THE Friday Morning JACKSOH JUktor and Fraprutar OF APVjTKTIEIltQ NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER TEE ERA Book and lilt LATEST FANCY TYPE -KffiKSSSK- HE THE TO TO ASH TO ABSUE FREELY TO ABOVE ALL LIBEKTt Vol XXIINo t NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MARCH 1873 Terms 150 in Advance jtiJutcroMr ftc HOTEL ft- FLOOD AMKt sod sheltered on a more- 1 the strain no longer lag from tbe bitter cold in a warmly my bold I dropped in those Lad km Land of Twnt IK GEORGE a MONEY TO LOAN ark jom a a w BIBLE of York ftoede sea Dr era HI sic SUKGEOM Land ft General wr AS a sato Mahas it 1 I at Lie fcaaf Im am a- JAMES Architect Civil Engine MITCHELL Barber HairDresser Jam HOTEL Mad St as RBJOY Barber Hair Dresser A A MA J kg SJwp Corner tf Main and CABINET MAKER Then will also be a diatino toe on made among tbe several day fufuiabed bedroom I those wbo had been the week one day being higher The higher I wont more intense watching descent- priced than another so a to afford awl cold appeared to he Other bands than aim finished the or better informed fingers quite numbed by the the shaft in weather Sad on a visitors a of inspecting with hoar frost that was clinging to to more secure y scaffold out being by the pokes of the ladders Id a abort I often recall with a shudder the But all those details are still was standing on boards hour when I clang to discoasion and will probe forming the nape on the summit of I counting momenta IN abaft and giring one glance j which seamed to bring nod toan be MARBLE WORKS as the yard below a shake self of the aenaatiof over me from the tab ad sent up I at once began my 1 had- bean ban at it for more than boor aad was getting a little more reconciled to my position when ail at a and colder blast than before shrieking and tearing of I finally settled The present as fund as a nboaf coat of the before should be forgotten appropriation was 6000001X1 Thii has been more than doubled price of labor and of materi ala baa risen rapidly during oonstmctinn and of the atrnction so that the La the Baron Schwara- j Jr uidies It aralatw3D and person employed on the At J winter the W It number ha rua high as The force will be reduced of j u than it in ftTi r i lb mmiioiiBiUiiigMdUoM workmen in I fait lb thm gliding with from I but onurprum jaaaaayaeyaar of Commons In reply to a question by Mr rwaterioo Sir John A Mae- the Gavanhwaat for proper inspection of Fire in the codes myself the tab faom off edge of tbe abaft buildings become the frail platform for the Dumber of special workmen increasing Many of the building According to tbe verbal i meat allowing Quantifies of ma teria estimated on Section So of Intercolonial Railway there had been a irregularity in connection with this tract Carried Select composed of him self Langevi Hot ton Mackenzie ana i Committees The House adjourned I bad not succeeded in throw my arm over aad into hollow Ontario Toronto March After routine proceedings Hon moved the third reading of the Bit to aid to the Port Whitby and Port Perry of the abaft and it load of ward I was left similarly ska be alaa taken under MonnrnentsTomb Stones TUP I ESS P kid iTa bu boon bould that in not b too bigb wtinwnw for iu ktlI Ur Eptbrtbron Emperor Austria has Lis private The Japanese and other to Austria and at I Oriental nations are going to erect wan to throw my buildings or their own ver and draw my body Their is to be en Oriental bouse could partly ground tiQn w impormi American school auwauwauwauwauwauwauwauwauwauwauwauwawaass 111 i of ing the present year and out that they should at large the scaffold abed down- Works The Quebec calk shaft I irK sureasful nd tobmtanoT saloon and half epriog op like MONEY LEND THE AXU Savings Loan Society LONDON ONT Reading Topping a Shaft be tared from death threatening me bat at baa aammoned courage to peer over tbe of tbe Jtaaeajraof I Tbe tinned until tit oclock rof After hi a debate prang on reading of Bill cplutl mil IB within man- of me and that woe leaving yard con- bat with a few board trudge back to bita of denting from then add there we were obliged to pet op bold Jfota St A Surgeons c OFFICE C0U1TT Of Dr wo acfoffjMCut for County of Tart I rfHke b mil fcuJ ltolqlM 14 awe M Ma HI Ore or Or DR SORT Tsnetan vwleBwj wSeVlluwIii I OS AswsJ j aal SOT What E April PRIZE TETJL OFFICE Capital- London in get better wages I was called into Then I began to think of the by tbe and little ones at home and bitter present job Land- tears came Into my eyas as I wonder- I told ad bow they could lire if was taken Humph That can stand over for from tbeav thought brought a day or two cant it Stubbs back to more seLtish ones and fallen ill again and you must takeiVept asking myself Moat I die bis place Blow long could I boid on with this I didnt care to be shifted before I fierce wind besetting me Is there had- finished what I was about no hope Will no one seeing bow hut a journeyman bricklayer with a J am placed strive to rescue me wife and children looking to him for Again I turned my eyes downward bread cannot afford to he particular la the courtyard of brewery and held my tongue to treats below people were fast windows were being rkZ part of proper an of work before urri There 1 done in the way of minor detail cm The nationalist of the worfcingmen become more motley from week bit of eoanoidiog remained week w beginning it own to totr to the cleuao legalizing the of Peel boon law am iheroad Mr made an that The Ottawa think it explanation bowm that wa to of few pr that litigation that And then the in by box and by than the menuooed in lb I in aba Bill The bylaw had Td the to foregoing The been legally by a mairity of fall hoold quit Co You must go to tomorrow gathering windows TOROSTO morning and finish that chimney thrown open woman and children He grve me a lew more directions were gazing from them at me The ll Wdnt crowd below thickened running mine not rery well ploased with I hither and thither A Jane kite flat- before me terad nearer and nearer Howl tried I suppose