Newmarket Era, 18 Jul 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 18 1873 ft Advertiser Newmarket FRIDAY JULY 18 Our Toronto Despatch toother in one solid great Moment of the bet past liefcrRottcn and let there bo a coming together for and principle instead ourselves to bo made the for jwlitical wirepullers I schemers who bar Star Lodge British Templars the auspice of tbo a concert and strawberry Oral took place in on day evening last and was attended every coat being On Mr The House at Fort Garry in having another story added to it and in being thoroughly refitted Governor reside at St Silver The troops in garrison at Fort Garry moved under canvas on Toes- lay The camp somewhat east of the camp of last on the arrival of the drsft from Canada the Infantry will i their old camping ground and tbo artillery will occupy the posi Duplicity Exposed Wo were not deposed to press Aurora Banner but some men do not know enough keep quiet when they should and writer referred to in one of that kind In the last issue without cause hi again obtrudes himself upon as in an underhanded sneaking sort way trice to place as in a false pom lion He may think it exhibit clov but ordinary men look it an a want of good sense luaiou wc made to days of cele bration referred simply to a mutual understanding nothing more we presume the Manner feels so causo his mightiness was not consult ed He then says Bet Jackson was ed to tho chair and expressed hi- to tee so large and a gathering The pro gramme for the evening one j and he predicted the hour which they w one of and The Band of Newmarket was then called upon and rendered an overture in stylo At its conclusion tbe chairman expressed his gratification and in this pat by with assembly present that the village could boast of a lira Band composed of young men who seemed determined to make it MIL Applause Then followed a truth but simple reading by Mr John Cook in refer- gotirtied of ih and character of lot truth Alcohol use at present there is in day Miss Sqaier followed in a pretty down two extracts crag entitled hare no home and de one was loudly applauded Next on the ti9 of May being a recitation tract from report of king Warning by Miss and the other is from tbo rendered with much credit and groat banner the tceek after May 23rd dramatic effect Tbe applause follow readerscan draw their own ing its delivery was well deserved j It not likely where minutes By request Miss Robertson then from Clerks books a beautiful song Sing Smile and two men miles Slumber and was loudly encored Mr J next Introduced I pwing a report for press and yet and a reading entitled following extracts proves this Widow of Scottish legend wonderful to have been acoom- retired amid applause piehed ill and Mies Jackson followed with I stolen goods is reckoned as bad as the th ief and the writer who fully prosista in misrepresentation is equally guilty with perpetrators of the fraud Tho Mail stands In this elation when giving publicity to the hove extract as evidence has been the publio before over Sir Hugh Allans owu signature denying that Mr Brown bad any knowledge of the allotment of stock made According to dstes Sir Hughs letter of the 1872 contains the allusion to Hon Geo Brown in this connection but two days after to Senator follows M Feb 1972 Hon My Dear Sir Sim writing to you I sm informed Hon Brown will trot be shareholder at present anil I propose to Mr Howlsnd Is his place This evidence of Mr Brown declin to anything to do with Sir Hugh or his scheme the Mail bad penning the article which ap peared last Monday yet the editor bad the effrontery to again insinuate Mr Brown was privy to tho kit- men t of stock in his name Tho Mad is becoming desperate and earning for itself a reputation representation exceeding that of defunct Telegraph for Mr letter which appeared In Globe of Hon day For some time paatMicistcrial prints have been crowing Over tt ides this gentleman received handsome consideration for reveal ing tbe Pacific Plot large sums were set down opposite of Mr Senator others as the price paid horror ter of Mr has completely spoiled their si destroyed all hopes of capitu this score He and received an re This concluded part first of the programme Council met J Ho- dv at J llogan the member all tf theRsWl For next straw Munur in hemes and ire cream was in great After the usual routine demand indeed exceeding the ox i v Joel pretested of the Committee Two a from Rev from Rev Ml eskes Hie gift ofs member others Wilkinson sad other of the Lodge intended to be put jUm an indigent for election