Newmarket Era, 21 Mar 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1873 GEO P detrimental to that gentlemen bat hat u toon as the trial settled for or at be would then down upon Mr Dodge and appeal to his lather to his statements Wo i formed that Canon Ramsay ap proved of the Dr design and mat- were left in abeyance according- We now the Canon to honestly say if this be correct Wo also told that the motive Canon Ramsay did not desi come forward till constrained la this correct By the letter published in Globe the Canon any letter from Dr Clark and an be says So far from being a of Ins and thinking highly of hi did not know there was aucb in existence we come to lb elusion the Canon never wrote letter appended to Ir Clarks as published in the Aysheet I of all circumstancei justified in requiring a simph Sunday Services Canon tUatasr Era FRIDfY MARCH Our Toronto Despatch ir by imblh If throat THOSE FORGED BETTERS I MORE LIGHT WANTED ss I moored that our local M Boultbee knew of the forged charac ter of the documents alluded to and that the Canon is cognizant of thi snot Is this so Tho interest taker by Mr matter makes it important that the whole truth should bo known At mass meeting just pre to tbo polling the flysheets containing alleged forgeries industriously circulated and as the Canon has pronounced the caption try their homo from Iholr present himself a Government places of residence in old 2nd To 3rd To promote social well- being of said immigrants after thoir Those for labourers or friends through these Societies get them landed at the headquarters of tho Association for for adults and leea for those under 8 years Laborers to be selected having the qualifications and adapted to the service set forth in the requisition sending for the some The various advantages these Societies afford and much useful information was during M remarks Mr Donaldson followed relating the manner of conducting his agency Toronto and assistance afford immigrants on arriving at also rulegoocy At close of tbo address a re solution was moved by Mr McMas- ter seconded by Dr Widdifield affirming that il was desirablo form an association hero for the North Hiding York This resolu tion was unanimously adopted It was then resolved that the lowing gentlemen bo appointed Committee to consider question fully and necessary steps to form such an association The Reeves and Deputy purporting to come from him a j North York together with forgery it to the interest of James Panham B general pubUo to know in what Howard John Rogers James lion Mr stands with regard Ay I ward George Wm thereto the especially as John Allan alluded to tho same during his Dr Donald on that occasion Let us Hunter and J with have whole fact of the case power to add to their and said bis constituents were disgusted with the tyranny of Globe and the old map at the head of and it who desired to role be whole of Canada A member of the House had- been talking to him and told him Votes of thanks passed Messrs and Donaldson of ompliracntary character and the looting adjourned Concert at Aurora of there being whole republic on this continent and said the Governor was no more than tbo bauble on the table and the Queen was a mere appendage Any one who could do this and then try and got him on tbo other side of the deserved to go to a pli allowed an extension of time for and cutting and removing tbe timber iffSX3 to the Concession Line opposite t Lots allowance for roads to the first day of March to interfere in any wise with most any necessary improvements on the at road that may to ordered by this ln Id not He believed was of muqh Loud cheers thetuture of whole ben what was done at Washington and be hoped yet to see tho day when 01X10000 and more shall fill up this great and glorious country lie had told his constituent that present Government of to to Moved by Mr seconded by j Mr Mosier that the Treasurer instructed to pay to the sum of said amount being wrongfully collected for road work Carried Moved by Mr seconded by r Mosier and that Bylaw No Second tries be and same is hereby amended by erasing the name of Rodney Willson path master in road Division No on Concession and inserting tho name of Albert it were also that namo of Wm ilaon to erased as for 3 Union Street and inserting of Joseph Purdy end seal of Corporation to attached thereto Carried The Council then adjourned to again on Tuesday 29th next then to meet as a Court Division and for other business Sale Register In another pert of this day we publish astounding revela tions made by Globe on Friday last charging Mr A P Dodge with forgery Following it will also to found Mr Dodges version and denial in House of Commons also a second article from the Globe accompanied by a short letter from Canon Ramsay When news first reached Newmarket and indeed during most of tho day the