Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 11 sraa in ibc Royal Hotel on the Friday right previous to the when anon Ramsay came in and after lonversing a little picked op one of flysheet wore on the table Mid Diit think letter of will do Mr Dodge a great leal of good of the Royal Hotel On the cross examination both Mr ane Mr admittod they could not nay positively that Canon Ramsay picket up the flysheet to The Canon replied ho reference to another document which to hare been printed At the request of Archdeacon Pal kerf Mr examined anon The principal made were that the Canon of the forgery Mr had iho the original did not know what Mr Roger letter referred to I when be first received it In refer ence to Mr and Mr statement the Canon Mated another document to bare been issued and ba supposed referred to that trie I lion took place to which they allude He did not examine the flysheet re ferrcd to Sent the telegram Happi- est day of my life Dodge forever not before tbe Court would be taken they bo prepared Our Toronto Despatch that wi of the lettoi day and other cor I a ting attempt connect re with every fault both unfair and reprehi in may a loltor i uncut on of tbe em ployee on lio Globe editorial staff making personal allusions to that in exceedingly the from the style of political which characterized the defunct in it palmy day of and slang Wo thought a jour nal making the pretention of the llK low Mr is a reproach and hi have to descend to such anonymous correspondents forth personal slander it all the the public requi that they are unable to meet him the legitimate field of political would th evidence aware of I before which he now denied Archdeacon then aaked Canon Ramsay of he had a copy of the let ter ho wrote to Mr Boddy abou taking money from the plate in thi Mir fill 111 fir rift Toronto An exceedingly I I III I 1 I idling ln to i he cbe among APRIL 1873 1 had not but them from Mr Archdeacon Fuller said was another charge in reference to his assisting bis son to obtain a policy iithr from an insurance company on the ousts ni 18T3 life of a man who died in California Tifrnr tectum inwiry hh Mr Ramsay said he had aided his son v- in furnishing with fund and jiPfvBiiiuej uw would do He hoped they I would be able to bring the trial to iwesifcia la Toronto and there in getting j doae He referred them to gtToronu in farther particular he met Mr Ramsay on Friday iho election near the Royal Mr Hotel ho asked witnoss if he had circulated those flysheets well adding jury u they wero calculated to do Mr no p Dodge a groat deal of good stated that Mr rsurtin Ramsay called at hi made arrangements for himself and hia iters the man to vote about twenty miles No one dispute Canon about Fly Sheets a warm inieresl in Mr Dodges election but all the sideissue his opponents can raise will not get Tbe arrival of a couple of black- our member out of tut difficulty cloth accompanied by a more this matter is probed the a member of lle legal predion hail- more palpable becomes the conrinc- Bbw ing from on Saturday morning ing evidence that a gross fraud was liM indicated that something out ot perpetrated upon electors of this the usual on be tapis Riding by tbe issue of flysnoot Further enquiry led to the informa- alluded to and the course being bad written sued to hound down the Canon will of the Government not any existing machinery bat Bill wan road a first time Mr Blake informed that witb i reference to iho South Renfrew and tbe assertion bo bad made In clioii with regarding the ntment of the Returning officer on reflection foil it duty to raw unreservedly tbe stale- bo made yesterday impugning the accuracy of statement made April 3rd by Hon First Minister and the On Speaker taking the chair at i member for Vancouvor House oclock Mr Mills brought to then went into committee on lotico of tbe House a question of resolution respecting pilot and ilege The Hon J Cameron pilotage on the resolution to amend the position of to a respecting the inspection of I arlic interested in case of certain staple articles of Canadian election petition now before the produce on tbo Bill to provide for He cited legal and keeping ordur on board pauenger showing that the teamen and one other Bill in poiUooofthentJPerforCardwollwas to the carriage of goods one which it was not proper a mem- in ship All of which of the should occupy and their preliminary readings moved substantially be dignity of tbia of Par- North After result in awakening a fur him far stronger than bis desire The solo object of tbo Canon in asking for this investigation waa to provo a difference in their respec