Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 1873 She FRIDAY JULY It 1873 Our Toronto Despatch connection with the Hon Mr wait conscientious to Bell Ontario but Sir John was not and further his colleague was to assure that all the in fluence of the Government will be to secure him the position of the other term to be at agreed upon Now wliat follows the elections were brought or and Sir Hugh spent on the election of Government supporters ac counts for the words wo have itali the other terms to be at agreed upon On Augutt Sir wrote to his New York friends to tell them how ho bad in the following terms of Mr ft Hants lattlitl lint in Resignation of Mr Dodge in rt of Riding that in lit and intended trial- r reeinriii at an early day the people of and adjoining Townships have long suffered from the overflow of thi Lake not only having land bordering on the shore been but by washing away of roads Townships have been taxed for repairs A so extensive and grounds for plaint so manifest ought to be able to obtain redress and compensation parties who have placed obstructions in the river or if pet mission has been granted to do then the authorities granting that permission should be compelled redress the wrong Now that lined action is being taken by the Municipalities interested we make doubt a speedy solution to dilficul will bo found Common law ii common sense and common plainly indicates that to obstruct overflow of river bo as to d damage to both public and private properly to commit an injury the extent of the suffered The gentlemen bavin the case i charge will without doubt push tin nutter to an issue at an early and with reasonable grounds for hope of success PHH and will bare tin thai monetary to suit views of lbe gentleman furnishing tho money and this perfidy by the first Minister of the Crown the sworn Adviser of nam- His Excellency bonder if our refrained from giving thereto In likee this new devclopement this I Sir John as a true Warmer Public School Trustees regular meeting of Board pise evening All bat urjilwi Mr a Secretary r tl- routine an account pre from Dyer far I on rm for nilih Sji I tree Mr by Mr foregoing a lis pec 1 from M replies k ithtaan enaction tbat leading are casting about for I ft the JH le true the rf tin la reaalu village and by forth list 1 Is this the kind of reform overshadow- to dra Cox Ministerial Benches since the invocation of the spirit of the sainted In plain words Till tho I for North York support a saothsr Mr fur Ministry capable of perpotrating acts mwrotiiiiijslMirr uugbt We trow not If ever fc fMr not to rwulily was a spark of independence ill bcsjcfIj ftbout tnwt he will display it by giving an honest vote against the corrupt Cabinet now holding the reins of Government at Ottawa Pacific Railway Scandal The astounding revelations regard Ing the sale of the Pacific Railway Charter to Sir Hugh Allan brought to by the publication of correspon dence on the the Fri day in its material paru fully by Mr Hughs testi mony which subsequently appeared In the organ of the Ottawa Govern ment at Toronto furnishes abundant and justifiable evidence for Mr Hun tingtons resolution in the Commons last March impeaching the Dominion put Hon Mr Letter Hsu Mr MvPhrvm to front ml In to tin- not clears Gru from any know- Inlgr Sir Hugh to allot him in but This m 1 luallj ilry The Obstructions when the of the Parliamentary enquiry appointed to investigate these charges Sjr John would endeavour to mako black appear white in point of fact hint party would be made to appear as scapegoat for the scandal j but the evidence at Mr Huntingtons com mand it seems waa too direct and positive for this sort of shuffle and hence the enquiry had to bo burked altogether The publication how ever of Sir Hugh Allans letters brings borne the cbargo so positive and direct aa to remove all semblance of doubt regarding guilt proving conclusively that for a monetary consideration the first Minister of the Crown deliberately sold his con scienceBold his country and used corrupt the last election The history of this country furnishes no parallel to fraud gigantic to an intrigue so monstrous to ao outrage so humilia ting The Government stands sconae of being parties to the sale of the Pacific Railway Charter involving of and ftO000000 acres of of the day in political antra jworaV from giving an at over 00 flu- Knights all row in the ssaw combined to the a venal to this la kind rta an oat of it and If ratynu law time the River Severn A meeting was held at the Town Hall on Saturday the nth day of July last composed of dele gates from the Townships of Mara and Georgina with the view of devising means to cause the removal of artificial obstructions placed by Milt owner at the outlet of Lake or centre branch of the River Severn which cause great damage and destruction to both pub lic and private property bordering on the shore of Lake Mr Robinson Reeve of Tborah chosen Chairman and Ego to acta of living naked for of alary and on f Mr by Mr the salary annnm motion of Mr sreoastad by Mr the were instructed to lightning- rods erected on School House were entered for the it aa found levy of be for School paposes vesr More rsia trs berry faatiral tonight reported let him ahoa- gratia aavatrag next Monday night Firetueai going to ezewae Court last Tuesday Da dull enough Fartnerahaiyhswlag idwslkagttas Where Committee Landing nnd boys got ekde at the Court Mom tomorrow King on betaken next week