bad to bo deferred as the I AT Mr J pre- J evening was somewhat advanced rfS an having called t second of programme made a that proceeded with After an overture by tho Band Miss Wood delivered II made that one lua a touching recitation livid colours desolate lot of the Wife and retired amid applause Miss Freeman followed by giving an PianoForte i- ii j n I as Banner Solo which was well received Rev CwsmK Mr J a Mi Mr was next introdooed and Well ii r a reading full of instruction to School lajv grumblers The scene was laid w last year in and recounted troubles He of a discontented wanderer to Texas I It was well received Mr Muir for followed in that old and favorite School Houara any School Houses on I than than Ihe song of Scotia Scots wha i the to paid toMra Jack son the money border of able to tbe order of Dr Tho presence of for several days an flitting about of sundry per sons usually take matters political when an election is on the tapis gives tbe color of truth to the rumor published last week re- gsrding resignation of A- P Dodge Esq as representative of North York in Commons A friend at Ottawa considerably mate with those baring access to tbe powers that bo writes us he is in formed Sir John has resignation aforesaid in his acceptance and that so soon as matters can be set in order after meeting of the Commons next month action will be taken thereon and an election the ordered Wo are a position to say what action the Bo- form party may doom it take under tho circumstances we venture assertion the next election in this Riding wilt nens s greater unanimity among all shades of Liberals than has obtained for some years Our divisions has thrown the constituency hands of the party to which a largo majority of the electors are politically opposed although be regretted we apprehend it will not be without its good effects for the future necessity for sinking minor differences and sectional jeal ousies has thereby become more parent and we look for a more ready deference to those wbo really borne the beat and burden of in the past as the prominent men of the In this dsy and age the people of Ontario read and think for themselves the policy obtained twenty years ago will not avail now in the of elec tions Those hitherto very extreme must consent to yield to some extent while more lax and refractory mast take a somewhat higher stand and not allow personal differences io no far overcome their judgment as to forget their political principles Shorfki a contest arias this fall we see no good reason why there may Dot he a bringing together and triad- land introduced by a few fhool House led A leturthy 1iurt it ks He loudly remarks and in response on Irish- comic song which which brought down house Mr Fox came next and delivered a recitation on the evil influence of retired amid applause Msstor Willie Sqaier followed with a comic entitled Any ornaments and received an encore considering his yoathit was rendered God Save the Queen brought the proceedings to a close annual Altogether it was a very successful entertainment Is to bar puned directly from M false received directly or in money or or of ether for information or lor the Mail plea a note London and veneer ditto This babble baa beer pricked trot out something else Another turn of the Wheel derided to advise the Governuient earea Provinces It I hi leave ahTuld be Upon taken taken upon the aabjrrt taken School Section So School Section No asked to borrow asked to borrow Manitoba Items to be paid in tea si and AW300 sad lnnidsnsi and the from the Clsrvj Reserve a School House hi Excellency to The above extract taken from tbe Ottawa correspond en to tbe Timet is significant If the prorogues the House its assembling next month it stifle fill enquiry for tbe present and Sir John and bis colleagues release till next spring In vie however of tho very grave charges preferred and of of the before the committee His Excellency will scarce accept such advice It is Sir John many propose getting appointed to tbe nquiry and it is also possible be msy find a majority of House i I ling to sustain accept such proposition if so of course proroga- follow as a matter the bat it is equally possible that this little game as Sir Hugh calls hit msy be frustrated by amotion I of want of confidence No doubt the lool House me- Government will pursue any coarse calculated in their judgment to delay investigation but men wbo sustain tbem in thwarting the honest expectations country will have a nice time when they return lor re election especially in Ontario Bat our cotemporary