tive statement regarding con versation which took place between them at the parsonage This was established beyond question and to satisfaction of the dignitaries barge to tho Anglican Bishop diction in tin Diocese reqiiettinjr a scrutiny his conduct in regard to now notorious scandal concern ing those Fly Sheet issued during last election containing the al Dodge forgeries The fact that Canon Ramsay coveted this in vestigation himself goes to show that bo feels confident of vindicating bis position Proceedings were opened having the matter in School- Room attached to St I Pauls Church before Rev Arch- J Ontario jn Agents deacon Fuller and Rev Mr Hill of Mark bam Mr McCarthy of Sensations appear bo the order appearing a a legal gentleman on of the day Scarcely had the fly behalf of Mr Dodge all three strong sheet scandal sob connecting proclivities a number of the member for North York with an spectators were present connected t considered a high crime when with church which to our revelations of a most astounding mind as it was to bo a clerical 1 character are brought to light in con ization was very unseemly and ex- with Pacific Railway con- a determination to create a tractors and the Ottawa Government bae and cry about Canon wholesale bribery on in vain hope that thereby the I one hand and a wanton sacrifice of other son of the church might the best interests of the country on cape merited for bis other Almost with part of the transaction Tbe Arebtbe latter announcement comes a deacon called Canon Ramsay to catalogue of charges Rev make bis statement Arch he did I rocks Cock one of lb Ontario main features have already Agonis calling for immediate pearvJ before public in letter enquiry and if true instant by Canon two weeks missal Tbe Mail of Monday con- ago briefly summed up was as fol- tains a lengthy article on this last low jscoeation in which it is insinuated On Sunday evening previous to Agent alluded to the nominal alter service not entitled to prefix Rev vailed upon him at the parsonage and bat that it is falsely assumed 2id proposed to him that in consequence made a orlandr- which war in circulation w m fa Emj A Bro Birch Slater abooi and whcb been pub A Goodyer I Th Division is in th that ha for i lorlog 3rd numbering woald concoct a pirflorung to that on being refused the amount he t t growing Oar village was in quite a flatter wing ireproacn- That huh- character that Mr Dodge bore in that parish The Canon believed Emigration Agent at Quebec report this lob all a good joke and passed d that Mr a man of It off in that way Mr Dodge stated bad character dishonest and given bard drinking That the irious migration societies S Clarkes con- that he could sent by telegraph as his connection the letter Canon further staled that he never England refuse to with saw ibis letter purporting come Mr Cocks and his associates thereby from Clarke till after it was printed I causing the emigration interest of and bo wrote introductory to Buffer These and other KViEaE a Mr Allan n of the J- nbeied Canon corroborated the statement j a before if Mr of bis father so far the Sunday Cocks should get a ticket of leave at evening conversation was concerned Th attempt to connect Hon Mrs Ramsay also confirmed it Mr with this and said be witness not a member of bis family I who waa absent from village Mr Bark of Gam Swamp sd aeek torward ha mat bat eccasetcly the limit of the county of lotjfrs from him wr Mr Crawford introduced liiak m sovl a bill inoorponitc and wish from Marine In diplomat Company Mr and if be had thought bill to amend returning feet Ibo Freehold have made known Building and Savings the Preside or Secretary Society also a bill to orate Exchange Loan and Trust Company of Montreal also a bill to legalise si confirm letters patent of Manitoba It of Wales has voted to of emigrant to colojiy ting granted to James of for a Railway carcoupler alto a bill to incorporate tho Financiers Company of Vienna is to cost the and to reimburse the cost will roquiru an attendance of at least millions of vioilors April A morning destroyed Burkes extension fi plaining and sah factory on Shop Foftt April sarveysfor Central Pacific Railway are poshed and a connected line of surreys bet In Ottawa and Red River is fini reply to Mr Palmer Mr John A Mr and party have returned stated thai lie intended from the instrumental survey of When adjourned of over 360 miles of lino April A heavy on Thursday let it land bore and Lake Superior complete storm i with over miles of explanatory about four clock A bam belong and track Mr of Preparation for milliejg and lam- by lightening