Keboaa took in a aspply new stars well Institute Cam nwets tomorrow night Ricnraian to Niagara Tails talked of is daily each way the public domain and with having pocketed obtained from third parties under false pretences as the price of their partiality od Previous to the last elec tion all the necessary legislation on tb subject of the railway com sod to the Government alone belonged the power of awarding the Charter To win the it was The following resolution were sub mitted and adopted unanimously Brewery rada rebout Mr t the proprietor Kail PrLw appear today Local Summary Mr Sidney Smith Ins f Hectare Mr Phillips has re aa am or mum to Bowl 1 CoEaMCTtow It turns oat y clip coming forward excellent condition with a much largor proportion of floeos proper cot ted and Tho Wo think actual clip will bo fully more than last tho price being so much 5eSSP less farmers will card and work up I idurnhlc and for ox port Jult The Battle of the tare father OorGT the M on Wed delegate large plenty of people liberal MveeUelag and Oh no ad locality loot- aw aha and by a iT-i-rii- the J eh i- i- Dreadful Tornado I of been equalled in severity in the State of Ohio and an tornadoes with floods and rain- followed each in rapid succession At Springfield Obioit is reported that telegraph poles were blown down the turnpiko so thickly in some place at to obstruct travel East Spring- Held on Pacific andAtlantto tele graph line poles were down Some were struck by lightning and others were by winds At Troy Ohio a largo cordage factory waa unroofed This side of Troy on the lino of tho Dayton road houses were blown down fences prostrated trees uprooted fields of grain levelled com fields flattened in somo instances corn was uprooted the fields looked like lakes On the road five bridges washed away No trains will go east of before Monday number of feet of tho railroad track were away Juiy Tho terri ble storm which over Wiscon sin yesterday proved very disastrous parties at Wis consin a number of pleasure seekers on the lake were struck by the storm and their boats capsized and twenty sent to eternity villi Ohio July t River has overflowed broom corn fieldi ill probably for the Canadian Pacific had bargained for and purchased by li and exposing tho sham nature contract and bogus character of the stock and stockholders is too lengthy admit for its publication in columns but following rcferc to it by contains the glut of the matter When tbo contents of tho cor wo publish this and the proceedings at Montreal y terduy are placed side by present a that may well make every honest man in Canada hang bis head in shame and lion The scorn and disgui found tin assembled in the committeero be shared today tho to a thousand try last the intrigue July carried on by Sir Hugh Allan with nailing II that connivance of Government in lie Green lake via base enough but the will chiefly on the declare- 1 July On of Jersey of rinilyand Hugh Allan charter would be wind on Thursday certain mono- Jnur hornet belonging to ex iatl or were prostrated Loss A bridge on the trestle work signature ih granted lo h already these conditions by AND FIFTY THItEE THOUSAND DOLLARS The of the correspondence with Mr is all in the direction as are the letters whoso name is for moment withhold but which will be public in good lime There are in of the letters vague sug gestions as to interests that migbt have lo be conciliated or appeased but this statement positive and alifiod blew Mo July A terrific a tho night of tho imer Mountaineer from her fastenings She drifted against drawbridge badly injuring the boat and starting some of the the bridge from their fastenings Tho damages to tho bridge will amount to or Twenty rill be required to make end The of whom Sir John A declared in Parliament that ho wan the witness on whom the Government relied lor their exoneration Hut as yesterdays prttceodiegs showed they dare not put Sir Hugh Allan their acting cowardly a fashion What are wo to say of a House of Commons that bo allowed puasons of whom such a crime is thus positively alleged by very man they themselves endowed with gigan tic powers and emoluments con I erred by Presidency of ian Pacific way Co to dictate their own manner of trial It is Sir Hugh Allan who tells the world quibble the mi power and the expedient after ho sold tho ch hold reins who bought it to enjoy unmolested his illgotten spoils Huntingtons evidence the House of Com mons will tolerate any trifling with an issue so seriooi the aid of an unscrupulous majority he Committee a delay of si weeks has been obtained but delay than that enquiry have boon burked or stifled is it was the object of the Mesjsrs Dorious and Blakes manly protests against accepting a Corn- on to try cade to by the Commons from the hands in who are inculpated in to bo investigated will com mend themselves to every one It fact that not one mem- ber of tho Committee dared to accept sent to the suggestion of air John A that the should at tho instance of the Committee take the unconstitutional of asking the to id Canadian Constitution without the or action of the Canadian Parliament It must not be supposed docu ments that reached us artbe whole of the evidence to bo adduced in confirmation of the charges road by Mr Huntington Thst guntloman has again and again stated that proof the moat absolute and convincing is at his command and it is because he Government know this that have resorted to every to defor York July