NEWMARKET ERA MAY 16 1873 mu ill it t MM ill Had mo ra rati vl flour to ilah BaaUa Mlaviw of lad tir alwav thin tbo A la at Hi li to hi MM that a Rural on Jo othor plain calf I I House Lot For Sale Kaaia kCaJdiB Mr I Vopwn a lk ka rr of at ikal Wood all aaaJara aj- tift to Mr TIMOTHY Short Horns for Sale NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SON OPENED A BAKERY BREAD CAKES AND HIM I ITS York irnilta ox- of laying a now Atlantic cable and a was formed will it capital ol 11 superintendent the that froaia of winter have over I trees in the parka ol and the appropriation will Dot be friend who are to take part therein The am wilt to iuili where the will be hcll along the Grey and tail way to Kincardine where a steamer will In readiness Tneex- will take place in rhcOrilliartivj is informed by Mr Jack Adams who is engaged logs on Black Hirer that large numbers of deer in attempting to cross the river this spring at their runway- foil into the river between the saw logs and were carried down stream in this way a great many unable to extricate itienmHc and consequently perished Mr First Prize in 1872 Organ and 9 MANUFACTORY I HEAT IN At Iuugta A on Tliuiday five single circular MHH than Ifj lift feel of lumber The engine of Jc Iluntei make is horse the av fee InebM in of greatest Kara DALES CONFER EASE AND COMFORT Cast a sad lit Last a Great Many Tears without reqainog to be changed I they we the as well as bat Mr SIMPSON market COLLAR HARNESS EMPORIUM p BELFRY begs to American ban to aotir Bars of tttry lo ji band a 11 stock of Harass 1 Co tab groat set Collar Department I LOTS SALE 1 Vs tb it VawMirktt ibe do Her for 11 af thy ailna of For ROGERS PI NEWMARKET it ha- I and nearly a nmapinar I I Km 1 to 1 tan I bad Wo I doubt the will team in to week He re sure hero will be to hear the 11I 1 of IS Hi that Com 1 lim do once He prupoac I NO PAY SftlSfi PUMPS Harness Shop a raatwoiTallj aaao v and riflom Portage Lapi fl J at Mouse 0 at Fort Pitt at Fort Victoria 100 Edmonton and ISO and a at Kootena Pass It is post Tile in view of Indians troubles at American whiskey traders that force will have to bo organized fur service during the present season ESTIMATES The estimates for ending by Hon Mr Tlley on Friday amount ed altogether to The following are the gross totals To purchase ground for Examining Warehouse Montreal TS44 Map- for Railway Committee Geological Survey and Observatories Marine Hospital lsoo Pensions Rail way Pacific Railway Sur vey M0000 Various Public and 1 350 Lighthouse IndU to refund amount received frumSbentT as proceeds of stores illegally seized York Road 6142 lo secure of Spirits liquors Ac 500 expenses in con nection with inspection of Weights JI op Shop i Usnlsraistssd t trad NEATNESS AND DESPATCH A aappljof Whips Trunks as door af Carriac lit capital and the balance A roa as Oliver Mr was speaking last day night Dr Almon one of mem ben for Halifax in boating Louder loader t very mocb lo the who was making perfectly well beard in all parts of Ho A later on a motion made by air the Dr was suddenly moved to speak but bad no sooner commenced with I be Mr Speaker than Loader I loader I loader rang from the left aide of House Mr leading off With great The doctor at first to yield and resumed bis St Clocks AND JEUUIY A locks Jewelry ass Das f All sitl I patch FOR SALE I adj fat Of The Sight Lazarus Morris Cos PEHFECTKi SPECTACLES Th and by iha aid si The Most Perfect Spectacles Carriage Factory STREET JOHN WCLIFT J J sad ao litarall MP Patent Eurek Harrow f la by la till a uluralm 1 ms April 1S7S IMPB0VED PUMPS JOHNSON w IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility II sit Hat Csllsl aaiactlsf lbs Not to be UNDERSOLD FOR SALE I tvraa tolas part of lot So Terms cosy for if to laUsr paid A THOMPSON lid JAMES Jans Das t and con es his bearing The Unas In doctor- has do doubt discovered that these little plcasanries which the of Parliament be monopolized by any Ottawa member ibal as to Cossl I of at Is Own si Iba effaioaio on of Jae 4 at I boar sf Ids lli in Cam af Stspkts QUEENSV1LLK CARRIAGE WORKS SPRINGWAGGONS Lumber Waggons REPAIRING HORSESHOEING I Shingles Pine Cedar Kent NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE LEE A LARUE ASOMTSIENT OP VT O O A ENGLISH FIELD GARDEN SEEDS OF IMPORTATIONS A FULL ASSORTMENT HUBS SPOSES RIMS SHAFTS c DRUGSTORE SIGN OF THE AlsoSPWNGS THIMBLE SKEINS raTawrBmii Bar Horseshoe