and except boring on the moat extensive scale is ing two young colt was destroyed going on in and around Winnipeg April Mr Neil Vicar Cos large woollen of the township ofSmmidale had are fast approaching completion bis barn together with the contents worth of goods were bead of caltto one span of Saturday and make ay a Government day and on or a Saturday night adjourn till the following Tuesday 16 Ho Mr Pope introduced a Bill providing for registration of births marriages and deaths and for collection and ported for quarter ending and several and March against a little over wholly destroyed by fir caused by lor of Agriculture worth imported in lightning last night I Dominion period last year Bowman March would Navigation is expected to open in Robert Armour tbe Returning presided by a Superintendent about two week Officer for West issued of who could have There was warm weather fixing Wednesday registrar under Id Until yesterday the Province of Ontario there would and mowing i-rita- be in posed to Department Mil weather i been then Central America yd three in British Columbia and These would 1PJ p that the at salaries and registrar by on of March former in- add lion Boston bad two mates and four would also bet rfMD lh fi night oat from which the first mate and one sailor died Disputes have in- Deri en quired to collect statistical infortnit agricultural and in House tbepresenl the Referring to motion made yes terday by the Hon Sir John i notice that on Tuesday next be woald move for a Committee to enquire into J the subject of the statement made by foreign Colonial American No he bad pro J March three hundred troop made that the appointment of broke marched to the upper relurningfflcer for Soetli Ren- iof Klatnalh Lake The bad been made the recom- Indians refused to out and talk but promised to come next Sunday On March Hooker Jim and a party of Indians at Alkali Lake where they seventyfive hones On the follow ing Tuesday the same the floor Si John A and Sir Francis contending that the not bo Iruo and Mr Blake demanding curri Tbo wioner waa thaw between caocba and sentenced to imprisonment A large body of former were since cowardly assassinated by ibe other seeker The epizootic is Tho Steamship picked up at sea a boat containing two men and a woman the solo survivors of ship J W from Liverpool for Valparaiso coal which took fire and blew up The people had been months in boat Two parties of inaurgei Columbia n fat ion Sib of April a day of I for of the in the Don Parliament The polling will tax place on the 19th S DUMd Ryan in the township of Hamilton and a of mnndsoghter waa I for years at iianflaW is about years qf age as In speaking of men who have wasted time of House w cancot omit name of What is a smart man first and a politi cian afterwards and who with- hop of gaining a character for consistency is accustomed to speak one way and volo another Indeed sometimes in the com in committee ho sides and it is a on one base of bis political character also piousness dashed with delusion that bo is a and fortified by tho joy of findiag debate different I fault with I I I th prim We April Tbe news principal from through Spanish source duties and laws of Parliamentary the reported capture of of and says mount of money and munitions of fortified city i bands of th Cubans sacked town Tbe attack made at in the Spanish troops intbe field Captain- General be telegraphed Madrid that a large body of troop wasted In In the North case the payment of cost become payable according 1 wording of the form given by the Act s well as tbe express section Much a been made over this last owing as a revolution may break out Conservative side of politic the Spaniard at any moment The M p nd i also reported to be Down Again with two others are petitioners and Matthew P and OBrien of lliu Lav Journal were wo old adages Too many the broth and he who We notice that Sir when the Muskoka under consideration said be quit agreed that It ought to appear upoi jouraals that they did not approve of any being taken- th officer intervention of the opposite party In case legal advice acted by reluming officer had been obtained through tbe defeated date Mr But In the case Mr rturop re received- legal iion where through tbe defeated candidal The and to that 4 JJJ Mr John ftli urged them to join not object at all Evidently if su Mr Blake A Maedonald to the offset that bis Captain Jack Hook challenge to submit proof to the tribes India House was scarcely consistent witb CapWin Jack whenever be could j been ondoneii his Sir John As recent efforts to got out of lava beds Tbe people but Sir John admit