A atSata NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 18 1873 fleteaCVischcris STAK SPRING GOODS HE AMMOTII 11873 1873 NEWMARKET AT SILVERS WILLIAM MASTER IK Everything New for the Season S GROCERIES J B00T8 SHOES Ac o c Another of Choice FJLFEITZ To band direct from the Manufacture England REMOVAL I Crosse Black wells Pickles and Sauces narlton heel in Canada Pail- MopSlicks Canned Peaches Pea Rye Mnlt pure and unadulterated i Hennessey Otard Marten Coran Co and In Bottle and Wood i Superior Holland Gin in Wood and Bottles Old Tom in Jamirn Hum tin- in Wool Brut I Ital in Wood and Sherry Wine for but fine for per gal WHSTE per gal from the CARRIAGE WORKS Garden and Field Seeds Fresh and Pure MRS R BONDJBernardsOINGERWIHPBassTorontoALES il in- IT A Choice Aiwortment including the celebrated loiiectfully to her and the public generally that In jarHea r old In Pin CHAMPION SWKDK iuiit PURPLE TOP GREY STONE Anril 1873 t10 NEXT ft I IS I Bixk Immigration y NEW FIRM REMOVING I BLOODS GUINNESS AND TORONTO PORTER FANCY GOODS AND TOTS A ONE ASSORTMENT CMS 1 Mtay of April 1S13 pro trt Land to be Cleared rp tj From 5 to Acres of Up b lit For Shoe ClouV IJairand Store v I BOOKS always of the LATEST ISSSES MHHHH Presents or SundaySchool Opposite the North American Hotel a cheap a- can bo got in Toronto or Montreal EW MAGAZINLS AND PERIODICALS Large PURCHASES mmM -V- J BIBLES BOGART ALLAN yofinfor MiLL GOODS B and TESTAMENTS PSALMS Purpose opening out on or about the 21sl INSTANT A Chord STORE CONSISTING OK at A HENDERSONS Braidi STRAY HEIFER JJRY BOOTS SHOES Feat be bw rill l Agent for the celebrated Welter Co Pianos of Kingston I better than of the imported American Piano both in lone man hip are allowed ai Much by all who have tried them No duty to pay and labonr cheaper A Second Hand for Sale good as Agent for the Montreal Telegraph ilui Co for the Scottish Provincial Life AMorance Co of Boot and Cow Agent for Fir flks mm A 2nd 3m Bab kait I profits and quick sales J Co Funulurr VkUu T Main Street Newmarket ALLAH B0QAET SfS SPUING At the Si of the In tin- Matter of the of lliclateJOHN COLLINS of lhj leatel 1WJ of ihi County of York Yeoman day May ill lri u lb V JOHX MlHtaieiV CHEESE A m On Saturday Cheese Factory April 26th Steam jCabinet AND I Aurora Carriage Factory WELUS010H StBEET JOHNW CLFT BBdS Ma J QARRISON CO Ike Staple Pry they I comprising IflliM of ad MANUFACTORY S- mTARD CO 0IE1 AID CASE aaOj ai wa KEPT KOI HUE FOR SALE IT April tT SALE I a part rf Ha la w h alia icul of la taw Palace of Fashion MISS SMITH I M fatlMh 1 Miai Millinery Mantles FANCY ETC MtaMiM Fashionable a tlfXt a mantle kit a st ah visa a vug for Purctuuer A THOMPSON It Oa JAMES BUGG M aaJTMal Mtvll Call aw aawy ill ela SHOP General Blacksmilhing all 1 J MANNING COUET OF REVISION fa Aaril bOES STOKES Clerk Newmarket EMPORIUM iialtr HORSESHOEING aSlriS wbwa mm a yrap la Make ea ALL KINDS OF JOBBING ffSj it ckarita a lawnaWl aatfcamiM i fcrt am a In av Mat aroar I call M April U I I Local ENTERPRISE Agricultural to IS NEWMARKET mi a day A aaipmiti par i rutifclp S BELFRY to I A tbr Reaper- Sawing Machine AT- Grain a bat Land Roller Straw Cutter- In which will be found the three great of STYLE DURABILITY CHEAPNESS Family Groeeriea A full and Stock o la aaU aaaVrWd i Crockery and and Earthenware a of bay Carda whip for j Gentlemen and Children Broadcloths Ac worthy of attention Clothing ready aaaile and order the of Spencer SEEDS SEEDS Suttons Prize Yellow Globe Macgle Champion Swede Suttona Mammoth Long Red Mangel artel We beg to remind the Farming com that in addition to oar or dinary Stock of Agricultural and Garden we have direct from the grower in England per Steam Packet a large of the above celebrated varieties and to indssV a more col- tit of these roots whose soperiorliy over all others we offer rash prises to the amount of via for the best specimens of champion Swede and 85 for the beat collection of not less than each of Glob Mangels Long Red Mangels sad champion exhibited at the North York Pall Show I FOR jew leial 8 LEMON Johucmt CcUtraltJ Fanning Iaaitalaie S I I Mower and Reaper TO BUILDERS COIngersoll I PHILLIPS Oar Water toa Ilia w a tamni a a fialit P J 2oo A Cttllaavaei- K aafe grown from seeds purchased at oar A certificate ill to each these seeds at the time of pi inspection of the Secretary a Extract from the London Times Nov 20 J MS nod an Men aaaS Maaara TW Kant- art ll wit latent KM ateaSa ana r a rtS war towarta j rf I aajd aad March HARBISON I NEW GOODS FORWARD TODAY we Shew DRESS GOODS Designs NEW PRINTS SPRIKGWAGGCHS Lumber Wzggons REPAIRING Ia do a HORSE SHOEING Shingles Pine Cedar a WRIGHT A SOS r aalr j A tvlta A ROGERS NEWMARKET aid raapaVtAlt vmm that and alt far NO nut nun IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON aaarkrt IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility pa trier latbrra to be OLD axothak or tuuhc BEAUTIFUL I ENGLISH ALPACAS If YTom to per yard I MRS GEORGE SUTHERLAND At the Rev Canon F SALE Tat at TO t LI TWEEDS J SIMPS0 TIIOS ATR1VHOM Man an mi Bales bat aa aslwi ill tnw t sf Tark t U la a a fJaaa I m J Jr JaSt I fc tar tvW taw altae far atptror far la