should not forget that for the sake of mone tary considerations Sir John accept ed this monstrous fraud and for tbe timely aid in the shape of a handsome contribution to the of towards an election fund oar pare Ion to schemes of Si Hugh whereby tho latter was enabled defraud public corrupt nation Without Sir John SirHughs game would have been a gigantic fixzlc nothing more hence to blame the latter only ia to saddle wrong horse Get Ready for an Election Tbe Ottawa Is a Government organ of closest communion type and tbe hint given in following extract is either intended as a threat preparatory to approaching meet ing of Commons or else to give ministerial supporters timely to prepare for a general election Montreal telegram to that journal It rumoured here on vriygi authority tug If this true evidently Hie has grave of the Ins lation of cause and effect Hugh and the political House of Should this rumor provo true i will go far to establish tion that His Excellency is satisfied the present House was elected by bribery and corruption that in point offset Sir Hugh Allans forestalled public sentiment con tribated to Sir Johns majority of In any event tbo adjourned meeting of tbe Commons next month is being looked forward to with considerable anxiety and this intimation appear ing in the columns of the Citizen leads to the conclusion that the Gov eminent are apprehensive they will be unable to control the House Should Ministry bo defeated we may look for a general election be fore October next in of peace prepare for war A contest under circumstances likely to arise will be a keen and bitter one No effort will bo wanting to sustain tbe Pacific ring Newmarket Council The above Council met on Monday last All the members present except M McLaughlin After the usual routine a ran mtwicslion was read from the Education Other retting forth that the of Grant to the Public School this ft An account presented from A- fr entering streets from A Moffat as caretaker of engine etc for three months 90 also from Pan War keep two order of pished aad required for for From Jours fur work door on St at the Town Line From David Law daring to by doge illegal levy Faad for tea yean a School How be paid la Bylaw and pi earn lbs Can any fair and candid person after reading above have an Tbe Wetter of and doubt about the fact that of the 2nd July instant are fl person most prepared hand and are pitching into each the original copy No two persons r lively could attend a meeting of any large block of brick buildings at Wn Winnipeg purchased but fall from Dr are being fitted op by Mr for a temperance hotel and boardingboose Both papers give glowing accounts of the manner in which Dominion Day was celebrated there The Nor- Wetter has a strong cle about tbe attempted abduction of Gordon by bribed American Grasshoppers are said to be clearing out everything in St Andrews and St Pauls Not having wings yet every little obstruction such as logs fences Ac leave them so numerous thst tbere are thousands folly to the yard ive French half- breeds were brought as prisoners to Winnipeg wilb assaulting te Deputation and placed io confine snd curtail their reports and make them read exactly alike the thing absurd to expect it yet this is the kind of story the Banner is trying to makeits readers believe and calls us because we conceive there are reasonable grounds for doubting veracity We could bare given the wbols report with the exception of just such alter one may suggest to any article withoot altering sense entire paper is a copy Perhaps this will be satisfactory to the Banner if not he can have more testimony The Pacific Scandal The plot thickens with time and this week we have further develops- ments in a letter from Mr McMuIlen A Hens dear friend But before referring to what be has to Jot as look at the persistence with The Gazette announces that after which the Mail tries to divert public insL that journal is to be attention from real issue in order enlarged The aarne paper complains to throw dirt at Mr Brown the Ottawa authorities for being so having exposed tardy about commencing the erection l of the actors in this moo tabIabaiklingforaPostOtfosl public la had been secured but here the issue wo find the follow- work The Gazette appear over the intelligence of the Mail Brown down far nock that Sir Hag Allan bad sroesded bis ia Bug- to believe Fire Brigade Excursion Excursion of Now market Fire Brigade ia announced to take place on the 30th Instead of annual trip to observe a change in the programme this year and party will proceed to Bell