very thing of the kind River are greatly excited that It the hwja to country near fcJJrSlrp- th control of House said be would grant the Committee reservation of the After six oclock recess Mr Advice from March Ballot Bill came up state Major Browns Mr Tilloy asked that the second truck the Apaches at Tonto Basin reading should stand over for a day billed 38 warriors captured of the absence from his place The Apacbcs soon became frightened and many surrendered Camp Verde owing to the pre ss the troop Mexico It is stirring Jsf tied in Messrs Hoi ton Young Waterloo The of ilari request that the but without operate principall- condnued raids believed Cocbix ii Apaches Gen Crook will borer joined in I long the Mexican frontier with should force to prevent any possible Apachi Iowa April The tin bail and wind Tromblay proceeded with bit for second reading and in speech of considerable length made good argument in support of bis Mr Young Waterloo seconded lb motion lie justified the in- uLnH thence aid known at a fow notice this afternoon ng foarful havoc and causing less of iaaDced1n beneficial effect of objections to the ballot i on Tuesday last wben a number wen ded their way to St James Church to witness the ceremony bonding were unroofed fjrroaldealof damage done introdoc ion r ThJ J at some length on Jefferson street and the death of seven persons Tho bouse was blown down and twentyfive per sons wore buried beneath the ruins Mr Pond waa taken oat flpad and nineteen others rescued more or lees injured March 31 The waa very destructive here on torday night Tree and fences were blown down in number Great injury waa done to buildings in pro- grass of erection St Loci March 28 Geo Bryan Messrs Findliy Wilton Beaubien Montreal spoke all except Montreal spoke in favour of Several other member desirous speak and the House being thin Mr Mackenzie consented to adjourn at quarter past eleven Ottawa April Among the petitions presented several in favor of a prohibitory presented a return showing the number Maedonald was banged By a mob address Mo on Wednesday night for committing the good wishes of bled company Death has been busy In our midst this lime taking from amongst us the be wife Dr Noble third d of late Jobnsot R Tbe Dr has the sympathy of tin village in bis bereavement being left witb three small children Is- bad at present neither sleighing nor wheeling very tes Saw March A Wash special says the President will fiUwl with the Government for land ait land territory claimed by lb Province of Ontario lying wast and north of Superior the name and resi dence of applicant quantity of m land applied for by each person or I leave for New York company the amount deposited by Minister Sickle baa each person or company the in which applifcationa have accompanied by plans and surveys an abridged description of the from bim through defeated Cluxton and then censure Bell for anted on aWviw ob tained through the defeated Boulton In either caw of course war the facts truthfully to the barrister and the consequent opinion was necessarily wrong just as a decision in a disputed would ba certainly wrong if be declined to bear mar than one aide of case But grand absurdity ihajui I sseTwiiiissias a si was the abrupt wbeelabout of Sir John of condemning in Moskoka xactly what be bad upheld In J case As Sir John made a like already the Intercolonial gauge Newmarket Market MswiasfkstrrMsrApvtl the Election Law and has been defeated on Representation we may xpMt to ooa joe change his seat in the well as his opinions Hamilton Two cases of forger saw came to light In Lindsay within the last fw day Th Wardtr refers to these as follows One by a maq named John Graham of tbe township of North York It seems that some year ago be forged bis sons name who welltodo farm to a note for a sum and got it discounted at the Mer chants Bank here bat when It tell due sons refosedi to pay it and proved it a forgery The matter re mained so till a few days ago the old man appeared in Lindsay and waa arrested on tho He was before John Mayor and com- gent ok Hi Toronto Markets Wadset s efc tSSS April IS II I is forging a letter authorizing to draw bills of J change on on John Garvin of To- jar at Un snd of an Coo sarpw puny A warrant baa been issued for with Mr Hamilton Man- MrchanU Bank laid the Infer- i In both amoitbaot reapecUng io the House of Commons that tbe of the ot Durham Is a pot for graphed ftrrnmntl Mr of KopobLo for of 10 hold Cob loltion of Iw of 1810 i hi to fluso honor of of tbe died tbt lb fiS5Wpr ignl dr but thought CJTrlr In Oct

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