excite in tbe Riding was intense In this village for hours after the of mail bringing Globe containing the article alluded groups of people were to be seen all tho principal street corners and the market place discussing tbe pro cons of the ease at the same the impression seemed to to general that if charge was substantiated Mr Dodge ought to be called upon to resign Subsequent revelations have not contributed to allay the general feeling of dissatisfaction On Satur day we are told our local mem- tor arrived here and held a private caucus at tbe Royal Hotel but the result was not particularly encour aging Rumor has it that an agree ment was come to to send forth a document fathered by somebody with the view of casting blame Canon Ramsay but whether this course will be followed remains to to seen There are so many floating report regarding side issoes that one docs not know which story to believe The following version we understand will be found to be sub stantially correct and we now pub licly appeal to Canon Ramsay just to say yea or no I He evidently en tertained a kindly feeling Dodge and therefore shrank from making an expose of the affair and although perhaps he may not have been to blame for so doing yet we shall consider him to to highly cul pable if be should bang fire any longer Our understanding of particulars of this painful affair is follows A strong Utter was written against Mr Dodge challenging tbe Canon to admit or deny charge This letter was forwarded Northern Light of which paper Dr Ramsay wat editor Dr Ramsay baa a dispute with Mr Dodge likely to end in litigation and thought would to unhandsome to admit any article under circumstance re flecting upon Mr Dodge and bene determined not to breaths a wotdj It perhaps would to proper for as add that we have reliable informs- for stating that charges made against Mr Dodge which did not gain admittance into the Northern Light were sent to the Daily Globe withont sanction of Canon Ram say hence to fault the latter for their A Concert under auspices of appearance is unjustifiable But with I Aurora Fire Brigade Band latter question the general I given in Mechanics Hall in that public and especially the electors of village on Thursday 13th int North York hare lit tie interest The and was well attended in fact nunv int with them is are the charges bora were unable to obtain seats and many remained standing in tho aisles On Wednesday last the Mail eon- Among those present on the platform tamed wrathful editorial upon this wo noticed Miss Squire Mr Walter forgery business in which the con- Roc and Mr of Newmarket duct of Canon Ramsay and the Dr well go number of Aurora criticised bet the throw- Amalcure The ing of dirt at these gentlemen does opened by Band playing a lively materially help the case Mr Wm Walmsley followed over in the language and temper with a song Little Foot of said article the well known hand steps This gentlemans abilities a person whose skirt according and favorably known and public rumour is quite as deep too be said in his the mod as the P for North fr bis easy style and humorous York is in lb mire Tbe attempt gsined him many admirers to draw off public attention from tbe whom throughout tho oven- real by will not meet the Miss Minnie a little girl serious charges preferred of about years sang a very pretty motives prompting the gentlemen on- entitled Come birdie come having a knowledge of tbe facta and live with Me and being encored from giving them to public till equally well Mr J now or the reason for their appear- Graham of Sharon followed with a in he Globe some time after the Solo after which Mr editor is said to have had possession lf Newmarket gave The old ton in character Tbo lallcr gen- is not the paramount question wuh li9taariH favorably impressed the people of this Riding Are they j many and wo hope to have the pleas- true Did Mr Dodge perpetrate tbe of listening to again frauds charged And if tree had be confederates in crime and Prof Rockwell with a staff of who are they The solution to these questions is what interests tho general public If Mr Dodjre to not guilty we shall take the same free dom in holding up his public condemnation but wo want to know the truth Let us have the whole truth I In conclusion we would express our hope that if in bis power Canon Ramsay will not only reply to the foregoing but come manfully out with all he knows about this ugly looking business This we consider is due to tbe electors of this Riding quite as much to the Conservatives as to the Reformers If true we have no hesitation in saying Mr Dodge moat to lost to all sense of shame not to place his resignation in the hands of the Speaker and If not true he ought to bo exculpated from blame There is no backing about the tosh in tbia matter The charge la too grave to remain silent fiat net carbon