung and was concluded amid llcn a duett The and lle Friar execute by Rubertmoo and Mr Mm ray Scott It sang with muel h d was very well rceeived Alter another piece by the Strip Band the Swisses llridglar d sang beautiful duett Old England The audience tented their appreciation by loud plauso Mrs tan thru lien sang will grace excellent song tied The Blind Girls qaniifii of dale win Hunt tar It our painful duly to record Mn drmlM of Mr for a niih rf r sint In Ust tint on Tiimljj lis ml at New Dominion Mtrtlly The It by nlrra auptHiJ at In consequence of a pro some Mr field will again lor and is not to ba BMsaatdi and for tho we hate beard the Henry Mosicr Mr legg and Mr John Eves mentioned the name Mr Levi Rogers to fill the vacancy by Mr Silvers retirement lor Council lor But up to the present nothing has been definitely detrrmin- upon The nomination takes place at Sharon Noam Wo beard very little from Ibis Municipal A rumour has reached Now market that Mr Wyndbam to retire hm it is only a mere rumour we have no definite information or the subject The Nomination takes place at Bell Haven likely a contest in Township for the between Mr McDonald the present reeve and Mr full Coryell sang an admirable song entitled Man bell and wo loudly encored Mr heron following in the song en titled Poor Joe the Marine and received an encore Miss then sang Theres a path by River and well merited the encore which she received Mr r- and Connors then sang a comical duett in entitled Mar garet Jane and Johnny Dear and down house Mr Murray Scot I followed in a song an tied The Miller of the Dee fend was deservedly Ohbofod lc cone feasj very setly a do the Boy and j encored God the brought proceedings lo a close Altogether it a much merit and the Charity Fund receiv ed an of over above all rill he ran others think Ink place at All is quiet regard municipal matters here Some of tho present Council have intimated their intention not to reelection but no formal declaration has been given office is no sinecuro in a Tillage like Newmarket and oor businoM men find it difficult to de vote the to discharge lbs duties devolving upon copying tbe position Council M Bin riling to also from J A J Hodge praying for remission of taxes on shop unoccupiud on Main Street Tbe above were releried to Finance by Reeve from llie Chtel Engineer of the Brigade setting that apparatu woro required A Convention is In Trmparane Hall Tonmtn ksnlnbtlLK of Ipfal Goods Mr will Guide 4uartaHy by Mi and aland Ihr beat of kind var Ii la Public School Board liil Willi I 1 The Reeve introduced a ByLaw providing for payment of Municipal which was read a first time Several accounts were ordered be 7uC paid and the Council adjourned av The Militia Department has the eymeiil of a gratuity fWXo tho relatives of tho lata No Coin pa died Irom pi f the a few days after through tho efforts of the officers this deserved rccognili of deceaseds services was obtained JOT The London journal are dis cussing the which child are or toothed are Of is fraught the child In a i illi health at cent trial of a mother who a ih homicide for givinjr Yoaxiirc scapa of deaf imp a day accidentally discharged his gun and the contents took wrist shattering it and necessitating A soldier named was dead last night in barrack by a discharged volunteer named Tbu affair is supposed to have been accidental mill in Winnipeg was destroyed by tiro last night American Ne Sal Dec A Mutual Bank commenced day It was continued this morning but was apparently over by tbe after noon During the run wo paid to dopoailors of which was returned The deposits bank on Saturday morning am to The capital tbe bunk is and the officers toy assets are good and available Tbe run was caused by National Bank refusing to conlim a clearinghouse agent of the Mutual Bank New Dec Governor Warmoutb has been impeached by tbo Legislature Phi dead drod guests in hi arc reported injured damage by fire and water will not fall short 100000 The crowds collected of Fifth Avenue hotel excitedly discussing the fire Great number Bellevao Hospital Promptly at oclock on the si tho funeral procession of Mr Greeley started from Mr Sinclairs Fortyfifth street New York Many affecting scenes took place there During the morning Mr Greeleys daughters were incon- in their grief corpse was borne by ten men Next came the chief mourners then tho Association tben the Herald Club then followed in succession military and civic officers of this and States now in the city Mayor and members of Common Council of Brooklyn Jersey City Long I land Newark Patersoo and iresemativea from and other cities the Judges from all Buried by a Bear Tbo following is from the OasaW A gentleman who arrived days ago from the lower where grizzly boars help the harden to take core of sheep relates curious bear adventure which currod an Indian in employ sent the man to a portion of a large ranch lot after a herd of sheep The at nightfall got under a shod with roof of branches but open on alt and lav down on blankets Aft a lew hours sleep be waa by fooling tbe breath of some his face ho moved his arms once understood the situation hugo boar was snuffing