Frank wai this morning sentenced to State Prison for life There was one cholera death in Cincinnati yesterday nine in Nash villo and fivo is Memphis The dis ease is abating in the latter city but is spreading in the adjacent country Indignation Meeting Montreal July An indignation meeting of the worktngmen was held last night when about 3000 persons wore pre sent Strong speeches were deliver by Messsrs Browne and in which they characterised action of the Dominion Govern ment in delayingtbe investigation as cowardly and pnjmafacic evidence of their guilt A namesake of the great trickster can mo forward and announc ing his confidence in the ministry was compelled to desist to the cries groans and the audience indicating the great political change that bos taken place among the working men of this place since lost election A motion was put this meeting utterly con demns the action of the Government in relation to the Huntington en quiry and was carried without a dissenting voice The meeting persed by giving three cheers for the Queen and three rousing ones for Blako and Surely Sir John is drinking the cup Over the Falls July Five gentlemen two ladies and a boy boat at Chip- flDbeHiseheiis- OF PHIZES YORK yam SHOW The October Agriculturl Grounds MvniiKK- BLOOD HORSES Best Entire Blood Horse special prize by Directors of Societies I 2nd best by Society 3rd best do Best Brood Marc with Foal by her side or ot having one this season Best Spring Colt Best Spring Filly Best Twoyeansold Entire Colt Best Twoyearsld Gelding Filly Best Yearling Entire Colt HORSES 3rd best Beat Entire Draught Hone Can- bred special prixo by 3rd Best Span Draught Horses in 2nd best 3rd best Best Brood Mare with Foal by 2nd best 3ri host Best Spring Colt 3rd best Best Spring Filly Coll pawa yesterday got The parti rapids the Niagara Falls The parties are not know Pieces of the boat have been found Latml The parties who went r tbe falls yesterday gave their as Jobn Elliot and llinsoo Cincinnati He expose of their guilt Happily there is do power that can prevent an appeal on Supreme Court of the nation and what tbo verdict of people most bo on a perusal of this evidscce and the story of yesterday proceedings a moments doc lainty The Huron Signal follows the Qlobe in demanding that an Inwsti- full gation be mads into the abuses wbicb doubt says It gratify tag notice the following from a leading wool firm as to tram ml task I rtptsatt it la sal post a COoditton exist in the management of the Normal School at Toronto Martin who makes charge is an expelled pupil la oil- at rasfalerww of Ban of the tt franklin aim 10 Anne real Hotel Newmarket on Tib the nj to Bar William ftf f 3rd best Best Twoyears old 2nd best 3rd best Best Twoyearsold Gelding Filly 2nd best 3rd best yearling Entire Cold 2nd best 3rd host Best yearling Gelding or Filly GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES 2nd beat 3rd best Best Brood Mare with foal by her side or evidence of having had a foal this season 3rd best Best Spring Colt 2nd best 3rd Best Spring Filly 2ndW 3rd best two years old Entire Colt 2nd best 3rd Best Best two year old Gelding or 2nd beat 3rd host Bost Yearling Entire Colt 2nd best 3rd best Yearling Gelding or Filly CARRIAGE HORSES Best Span Carriage Horses in harness special prise by Dr Lloyd V a 2nd best by Society 3rd beet Best Roadster in harness 2nd best 3rd Best Horse or Mara in Saddle 2nd best 3rd best Best Brood with foal by her side or evidence of having had a foal this 2nd best 3rd best Best Spring Colt 2nd beat 3rd beet Beat Spring Filly 2nd beat 3rd best Beat two years okl Entire Colt 2nd best 3rd best Best Yearling Entire Colt 2nd best 3rd best Best Yearling Gelding or Filly best 3rd best HORSEMANSHIP Best Lady Driver of Single Hone DURHAM CATTLtTS Best Cow with 2nd best JJ 3rd tost Dent Heifer two year old 2nd best 3rd best J Best Yearling Heifer pail 2nd boat 3rd best Best Bull two years old with pedigree 3rd best 71 Bent Yearling Bull 2nd best 3rd best Best Bull Calf dropped since lot January with pedigrss Best Heifer Calf dropped sines 1st January I with pedigree Best Milch Cow with pedigree ft years old with years old Best Fat Ox or 2nd best 3rd best Fat Cow 2nd best 3rd beat Best Mitch Cow A Special by Phillips of a Cheese valued at aboo 2nd best 3rd best Best Heifer ind best 3rd best Bost Yearling Heifer 2nd best 3rd best Best Ball aged 2nd best 3rd best Best Bull two years old 3rd best Best Yearling Bull 3rd best Beat Ball Calf dropped since 1st January Heifer Calf dropped January 1873 2nd best Best Yoke of Working Oxen 2nd best 3rd best SHEEP Lticetter Best Bam two shears and ovi 2nd best 3rd best Ram one shear 2nd best 3rd best Best Ram Lamb 2nd beet 3rd beet Best pen two Ewes aged 2nd best 3rd beat Beat pen two Yearling Ewes 2nd best 3rd best Bost pen two Ewo Lambs 2nd best 3rd best Mt Ram two shears and 2ndbost 3rd best Best Ram one shear 2nd best 3rd best Best Ram Lamb 2nd best 3rd best Best pen two Ewes aged 2nd best 3rd best Best pen two yearling Ewe 2mTbest 7 3rd best Best pen two Ewe Lambs 3rd best Best Ram two shears and best 3rd best Best Ram one shear 2nd beet 3rd best Beet Ram Lamb 2nd best 3rd Best pen two Ewes aged beet 3rd Yearling noTbeatT 3rd beet Best pen two Ewe Lambs 2nd best 3rd beet Fat Sheep Best pen two Fat Sheep SWINE Large Breed Best Brood Sow aged 3rd beat Bast Boar Pig for 1873 2nd bost 3rd best Best Sow Pig for

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