NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 7 New Go ftnnw l sS Tin extracted from our own article from which wo learn average been CO more Hum previous t the of the Separation Act ami this too with Ave years expense of Pool attached Hat this It not all It doe not in clude the extra ixpenso six IN market Era MARCH 7 Our Toronto Despatch We do net reply length to the in question I enter upon a general discussion wit regard to the nature or character the meeting addressed by Mr bee bears unmistakable of a specie of self vindication additional lime annually of court he master hand Instead of there calling jurymen rolls eonslables being present we venture the at- fees and the it cetera connected including boy would therewith and yet in the face of be nearer tho mark and so far from so palpable our those present voting for the argues in of continuing the Institute Arrangoment a lion only about 3D or connection Why lost year we hod asxeesssMsd made any sign in the matter lle to pay repairs to the Court J majority being attracted thither lo House there i- an hear what Mr had to drain upon the of the for If he was satisfied with County The city art of i the result all we say is we these and since run to are strongly impressed con- Law Reform Act even resisted isxcrmnais iheoconioo viction tJmt our member is not so rental account for use of County difficult to please in days property He again say of Hut there is one point in luui the article alluded to demanding at- ttuition Mr- Routt bee denies making statement that he had no reason able of carrying hi Judi ciary Dill Now we do not wish lo be understood a making a charge that our member knowingly and wilfully an untruth but his memorv is sadly at fault With regard the barge of our Sutton We regret to learn that i of lllhaaltli Wo direct the attention of the ail adTTtMMOt johMioo a so led Hu ll ere again our draw upon hi imagination We gave tliu figures of and bur Imn JWroportiODle items to which County ha tn for tn urn of id more or less direct tax- to ation are thoso given by Wo did not resort to a subterfuge and our expect his I wall village and we hi of knowing that succeeded more for the place more lengthened member when occupying tho same WMUU11J But the soft impeach- But there fa the los of pas unchallenged other point out On Saturday e tai at Tf to the Ha II si loouvllls Ml by con- 1 J others in at- money sinks insignificance com- a discover while l this issue Let him think j inline point over for next and tell Concert A Concert under the tiie I of this what prevent vantage they gain as compensation disingenuous and well fcr Ufa it will be an interest- calculated to deceive but the paper no doubt like a patent indie nothing referred without iiotiee away from the account of family and it with but bad grace to be taunted with absence for juti6abl If the absence ably Mr Lukes Again bile wo were ftnotnor column will be torn on letter from Mr Lukes in our mi exhibition of lumelf do not pretend but letter writer in our he is scarcely a In the paragraph there is nothing tc answer With regard to second we consider it quite unnecessary lo Dominion Parliament adl f our member r on the numerous divi MH aiun P MmiH reasonably justitied stand the coin position he docs loda of a question and vote on the other The Dominion Parliament Aem- a bled on hut with lalivu County the of electing lion Mr l to gained Cockburn Shaker no husines w to something langibl as having been regard to the third paragraph iranacted Tho speech from the accomplished for the advantage of iluS presen Throne wdelivcJve our confluents can the said ho state we made a for us to thin by the gentleman making iho soft ifenon Tbereeei If so t be pointed hiekhended brain to undertake of stolen week In shape new legisla tion foreshadowed by the speech wo have only some half dozen via Amendments to Law Dills affecting Shipping and Weight and Measure and one re specting Inspection of Merchandize Of course there is an allusion to Lord appointment also to the publication ol tbc census taken two years ago and to the impor tance of enlarging our canals but ful how they throw making ihc soft so perhaps it Gentlemen who he e be care Mr Luki ssbsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbb the Atlantic Cable ioini Colonial broad chuckle which mantled hi face when subsiding to his scat after propounding the question he did I the rend applause he accorded to Mi Our at Aurora may bo a clover man in his indeed Tho Banner on Separation covert reply with the dodge a a partnership misrepresentation Our n to him in the first article to let him understand bis action observed but his per leads to iho conviction judging from hi line of and means resorted to in order to defend a false position wo recognize legislation presents a very merits as being able to loll meagre bill of fare Tho Opposition truth but not all tht truth Ho ban will probably test the Government written a lengthy reply to our article strength before a reply to the speech Separation put ho does not touch j lIlM 1aJ to isroted the merit of tho ease while at not M to him as a same time ho boa multiplied word christian man When re a A Soft mpeachnlenL distorted the view lo make a more worthy proving the reverse of truth DI be selected Under iho above caption our do not intend to follow our esteemed Friendship indeed At the same time seeking to wound under tho cover of another That will do to tell down at Tort Hope resident member through lengthy through content simply lo point out on journal In or tW of it fallacies and leave article- which matter in the hands of the in Em three weeks ago The first misrepresentation as in the fol losing extract his magnificent Hall We say our men for tho article bears internal evidence of