NEWMARKET ERA MAY Now Advoriise nil carpet I name of taxable party j length and of each parcel of real property and of the bat alas no of and alack a day I for tho stamper- place it declared wore if any shall any intelligent to bo deceived by men unjaat or fraudulent assessment bad tbo confidence of own constituents mid claimed their treaebery to Reform by denouncing party were elected to sustain he result Mr Hardy was return handsome majority of SOL proftaaJm of the law mum ho lis irtljtuJer loved from jiLali la in South says Newmarket fro FRIDAY MAY Our Toronto Despatch bet of the Vol are find Members lanj speculate adi alluded to the failure of Mr Hardy in mltnl I rhe Perjury Cases ii lat a man named put on trial at the As- charged with perjury while giving evidence at Assize Chart off tb the BUdella who were con- a of wheat vr Geo William Hall made truth biaaoda hi guilty relatives jure brought in a verdict of On a- lat two other relative Hen- hi in I i were to New York and Court on similar charge and dm fob the ning first timber Winid sen- return Ottaw to four month- in mem It certainly I month look a if Mr Dodge in hi eager five in desire to eture timber limits lor Tbe sentence light got bis fair promise lo those leading enormity of the offence Tbe throughout the Riding electron and without whose J instrumental in bring he never could bare been re- the guilty to punishment He knew ho know now they are honestly and conscientious- InslHuflt opposed to Sir J i Pari is ad thai to accord there violation of clear openly avuwoi and openly pledge Hut this is what tbe has to regarding tbo timber specula- annual meeting of New market Mechanics was lull Library Room on Tuesday evening last and was well attended The President Mr Jackson in the titrate it In litis we hear rumoured that Mr Dodge ha already decided not to face hi old reform supporter in North York but will try his chance in North Two lumber king among our neigh bor to the north of Will things lively next election Vote will bo worth having and this ru mour may loud to considerable land investment in the Riding So fw as this constituency is ar if many of the electors who sup ported had been bought and old Tbo tint business was the presen tation the Annual Report which by Mr J A Ilastedo the efficient secretary from which we learn tbe membership exceeded between and 300 volumes ol book have been added the library have all been covered and label led ready for circulation J a new cata logue classified and printed and the Institute in a healthy On motion of Mr Irwin seconded by Mr Hood report was received and adopted The meeting then proceeded to the election of officer for thi following Mr Mr tin Mr J A Mr J A I lei President Vi South Election Tbe result of the recent conic- South Brant may be regarded magnificent triumph of Reform prin- igiomnnius defeat came known that Mr Wood I opted nomination of the tbe party of i yTreas elected by aecli Tbe ballot was then take for I he Managing Committee am I the following gentlemen duly Messrs and On motion of Mr Rose seconded by Mr McMastcr a of thanks Was tendered the officers and com mittee of last year to which re Davidson ditield Irwin and Robertson respond meeting then adjourned in the i Uk Lcftiilatnrehave no effort untried to the defeat of Mr Hardy I After week- and a Tory quel ih and ltwr 11IU of Con following opinion regarding party them property rd doty Tb bore trio by Tbi opinion laid Cameron per before Council at it formed heavy work The mii meeting by a b in the Court of Appeal Council they indulged in eploJed a caution Refuted endeavour to give week lander were trotted out and lb itb report of given to tocin ingt affliction prevented J lig put of Riding Elgin Awocilion fraud i i To Leglo that trump ami Proton Outrage pi J in a a test for tbe meek Abn by political party or im bam Lauder Speak now caudal proper feeling to act Improperly in enabled Matthew Crook la of lb o roll lu Which the of Election lima glassware bills with a double provisions to present as far as posai wilfully omits any duly required him by act shall be guilty of In the third place it is required that proof to satisfaction of jury that any real properly assessed by the assessor at an actual value greater or less by thirty per thereof shall be dence that the assessment was unjust and frndulenU In the fourth place it is enacted that an convicted ol having made any unjust or fraudulent a shall bo sentenced to tho est punishment to lino and ionniiii allowed by act lary Election in a Town ship is A partisan tempted to make the those who differ from in less than though the property it much greater to it of those who in his judgment are likely to rote right in all caaastbough their property ia of less than fit The object being in to kill votes and in other to make votes Such duct is most reprehensible It the interest of all parties that such conduct should be stamped out Right thinking men do matter to they belong are opposed And according to my experience called upon Juries to determine ci under the act do their duty regard less of party It is owing to this flinching of the law hat cases uider act aro leas that otherwise they would be Am so long as criminal law is so ad- ministered there will bo security for the honest performance of their duty Arm Osw by sMscssors Kf- I must not boweTorbe under generally need terrors of the lo compel them faithfully and fairly lo discharge their duties 5f not my experience But where I appointmenta are necessarily numerous there must he some in their zeal for party forget what owe to their office and to their conscience The arm of law is long enough to reach lhemand stroDg enough to punish them In reference to the question whether every person in possession Of pruporty as tenant or occupant should appear or be inserted on the roll Am All patinn or possession of rwal property should be entered upon the mil and are entitled to bo so t entered whether as between solves and tho land lord they are bound to pay the taxes or not A public meeting was held last week in the Court House to consider of publicly celebrating the approaching Birth Day of beloved Sovereign The attendance was good and a large c appointed to make understand upwards of hive already beer subscribed towards the object j and the prospect day will be celebrated in grand j ijsmh jekon A meeting of the general take placo this evening to complete arrangements tile abuse of the office of Id the first place it is