Immigration Meeting A public meeting was held in the Court House on Monday afternoon last to listen to addresses from George T Esq Ontario Agent and John A Donaldson Esq Dominion Immi gration Agent at Toronto The ting organized by calling Jackson Esq Reeve of Newmarket the chair who stated briefly purport of the meeting and called upon Mr to h Hi Mr on taking floor ex pressed satisfaction to witness so many present indicating that the of Immigration was receiv ing attention in this section of coon- try He that the object of these meeting was to stimulate forming Immigration Societies ttoobkheAg 1st assisting of friend and relative the members and making this loudly and in return rendered a popular ballad so efficiently as to the audience en tirely by storm Orches tra with an overture and acquitted themselves very creditably Miss Squire being next on the pro gramme rendered a song very Mr Walter on piano forte A by the Misses Mr after which the Aurora Orchestra again played somo lively Mr next ren dvred a song in character entitled Goal Mine which being gave another railed Down among tbo Coals Tbe remainder the programme was filled up by all equally well and the performance as concluded by the Choir singing God Save tho Queen Mr Dodges Speech Below will to found maiden of our member in Domii on Parliament delivered during the debate on Address a reported for the Mail We no desire comment thereon further tbon wo fancy it is sufficiently to convince his reform supporter North York that they made a great mistake in not mors fully understand ing what be meant by his expression of sympathy with the great liberal party in North York Mr Dodge said when be beard the speech of the member for Waterloo be thought he was in the Chamber of Illinois or somo other not in a Chamber under the protection of Great Britain A short time ago he bad been honoured by being mado a loyal subject of the Queen He coald assure the House that it was wonderful what a moos wish there was respectable population of the for a constitutional Monarchy and they looked to Ottawa and this House for men who would wark behind which respectable proud and that ho believed were on Government and obstructionists opposite As to the charge on lands of Pacific Railway be could say that from his knowledge of America rail ways charge proposed waano jction Numbers- of miserable people to bis knowledge went to the free grant lands of the dis trict but these wore a and a snore There was no railway and emigrants could not get along to this place The way to build up the country was for companies to take emigrants and them settle lie knew Sir Hugh and be believed be would succeed and emigrants would go to tbe proper Tbey W0 under British protection and they ought not to go to States till tbey bad tried Canada He then spoke of tho leader of trio Government who he believed to first statesmen country He strongly broad liberal canal policy nothing was more impor- to the future prosperity of Can- In presence of numbers of persons private and public at and during private conversa tion on the streets and in private offices at hotels and farm bouses J Dodge in to he not sustain John AMcDonalds at Ottawa lie told Mr Riddle of so and at tho public meeting at Pefferlaw that gentleman declared it He told MrWVan Normanof North bury his whole sympathies wet the liberal party of Riding He told Messrs Moore and others and confirmed it to Dr Hun tor Francis Smith Geo Playter and others of Whitchurch repeated it in this office in presence of John Ran John others New market that while not willing to fol low the Globe in everything still was prepared to join the great Liberal Party of tbe Riding in declaring in Coalition at Ottawa wonld work with Messrs Mac izie and Blake whom be regarded reasonable men are sorry above speech seems to indicate treacherous memory Had Mr Dodge been even partially faithful to hie pledges be not find us throw ing obstacles in his way to rank outually with the party tot salvation Is farther from him than be first became a Can ad politician How does Port Hope gentleman now reel wbo vaunted M Dodge forth as my nominee an who declared a tree Reformer on hustings Does Mr Robert Cook consider and hope are being realised Is Mr Dodge his pledgee a made by Mr Cook at public meetings his behalf in candidates hearing We know both these gentlemen have no sympathy with our member now and feel they hare been deceived End the Chapter We have reed tbe rejoinder in oar don street to a previous article in the Era There is nothing In it worthy of special remark and when he objectt not to explanation the whole case is admitted With regard to his estimate of those hi atten dance at sir meeting and about his being prepared to take that gentlemans word Ac it is simply matter of judgment people will differ in their opinions as wall as in likes and