per thence to a grove at Jack sons Point per steamer Emily May Good music has been secured for the occasion and we make no doubt most pleasant and agreeable time will be experienced by all may choose to join the party To add to the of the excur sion afford aa opportunity to ployeee the business men of village forwarded a resfgnstii requesting tbs day to be pro claimed a civic holiday The request been complied with and a procla- accordingly Tits low price at which the ticket are placed places the excursion within reach of almost We there will bo a general turn out the occasion The Tables Turning The riots of wrath being poured opon the devoted bead of Sir Hugh Allan by the press just conviction that the Ottawa Government purpose making scapegoat of him to hide the of their own political and if poaslWr maintain power The Courier gets Off the following quite in harmony with minis terial prints in Ontario Masses pomeaati wealth eaoagh On motion of Mr Rosdhouse by Mr Hutchcroft tbe foregoing wrrr ordered to ha paid Hutchcroft a petition from J aod about twenty Bee others pray- greater protection be extended to regu lar livsryakeeprrt ahm that the license at to hi motion tbia petition referred to the ByLaw r Sutherland presented a report from the from Mr Fox for prist amounting to Keport repair of the tank on Prospect r From Benjamin Law damage to try Jogs Were wl the Trsseurer to paj loop Co Da Law value for two akrep killed by dog Benjamin Lew for two killed ly i Abraham value fir three her and lainba Jones for work done on Ton Samuel for gravel David for fr Winn also 3 month allowance Ell James 1 per week for the support of foundling child dating from let of May lant The Serve and Clerk were appointed a run to make further enquiry in to the finding of raid child and if the jawruUgs of the and lake ether may be found in Tbe and Mr Lundy were appointed committer toeninlre into the WuaMh grant relief if necessary A ByLaw passed granting authority the Truatrra of Section with Markham to borrow money to si a School in raid section J Blake beard at ike tor in to the claims of tbe proposed Lake Siraco Junction Railway upon the bonus of SO000 in aid of diactiaaed at length in all the eurplua grouping the a whole or in part Mi Sc however did not appeal to are their to commit tbenuelves to phslgra in th matter choosing rather leave it to the of township to i until the determine what course the will The Council then adjourned to meet Saturday the day Tbe Examination and Ex exercises of Separate School in Newmarket under the charge of Miss Kelly were held July the lfith and afforded rare pleasure to those who enjoyed the privilege of being present The with music s by children The pupils array in white dresses ribbons and wreaths were on a platform by then selves and as they sat enlivened by the soft smiling expressions of cence youth joy and confidence pre sen ted quite a fairy scene following programme at pm and notwithstanding tbo high range of tbe thermometer kept tbo delighted audience in wrapt attention for pearly two boars the corner near the Church pro vided the in that locality the balance Also that the tank at the Mover of Main and Mill street be and certain repairs does to the engine This report was adopted Mr presented a report from Road and Bridge netting fortl that bad been for constructing tbe drain on Main Street though not exactly is accordance with original prayer of the power to those who had instructed the drain to charge other for the thereof should be hereafter red price to fixed by arbitration Report adopted The reported that he had received Lockup On motion balance of the money on oontract waa ordered to be paid of Mr Sutherland by thk Financial Committee were to negotiate a loan to meet of local improrementa till taxes are The Council then boomed Whitchurch Council Th shore Council met at Miller a Inn Ballast on Saturday the mat Members all except Mr Jlsckiem Be ev In the chair minutes of hurt meeting read arrprorsd when the following com- mnicatioc were received sad read Clerk of to flsc that last Council bad granted to sect a has gnat made by for the of Tewa Line between the Clerk of to effeet that they had granted 100 for the improve meat of the lbs between there two Townships which bad barn met by a like grant from for the road on the ftth reserve to the bakac f 1400 required to their School What we love best by Misses Barry Keen and Dialogue Childrens Wishes by Misses Wallace Kean and Ilollorsn The Fortune Teller by Misses M Kean and Kean Song Kathleen by M Kelman Recitation Mary tbe