Newmarket Era, 9 May 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA MAY New Advertisements lie expenditure yes exacted what an admission as an excuse to A Krom What an apol ogy by way of justifying in Sir John what the name journal condemned in Ontario Government leader The excuse is loo thin so model and stern a censor of ipanco roust something I a ground of defence or haul It afford i fail I Where Is our Member hiring the past two of divisions have taken place upon important questions more Mpocially in connection with the Pacific Rail way scandal but wo absence of the member for North York This Pacific Bailway was discussed a good deal daring the contostlaal election and urged that bit practical knowledge would enable him telligently Why not in place FRIDAY MAY Our Toronto Despatch How the Money Goes Sir John A organ at Toronto while the account for On tario wero before the Local Legisla ture wan almost frantic about the in crease of salaries extravagance of the government c and the illus trious trio who dogged South Brant in the Conservative interest figures with becoming gusto at school house where they could get hearing in the Hid ing bat the organ is an the grave about the increase of salaries and other appropriations protoscd by the Ottawa Government What the Mad characterized a a monstrous sin and fraud in Hon Mr ilowatt is passed over as a virtue in Sir John According to the estimates now be fore Parliament salaries are to bo in creased to the extent of an nually per cent is to be added to the present Superior Court Judges who now receive per annum and per cent is to bo added to the stipends of those receiving leos than It is further proposed to in crease the sessional allowance of members of the Senate and Common to and mileage when the ses sion continues over 30 days and ten dollars a day if less than 30 days The salary of the Speaker is to bo in creased to per annum instead of and is the round sum asked to readjust the salaries of civil servants The foregoing are only a few of the many items of in crease proposed and yet too Mail appears to have forgotten the words outrageous evtravaganco road to direct taxation and all the other fine span themes usually employed to arouse public attention And this proposed by the model Re form Government which our mem ber supports in preference to Messrs Mackenzie and Blake- leaders of the obstructionist We apprehend the colored spectacles called Tim bar Limits have distorted the political vision of oar while Sir John in his estimation is trans formed only one remove from an angel of light The Mail farther says the force of public opinion ex acted this large addition to the pub- that the far property iug in a becoming and loyal manner the approaching Queen Birth have so far completed the duties assigned them as to us to announce a grand gala day addition to the usual athletic sports and Olympic games two or three companies of 12th Battalion York Volunteers on one and Now market Brigado on the will engage in Sham Fight and a it intended to make this battle great feature of the day no pains be spared to make it a grand The days proceedings will open ten oclock sharp with a FootBall Lacrosse Mated to be followed by other gamut till 12 clock when the Sbajs Fight will commence Tho 12th Bat Brass will bo secured occasion j as nd field sports be govt by the rules of the Caledonia Club have reason to expect I managed as to enure both to those may take an active part as we spectators We believe it is the intention of the Committee to who may take part in Battle of Altogether proceed ings promise to bo very interesting Liberal prizes are to bo awarded in various classes of field sports Lake Simcoo Junction Railway our A meeting of the Board of Provi sional Directors of the Lako Simcoe Junction Railway Company on Thursday lost at tho offices of the Company Church Street Torom purpose of opening stock Hiking steps to organize the company Among those present am A P of Kes wick MP Robert John Van and David the Township of Whitchurch Donald Reeve and Messrs Ego J the Township of j Messrs and Ramsden of East Mr Rowland Deputy Reeve of Scott and Mr J of Toronto Inciters and messages were received a number of leading met tho townships which the line will pass who were unablo to attend was called to the chair and charter of the company having read Mr Dodge was elected dent Mr Vice- President and Mr J Blake was instructed to take general management of the affairs of the company The by of company and a of resolutions were submitted to meeting and passed Stock book were then opened and a considerable amount of stock on the spot It was also decided receive subscriptions for slock in the town- stock books according ly placed in the I of Mount Albert of Sutton for that purpose financial statements Laid before the meeting it appeared that aid comparatively moderate needed from the several townships which will bo benefit toil by the road in order to ensure success of the undertaking The question of bylaws for purpose fully disoessodand a favourable conclusion arrived at running from Point on Simcoe southward to a junction on the Northern or Toronto and through the townships of prose 1 though of the tncts of Canada has accommodation than extent in part of the Province The Trade of this section is at present extent directed eastwards Midland Railway Newmarket Council Monday Tbe above Council evening the alt All hers present the Reeve in tbe chair After usual routineMr McLaugh resented a petition from it- and others praying for the construction of a Drain on Main The presented a petition from Mr and other praying- aid for Mrs Daily an indigent person On motion of it r by Mr the peti tion of Atkinson and others was referred to Road and Committee On motion of Mr sec onded by Mr Sutherland