NEWMARKET ERA DEC 27 1872 I bad been elected I have learned that by arbitrary ruling and without any polls that way the I ng made ut that not clotted AwUMMUlf Dec IT Sir Froro who is route to Join the expedition for sup prosaion of the African dare trade arrived hero thin 1U was met upon laiding from the which brought him from by l ho Co miniGeneral and a large number of officer of the lian army who gave him a warm greeting Ho proceeds from Alexan to Cairo when he is lojio the guest of the Khedive Grolo loss 300- insured for k Co varnish lust all their fixture and stock k Co lost all their stock lie in worth manufacturer of piano strings lost all hi in which thay had been ln- to port baa now recoiled upon Their expulsion from office proves that even under Ministry were A lire In a largo building on day canned damage the of ral small fire also different parU of city r Doc Tbo British Columbia B Dec 1 1812TW by a majority of a A meth- Today tboy announced that unlaw- hail placed their resignation in alliance ha- failed utterly Thero bands of Lieutenant Governor is no Province to which in There is general satisfaction to it population Sir John A Mac- result has offered bribes large and Dee Mr temptin- lo Columbia was today sworn in as Lieutenant it well for her Local Leg- Governor that at early a period they exorcised their right of assort- The stages have stopped and pa tigers bore was blowing a fearful of the passengers had the They took the train thru pton thin It till cry badly the Mormon tho holidays fill bo presented Dec Washington despatches that it is thought that tho Poly gamy problem will bo settled by Administration The delegation in tbo into rent of Brigham Young in that city who recently came- from Utah are working with less hope to the coming President recently his d termination to pat the neeewtary law in Congress ing change among tbo high official Utah are current Itifiirmalion lini lnen received that Minister has not fallen to disgrace with the Cur Ho has JUKI been employed to certain ecclesiastical difficulties between Popo and Government concerning the appointment of Cath olic Btabopl in Poland rinal suttlemunt in the transler was made It is datod December 18th 1872 and as Jay Gould of tbo City ity nod Slate of Now York Helen his wife and Lucy of the City and County and State Now York parlies of the first part and Peicr Watson of the same place the party of the second port Wit that tint part fr and in consideration of the sum of here tho indentures to in the Grand Opera House in and street 1 tho lots on street tlic Eric building In Court of Oyer and Terminei lodai iicrgo Francis Train pleaded to pal a paper called the Train which according no an obscene but exonerated Mr Nichols from all complicity- latter was bailed Mr Train was remanded to the for sentence A largo crowd was in attendance and Tram claimed that all the obscenity in was composed of extracts from the Flanders and Pa Dec A special J four oclock received here this evening Columbiana a village close Shock Railroad Accident Dec pm A fearful accident on tho Crosscut road at three p at a point known as Prospect station train was in Chants at at with day express of the Lake Shore mad- line lolls of a horrible that was commit led near there thin morning at about oclock It appears that Porter a man of thirty live years of age lived with his Flick- nger on account haps of ihe for mer owing to dissolute being to provide for his wife and their offspring Porter is a carpenter by trade but brutal in disposition and ready and willing at all limes to engage in a quarrel with any one un der the slightest pretence Ho wa actually a terror to the neighbour hood for years and his word whether right or wrong was law in dealings with those persons was obliged of Ibis time that the accident was caused ly ft broken heel as the parted from un and passed over in safely It estimated that between and passengers were in two cars and of this number not escaped from death or injury The reck takon tiro from the passenger ir Move literally roasted alive that were wounded before they in allowed him to father bouse The breakfast to make the beds and sweep rooms leaving her two mi children sitting by lire and hi husband near by thorn cracking hickory nuts with a hatchet wife had requested him to keep i the children and a the fire which he to do and when she left he amusing babies wit broken nuts bold in his hand The woman went in rooms fear ing no danger for ten or fifteen minutes when the eldest of the child rcn a little girl three yean old lU and Henry but tho latter de clined For Deputy Beeves Meson and Wilfred Pegg were nominated but hence Mr Cane for Reeve and and Deputies wore elected without opposition the Messrs James Silver Charles Wm and John were nominated Mr docJined and stated ho would pay fin than serve lie desires to request hi friends not to vote for him upon any consideration Under these cir cumstances it would be lowing Whereat there between tbo constitutional law of Suite of Louisiana and the of Congress relating to the election of United State Senator and whereas reasonable iiterpreUUion of the iimir- la- justifies delay on the mi part of the General Assembly in the of a United Senator until second day after com