I ought never to bate to steady myself with one hand that followed the trade for though I had f might grasp the cord with the other lit a ire Dr LDS who gained myself a good character But A Mwxaiira Insurance Company country where are low I managed well enough hut in ibis great city there are roots on which 1 could not stand without dread oppressing nor took down with out feeling as tnougb something be- me to fling myself iliOwMrl clinging to brickwork- almost for cold worked me so that I became quite daaad and tbe people in the my own to be jam- could possibly shake off effort of mine bled together Dentistry W ADAMS Jaaay Jiiawi as nfa- was r Cnshsttss PHOTOGRAPHY huge chimney foreman had ordered roe to finish reckon ed one of the highest and bast built fpttIB old sad wj Company Three Tear- all proud of DWELLING HOUSES far hot I been hoping that till the workmen had got near top that began to breathe a little more freely and trust that it would be finished without any aid of Once at home with youngsters put straight While halfsensible state I heard a vol But it had to be posted before could rouse self sufficiently to bear what w Bill BUI i la coming ware tl word which rambled up the abaft After there was a some minutes and scarce abm to no my excitement I triad are merry prattle m in a 1 1 forgot my feeing about bow help woald there keep my bead a sgrriES Idoeed ma in dream I wae failing down down down I and juat tbe of my body rtriking dloaaadbya amd within abaft I ana bar bean need cold and trembling bxaM pnt Aiwnd at to lookdown on lb7icking depth below frit had not been fin SI ttatbilakoldofgnonbmikibxtl I Lean Jaaaiarin mxaxy ill H dowa rather bow It to be three month inut Lander opported the amend- Attorney General ponad motion of the third read ing member wa than called nay Mr Leader way prior to way aid fund and put in running order Office at Ottawa and the Narrow I tbe number of workmen Gauge lines in Ontario should also be Bill After some will become larger l0 lB It fc- the hour the bands to work the that would jdot aeeur- machinery and attend to tbe represent the will be numerous of capital that will expended one goes over the ground bin public Works throughout the If and the dimensions of diving the next decade the exhibition be can hare no idea of tbe force that will be necessary to Distribution of Ihe Surplus keep thing in order The more I Of the exhibition the more I am The following are details of pressed with its It surplus distribution as far a develop- fi lull some say further discussion tbe hour for prreato Bills the debate was adjourned Mr Pax ton than resumed lbs discussion on the Whitby and Port Perry war Company Bill and stated that be bad ere in J br late Premier SaaahVld to support bis and him The speaker that the Bill bad been introduced by him to advance bis own private inter- though admitted be three time as ad area Paris Exposition and Thsteurplaa to be distribotad probably be more ably among at j I some tbe arrange rate per head population rate wSl not be good Debts due to municipal loan tte In fand to be reduced on the jibe late Premier After some further Part the arrangement was that of principle Two thousand the amendment Mr l pern allowed Tor was voted down The Bill read a third evenings eat by the prevlo speaker against suit was that by going around municipalities borrowing front the ring one could cover an entire fund in proportion to amount all its departments aad by for railways In casus where going up and down on radios after this redaction tbe balance dne nation after nation in Government is so large that adopt this dollar will par interest and meat in Vienna It would have re- local rates then to be further re- ffuired the nicest adjustment of apace dueed and a am of which an whioh the was wanting Tbe meat at I par cent will the Then knew that 1 mure I was left to wait and hope until the voice again keep clear fiery tail ap above ate and was partly to ycartr interest after for It much de- local to ba lay and even threatened at one time amount dne the division of lbs ear- defeat the exhibition altogether plus at a bead to be onset against am inclined to believe that tbe this and the balance struck This Vienna system will be found after clause agreed upon some daye to be quite tanctory as the since been brought adopted in Pans There will be down it is probable that Government plenty of space in which tomoveand may be the alteration of The will ba able alrLai Parliament rainy weather there will be the leading from Ottawa March 12 anoegate to the petition ware and from to other praying for a law Tb Tbe will every ruled the petition pray variety of and fountain and for a canal from the Cr bade and of all napes Landing ceold sat and ease and atyle of it Takiab kioak to the Italian There will be no need of letting one be overwhelmed Aa regard and arrange menu for I am to make any definite But one point am baa bane agreed anon far namely that there will be no free ticket except forexbibhora Beery- body from royal family down will have to pay Tbe In the ftret plane aha ofrSontb Renfrew by the Clark of the Hone and of at Ilia aaaliiaa by about half the dkduoa StwaababBill aar What ream break or sot be a din on Bill tba i of of reported and at a lCaaltoba Manitoba March mobbing of the Spanker at the lb- Bird the topic bene For a week before were rumor that Parliament would be turned a la bad reraead to meet the lapidi the to- back from the Upper with a added in a public rere- Bird raM it oat Far it a mobbed on lib in About one oclock ahoy weauo the to down to Ihe well the doctor Si not to Dr to go la an boar l Or in Bird got made h ii that fait nam an- dangeriu SSSanta So got the OSear John mad boy and that to Bar of drove off Arrived the Hone to for hie Banna eight or tan man real their for in the tbymimr and throat Be felt arid hie head nod a an to and bat knocked mill Whan be came to bat III there ware two or three gnaw en Um bat tbay anon mo war Be toehag warm be be fcaad with bale body much and it Ike pre arm toaaiea