and Band Iron Tire and STEEL munis Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand UNDERTAK CM and CoalM all aa aa la atlaodaar aba WRIGHT SON far pi O II SALE Heavy Working Oxen QUE GOOD FARM HORSi RUSSELL MRS SUTHERLAND MUsirTNrFRENCH Tan pal I MRS At the Canun I own vitalizebI CAUTION a la arta rafailaa r Main Street Newmarket STOVES GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO Auaoaa September 1871 IT IS A FACT J Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves THAN TORONTO PRICES Son- four tine four Stovet and Stov Pip COPPER TIN SHEET IRON WARE At riooa It Call a o 3MT TO BATE TBdUQBaafO irrrlhra WaanutaMl Sheep taken in Exchange for ftor J J HODGE lit BARGAII T SELLING OFF DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES At per cent Discount for I I STRAUS WALTZES Arranged as VIOLIN SOLOS board SANGER FEST The 8ingtng Festival MALE VOICES from ff alas add Willi trascbta r CARD rnQRaabaeritorrnpaelMIr Sample copies mailed postpaid for Address Broadway NY lmp0rUUlt NOtJCe I RY VOICES TCSKS A HEW BOOK FOR Send cents and fflple copy April 1st Address J- PKTKKH 99 Broadway All kinds of CASTINGS ilt liijaaf Us said A TILT set dajF of GBOVER BAKER SEWING MACHINE TILL AHEAD Ska Hemmui Tnoken ttuilun Save Tour Money j Is ah if THI far IS libaraJ iboj ratwjtod tof Is all an iadab tu if paid OF APRIL NEXT will to is Joart far erdiwUl to allowed a CaitinffB and Machinery Repairs fcr all of Clothing Whip Brushes Ac sad i sow pro rod OS lbs Saddle Harness Trade HEP A I RING DONE TUB door of tba W ALIilS Vesaiarkai Mt Horse Infirmary T LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON of Every Description fa Cattle always Hand always a Bronze Mortar Near the Post Office Mais Street Newmarket Garden Seeds by the Pound sf Csbtofa Teauusa All seeds of the best Quality MXOBNTA ANILINE COLOURS JSadoVr Lot RSFINBD SPERM OIL For Prepared Glycerine Far Tooth Nail I School Rooks Paper and Stationery PAINTSJc OILS Horse and Cattle Medicines A LARGE ASSORTMENT Perfected Spectacles all CHEAP HUB Sir lHairad it Irolh It Km a It I fa ill a lb kj Dr Insect Poison sf BadBat by PRICE TWENTYPTVE CENTS I Ague Cure And Vegetable 7mie teksa lbs BoUaieal ati sad aurssl VagHsUr U1 sat oalj Dlaasaas I lb todr is s cents per POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam Par CessV- e A wall ksoss rrqaira He far tos- BENTLEYS Botanical AntiBilious mis Tbaysrs MIR Prompt Salt- oars la raqairtd aa Per sad ilk Caaiplaiau lbs I Prist s aboil ar I BENTLEYS Botanical Worm Syrup la SjssMssV urn sst yrrpsrad It lo 1st ssiaara Uatlb ssdstsat sssssMS sta la ibal its will rasiils aa- far aa lias a BENTLEYS Telegraphic Reliever I Omit aaTurt Extract of Blackberry THRESHING MACHINE Sale nantml A rf I ta Mkanibcr of MS A bar Ik a 100 ACSES JOHN GRAHAM Urek 1 DONT Bogart and Allen TILLAGE LOTS FOR Lola bar Waal aid of k I Villa For Summer JJiarr Cholera CfaoleraMorbus lb Us lbs srsasa sad a toslib sf lb saslrs irlsss is SStisrfaStUsg sad irllr waleb ibU II rwrwd assrr Is all atkatW sSsta af towals lbs I B- a nry iltJ of bsiisti7 a Vcorta Co ItnlilHS Ss of 1 bout Sold a COilPOCVD FLUID KXTRM op A Specific Remedy for all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys Complaints incidental to ft- mala and all Diseases of the Urinary organs in either Sex Try it far say of lb I ssd will of its I Pries IUfiU VICTORIA LINIMENT For Rheumatism lout Neuralgia Lumbago Painty Stiffness in the Limbs and Joints Sprains Bruises Numbness Swellings Headache Earache Toothache dee THY IT PROVE IV Wo par Bull VII 111 It I CARBOLIC SALVE A Specificfor Bruises Bums Scalds Boils Piles Pimples dec and Chronic Dcteases of the Skim of every description Fries par VICTORIA cabbolatd GLYCERINE JELLY For Beautifying the Complexion ami for removing Tan Sunburn Freckle Pimples also for Chapped Hands Chilblains Frost Bites and Sore Lips Pries par Bottle by all TJrafjists VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP VICTORIA SOAP VICTORIA WsTwjiubiih torsa sstTtr Irrta a 00 Mtrat bsijM BU1TER AND EGGS BOUGHT AT ft Allens TRAVELLERS Insurance Compa and Accident TBAVELE COMPANY sarsses seals ar I- losirt of all rates I af sU sssisst a lb of tools si jJstau slysis wssas far sss fa sot Life Department its Lilt toat lb toal las ar tlbi it plats see parity Is awqaawtiotrd ft I is bsttsstss assesb toala I trifital fas Ufa or I sat by Us Mr JOHN HENRY haw Kins Street TOKOHTO it