mencement of tbe next regular therefore be it resolved by Senate that it will not proceed to the election of a United States Senator second Tuesday after the of the regular of tsUMssrtj li Legislature in July next I Judge Bonner makes following Hamburg robbed lust night of four cases of silks in of foreign illustrated pajiern all valued over Tolbiki O Dec A locomo became between Goshen lost night and the engi neer and fitenien attempting to reach their residence a mile diatotit were to death Dm A fire at weather all over the Northwest i the known for years Ibo mercury at- Foil Garry Manitoba is below aero at Si Paul thirty degrees and in Milwau kee in the middle of the day twenty degree below zero Passenger trains on Milwaukee and St Paul Bail road are working through slowly A number of persons have bad their and feet frozen but no serious coses are reported Cbicaoo Dec Several fires occurred in this city during yester day and last night the moat destruc tive of which was at No 100 to 106 West Lake street in a row of wood en building by several Produce and Mer chants and by a number of saloons and restaurants The aggregate losses will bo about about 3000 insurance On Cottage Grove Avenue in the southern pjrt of city yesterday morning three brick dwellings with their contests were burned Loos partially Mich Dec A fearful storm has swept over all the weetern part of this State for the past two days Five engines four trains are between and are all safely housed Edmund Yates tbe diet and lecturer is one of weather bound passengers Dec 24 A special from Wabash says upwards of sixty locomotive have been frozen between Huntington and pern on the Toledo Wabash and Western Railway nearly hour Cottle hogs and sheep bavo been frozen to death There have been fatal of freezing among employees and at once that demon of a husband hod murdered them- Throwing open the door at foot of Maircae a spectacle two child dead their clotl with blood rushing out of gashes wide and doep in their Life was utterly extinct and worn- blood slill pouring from iht wounds and making pooli Saturday of Toronto was burned 14th Doc Lchs 30000 insured for reported destruction of lighthouse on Anticosti Island with the keeper and his family is contra dieted It to have been wilful fabrication star The Silver Islet Mining Co pany of Thunder Bay having covered a lode fifty of leod talk of I bridge with exception of the engine bridge into tho Works Sarnia of while lead on a large scale aim Irish forger is hold in New York foe to the British authorities hose agent will duly Lake chirp of prisoner and give him a fret the Atlantic The Globe has received pry but positive information that lie engagement as be rem eluding rill exceed have been of disaster Among passengei only into this plac been recojnieed Many at any time bodies being so badly burned There are thirty- one wounded many seriously Con ductor is fatally injured but a still alive The railroad company are doing all in thoir power train was moving lowly bridge being situated at the foot of a steep grade At present no list can be given of persons killed and wounded The baggage and mails were all well as the bridge itself which was about forty feet long The Crosscut rood other wise known as the and rood run from to Brock A Dreadful Chapter of Crime We appear says Now Yorl Herald in the midst of a cyclone of crime Hardly had lb public breathed after shooing Neil at the side of hi wife by King in broad day at Judge Sutherland dour before we hod from Dover Del the sickening story of Dr West wbo in bis own office killed a negro skinned him chopped off his head and feet with penknife and then mode a bonfire under the body disappearing as tho flame kindled which no hoped would bis guilt while remains would be taken for mother and fhe glancing i Then came the dii the half open door saw Porter go I of a Cincinnati butch with bloody instrument colly by a fellow craftsman Boston the body of Then came the disgusting details of a Cincinnati butcher cut un arlisli- rood towards She faint and terrified wilh what alio had that ahe was unable to give an walked up distant from the about five miles ho questioned a of murder wealthy citizen found floating Charles river in two barrels Lost we have the savage shooting of one of the fruil sisterhood of shame in place Tuesday afternoon by call himself He tolls a rambling story of previous family troubles her country under his care her wrong go- and his efforts for her to what had which sound at least incredible dear child but be could assign and Intimated that people wore making a deal over mattor that did not concern them in least Be was taken to gaol at New Lisbon and an inquest on two little bodies to be held to morrow Porter is a largo power ful man about five feet ten inches in height of dark complexion dark eyes heavy hair and beard This fearful murder creates the greatest excitement in the neighbourhood and it was sometime before people could realize tho enormity of deed Loud threats ore made against the man but officers to his intense disgust hurried him off to gaol and out of reach of tbe enraged people It is said Porter killed children purely in revenge for something his A special telegram from our cor respondent at Victoria I dated Dec 2 