Newmarket Era, 18 Jul 1873, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 18 1873 Threshing Machine Owners It leas than in NEWMARKET FIRE BRIGADE EXCURSION Machine Equalizers To Jacksons Point 1 natal Hi i-ii- need torniifti On Wednesday July 30 73 insolvent Act of 1869 ROBERT HALL SMITH few TWK NEWMARKET ilw salsr of sa Wrist Ml for -I- J QUADRILLE BAND n irfs of Sept EMILY MAY PARCEL I lb- of Tmivtbv in TV TatMry k TU EACH REMOVAL KETCHj jy luat NEW STORE and Hendersons Main St And baring ike laatTnd Balsa Dry Goods Clothing Boots Shoes Millinery Haberdashery c c It Mil M prim Astonishingly Low CALL AND SEE KEETCH SPRING IMPORTATIONS At the Sign of the HARRISON CO SUMMEK Inn liutc m Us be biUifliliv lrubfj old it ill the will I tl window open a i t I tin at Ik- allowed lo iaKl war on the cellar sheiTee It at the MbJHM up to liIiW M keep the latter pulled out a An a aod rvpeatedlv Sir John hi- TV the city on Rfl XL up and arrested IJnhaidci 1Mip ml wi placed in a and I- rumored home OB il not to retnm to the twtiand medical called until within three day- in examined it wa found that he had roceicvi no le than one in the boe Mtbc the aMoimn in iMwmte b All that v done to nation of alleviate tlo -uili-ntii- tbe iujured Mill tat I it i very native fcareil rtiticalion will that CAM there ben- incilCUam chance Richard on is a to Lbat conflil watch tonus man ami about can a a- to the of machinist and live He- I to be the ll known to the of the latter to niutcr in very ind AVrvnt and to then J the supporter of the Government will be tbe o the if by that time bar- the advantage in number contnI the llntnobody Tlimlliv fft tc I ni rtiMroll li VALUABLE FARMS by be police a- bearing ii of Parliament anxiety it farther avid to fear of the the the SIXTY SIX ACRES ONE HUNDRED ACRES July At about oclock David a carpenter of place entered the lib rand Mich July three loday city ted with another terrible and de lating tire It diitcovcr- the alloy in the rear of the Bridjje street House barn located and she Kent and it dry had bettor p W1 high wind blowing the flame and take of your poor wife and il a very few With thin he drew revolver the entire building a large double and ddwt her in She one of flame icreanied and ran toward the door the fireuien were early when shot again and the ball and at the fire went through the heart She All and the doorstep Tho the firemon The fl bearing the came in to all dircclionB consul what the matter and found him everything in way from Bridge with hi arm around her Towbridge and from Canal She ran out to give the and alrceta except the three or four the south ooae cabit had fleeVTho chief woa Canal atirel and Apprised of the mattci tho hi- flooring the Lindsay Hotel adjoining that tint prisoner was in j qoantiiy of lomber the and on the lot the third lory He quick to Mihu VSbvntA on Canal About was burned over two hundred building cor and the low cannot be estimated at Ics than three hundred thousand dollar Jt at tbia time to give the amount of insurance but it will approximate to At this hour the fire i entirely under the control of the firemen and other damage is probable aiatance and the were was convoyed to a place of excitement TJtc had a narrow ahcape from being An waa and- al Great Boat Race SrainoFliur Mass July Tho fire mile scull race between John and Ward for came this afternoon on the Connecticut River below thin city At the start Wand took the lead pull- pulling and rowing within himself While Ward was patting forth all bis The Utter speedily gained and took Binglin a water la they kept on until Marl two mile flag fell forward in the boat to the boat and ca quarters where bo a explain thit be with Bormon i now engaged to attend of the longs from a col Ala late hour this evening Ward comfortable