it paternity evidence so i bivra takable that ho who runs J show in swat iawti read It only necessary to quote the first sentence of the question to prove this Bounties a Lot us thisoxtract a little The ostensible editor of the Cornier hat only been a resident of this part of the country a fete How doe be know that wo have al ways boon a diakull man to plea For the past twenty rears wo hi been or loss connected with nearly every public and social improvement having tbo progress of the village and iu interests in view occupied and again the positions tbe of the people and now for the first time hare soft impeach ment to answer that we are diffi cult to please and ibis too by a stronger In this charge our mem ber has shown bis band with much He should however bo a little more discreet and not make bis protege eat too much dirt in start overdone might possibly have same a upon hi more im mediate predecessor At any rate would sound quite as well to keep within of truth Mob a Wo will tell our why wo did not lake mure year in parison because previous to that lime our accounts and expenses mixed up with those of Peel 1 If be know anything about County affair he knows this and when ai a lator stage of his article ho quote Jury fand and Jury expenses he have known figure of the United Wo now re peat the statistic connected will these two items a given by our temporary and if prove any thing they establish a fact re Verse of the position bo assume Pel isa parti nil rlr Iboaa AeilQ of be thai no atop had lo divert ftxm Um the and EmlfrsUoo and oU the abolition of the Council He March New Worth aw north from President Grant cold and many thousand of pert comfortable and organisations from their differ headquarter began assembling were nearly all Prompt to the time decided by Dairy grand for moving of proeeasii troops in readiness and began moving in the lino of march President occupied an open and accompanied by Senators Cragai Logan and Bercsford soon after tli starting took up a position in il third division of the parade Th carriage in which bo ant waa drawn by four closely clipped mouse colored and other demonstrations Altogether tho civic and military organization numbered at least If and made an imposing display Nearly every organization in lf march was accompanied by an fective brass band and the route was enlivened by excellent distance of nearly two in causing spectator forget ihe ii pboro and the clouds of by the face Senate Chamber and filled soon as the doors opened at 11 oclock and presented a very gay appearance a much larger the occupant being ladies floor of tbe Senate began to fill up quite early with distinguished including many of tbe military and naval officers of the Government who occupied to the left and rear of the Sen- General Grant was escorted the Senate Chamber by the Senate Committee of arrangement and was conducted to a chair directly in front lipping having nearly arrived VicePresident Colfax delivered bis valedictory and proceeded to administer oath of having been completed of about twenty minutes it was I that tho Senate Court and invited spectators would proceed to the east portion of the to participate in the ie of the inauguration of tho dent elect The Senate Committee of arrangements wore near at band General Grant on the platform sat Mrs Grant accompanied by sev eral other relatives of tho family appearance of the President on the platform was greeted with cheers burst of music from the bands of various organizations which were drawn up in lino of battle noise of greeting hushed as the President elect and Chief J and the commenced to recite the formula of the Presidents oath of which Gen Grant took bead and rseaniod hi while boom of cannon ringing of bells and shouts of the multitude burst forth with deafening sound Partial quiet having been restored the Prcsidi then arose and proceeded to read his inaugural address Mexico on ope Karen Int Salt March 1 Increased anxiety is felt for the fate of Senator The Mormon say that it bill finally passes th of its constitutionality will come forward The Journal i ti expresses belief Brig- haw determined to resist laws no longer or Feb Feb Tbe Two Republics say the difficulties on the frontiers of and Texas are not proper ly appreciated in Washington When fully investigated it will bo seen that the annexation fever is the cause of j marauding by both parties Tiie army has driven force Into the Sierras is fortifying defiles English manof war docamenU to tho Government relative to attack of tbo Yuca tan Indians on Belize Sigh says Government has postponed publication of answer to Englands demand owing to stale of affairs existing between Eng land and Mexico It fears the communication of England is un friendly and it of knowing reply Meanwhile the Belize and Texas entanglements are not to Dominion Parliament Ottawa Mar The first session of Second Parliament of Dominion was to day by Lord who attended Senate Chamber in state minutes after oclock accom panied by a body guard was a somewhat grand display being reserved when tbo Speech from the no will be given No ladies present in Senate Chamber and which tomorrow 11 doubtless bo crowded to suffoca tion were barely filled Immediately after His Excellencys rival lion Mr Cbaureau who a few minutes before bad been sworn President of Senate roso and addressing the Usher of the Black Mr direct ed him in His Excellency tc proceed to House of Common- and acquaint them that Hi Excel- desired their attendance in tbo A Tragedy on Mount Vesuvius Throughout West the prospect ao fair for an unusually Chamber few itnraed followed by th of tbo Commons escorted by tho Clerk and Sergoantatarms bearing mace Hon Mr again and informed tho member that Hi Excellency did not see fit to deelan Tbo Speaker