NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 14 Htm ro 11 that I the vary large About p Ik I beat in to bom ISO I entries for One did not compete Black Jane am latter on in three etnughl OS TUB TOWNSHIP OF EAST GWILUMBURY For the Year ending 31st Dec JOHN STOKES ESQ Treasurer fc48 the Merchants in to bar money in Towo- For iliTv five Queen the North the North Telegraph and Johnny Moore woo by Tao- North in heats time 316 Young Telegraph all the other hone were dis- rare pars M open the three yar old owned the township mile hi 1st bona 2nd bona 10 For this there were three entries Looms Kata Mat St the was withdrawn to start- The race was woo fa two heat by and Dog race to jJlYll JR dog 3rd Jog 1 rare attracted it the attention and was car- taiplv to the bystand er There were six entries for Ota curler mile Tbo race wop Cromer a Pet Harris tad TtiMycra 3rd the days proceedings which wis quietly and the assemblage of persons who were in attepdance RECEIPTS DfBBDBSKUBTra Tsui ToUl Audited tbo day of March JAMES JAMES SHIELDS Aad Finally asdi ted 11th day of March A D CANE NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I PUBLIC A BLIC I will be held MONDAY HlBCH Irtft John by Newmarket Markets March tins Toronto Markets iti fiiAjrsji TasiriwiMwinuf SEEDS wit rO lawlaad by TREES I KEW CftialawM M fcok mJ OniJiihil Af a will m l U3 Bin IMS en P 5 eat m gnw 4 at ANa J LATHAM CO SB RnIm Mm LEE AVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK O 3D VT CONSISTING OF HUBS SPOKES SHAFTS c AIsoSPRINGS AXLES THIMBLE SKEINS Marble Works Ma JtlNOWOOD MA RULE WORKS I Mtablut I P WIDEMAK kta im ANTED I Box Horseshoe and Band Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL la try wl ta dm Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket OH ASAROOE MILLINERY EMPOHIUMI MES BOND SELLING OFF At the Sign of the awaww REDUCED PRICE FOR CA8H CO I premises next month ABE CLEARING OUT AT A LxXaT GREAT REDUCTION A LOT OF Ladies For Sets Dress Goods Shawls Breakfast Shawls Clouds Flannels Cloths Blankets CENTS CLOTH AND FUR CAPS Scarfs Shirts Drawers Boots and Shoes etc etc Call Early and Secure Good Bargains HARRISON March BROW Newmarket 1873 Rockwell aHTirftiLrts acaodl HORSE Free Exhibition Teaihed NORTHERN RY 0Fre CANADA TanriH Caul r a act or IMS Jo AT4iJaWWiiilil m A I TEN DERS Piling J TO BUILDERS AND for a tana af a Una ha at lata tar Saturday March Noon FEES COMgttBTiAWD tCUJ0O0BUl ar taa Taaa af Till 1 kail nak Mm Aft A STEPHEN Oak SCHOOL BOOKS IK at far Mart Uakar aria at SCHOOL READERS Ha A aalUaaakJO A Aonaarkat 17 HI FARM FOR SALE baa la naokla QV Will a a Or Property HARVESTERS NEW GOODS ABE RAPIDLY COMING FORWARD TODAY we Show HEW DRESS GOODS MALI THE Designs NEW PRINTS AKOTtUm LOT or BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH ALPACAS From to per yard NEW TWEEDS ft FORSYTH TIIK Silver afwWafesas MOWER REAPER A Mr Numerous Prizes Provincial Co Fairs Provincial Prize Diploma 187ft No Machine Equal to IPMd lb ARM FOB SALE Par oUr 120 Acres more or less a f P I I tiewkn TBI MATTER the COMELY ST my pmoi iBdctrtfdfa lb 11 r tid I Md iktir Mid Re IS IMPORTANT TO FARMERS SARD WORE HADE EAST IHB1IBT lb I la Metis few Broadcast SEEDER lb JG8 CO US s a 11 aad pi lata J 1ibl lj all a pair of If jo saas bora MUaaal Baal D Hoary Mieba Vaaikaa Hoary I Call tarty and get your Stxden CHARLES LUNDT Pb UD TBRRSTO HEIFER A SHEEP ASTRAY CaMP ipo ib of il of East talS WHITE HEIFtR una yaan old alas A MIDDLE SIZED RAM tab aalaaala away TO FARMERS JOHNSON At prepared to GRAIN SOWEfl CULTITATOR attaapoaS IkawaA- Its by Thirty aad The Most Reliable Feed OATS Of It saw sews aibar UTH TWI walk bar ft way to cat of it baa TV baaa triad TESTIMOHIALS Calria Jaaataaa ss4awawm el j ah REMOVED all Has J or Fifteenth Day of aid uttM Mt thra Kara I baliaUafor i ao JaaaaVy JOSEPH NELSON MAY TWELVE LECTURES The Teaching of the Bible THE FAITHS OF CHRISTENDOM ara It Tb 370 pp P GEER May bob J REMOVAL TBI a part hi a i aa Strati rasatctfbDj to bia old tba taoiaUy baa Removed to Newmarket raoaatly aaaa- try will l Is BLACKSMITHING Watches Clocks A Clock Caaataatly baad eat OSS ly prioaa of at XD PLATED II oiaeatod with sad For Sole far or roat Of aa Lot as louai alio I First Prize in 1872 Organ and J DALES Musical Instruments Tons mass Important Notice TUB StIBCBIbER baas to la la tabs All kinds of CASTINGS far sad aatioo sad aa lbs law art tarwta wow acaiT lot DOUBLEBEATER THRESHING MACHINE iu Canada OLD MACHINES REPAIRED aa food u at fee All of aa bad JOHN ROBINSON It HI IKSOLVEKT ACT 111 iota of AM r BELL a b day af Han t lit tba aadoruf for I CiMPBILU By A Ubm a Pb J Eh I J I I So I fiattka i la a a fall jaw 1 All I lu aaa bo kaoooaataaaaVaa la oaltaotloa if oat HI JOHN COOK BABGAIHS la SELLING DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES IS 1S7S at LOTS FOR SALE Lass aad Tarn aa u atda of Cottar aad US aid Villa far aalo DUDLEY Vaawwuar II7A jt Great IH GROCERIES Cost TBI pirilaiid tarn- tbaS Bawd baa fa thaOroDary Trad 0I aal af Sow it Ihi Time Bargains As wtMk la