Newmarket Era, 14 Mar 1873, p. 1

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NEWMARKET ERA Friday Morning JACKSON I SS lip par AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER SITE HE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol XXIINo NEWMARKET Ont 14 1873 Terms 150 in Advance THE ERA Book and Jot Est a THE LATEST PLAIN FANCY TYPE O R D ERS trlnita Physician Surgeon and Ooa Mm ia Ik Warty aasd try lata Dr M Surveyor SMITH Land General Agent Conveyancer Accountant Commit- in B R HIS to I a Vavnaitat HORACE DUDLEY MITCHELL Barber HairDresser Maim St asata aad tW of BIBLE DEPOSITOR aKfaartcaa to and DR NASH SCBGEOK Accoucheur Office Ama St CARD HUNTER Physicians Surgeons c OFFICE TIMOTHY STREET I Dr PHYSICIAN SURGEON AMD ACCOOCHEUR Coroner fir the County of Tort MahBKK Royal Coll oi Ua Col- at of of Doctor of Ianaraity Caaea a4 CsUaaa af aad a Dr Ml- Ma Ihrag stars il Ml EHQ coaoxma or tuck DR SCOTT Tatttaa art GlbIATIIdcta 1 a Jatal r Jaw U1 hamWUltnuijNnMlifjni hi fear hick la CANNON E T I S JAMES Architect Civil Engineer Oh RBJOY Barber Hair jY A It Ml J Mr Murray Scott OF VOCAL MUSIC HAS k Mrappilai chart product m Mr A CABIN MAKER And Undertaker a beendoUuoed in the Tillage until it nearly dark and she determined to hazard the road home It would be fully dark when and the were that he would not She wouldnt have Mm to see for the world the honae a in the room Her irapulse hurry by but powerful infla te prompted bar to atop- She did timidly at farther aide of the road raxing lonfingly Byndby abe an yearning to look at the in r nan He and there was no danger that he would aee walk ed hurriedly the road opened the gate and softly atepped into the MONEY TO LEND THE HURON AND ERIE LONDON ONT Capital 7 So Lawyers flanai Solicitor all drawing J J A V and Valuator fur Society that of an ordinary but somewhat longer Juat pre at the window looking in What to appearance I had off aingular But my at a and felt little Aa early it help it prepared to moat a noon ladu The little neat aa when feLSSfil Mn acted wifeliVed with him k good or 1 1 made tome good that a left him and all re straint removed hell go tiro of the downward way in no lime Poor I wonder stood i Ill give him one year to be immediately fire the gVate but bad although the night waa not cold and towa lighted lamp Blood on the table E Pf would long buried Hall ih him Well I pity Ho brought Such the goaaip of half a dozen villagers who in front of one of the principal atoroa no sum evening while the subject of their went along on the oppoaito aide It evident that bo wan trying to walk and not to appear FIRST PRIZE TEETH Dr II I iiii lawajtil lad of aUaad folloUf I Western Assurance Co BEAD OFFICE TORONTO Capital 400000 PrBideiitHon JMcMurrich m Bad ban A HENDERSON crooked Wei it proved one that be waa not lost to all sense of shame that ho still retained a lit lit- pride and a lingering aversion to being ridiculed and despised But Harry Roger bad carried on at a fearful rate for a year or two past He had just one vice drink out that was enough Ho had mar ried a worthy farmers daughter Ray only a few years previously and had been his mora than a year past that see ing no hope of his reform had been obliged to cut loose to profligate course alone and a legal separation bad just been effected Dentistry C ADAMS Stmt Ecu Insurance Company Three Years Policies On ljolaiad a wall m DWELLING HOUSES Rates are lower Taat a aaa all arranUd St A aaa MTaad siaataiaay ft all TalaaiU a Bilvar or aril an aaUsfcaala Ml it photography la aalaaaa rfHafkt COaUiSNCSD THE ABOVE ill aaiiaValmaa lttaTatfaaaaT ail aad aaaaTMU a j SaaaaaapwalMawhvaa occupied by Mr fttjmni taaa Of or la say rsaatraJ eayWaaaw OLD PICTURES I Particular pain wit was indeed but no ot seemed to be left her Harrys borne was on a little farm a mile from town He owned It but then it was heavily mortgaged and in another year foreclosure was cer tain It was not likely his creditors would spare him when he made no effort to meet his obligations and spent his time in riotous and diagraoe- ful conduct A week passed after that summer on which all bad agreed In predicting his early ruin two weeks three weeks a month What strange mystery is here To the utter bewilderment of the prophe sying sage Harry discontinued tbo tavern and was rarely seen in the village ho did he speedily trans- hood of It was sober and quiet now and she fell into trains ot musing every now and then there through mind a cer tain thought she was neither maid or wife She the vicinity of her lata boms rfftr Wish once