wo publish this morn ing announce tbe fall of Mo- freight Ministry who had been de feated on the previous day by a ma i rime Ho soi during hi bt her in her there was loud placing one bullet through her heart and two other parts of body and walked coolly away What criminal horror shall wo have next And there no medicine for the debased public morality which leads to such A meeting of the Council of the above Association was held yester day afternoon Present the Presi dent Mr White in the chair Hon David George Graham Dr Buckland Archibald McDonald Nathan Andraw Wilson James Young P Gibbons M P P Irvin Diamond L Shipley and George Mr Osier solicitor attended meeting and informed the Council that the Doniaon cose bad been ci into office of the Chancery that an advertisement with conditions of sale bad been pre pared and that sale would take aa Court ordered our previous information bad On motion of Dr Buckland palcd Mr and col- Hon David Christie was authorised leagues have shared the fate of other attend tho examination of the Votor Provincial Governments had by College as represenaUvo of the lo Ottawa incurred I Agriculture and Arts Association Their Mr Gibbons said that the Minister 1 of Agricultural hod promised of as NaT You Dec entire block on tbo side of between Leonard Worth was burned this evening flames broke out in the basement of the build ing and 85 Centre sU and soon communicated with upper floors whence they spread to adjoining build ing following parlies wore losen The Now York Newspaper Co Aiken k Cromer of Milwaukee k Coa printing office An- the Federal Government who derson Archer k Co in i pointed him And It was one of Jamos Gallagher dealer in brass P charges against the defeated of purchasing a chain of stances showing steady develop- a of a healthy public opinion in petcd for by student in Province Tho late Administra- tonnary College He Mr Gibbons wore little bettor than tools moved that the Board givo a prise of of the LieutGovernor Mr If That functionary aa we lately bad 1 occasion to observe had practicallyj constituted himself AgentGeneral The Secretary authorized respond with of tiles in England with Two girl employed Uilding whore the fire coin were riously Injured also them probably fatally Tho i estimated at D00i0 discovered to be on fire about I be renewed Hotel publ that they nave taken care of to take caro of sufferers fire and deprecating nowspsser no nts pending inssslifaossj in progress The bill to increase be has received the endorsement of to Representatives whowill probably Ml port it at an early day Tbo bill if parsed takes effect from the 4lh of March Win- tees will of tho Bight Hon Benjamin Disraeli leader of tbo Opposition in Is so of Com mo a died on Sunday A despatch this morning that Disraelis own health greatly impaired Bear Tho sudden return of Hoe to Quebec is ssid to have been occasioned by a frfal breaking out of tho Cauchon I There will be trouble in the i camp if be not thcr conciliated and secured all left in a state of trepidation We understand that On- tario Government ha purchases i ninety three acres of land on mountain at Hamilton for the in- asylum fiftyseven acre have boon purchased from Hon Buchanan and the remainder from Moore k Davis The proper is situated on the west side of the I Hon on aie return from England it is said wilt toko up his abode in Ottawa whether of the Go course not known be before the opening of the session and the exGovernor of I Manitoba may be included in of rangemonts Af any rate he not those wbo hope a will be one of coming men ray amounl e highest salary is paid chief engineer Fleming the throe Commission Messrs J B and A McLean got 3000 M Acquila Walsh Chairman of Board get The Ottawa Citizen ay- Quite a was created la Friday in tho quiet neighborhood by quarrel nearly resulted fatally between I man and hi wife Tbo husband bad been drinking freely ii was in a quarrelsome mood- A puts arose between him and srlfe on tho subject of hiring a the husband expressing his nation to ploy him and th being determined not to alio man Into the house The dispute became too hot to be conducted of longer in words and brought down a hol gun loaded m with a ball and threatening with terrTcTe oath blow her brain out He did not I it however but thought it would well to into submission I he accordingly dropped gun went to stable for a Tbo wife saw him coming with and driven to desperation she I the gun and fired at him hastily a ho entered the door The took effect of his legs a severe flesh wound the buckshot- dill not touch him at all Be dropp- 1 tho bonewhip and rusbod howling like a scolded dog A dressed up the wound and a returned home hi loving spon He baa been meek a a lamb ever since and he ha never said another word about hiring that man Strife on that patronage or the to those the board Dominion was to promote their On motion of Mr own inurests by fl Monday We saw too in bow grossly of September was agreed constitutional a manner Mr upon as the day of the next to the bogus election exhibition of Sir for Counly totally octroyed lie wis the with Chorch two tbM Tory bo ijt to moot ij- in the the leirStlo- only of mala oorod from the ana fromhi enjoyed their aid and loos mated from id of tho Council of iiaSfi-