the petition asking aid for Mrs Daily was refer red to Finance Committee the order of day for the second reading of the By Lav pro viding for licensing victuelixing booses moved sooood- by Mr McLaughlin that tbe sec ond reading of Bill be deferred till next meeting Carried Council then adjourned to worship in spirit God in amply utilizing the trusted to each the by the n Prince of Germany England and Denmark the Dukes of Olden burg and followed by a splendid cortege of princes counts and barons entered halls whose a to him first thrown open of festive chorus by Handel soared above and the immense multitude of lies in gorgeous apparel of M in uniforms resplendent with pie civilian evening ureas received with uproarious tho gracious Monarch and the long procession of kings princes and other Outside doors of the building there standing an innumerable multitude with joy composed of earth united with brethren and smiling in undis turbed harmony Bach and all seemed proudly conscious of having share in this hi will bo made for Davis will no ly prepared days as Gen thorough He left for the Lava today the 1st instant Yofur May Two hundred troops left here yesterday for San Francisco American News St Lotus May Advices from Cloud County Kansas state that another fearful storm has occurred in that region by which a number of lives were lost and much pro perty destroyed Tho roof a bouse owned by Mr Snyder blown off and Mr his wife five children and a farm labourer were buried in snow and frozen to death Within a few miles of ih house a family namedtlrieher shared a similar fate all being frozen death May Chambers and Seddons and their today in Clipper Office deposited and the fight Is to come off on May 21sL and Chamber will again next and toss for choice of ground Harris trainer of Chamber and contributed to this grand of ini Dixon III May No bodies on bridge disaster been recovered at this point op to present boar bat several have been Kicked up at Sterling six miles below ere and doubtless the swift carron has boroo others still further dowi stream general estimate of loss is from ninety to one hundred It is supposed that at least fifty bodies are still in water Most of them it is supposed are under wreck of the bridge Dixon III May ft It la now stated that there word 300 persona or the bridge at time of accident and that a greater number escaped than was at first supposed When the bridge gave way most of poo plo were gathered at either though a large number were near tin centre and some of tatter remain where they wore after the Crash and ware taken off in boats Som persons jumped from their procariou First appeared Emperor of Austria who led on his arm tho Crown Princess of Germany and bowed emotionally on all sides The Crown Prince of Germany escorting the Empress Elizabeth of Austria took his seat by the Emperors side nodding with gracious smiles to those of tbe assemblage known to him and then became entirely absorbed in the splendor surrounding him Tbe Prince of Wales had a slight air of As I looked towards lie red how his had of occasion been first Vienna Congress calling in vain upon land and sea for sympathy Disgusted and disappoint ed ho was appointed to leave the Congress then in animated session You are about to my said the Emperor take all hearts with Tho hearts perhaps bat not a single soul replied the King At this second Congress bowover thePrincea assembled to with both body and soul that which had united the nations They will not home any more souls but certainly within their souls grand and mighty impressions which enable it glory of inestimable blessings of peace Butter Inspection At a meeting lately bald in crich the mechanics and trade the counties of Huron Perth and Bruce formed an organisation called In order vendor this peace iust contribute as much also say dear ladies I happiness Come hither what blossoms this spring has already brought fourth and let all of us do our best peace first glorious manifestation of which is embodied in this World Fair may mature blossom and ripen into blessed frail God Looisi Manitoba Items From the Fret Press i seventy five soldiers who will bo discharged on first of May about fifty will remain here In one day Thursday last a saw put up got into running and arts order and turned out One of the individuals who formed the firing party at Scott murder was in neighborhood of Port Inst week and took occasion to boast of part he bad taken in the matter took A bystander who overheard h the stone of administered to him which will take the boast out of him In Winn are almost Mohammedans and Calbol fireworshipping Parses and tbe cool and sober Protestant should moot all praying in manifold tongues yet all praising the ope great God What Frederick the Great failed to accomplish wo see beyond all expectation today Pantheon in Vienna is now opened to all peoples to all nations belief whatever be Tbo Modoc War May 2 A Lava Bed of roopa have all returned Nothing has been beard of Lieut Sergeant or Private Bloom The last two wero last seen running in direction of centre of the lava beds right into a den of tbe savages On Sunday night last the Indians had a large fire and were dancing round it Donald McKay and Warm Spring Indiana were of little assistance as our troops demoralized that they fired thorn by mistake compelling them to retreat The bodies of oar dead and wounded wero not recover ed till Sunday morning Most of mules have epizootic TV Indiana bad completely surrounded our troops and when tbe men broke right into the jaws our men were found nd the beds of Lieutenant Wright and around Major Thomas and Lieut From all accounts it appears they were attacked by 35 which it is supposed is the hole strength of Our ten lost guns and about rounds of while In fires burning on of the