him man with groat presence of determined to keep perfectly for be knew if he moved or oat blow from those huge paws break bis skull like a walnut scratched off tbe blankets and Indian by the leg ffring terribly the brave fslkm not allow a groan or cry to m The bear dragged him fjosj the hot for some distance and fiW to dig a bole to lay tas in and cover him up from tat After grave bad I a I of lives The boJi bio slats presenting sight In the deadhouse old I coffins and look remains which are charred and beyond all chance of idontifi monae length At 1120 the pi entered tbo church Tb lemnity of the scene was one most impressive character and the such it seemed though the people scarcely breathed Prominent among who slowly wound their way up centre aisle was Wood Hon William Ewarts Brooks Gen Coch rane Hod James Brooks Ac There wore also present P Gen Gen Dix exGovernor Morgan Gen Sheridan Governor Randolph of re-la- New Jersey and a committee of twenty from the Union League Club beaded by Mr Hopkins funeral were listened to in prossire silence Dr rendering of Scriptural passage being very touching Clara Louise Kellogg next sang very their mouths and logs hands tightly clenched was boiled by steam till oho assumed a bright red colour she died in great agony this morning no signs of being scorched flames at all Many Ann Heavy while escaping from the burning por tion of hotel foil from a tiro escape and still livee though her injuries will end faulty Crowds bare been entering and leaving the hospital all day Later particulars of the fire stale that eleven servants perished in flames and steam In some of rooms victims had appar ently been awakened by alarm and suffered death in attempting to escape At this hour it is impossible tnplote list of names Coroner Young will lose by iuo hotel is of the bold an inquest It is now stated Hi fire at the Fifth A It is insure offices are the National Etna Orient of Hartford each for Eastern and Union of Bangor each Liverpool and London and Globe Tbe latest news is that only eleven lives were lost in Fifth Avenue fire Fifth Avenue Hotel is all con fusion today a constant stream of visitors pouring in through door Ward delivered a brief fan cral oration procession is no en route from church tc Greenwood Cemetery It is one the most imposing processions in point of numbers and representative persons and bodiea ever witnessed this city A large number of store and public buildings are draped it mourning flags everywhere are a halfmast nod even the shipping ir tbo harbor is displaying bunting At Greenwood Cemetery an moos concourse hod gathered aland- about entrance galea and fringing Winding roads and con the open grave at that the mourners cortegi in arrived had the greatest di following the hearse Here the sad rites were performed and remains of the great editor consigned to final resting place Thorlow Weed was one of the pall bearer at his own request Dudley S Greg or- another of pall hearer wa man who loaned Greeley the 1000 with which be started the Fifth Avenuo was filled with a vast throng to view the pro this morning to Dr Chopin church Everywhere a subdued and respectful silence reigned At ten oclock church opened for the admission of ladies The galleries were immediately filled and sacred music was discoursed from organ by during remaining hour before the procession arrived Gov Hoffman and staff arrived at halfpast ten At a quarter before eleven President Grant and entered and out through the other tlon to sloven girls burned death two who escaped fato of and immediately following the ether girls sleeping with them by I vice- President elect Henry iVil tearing down a wire screen from a son Minister and Sec- corridor window and escaping on to rotary of War Belknap took the roof were badly injured Mr scats on the right of the palpi poind flesh from the victims thigh the body to the hole and covered it up Indian managed to ksn the earth over bis face enoagfi to allow him to breathe and bear retired be crawled out to ward mustang which some fifty yards from With great difficulty be moist ed and then rode towards the house A doctor was sent for sad pronounced wounds toeagM and painful not likely prove fatal The next day a but was organized and the grizzly killed in the neighbourhood of tat spot where he hod slowed away Hi in tended meal Philadelphia iron masters propo Horace Greeley in Park Milwaukee Dee Cant Thompson late of the Lac la Belle who was on the propeller Cuyahoga during the recent storm on Lake baa arrived here He say the gale waa He report tho schooner Middlesex ashore opposite Roe- Island with all hands saved T schooners W O Brown nW Oven from Dulutb with all hands lost with or den brake loose from steamer A fflnd Point All bands lost Canadian steam vmbrrland is frozen in at Bear Lak with fifty passengers on board moot that there sounding an alarm laundry on the fourth floor the fire originated are burned to cinders and of icicles depend from ceiling Tbe staircase load ing to topmost landing whoro the servants apartment are situated i completely destroyed and moat of the adjacent rooms are gutted and the walls are already