NEWMARKET Friday at ID Ad VMM or 1 mi ERA Book and Jon Est THE STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE Mi THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol XXIINo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MARCH 7 1873 Terms 160 in Advance Surveyor HORACE 10UNT DUDLEY iKrs Se ajpWBt TO LOAN DEPOSITORY S Superintendent York MASH PHYSICIAN Accoucheur St Settmarket CARD lUNTEK A Physicians Surgeons c OFF CE TIMOTHY STREET AMES HUNTER I Dr IRQEOH AND ACCOUCHEUR Coroner for County of York MillBfiRxt Coll lb Raja Col lap Ft of is of Viwti la Calu rtj ictM or i Caratr DR SCOTT ud Hill Street Hold on plead ha Chicago There wan something of other answered that bo bad been in Chicago Ota I bog your pardon I really I wo mi 1 had scon rid- he Took davtrsaaWaC hare kindness to walk hall bore a moment and ye young man w allding door I have you a word Who are you jerked with the mourning bat 0n Ontario Legislature Mary Ann went to the front door Meredith Merrick RBJOY Barber Hair Dresser c E W A I T MONEY TO LEND THE HURON AND ERIK Society LONDON OUT Select evening to tee if the afternoon paper had come Sho had been de livering a short address to me con corning what she pleased to term my molasses stylo of moving around Aa she opened the door remarked I like to ee a more quick prompt emphatic that all but I heard one bumpimg down the steps in a most prompt and emphatic manner and I reached the door just In time to mc my better half sliding across side a sitting posture I suggested limped back to the door that there might be such a thing too much celerity but did not teem to carry on the conversation tnd I started for my office in front of me on the slip- wry sidewalk strode two knights of St Crispin were talking over their plans for the future and as I overtook thorn I heard of them ly bare my two hands to depend upon but that is fortune for any who is not afraid work I intend to paddle my own boo I believe can make my way through the world Hi- feet slid 1 told him make his way through the world in that direction unless no down harder and that if be did he would among heathen place where i frozen together dashes nearly half the fresh water on the globe will not roar forever in as it baa in the past In fix ibe date of its demise about from now The demands of may however utilise the water power long before the lujse of that its immense volume reduco natural sub to a more shadow of Shotting ited forma on tbo sidewalk Then I slid along behind on their way to Said he My think nothing of hard work if I can make yon happy It shall be my only aim to yon happy my shall lighten every sorrow I through the path of life I shall your slay and your support your he stopped His speech was too flowery for the climate and aa I Curly 1 the train from luduMaoUl may me in tipped for a minute at one of ihe prophecy after all if J Mr Murray Scott T I a far or met is iaeCa paid ad a an Mr A A T or Mr J J IAN Solicitor Valuator for Society April IP 1672 known off into innumerable a for benefit of mills recognized the gentle- canal and commerce in general whom he was looking hardly bo imagined that the worlds great cataract enthroned making Western Assurance Co FIRST PKIZE TEETH tfaHaiaB Dr Robinson buoleu fabric of a vision and ret supped aod an earnest it to be through imiMrtetl news which the process of The old school scorned to be of great importance geographies mod to the falls Hastily to hi wile who was one hundred and silly feet per- sitting on the seat beside him the 11 is to be only gentleman that It be one hundred feet high now What necessary for him to step off but she I has that majestic sixty could pun lu and he I Ceet of falls There must have been TORONTO ltua as As a great cutting away of aurftce he was leaving the car a thought fe ll or a Capital S J a word of caution about being careful the way of lbo development of the at r it people and then the wonderful Tbo ppjo jn neighborhood 1lrr of the teat bad been interested i A WOULD of sso no Bralaesrda also Us feU- 1 at Bib a Hal Bill Dentistry rnovuvoiAij Insurance Company Three Years Policies on well DWELLING HOUSES Mrtiw toSMS In Cull at of them sat in hat and other was apparently his son other a small wiry man with a shaven face and a remarkably piercing pair of small grey eye Ho on the side of the car a little in the rear of others first two with heads together engaged clone ADAMS I StTBOBOK 99 King Street Toronto Bom Mtawral ft an naaM I Jtl 9 DENTIST Dr be lba1olVoin will la all its photography a m7hood IK la of VtWawkM Md vrriaitf that COMMENCED THE ABOVE BVS1 HESS IW THK Recently by Mr PHOTOGRAPHS Of or f la iri M dm OLD PICTURES sad aalaftad aiUl Particular pains taken fiaarka J the lady Rates are Lower Pa Cest 11 particulars to A shot front who seemed to be object of dscueou small man appeared logo to sleep When the train at Haute tbe lady entered an omnibus with other the father and eon climbed to the top of the same vehicle and small quiet looking ono stood outside on At hotel tbe lady waa shown to a but tbe servant bad scarcely knock at tbe young bareheaded bind bis ear begged her pardon but would be better to have them locked up io safe and be