would have to be elected Tig to law and tomorrow at oclock His Excellency would declare his reasons for summoning Parliament Hon Mr Cbaavoau bar ing repeated this statement in French Mr Patrick recently appointed clerk called the to order and intimated that the first duty was tho election of a Speaker Mr was tbe Govern ment nominee and he elected without any opposition The then adjourned Manitoba Items lee of the Manitoba and Fret Press to loth alt band Wo take the following from Schultz left for Ottawa on istb LieutCot Scott arrived on 14th The Garrison marches out frequent ly and looks well Indians are ashamed appear on streets except in plug The Victoria Skating Rink Assiniboine is woll patronized Tho bote accommodation has had to be increased The wood market is active bean pole in large quantities are bongbi Macbit for factories daily a of mercantile Plenty of moose and deer an by the Indians and sports in region below the Lower Fort and tbo County Indians are living high Two townships have been granted to Scotch emigrants and ono of the Germans During week thermome ter had not ranged beyond lSdegrees above and degrees below aero The epizootic is prevalent and casionally fatal It is feared it will get into the prairies in the spring and bo very hurtful The Masooic funeral on of the death of Geo Webster was largest ever sc A Canadian Pacific Railway parly are making prepara tion to go north The hospital is to be removed to a building belonging to Dr Schultz farther downjtbo rivor It has two inmatss Major Irvine has been promoted to LiouLColonelcy and Captains Scott and Gadnier to be Majors This is regarded as if an increaso of tho forces was intended which dis pleases soldiers who may bo re quired to three year The stage to frontier now runs regularly j the worst roads are on the American side where the snow is very deep and much drifted On the Canadian side it is excellent sengor business is fair and express ng lively There been shown a of wheat grown at Mission Latitude S3 Longitude 105 a it situated miles northwest of Garry Tho man who bought it doesnt brag much on his knowledge of cereals bat ho can testify that plumper larger and finer kernolcd If- breed claims are still occupy fte attention of speculators daily transactions in ibis line average fifteen Many are holding off an account of a misunder standing relative to tbo reading of law on tho subject Twenty liars is average price Brutal Murder KiiiAKsviLii- March coldWood murder occurred village of Lorotto the township last which thrown the bole community into the greatest It appears thai bailiff of Mono having transacted which he left the latter place for home The unfortunate proceeded far on bis way known assassin approach ed him from behind and dealt him a heavy blow with an axe Mr Mar shall was discovered shortly after wards and on examination it was found that the blade of deadly weapon bad penetrated skull to depth or two inches He was eyed to a boose in tbe immediate where be remained in a comotose position until last night East Montreal respectively ived quite an ovation on Monday evening when leaving that city for A Now York paper publishes tbe good sugar following from a correspondent at J mimes St Grenada Naples under date of Fob thoy hod abundant In September last tourists an and seasonable rains and every thine Engliabfftan an American so far appears in favour of disregarding the on treaties of their guide insisted upon being lowered down into the dark caverns under of the crater of Mount Vesuvius and those daring tourist have not since been heard of Wbon news reached Naples that was filled with jr j it l i latest reward offered is for capture of a thief named Kerrigaa of affairs at tho Sing Sing Stale Prison Auburn Hardly week passes but convict son coeds in making his The horror and for weeks succeeding the disaster few tourist ventured to summit of burning Fashionable adventurers for whom icy height of the or Mont Blanc had no deterring nes or horror winced at tbo idea it had so mysteriously become impromptu tomb of too young men who bad not least misgiving ami almost under lln instance wore Jean Mien Belgium and Louis Schmidt of boarding boose on tbo Cbiajs when a party was formed to ascent and it is strange on tho morning of tho night when the started for a village at foot of Mount Vesuvius where horses staff and are procured Schmidt received a letter from hi sister at Genoa in which sho stated that it would not reach long advance of herself Schmidt therefore begged his companions release him from his promise to start for night bat as bo had projected tbe excursion insisted upon hi going Schmidt after making arrangements with hi landlady for tho reception of hi sister started with bis companions on Tuesday night for Vesuvius They left at one in morn ing bo that might reach base of crater in time to witness rising of the sun above tbo peaks of tbe surrounding Alps and Ape- Having reached the end of their romantic journey tbo summit of the volcano everything as quiet as upon some secluded rustic bill and Micux called upon any of party to join him In going down tho crater The guides are always pro vided with ropes either for purpose or for assisting lumbersome travellers up butt portion of the steep ascent Schiradt agreed to accompany Lo and in of the reraonM ranees of their guides each took hold on a loop and swung i over tbo gloomy void whence issued tbe tremendous showers of ashes and streams of lava which buried in a single night Ibe famous on firm ground The guides but inward A call from of the tourists above was answered with a faint hollow bene all right fiom headstrong explorers of the mysteries of bunting mountain Whether they were smothered fumes or missing a step were burled in tho unknown abyss of