torn down by the workmen three floors of the Twentythird street are deserted by tbe queue of const water through the furniture is piled room and tarpaulins any delay in Colfax Colfax took Is of the too President The pulpit draped with crape linos of crape were sua- ff every pillaV and Lord left Montreal for Ottawa on Saturday but retain in January for a longer visit Reports from Spain declare that the King is suffering from the of poison James Carruthers living near Ivy in tbo Township of wiles brains out tail Thursday aajr It la rumored that a tourists hotel costing is to on Canada shore of St Lawreooa Opposite Thousand Islands The Oshawa hat works built under a town bonus of art now in working order They employ aboot two hundred bands I Aa many one hundred red deer and moose are reported to been shipped by rt to the United Stales market from Perth Almonlo and Sand Point during last by American pothunters This ai too bad sjsl Government has issued to contractors for tenders for works connected with the Canal enlargement The tenders I to be in the office of the Department of Public Works by January 10th IS The gale which did so mock damage in England on Sunday cot- tinued on Monday but with less severity Forty persons are known to have been injured by falling build awl several vessels have beea I wrecked A brig foundered off Isle of Wight and every soul board perished war The Stokes trial which had well nigh been forgotten age t is beginning again at It will be remembered that months ago the jury disrrreed and until the present the prison has not obtained sanction for notbor It is now said a Patriot the judges cannot refuse a I trial for thoi location of the Mod Farm Allege I Wednesday the farms Stona Hood A sumptuoue- Iwaefi was last night at o Queens I left Woodstock by tho 4 themselves fnd a what they had oserved on air Grounds day Beamftom The Peel voted ay the beautiful floral offerinp- rippinj citing eogelhor in that 1 be estimated y there is nothing to indicate fire bas taken place ported tost A Another deputation of Hon Mr Covert and Mr Young of the Now Brunswick Government is now in Ottawa on of better terms so it is Tbe want of an arrangement on tbo river near the Lake to protect timber aod Spring season that navigation might not be impeded been felt this Ma circular to nd prineipai lumbering firms regarding beyond reach bun Stpmthm dose The o the shape of syrups nine eh compounds furniah a circular to the These Courts were opened Toes- day Honour Judge pre siding on the Bench were His Honour and Rutherford and James J P The following arc the names of the Grand Jurors Arthur a Lee Fore Isaac Thomas John Cowieson Thomas Davidson Joseph Gearing George John Howard Henry dressed the Jury and remarked that ery abutment of hie interior the church design and a bo principal among thai I know that my Redeemer veth red on white ground and green body In front of the was a beautiful design in flowen with tho words in centre It I done while on a tablet to left of tbe pulpit waa a floral wreath bearing letters H Tbe Suspension Thi Journal of Monday says It is now some twenty years tbo great Suspension Bridge was Niagara river Tbe question of iu safety recently boon agi and critical investigation bas- ac cordingly been made by the Ohio engineers and directors of Great Western Railway caps on I towers covering tbe cables found be as perfect In all respects aa they were But moat important all anchorage of the cables thoroughly inspected The mason over one of them was removed for about twelve feet or below where the wires are attached to anchor chain A portion of the cable is im bedded in water lime cement For twenty years this baa been ing it and rubbing paint off the wires the latter wore found as bright and perfect when placed bore the having preNorred be wire and chains intact Tho ax- It re rj- mli cue on tort Then- r I rtl- bore of die would be laid before them the Ionian steamer iving City of concerning safely that of Mm baa own felt Hi armed at Ijoeenatoo bono of Valley All of lb poll place bar b beard from a majority of 106 for Ibe Miff will probably by about the the promoter of the Hamilton and Hallway hare forth in In order to get a bono from tl e county for Ibeirowa line may ry to tb frini La Booua Alii Con J old Zimmerman Ban 2- very ago were proU JJy her a short applied timebills found where one of these had been sitting in a hotel bill had all appearance of being gens except that it not signed la the usual manner It is necessary bowevet to warn oar readers against taking tbose bills signed or not as the Zimmerman Bank long ago paaaed out of existence Btliemm InttUgiauxr Attempt to t a Poor Or Faxir On Friday the 8 alt a man named Crawford waa tried and con victed before his Honor Judge loch at Perth Ontario on a charge preferred by Mr Barker Post Inspector Kingston of falsely alleging be had enclosed am of SO in a letter that be bad mailed and registered at Clayton the 23th of August last Crawford tenced to six month int at bard tabor in the jail a result which will doubt be the means of preventing similar fraudulent transactions con viction waa made under the General