Tbe bodies of Captain Thomas Lieut Hows Sher- of tbe 29th by Lieut Taylor Tbe wounded are doing well Some of tbe bodies were muti lated by Indians having their and ban Is cat off As far as known there are 21 killed and wounded and missing A despatch of the 1st slates that bodies of the above named officers have arrived there and lay in in No the Modoc Ontario Batter Association example which those of this section might follow with profit to them selves satisfaction to the community and terror the makers of batter Tbe following rules for tho purchas ing of butter have been prepared and issued as a circular 1 all bolter be subjected by the purchasers to inspectii to being purchased That an inspector ba appointed in each town and village where pra cticable and rale of as tbe remuneration of said inspector be decided by dealers so employing him Tbat the following fees be paid to each inspector by prodd- and afterward refunded to him by the purchaser of his batter On all parcels of batter containing packed batter be paid by producer That inspector shall grad all batter as follows viz I The best quality of table batter No 1 Tbe second quality Tbe third quality The fourth quality No 7 price of No butter shall be governed by tbe beat price of the wholesale markets That tbe price of No 2 not be more than fourfifths of price of No 1 price of No 3 shall not be more than three filths of price of No 1 10 Tbat tbe price of No shall not be more than two fifth of the price of No 1 Tbat tbe packages containing No batter must be clean and good order otherwise it shall be branded No and No- shall be branded No 3 tbe on all pack- ages of batter holding from 25 to pound from 40 to pounds pounds and on SO pounds and 3 pounds the price of all butter packed in linnet and firkins shall be per pound more than in rolls and pails eta I Ma Kino or Mor tax A ramarkable letter signed appeared in tbe New York of Tuesday in which Mr King president of the Montreal Bank bat freely handled Tbo who date from Montreal gives a rapid sketch of what purports to be Mr King successful career and follow it by insinuating that for his own profit he ha used undue in fluence on the director of the bank and used it fond In concert with another so as in a few year to realize fortune His salary and casual ad vantage are referred to a being very great if not downright unreasonable j and he is charged baring used weight of hi position to compel his subordinate to consent to a of by the govern an tamps for promissory note The letter states that tin id of legality enjoyed by Mr King of five per on all profits made by the bank exceeding a fixed dividend It is also stated by writer tbat shareholders are indignant King this operation will be no lea than to say noth ing of profit mad in his slock In conclusion it i said to be rumored that there will be an appeal to tbe allowances sale of change and bank legal tribunals to these various charges or are not legal Ottawa Prat of Saturday evening It is not now anticipated that liament will be able to adjourn at the earliest and J event of tin- Prince Edward negotiations proving perhaps not till a later date Colli no wood May The Ana arrival of season was the Minnie Hall from oclock today The captain rapara encountering considerable floating heavy to impedsi side Tho Drayton Enttrpnat Two respectable young men basal just been foundgnilty by the court at Murfrcosboro under of disturbing public war ship and fined J and costs ess which amounted to oflonoe was whispering to young I St as Griffith Cos wholssaW grocers failure has let in a nntnbsr of city firms ft is stated that J Torrance lost ten tliousaal dollars Tuttlo Dale and liabilities amount to two hundred sat j forty thousand dollars The trade of city is in a critical conditio Tho credit of many houses is stretch to the utmost Borrowing at per cent to meet paper they cannot much longer stand tbe sure Should harvest prove poor Sauna May Paul and Atlantic passed here I from Marie where Lake Superior navigation may be considered open Tho Manitoba is now loading leave on Wednesday nigbl fail cargo for Silver Islet and Arthur Landing The City I Montreal of the same now loading and will leavo at same time for Silver Islet William and calling at i intermedsale porta The ice very heavy in trial of five prist dieted for the murder of the township of Bruce on the March last terminated Walkerton and resallcc of wilful murder against James J slon and manslaughter against J Beat Arthur Best John Kerr Edward Johnston James Jol was sentenced to bo hanged i 3rd of July Satan Arthur Edward nsc prisoners gaol months In l M C Cameron Government and Intercolonial Commissioners fairly cornered by Mr Thursday He proved that according to Mr own est profit into I pocket of contractor by the of location on section five was I and that even after alio favor and admitted to they presented effractor with to which ho claim the whole amount in this was less than 15000 Ministry will escape from natory resolution to this Election- election in South Brant vacancy occasioned by tbe of B Wood Monday last and resulted la triumphant return of Mr the Reform candidate by carry Riding Lauder Boullbee M we believe even Mr Pen stomped the Riding in the Conservative candidate Proton Outrag Elgin and Damask were made to do yeoman all to no purpose a th yeoman of Brant seem to roughly understood and at their proper value the splalt effort or the pigmy It winnings of the martyi dor the truthful utterance of of North York Boullbee nor even than of oar own of Ferguson but recorded their for Mr Hardy Verily Cora or ibalr wkii Is UN I so ikat FOE SALE CBOICI sad MRS Ssl tfsT UTS FILLET ASTRAY STl ftsw Let SI is M TWO YEARS OLD Dark ins whits aad foot siU tali v tar

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