would charge of for her and deliver t give way r the plat It is claimed that the head of Id throw the river back on Lake Erie and that a barrier sixty high would bold back tho w of Lake Michigan It may be to our internet to dam up flood and turn the water to use than pitching headlong over ledge of rocks Into a boiling gulf and thus go seething on in compare idleness aod to the sea from an impracticable bullet away up north may be want to penetrate this continent in aome other direction Ad turned to great account of It is that may not be far distant when 11 be inaugurated Then good- of natures It will create Niagara may be dismembered at end of or years bat will never be silent We can keep nothing good a new nature but high are crumbling and becoming battered and dilapidated and men are digging them down and boring through ibem Tbe oceans however hold Liverpool Loudon GLOBE Insurance Company Available Assets Hesitating moot and remembering her our well and they will probably band parting ah rephed J ft IS If of the ldlord if he wouldhav to come up the obliging clerk and be pealed IK srsbaia jJ a aad I is an tea Caaapas Fira aad la aad alia aarj IibaraJ Head Office Canada Montreal Airaal be manufactured out of the gee in Long periods of time do not touch anybody living but it may be of interest to know what tbo cataract is now doing and and mo was announced itrcr was placed in bis hand w the pro- be the rat at which found gratitude of the lady at being fc The dWkedand the lod a hall where with the crape his hat waa Another knock at door landlord announced Toronto Feb Grey Inebriate Hon Mr Pardee moved A Committee on his resolution that of the House Adjourned News trying lift bit them op Two lawyers coming the house next attracted my Judge Poster ill rule that out We concedo first two point We can afford do it if the evidence abstains it In third but that position we iust take our firm stand time up I left him moving for a new trial I mused What a lesson the ice leaches us How easily humanity ia trolled byeircumstancea and liddle of too atreet to avoid wil further alipping Lost Tribe ntouommtleeonhsresoutontbt moneys be for the mentofahtapial lor the reelama- and cure of habitual drunkards He said tho subject of intemperance waa arousing a great deal of discus sion at present either because j intemperance waa on increase or Feb In the evils more apparent to of Mr of country Tho existence debate in ftivor of tbe of intemperance was proved bv Hill an urged that England fact that half oar criminal J Canada having done every thing tion are of intemperate habits and incumbent upon thorn it was the more than onethird of ibe States to carry committed in Canada were caused their part of the agreement by intemperance In the Mr Low opposed the bill He did States and England per- cent I J believe the treaty making power tariff and pnble of of wbih opinion ho quoted io of several prominent men bo had given their attention to tho subject About per cent of were effected in the institute of tin United States and cures probably risen to per cent the institute possessed tho power institute was not intended as a retreat for incurablo cases nor for casual drunkards It was intended for voluntary bat would In there whether hey Gov to send ire willing or not Tbo institute mid be at Hamilton The ground would and the It would accommo date at a cost of Ho Hgllt be given more information being asked 100000 There wim an asyltti wbich could be easily usee is mo experimental asylum before the institution now of Ho moved an amendment tho effect that while House the treaty did tho tariff on fish The Bill struck death blow at American fisheries Mr Butler Mass said the to him a mere mockery of legislation there never abandonment of American He knew that President end Sec retary of State had come to to urge ibe passage of this Bill but time would eome when the Presi dent would be sorry for thai Under his Bill alt our water resources would bo open to the British carrying trade for goods in bond and Govern ment would have to keep up a pre ventive service over miles of Custom House lines to prevent gling Mr closed the and replied to the arguments against Ibe Bill The Bill then yeas US nay a 30 Feb Tweed gave bail today in the Court of Oyer and Terminer on four indict- with thi Boiler and It understood he will id upon in a day or two to il on Oblxaxb Feb The fire third district yesterday destroyed nearly six aquarea bound by Claude and class of habitual drunkards the duly of llia to Da or cUraaUon the f hundred families are left worth of lace silk and wonted A correspond em statemen since been writing from been discovered on Isle Thunder bay on the northern border of the which exhibit undoubted donce of having been worked by a ice of Jong extinct and of bom we no knowledge that left behind by such traces are now beiog brought to view Shafts considerable depth filled and accumulated debria of ages have been opened and in pene trating to a depth of feet tools workmanship have been discovered together with marked the point where skilled artisans from copper tools wboae temper durability wood astonish the makers of tbe present day Hammers and aeem to have been