the nobody on earth will ever know Contrary to advice of tho practised guides let go the looped ropes and van lured into the darkness of tbe craters recesses The tourist cried but impatiently and in rain bat no response came after the first and only bene The guides and friends of the unfortunate ones re mained until near sundown when alt of their reappearance was aban doned Tbe guides were lowered down repeatedly and several of tho rode This third instance of a disaster of nature within tbe last ten years Weslmeath carried the Don- kin Act By Law by a vote of to sasT The Bank of England loses by tbe recent swindling operation about was on tbe grand jury in lately and loyal Frenchman refused to sit with A span of horses were drowned at Fenelon Falls other day by breaking through the ice when running away An accident caused by nitro- by which three persons were killed is reported from Tbo Ottawa Board of trade conjunction with olberBoards intends memorialising Legislature to tinue tbo Insolvent Act Tbe death Is announced of Maxwell tho first who took a down the St Lawrence He was a leading King- meeting of the Peace ciotv was held in Liverpool England Friday night at which the idea of international conventions to decide all questions was advocated A letter fsom Fort Garry says starved and froasn Dr Scholia who has arrived in Ottawa from Manitoba states tbat a great deal of work been done by tbo Imperial Boundary Commissioner during the winter Americans have done nothing The bylaws to grant a bonus of 50000 in aid of the construction of tho Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway were resubmitted to the ratepayers of Woodstock on Monday last and carried by a majority of 15C only voting against both by- Sax March 1 Advices from Victoria late that the Geo Wright is supposed to have been lost Cape Caution a few days ago tained the name of the steamer The cause of the disaster may never be known who escaped on Wednesday last NT The report tbat the Bank of British North America at Brentford had lost twenty thousand dollars bv tho failure of Mr Wallace of Gait I said to have no foundation The statement that two of houses I His tin they tvho caused the ltd 54 and bo will remain in calaboose ten days at the expense of county March At close of the first days polling Mr the lief inner had 568 majority Mr j party took possession of two polls daring coarse of day bat wero quickly routed by J cavalry election I is certain and will secure the return 4 of a Liberal candidate for tbo countr of Quebec Sutton March It is our pain- thodcath of another the old landmark of this township Ml Mr Jamea rig in eightieth year of Tho deceased gentleman fifty yean i ago and every thing part was a wilderness and by and industry ha con tributed lo make the township what it is Ho loaves a large circle of relatives and friends BoWKAJtviLLK March 4 A Con vention of West Durham Reformers was held recently to donblo return of Hon Blake I namely for West Durham and Sooth Bruce it was reluctantly decided in tbe interests of the Reform party of Dominion that Mr should sit as representative for South Bruce Hon Wood of Brant- ford was unanimously nominated Mr Blakes successor here in the- Reform interest Some during Satur day evening one of tho patients io tbe Lunatic Asylum a woman named Hannah had entered but a few days ago committed sui cide in her bedroom by cutting her throat with a penknife Tho body was discovered by of nurses The means by which she possessed I herself of tbe fatal weapon will pro bably bo disclosed at the inquest which will take at eight oclock this morning Dr The unfortunate woman was from tho vicinity of Bolton village and was about years of ago Globe Kb The land grant to tbe Canada Pacific Railway Company is some what extensive and certainly demon strates an unbounded liberality on tbe part of the Government The total is reported to bo fifty millions of acres Now acres are equal to square mile a nearly equal in sice to England and Scotland combined six times sine of Belgium and Holland more than fitso time the size of Switzerland and seven times the size of Denmark j about two thirds the size of Norway and Sweden and larger than any of tbo States of the Union except Texas Kansas and two or of the Western States How is that for high Tako your harps from willows ye daughters of and sing the song of triumph Her is a case from an English is not a move in the cause of Woman Rights loaguo skip A miserable oner a second potitioneJ for a judicial separation from hi Vie ground of that ladys and remorses cruelty She was accustomed to beat him without any sort of to lock him op in solitary room to do other things which deprived him of the oomforts of life and innairod bis ignlficant health The Judge thus this large minded and trammeled lady secured the glorious distinction of having a decree ren dered against her just like any President Grant delivered bis inaugural address Tuesday He re ferred to restored harmony be tween the Northern and Southern States and his desire that this feel ing of good will should be continued and increased In referring to condition of freed stave be says that while be is a citizen he is not yet possessed of civil rights of a citizen to confer such should his Aim He believed that the Domingo would be a benefit but as his proposition in this direction had boon rejected lie would not again make a first move In this matter ho denounced wars of exter mination against tho Indians and promised by a humano course bring aborigine under benign influences of civilisation and tion He had undertaken to correct abases of the civil service sod efforts in this direction should bo continued He concluded by thank- the people for bis election ai pledged to provo of their choice barter St