seen Harry uiiiVihe I but saw bad heard of him occasionally knew that ho was a changed man- Still knowledge brought her but It was a more eloquent Yes than her tongue could speak The moon was rising ss he a home with Nettle to her father Harry Rogers Nettie A Strange Monster A gentleman recently from the Laurel District of North forma some forty mites from place informs that the Ihicketed reform had too late too late I There was between them now that densely ihicketed country Jut One evening ia the golden are greatly in regard to October Nettie herself ooliged appearance upon several differeni pass Harrys farm It lay between occasions and in several r fathers house and the village But had heretofore taken a round- bout way in going to tho lingo On of which is following known Mr George Anaerson one of tbo gentlemen re siding in the Laurel county being one of persons saw the mon itor furnishes description of I out in the jungle bunting up some stray hogs when all of a sudden there came into my path a beast the appearance of which I must confess caused me to quake for the first timo in many years Aside from its strange and unusual appear ance the unearthly yell it uttered on perceiving me which reverberated and rereverberated through for- est was enough to shako they do not hang the on a nail because solder might and the instrument got broken you should build in the crater Kilcaua which would be sami going home before your til You can Dot find ss much climate anywhere in the world as yon the Sandwich You may stand on the summit of Manna Ken in the midst of snow ton wen there before Captain born maybe and while you shiver in your furs you may cast your eye dowi the sweep of mountain and tell exactly where the frigid ends and vegetable life begins nled and tromenlcd growth of trees shades down and that in i foliage and varied in pernio further ordinary green tone of a forest wash edges of a broad bar of taller and freer n into the full of tern ngrflrees that embraces like a belt and fs so deep dark a green that distance makes it black and still further down your eye rests upon the levels of the sea snore where the sugar cane is scorth- ing in the sun and the feathery cocoapalm glassing itself in the tropical waves and where you know the sinful natives are rolling about in utter nakedness and never knowing or caring that you and your snow est was enough to shako the senses chattering teeth are so close of the most daring adventurer The animal was some hundred yardi distant from me and sppesred to be Si Dominion elk upon it Its tail bushy with dark and light ringa around it to the extremity Its eyes gleamed like those of a panther as welt as my deep sense of my own good fortune in being permitted to associate myself with you in your labours and aspirations for the wel fare of this Dominion rejoice to think that my assump tion of office have taken place at a period when the of the country appeared so full of promise when peace and amity prevail t when so many indications are afford- of the success with which Canada is consolidating her political unity to developing her natural re opening of the Ho THE SPEECH Ottawa Mar sloven oclock this foie- gentlemeo the that Harry reloading my began to saaembloin he lobbies of begun when the which would not be open till ooe oclock and His cellency would not arrive till three not liwfc- oclock There waa a large demsnd band a book from recognised it jty library bad disappeared in laurel thicket people do leas than 2400 tick once but be lH Editor gotten were isaued and still the demand Was be P to scare naughty children I in not met At one oclock the story MA now Was be wa be buried in a sad reverie the only one who ha thought the latter was the the legislation of last session 1 caused a charter to be granted to a body of Canadian capitalists for the construction of the Railway The company now formed has given assurance that this great work will be vigorously prosecuted and the favourable of the money market in England afford every hope that satisfactory may be made for the required capital The papers sod correspond relating this subject will be laid before you During the past year the surveys for the improveruent and extension of system of canals for which were made last Session been in active preparation and I am happy to inform you that the plans specifications for the ar rangement of the and the construction of Bate Verte Canal have been completed and that works can now be put under contract The surveys of St Lawrence Canals will I am assured be finished in limo to commence