the principal implement for the- mine whiob together ith fire reduced the condition wbich rendered it removal detail easily accomplished Finely pored knife blades have been pick out of pit and granite ham- era of such size to required rengtb of no ordinary man to wield These discoveries wonderful they they pros Orillia Hon Wood contend ed that there were no before House to show success of ibewaayluraa which were a little a than five yeara old If determined to try I y he advocated their email scale Mr BaAMTroEO Feb By the said this measure received his failure of George Wallace grab full and approbation and the buy and merchant of Gait old fully branch hereof the Bank of juatify the expenditure Mr North America lone oat- wad in favor or an experiment being right George Foster grocer lose made first a small scale and ho and one of oar wholesale would support the amendment Mr grocer lose considerably Lauder could not support the motion Tbe Standard Pardee Ik BUI introduced into the American in favor of institute Mr lor the distribution of the opposed the of Alabama award shows that the an asylum of this nature and he the real thought it a significant fact that claim by over a million dollar It while so many were pro npir Geneva decision aa a sen ted on subject of intemperance fiulnn not one asked for a hospital for the drunkarda Mr opposed Pp ho love peace will the motion Mr supported with interest this brief Government Mr Deacon moved from a lecture gunnery an amoodmont lo the effect that Already Sir W Armatrong and Sir until some action be taken by J engage to consider question of intemperance no action Mr a shall be to an fire a ball of five ate Asylum Mr Corby opposed the original motion After the Laugh this gun the would not be sufficient he could make a gun to tiro a ball of ten lone War will clearly be no childs play whan infants and babies such the Mr argued in favor of Government scheme advocated taxing liquor seller for and thai of Inebriate Mr employed in it Balls of ten ton the expenditure of poblio 3 will be rather kinds of money on new buildingaand grounda infant A nation will for anch a purpose Mr felt think alarmed direct taxation would aland alone people who form 1 such being The K which they have been for the of rascals made their imply a before the written history of Americapower- ful and civilised communities occu pied every portion of its disappearing left behind tbem proofs of their The Liverpool the arrival in England of the Hon Mr and say of hi object visiting Europe ia obtain information with reference manner in which Mta are represented in England joyrul way downatair Walking back and forth bis baoda ind him and hi eye half closed waa the small wiry of the can were walking by him and had almost reach ed the when he looked up seeming to notice them for flrat time and spoke to the elder of past thirty yean They are won into still softer rock recession is consequently blooming more and more rapid a teacher to pupil you shouldnt make face- grow Dp homely if you make faces Susie looked thoughtfully the teachers face for a moment a then asked Did yon make lacs when yoa were a little girl plan of meet expenditures for asylums and other public buildings Messrs Wood Victoria and Sinclair sup ported the Government measure as also did Mr Farewell who was further of opinion that House should strike at root of the evil prohibit the liquor the Government Messrs Boultbee and Deacon however amid loud cries of question persisted in afterwards addressing A division wo at last reached on Mr Deacons amendment whioh wai lost 10 nay Camerons amend yeas dent for developing the resources of Dominion chief among these being of course building of the Cana dian Pacific Railway It forma port of arrangement to visit Morway Sweden end Denmark order to discover whether any considerable colony of Scandinavians can be form ed for settlement in the Bed River along the of Pacific Railway waa also original motion of Government wo then carried Yeas Barber Baxter Beth one Clarke Norfolk Clarke Wellington Cook Craig Glengarry Crooks Croaby Dawson Farewell son Gibbons Graham Guest Grange Hamilton Harrington Monk Oliver Pardee Patterson Prinoe Raid Robinson Scott Ottawa Sexton Sinclair Smith Springer Striker Watterworth Webb Durham Hamilton son Wood Ardogb Calvin before it l hot it firs will A pru- Can hot before they to fightinr with Ave or ten ton cannon bins Weddibo Thursday orning a Toronto paper at St Stephens church Bellevue avenue and College Mr Alex Camp bell of London waa united il bond with Mia Helen Cumberland second daughter of Mr W Cumberland managing of Northern Railway attracted to the church a large proportion of the youth and beauty of weal end cere mony was performed by Toronto assisted by Bar A J Broagball incumbent of Stephens The bride wax slot silk with The briJeamaids were L Camp bell Mis Churchill of Liverpool England Miaa Cumberland and Miss P Rutherford Two of them wore white tulle dresses trimmed wilb pink and the other two dressed with the same material trimmed with blue All wore white tall valla rod roses In the hair and rase of am color looping up re at aide groomsmen wr Mr Mr a GLao Mr and Mr Lome Campbell