though still NT Eighty for Whtern bom arrived at Niagara No Markets winner of lay instant Ten thousand refused for the e Derby OfJoderich to give per awe for first than and rolls m Mr at MTbaWay night Ueotenan for of Nova A fo days ago a Manitoba In Hamilton and worth of saddlery paying cash down far all It looks if there a mousy in Manitoba od eiass saaJfissSysaal of SSSdS Boll a II of tlw bat iiiiiiuf Mnuiukn Tiuttn I m ikr South by sirrt una iu North York he See some of bis price lbs Bright Sugar for lis East sfcl li BoWonl ul of of K p for hm of it J WINES la aI U 1m11j gal Madeu ami the famed Kan Via Brandy lured in a own vineyard Sooth of frontage of 1 AX Lot I linka I run iVpth of i links a of I A of Lot S3 Townafaif of Wit j jr Woodland aid Fifteenth day of next aid with a If I Village of Newmarket I Jul Jackson Esq Rave of Newmarket Holiday Annual Excursion I In aiiia T l SIMPSON I I PROCLAMATION I In Wednesday July 30th a m A ha light aandy loam fronting on tfj VilSJV anil by ili thit 4 I TV bra Ibrr claw iuua and thrrv an- also goot ami segbUy CHEAP LINES it LMTS from lo ftlODO at I RIBRONR hi i aTtna fiuly and baring a 1m f Trait in thrifty Wring nattlituxi tb beat and luatkm tbr of a Ton mint in of sma tb Townaliif of Amabel an Lei 18 in the aid Townahip of hit lb Plans of the above a furthrr sad the Ioaali- Sale may on it Nelson the larrtor of Ike or to MASON 4 Assignee Toronto Toronto July 12 BUILDINGS REMOVED THB fa mi REMOVING OK RAISING so- prepared auk eBgagejaesU If In sat Si CRONE ls7S SI it a he matter of the estate of the late JOES SHUTTLEWORTH of the Township of East Gwilhmhmry I the County of York Yeoman deceased Is sstlssd pay tss f shJsm Ike said are aaad in a Di IIATS saeaaa1 aleak than LACKS LADIES large aaaartaaeat at one price at aaeb and AT JVcariy tka Marks If One Firm but Several Agents ad oeaplsd Now Sir of 1 akeaa it came I JOHN LEEK Jane Oat Sad IS Js Ts pat yon right ssaw s ear htm we ssv annex at I Albert rant tan Bay of October A at of kkk nsWaasala asld deceased I set for tne WALTER DUDLEY I I M fl1 00 una a rfUltotr adMaa sab Si COATINGS TROUSERINGS 1 A SON Co AH Machine win l to at a HARDING un GO CD o O a CD CD CD CD In which will be found combined the three great essentials of STYLE DURABILITY CHEAPNESS suitable variety of Crockery and Glassware and Earthenware Boots and Shoes for Ladies Gentlemen and Children Broadcloths Tweeds Ac especially worthy of SCYTHES CHADLKJj FORKS RAKES A SCYTHE STONES Guaranteed J8IMPS0N SB MARKET Jmt Ma SIGN OF THE BIG T MAIN ST HARRISON I CO Newmarket March 1813 NEWMARKET hardware store SEASON 1873 Pulleys and Hope REAPER and MOWER SECTIONS GUARDS Ice AT LEE A MAIN STREET NEWMARKET IB if Pine and Cedar Shingles Sals la Bun Tarter of Mr For I HARRISON SHEPPARD A Co 1171 IT IS The Confession of an Invalid PUBLISHED to Mim mw i IIUiiT pel sad mm ri to uldrw Bos 133 THE WEBSTER SEWING MACHINE ALL THE RAGE I La Ageney of Us abate SEWING MACHINES is of la ppljsllweauosU kwwa so Bowls Mortise is las sstotlsf It Stands Unrivalled sntk as Is prise and aalea panted by OFFJCS AT TBS HOTEL NEWMARKET a Iks ssls s pel w OS LEAVENS Maris ah Steam Cabinet AND PLANING MANUFACTORY J MILLARD k CO AND TfO KBPT HUE FOR SALE Palace of I S SMITH I sow Meek of Frosts Millinery Mantles FANCY GOODS it and rnkraclsg all Fashionable Goods lOo ft DRESS ft MANTLE MAKING SB is all Iu Braacbea STAMPING Am attended fee fcr nnd Ckildres fl e An- Oh April STAB HOUSE NEWMARKET AT SILVERS CASH STORE lasstrea fee Kid 1 lSlsssts nisV sssss Pests nrlk 1 sWS Me per yard GENT HI or of net ery large anil senda and Is Wand Inssdaenssp Berstnrkst April 1171 ITIHB ill pay Iks a Main Street J IS auony at in spaa Inn tlaaelieanalantipaee Jalj

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