Maid of the Inn by Mary Sir Peter and Lady Texel by M Kean and Maggie Kel- Song Mollie Darling by Will Ho was not himself was indeed again and a song well sung convinced audience John a The Talisman by Misses Kean Barry Kelman and Tbe muslo wis of a high order and reflected much credit on tbo lady who presided Mary Ann deservedly carried off the palm aa an actress from her companions though judging from her appearance sbo cannot be more than a dozen of years The most interesting object was child called Katie Wallace a beautiful little blood of about seven years old dressed in white and red stockings the cool wis dom of a grandmother the ceremony closed by giving great satisfaction to all present Throughout we could not but remark proficiency in studies and tbo same evidence of careful training ladylike deportment which have distinguished in past yean Newmarket High School the result of the written i I at school at th close of the igtersx Iven below obtained leea than aerenly per of tbe marks in their respective and thosn distingsished by a were awarded Claw John Dickson Class Harriet Maria A Rogers Below Fred Albert Ro Ida 1earaon J Albert Ida llla Tracy Robert Sutherland I Mary Maria Coryell Chart i man lUchanl Berwick J Harriet Albert Maria Dudley T vn Kathleen Mary Ida Pearson Albert Roe Allan iial j BriltA I Maria Dudley CLAsa 11 Rohert Dudley 1ila Lisrie Hubbard Clajb I Jno Lyman Jackson Albert Hoe Class fI Kathleen 2 Allen Arthur Marion I Attn v liial P Frank Harris Harriet Aahworth lot Dicksoo Albert Rogers Maria faorA tfrarsae Class III 1 Jobs Dickson Maria Dn ley Jackaon Clam Albert Roger Class K man Coryell equal 4 Summary Since the pris Mr We ByLaws w 0 o urn It ted to a In all Lb UHtroH bckmsiocu the unsightly pile of near tn Market will 1 The New Dominion Monthly la to hand a periodical From Treats of School Section No for to build furnish a Hesse ti of Cope Collar rnaaMra f foaadliag The Ban who knowingly receives sad sadnserpttasaelioal tars isam David Ft far Dudley Thomsa Tracy Class Jackaon French Class IT 1 Maria Dudley Aahworth equal John Dickson Class III Kathleen Beats Cues II J Mary Webster Lyman Class I Albert Thorns Tracy Class III H Class 1 Lyman Thomas Tracy Robert Sutherland 4 A Roger I Albert Bos Tsosuam I Clrarisi Smith 1 Maria Coryell equal I Lie Fred Loaiaa ft Lric Hubbard Barwick Class IT 1 John Class Maris Dudley A J Lyman Jackaon Harriet Aahworth Class I Charles Smith Own wry Class 1 Cuss IT Albert T Tracy Class III Lyman Jackson X flubs j was torouchoatfj Amerigo J Una rassgafl iiot 9 porclaae1 1 wmrsswTsJ and said so dear J si er In Lb aad j In to nisei Canadian Politics Son of ran ft be I thi your boasted liberty That thought ao base your That gold can Freedom la self much higher Thst in yonr no feeling rir country hard won goat which y ye can sleep while power aril Your rights by plot more fair the It this your highborn dealing With lines of boasted ancestry I That not a name While gold conceals your While here Beneath your sua From lay to day Tho s patriot While on deed like thi And justice in vain redress For member buy their rote Ami in their turn their are Can it la this the prior of liberty jj I pries For roads to Allans U I the price ye ask Sir J That he may treat at If such it be then Nor boast no more your false Nor boast country hoe by o great a Nor pride your hill Blooming scats your sunny Your river yoor inland a Fanned by heaves favouring For heaven decks their land Who virtue honor truth diadi But If your country weal ye p If ye would your nation rl Then within your crane Men but do tern Duty 1 Men who shall tor their True patriot in heart and hand Who Virtue Honor Daly Shall prise beyond all other June 14th 1873 By the Atlantic the suited the women with C Reports bar reached tail pas Csrlist Chief with feec of 4000 Hi poll kflld and all of artillery Th says that the I lata in bar risen the st shot the ami who had taken refuge They hold a a tun of and to troop attack the town from The Minister of War has gate at tow el is Previse of is wars killed occurred by which 1 re aad injured July r the Carhau is reported asar I by the tarns The lost 1 killed sad their Gen Cabrinety by lackofdirpbs The troop which wen gen surrendered Than Is serious trouble wails s fight of a tossgrapbie dspstch from of Malaga lesdering his reaagsatisa 3 Bkblis July Cholera e1 at place in hot srei ally a asnall real Th grarUsst ofeawhsvappesrvdisRiisboo J Th of sflfl frees the Caifaert of which we sRaoranesd some month aSeJ

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