dislike Conner man however still entertains notion that bad Wfrt market been preaedtwhettoOtnsotyltBjin Council passed a petition against Mr a Bill for judicialssparation that body would not have done so Id this our unwittingly gives the of Newmarket credit for influence not conceded by hi master According to this idea Mr Jackson able to control entire County Council although every member of that body should differ from bin Complimentary to tbe Council East Gwilllnbury Council order Though an American a short time ago be believed himself to to as nearly a anything a Sir John A old formers in North this precious political w of the got Mr Alfred Cleveland Correspondence in House never loses a chance to sneer at or assail a Reform Government with Mr Mowat or Mr at its head and tbey have got at Ottawa Mr A ft P Dodge whose first vote is given to a Reform member from ng his seat and whoso first speech man ftirstHKn hrs Splendid Tho Christian Social last Week Moved by by Mr Said that Jam to al lowed an extension of time for cut ting and removing Umber on the Second Concess lion oppsers Loss sm No 23 road sJlowaaoe to ssnss first day not to inter- have oe piriuml interroiirse the lam Robert Baldwin aothat be might ask him Moved by Mr where his friends now are Ha pen- by Mr that William Can to Sir John A Meed local jealousies and bickerings and personal ambitions have brought this fine old Reform constituency But wo doubt if oven these party differences wonld have succeeded if most profligate had not been used to secure Mr Dodges re- is a great laid claims to public favour on the ground of his devotion to tho cause of religion has given largely to funds be was to surprise and amusement of everybody trotted out at tbe Anglican Synod last year and made inroborent remarks winch did ty for a speech Ho wont borne North York to bribe and corrupt constituency by wholesale a this all lie consummated offences against truth electoral and public moral i cool premeditated and audacious of FORGERY We make this on authority that can to mado public at any mo- nt and to wtiich no exception can possibly to taken And these are the forged documents Mr Dodge is- uotLto the electors of North York knowing his high position In rem the Daily Globe Mr A P has come put in his true colours He sailed Parliament under false ones and those wbo in spite of warning allow him to to elected may learn lesson for all time from spectacle bis conduct affords Mr Dodges candidature was not sudden nor unpremeditated victory of political nondescript old Reform fortress were soon floating about that coming man for Dominion Parliament was t hand In 1872 Mr Dodge was factured into a British subject by Act of Parliament He has not been resident in Canada long enough achieve that honourable distinct so be was dubbed a Canadian by statute And it was soon discovered that the gentleman who had carefully watched over the naturalisation Bill Mr P Cumberland was jointly with his Tory Successor in tbe representation of Algoma Mr Beverley Robinson tenderly guiding the infant footsteps of their political protegee foreign and By the Cable Gladstones Defeat to i the road poll further Vsrj frtanea Do jqJj BY POOR AM WHO HAM sorrensoless m pro or ltrllHUSlU msrW WlihBTHl A The signature Septimus Ram say A is a forgery the turo A- Clark forgery If Mr Dodge hi date affixed to that Tbo fact that Mr Dodge North York under pices of John A prevent any Reformer from being led into bis snare But unfortunately local jealousies prevailed over a sense of public duty or dovotion to had bought up every one of them hi money would nave been just thrown away It was only by seces sion from tbe Liberal ranksbe could possibly hop to succeed He found this out during bis canvass Ha ad mitted tbe necessity to hi friends And a day by day at last be declared himself more Reform than Re formers themselves I am a belter Reformer than Mr Parnham was one of his declarations IF MY VOTE IS WANTED TO TURN A TUB OPPOSITION SHALL HATE MY VOTE was an assur ance he repea a score of time and hi supporters wbo styled the selves par excellence old bforr reechoed it for Wiled the be protested the Reform pro- gain whether be redeems a The Orders of the being called Mr DODGE saidMr I wish before the Orders of the are called to make a statement question of privilege and make explanation to this House the I proceeded to road the following I Mr Speaker I rise to call the attention of yourself and this House to a matter which is yself and affecting my persons honour I refer to any article that appeared In the Toronto Globe a at editorial article distinctly instant whictr and published isequonce of a vote given by in this House and with the idating me in my coarse i member of Parliament The will not take time to read it all but there is in it the an against truth electoral ndopendence