the works at the begin ning of next year This will insure the completion of these great undertakings at same It ia gratifying to know that the efforts made to in courage em migra tion met with great measure of success that the numbers seeking a borne in Canada have been greatly augmented during the past year I do not doubt your readiness to ample provision for the steadily increasing stream of settlers that may hereafter be annually ex pected to add to the population wealth and strength of the ita heart was touched 1 wiah I bad borne with But a moment later her heart touched when sho sheep and calves i it is presumed to be Many their homes to prevent a night of I attack by strange monster the doors vestibule and lobbies were thronged aod the doors being then thrown 0 open within half an hour there was literally not room for another person galleries With the exception light and ibis would therefore a fitting time to provide for the establishment of a proper system book not anS Unerring maligna olh and ware J of Iho law iUl u great approving I I S2i of nivirtl will From t was at tho door tarat into tb and waa at his side M Harry Climate to Order Her voice quivered with emotion Why Nettie be exclaimed try- Twain in a letter Harry I was passing I look saw you sitting here so lone I aid could not help coming in I thought of the time when we were here and eft her womanly tears could be repressed no long trying Now are Tribune says I spent several months in the Sandwich Islands six years ago and if I could hare my way about it would go back there and remain the reatoi my daya It is for an indolent man If a man is rich he can live expensively and his grandeur will be roe pec ted as any other part of the earth if he is poor be herd with the natives live on next to nothing bo can son himself all dsy long under the pal There hide them Besides broke down and she could just then arose and took both hands from face and held them in his own I thought you bad blotted me oat memory No do Harry she sobbed could not do that J could not help leaving you bat I left you loving you than ever Ob bass been Nettie you have beard that I Yea I have beard that too bare cbaged that yon do not drink any more that again you are manly industrious as yon used to be but bow lonely you must be bore Ant the tears gashed forth anew as he heart felt what her lips spoke lonely Nettle more than you may think but I this punivhment for the way I have act- I I no discouragements I nothing to make Owi Pi Cejtt Thus Years fall Liverpool London Company Available Assets 127000000 paid Is of Thirty jaari Md ortj 7 tin caaud at A ad- Wonders never cease when they a start He was next reported actually at work on bia farm Had but one man told this in the village be would have been marked as lsoking veracity but a number of ladies saw it and told it and their combined testimony was worthy of all credence The little farm began to look heal thier as the summer wore The fences straightened up the weeds diMppearad the corn grew the briars and elders were rooted from the fields the ani mals looked latter and happier and the little cottage looked neater taaa la Caaasaav fin Lib vim very liberal Head Office Canada Branch Montreal CaUf is tor the more strangely each day Harrys creditors called and told him they would not be hard oa and be might base bis own about paying his debts and l bis farm of the mortgage seemed impossible for for drink that troubled by bis conscience than a butterfly would When you are in that blessed retreat you safe from the turmoil of life you drowse your days away in a long deep dream of pesos the pnt is a forgotten thing the present is heaven the future too leave to to care of itself You are in the centre of the Ocean you are miles from any continent yon crested billows wsll the horizon and beyond this barrier wid but a foreign land for your consideration Your attention will be Invited to for the am cod merit of relating to Finite to Salvage lobbies adjoining were thronged every one anxious to catch a glimpse of his Excellency and the Coastess The scene on floor of 1W Chamber was a brilliant one With to n the of the occasion when Q toera so XrU a generally r j u affecting oar Merchant of bontkj lb w from d It obaoraod lb aod JS1 adaaoug to th aarrloa A field battery under the command of arrived and took their oXhor Bills will position opposite the western end of to middle block A of honour Law to Wsigbte and of fifty Amendment sod men from the GovernorGeneral of Inspection Laws footguards stationed themselves Gentlemen of the Bourn of