made doty of an assessor to hitch on the Timber policy on abled the of North York to make open profession of his to the Conservative cause Then followed a of meetings to the best and the above play- bad other particulars sln foreign AnglinColbyliy By reel and Palmer Committee to try the West Fresh Troubles In Peterboro election petition Mr made a atatement charging of ratB the Minister of Public Works with having interfered in the elections for Cbicoutimi and Charlevoix by jog letters threatening that certain public works would not bo carried out In those districts if Mr Tremblay was elected Mr repre sented former constituency in tbe last Parliament and be came a candidate and was elected for the latter in preaont Parliament Ho submitted certain papers moved that they be read by the Clerk of the Mr Tremblay him- self at some length in the district of and nay directly contradicting all the as lions of Mr In a of Charlevoix a telegram be had just received from that to whom he bad been charged with writing distinctly stated that no such letter bad over bean received by as however agreed lo and Mr then moved for the appointment of quire into posed this and ad to stand tbo statement with regard to and promised to do the same with regard to Charlevoix an soon as he bad time to communicate with the district concerned Sir John that be bad framed resolutions on the ballot based Brunswick system and they shortly he before the House The House then went into Committee of Supply and following itemi passed Canal Basin Ottawa 111 dilutes Rapids Canal Works Improvements of 966000 including 9000 for dredging the bay at the month of the roads and bridges 910000 Red River road ridge at Fort Garry over Red River 90000 surreys and insptHtions946 arbitrations and a ward a works not otherwise provided Tor 910000 public build ings 9781500 rents repairs and beating of public buildings at Ottawa and slides and booms harbors and piers House adjourned HMD A tc lug WklMSta lit Ottawa April whole of afternoon devoted to a discussion raised by Mr the member North Norfolk upon a resolution in farorof thorough surrey of the lands- and the distribution of information likely to promote from Europe Mr a very able speech showed the for mora vigorous effort favor of the free settlement of Northwast and deprecated the policy of granting a monopoly of the land to a railway company and ii posing an upM price of per Mr followed and gelicaliy supported the views of Mr alluding to the deposits of coal till lately unknown in Nova Scotia and as recant enquiries be be licved bad proved of iron in the Ottawa Valley Mr A Smith gave some ialarosting information as the Fertile Belt and the North west generally He referred to the of coal aodiaooaod ex pressed the that some of the of PaeJSa road might be made from a native product Mercier advocated Ubaral efforts promote the Of nsnlves of Nova Scotia also of information of coal Casey argued that ought adrertlsa and advan lagea f the on a bold and igorous scale Mr Trow attacked the land monopolies and the impos ing of a high upset price Mr Jones advocated policy of land grants to railways which ha believed d them to immigrant is of the mostafleelive deecrip Mr B Wood in a long speech attacked tha- Pacific Railway scheme of the Government as the settlement or the country and other to tbe interests lie argued that as unnecessary and unsafe to the of the railroad smaller and dicated that Canadian Pacific must lake many years in Ha alluded to the bogus character of tbe Canada Pacific and the absurdity of supposing that even the pretended Directors would risk their money in it much less shrewd capitalists of Britain He was expressing his preference for the Government building road themselves whan Sir John ald rose and with the journals of House in hand read the resolutions of 1871 which in what way the road be constructed and charged Mr Wood with having then supported the the policy of the Government Mr Wood however showed he had not voted in favor of any such proposal At the evening sitting a number of private bills in cluding Grand Trunk Railway Arrangement Bill were passed The House then discussed at some length a Bill Retrials for felony and mearior and one relating to con- gable streams and ilarlr tbe Ottawa brought in by Mr Mr Tremblays Ballot Bill r Yoke April A tt Manitoba llama April It is that despatches have been sW by Administrator from Hon Mr who was sent by the council of the ascertain feeling and Sioux Indians encamped neighbourhood of lure of Mr been made public Information has bee here from a source generally as reliable to the effect thai American trader having Sioux chiefs Little Knife and I Ball a place called tbe Hill in British territory adj ing strychnine to them fit f the Sioux fell on the post halfbreeds living in the hood shared fate Il is contradicted by another Cypress Hill is about miles Report from there has been hard fighting fa tbe American and side of line Indians large number of America Ilia feared that this la of troubles itflhe Blackfoot The rosidenf of in consequence of Teuton Indians who have the number of and threaten interior and Manitoba The Mod oca TIUIBLI sUTTtaVj Naw April Tea is published Camp on Lata I April Affairs in the lava bad present in a state nave not had a shot fired past three days There i be a difference of opinion si I location of Modoos bat McKay who returned J yesterday believes they are a in the caves and lava beds about four east of our present camp I a able- well satisfied they stand together in a body have to be exterminated by a There is a summer prospective for cavalry I ill be much security Bust account of Brant recently this is what the tbe North York load Mr Alfred Bool then trotted out by tha He said the mooting was able We are to Alfred seemed to wilder should have been asked to gathering Mr I is evidently of a metaphysical mind He drew distinctions between i Grit an Independent member I lifelong Reformer- He was a par bat stood use adjourned San At 1130 through tbe Crowe I He declared no human mortal say what these lands were weal from prison Cuba ww recaptured April 29 A has just arrived and raporta that another terrible battle baa been with Modoc in which of oar man ware killed including Thomas Lieut Howe 4th for artillery and Lieut- Wright wonder Mr stands infantry Twenty three are wound- bar whan logical Harris of are of such a high order and artillery other are miseiog too was brought down to a azpaotad of young