and public morals by cool premeditated and audacious forgery It is charged Mr Speaker I need not read the whole of the J article that is all that is of it bold strip cot from a newspaper forgery 1 I loft- inctly declare that the ado in said article affecting are untrue Cheers from the benches I have a letter from the Rev Dr Clark of which the letter in Globb is an exact I had unlimited authority from Doctor to use hi name in the further- my election a to my bis parish in the United States of America Cheers And although I ported to be written by do that his Dr Ramsay of j Orillia took tbe responsibility of obtaining his fathers consent to the publication of the letter Caeea Ramsay knew of his publication dor- i tbe progress of election that he never objected to nor repudiated or bis responsibility for it but after I bad been returned be tbe following telegram front the Rossi House Toronto Hap piest day of my life Dodge for ever Laughter two days alter my elec tion young Ramay with a Mr upon meat the Queen Hotel with a note from his father Canon Ramsay demanding front me for ttocanvsssj ind elections That I refused to com- 1 ply with this demand tbat I was afterwards threatened with some x i poeure if I refused and I was sabs served with a writ which I had an entered by my attorney and salt I has been since or with- drawn bat after I came to Ottawa and just after first vote I was informed by a member of this I had letters and which be could nod which would seriously affect tot they would not I used against me if I voted the Opposition cheers from Joes sit benches that Ramsay father and had furnished Globe With the material for this J attack upon the Parliament tbat they now over me an intimidation ay to according as my for the tbe Go Will you allow i7 referent to Mr DODGE I did allude to that part which refers George Brown and you certainly your remarka convoyed just intimidation that I have given in paper and nothing else Mr EDGAR is a charge a very distinct one and permission Mr Speaker to it The boo Boor of this house in my hearing cell that it was unfair create the fao w- supporter or of tbat Gov- fMcUt not to a few but to hundreds lei what does he say as shown in our Parliamentary report during debate on the ddre7 After a attack upon the Opposition is said to have concluded Ay Sir John A At Government and declaring hit give thenx hi mart Andthiats wbo told North York if his vote was wanted to tarn out Sir John A be woo Id gladly gv bis sympathies ha tool en there were with ting be wriUsn by Dr BT Ma DoDOB On the en of tbe nomin North York Mr Dodge devised this fraud upon Iho electors was six days it was assumed to have been signed Dr Elisabeth New Jersey was thai Dr Clark to to write letter to Cann Ramsay setting forth Mr Dodges virtues and that the Canon shook then appear to give bis and send it forth do duty as election flysheet was wo understand from coming to Canon- Ramsay for 1j1T the doconont be pprisedof Mr SJ of bis tad And what is tbe of Mr A Dodges of A P me ritM especially by flie A princely to all good objects A man of generous CbrietisQ character His name is in all Churches A man of more broad liberal Christian views cannot be founds An earnest life for the good ot others Finally we hardly say enough in his praise can challenge of the description Wbo nan fail to a con vinced of the correctness of a portrait sketched told and free For Is not the limnor of tb portrait Dodge and is ft not Dodge who the portrait House was fierce upon Taa its proprietor I waastaodinj argue bit i way tbe Mrj5cdeIfcltSl like to bear you talking aside and Now liking aitonjjVjmsjB in that way and I think they have to so badhp J you imagine w help telling you ISM l n that TV proprietors of TS published soma dTCUml and tell ir the H But false may liberal Christian liberal hardly soesWd maj be Be man of noble and aims will command the reverence of mankind if tbey only STs 5r to fa all the Churches but it will that they had treating him a ho represented had been doing Be then gedifl asked me as a friend Will you to Mr Brown and tell tbat documents i Canon Ramsay blackmailing Be asked next day and on the day following that letter to effect and I time apologised to Mr Brown f4 having mentioned this matter to Dodge at all and stated that I only done so because Mr Dodge making an attack upon Tan lie cannot say tbat I used- a single word to intimidate or intimidate him in bis in He and begged o to write to J of your conversation was to leave thai I impression upon my mind and sitsr gentlemans letter Brown and knowing of my first be papers in is all I have to say about i Mr EDGAR I the men through you Mr ever one word to him as vote or course In Parliament or thing of kind 7 I ask him question Cheers Mi SPEAKER thought the should now drop

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