Common opposite the main entrance to the I hare given directions that the House of Commons the bend of the the past of the first brigade playing some lively airs six months of the present financial The vice regal party wore escorted year shall be laid before you without by a troop of cavalry under the com- delay You will be gratified to learn of Captain N Sparks thai the finances of the Dominion are Excellency having taken his in a prosperous condition and that seat upon ihe Throne the President there is no reason to doubt that the of Senate gave directions to the Revenue will be to meal gentleman usher of the Mack rod to any contemplated charges upon it proceed to the Rouse of Commons- The estimates for the ending year and barren of interest The climate Md jj will be have is simply desired been prepared with as much regard la the Senate Chamber Shortly to economy as it ia with afterwards members of the Com- the efficiency of the puolie service mens arrived and tbe Speaker and venture to hope that you will having to the front be of opinion thai tbo supplies which tat Arms hearing the mace will ask yon to vote illy tlf boose that Is degrees above the equator Rut then you may order for was all a could be When inhabited islands are merely I thought I Should be- that lift themselves out of follows than over Only a day group of hells if bad left town drank and I heard lege people they thought I could farm yield an of golden corn love meal fruits such a crop indeed It bad I love you tee cover produced Mfbce Harry found along with bat lob flare at tbe base get tuoy thought cowan lhe Well take e the street passing and mark on it where all aorta of remarks about me saying mercury to stand per I was a doomed man certain that my forever with not destruction was near Although in- jo degrees variation wintersnd it startled me for the If 80 degrews in the shade first lime I roll the full force of our figure with the privilege of separation and realised that destruc- going down or five or six degrees stared me In the face I had a M intervals you build your bottle of whisky in my pocket at the boose down or flare the slop- time when out of town I smashed it ground by seashore snd washed my face in a stream by you bare the deadest the road side resolved never to world on that tompsra- Itquot again It was hard to And such is the climate of keep my resolve for first week or the capital of the kingdom two bat I stood It and soon my taste jj ro seventy degrees as your I care nothing you build for It now and would not touch it if bouse on any mountain or streams Now Nettie if feet above sealevel If roe ever and God knows merit degrees or go feet get mar- higher If mark for wintery by bis side sddressed His Excellency your Excellency the tide of prosperity d Nettle had began to live her young girlhood over again it were under fathers roof It was not like tee and tbebittar expert- go watrh us win Nettie of the last few will only jog you yew ice for ever have elected tough I am but little able to fulfil the important duties thus assigned me It in the performance of those duties I should error I prey that fault may bo imputed to me it to the Commons whose who through me tbo to enable ibm to discharge duty to their and alt rights and privileges especially that IheT may have freedom of speech their debates access to your Excel lencys person at all He times snd tbst their proceed ma re ceive from yoor Excellency the most favourable interpretation His Excellency then reed the Speech from the Throne hi English French which is as follows Bjmam of the Senate of Omn ia addressing for first time u ara and She could not answer she was cry- See fset law if heart would break and if must bare hot weather was pillowed upon bis breast baW at where to yoor advice and assistance thia be granted without Inconvenience the public Hon Gentlemen of the Senate gentle men of tho Route of Commons Many of the I here enumerated are of greatest im portance it is with fall con fidence in your patriotism wis dom that commend them to your consideration I treat that a Gra cious Providence may guide- year whatever way and Gentlemen of the Be NT Mother here is a grammati cal error in Bible Kill it kill it is tbe very thing has been eating the leavss and book marks I The from the Ontario Legislature le His Lord is to- be presented to she at Ottawa by a deputation of members of House consisting of Messrs Monk Cumberland sod The has been entrusted to Mr to present as representing the Government aide of the Boose

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