Newmarket Era, 25 Jul 1873, p. 1

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AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER I I I T1IK TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALt OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JULY 1873 Terms lSO in Advance ERA Book and Jet Establishment 111 FANCY flit ORDERS M MACK IK Contractor Watches Clocks Haying Time TV And And nature jurple rlnvi turn it fragrant all around rell lurk bring hi mower nut tilth rake Harry I believe who would grc him up a dozen limes over who should consent lo marry i be so badly with the property almost under roy control The lawyer llen row and hade good day and but as he did ho stairway Banjo skirt envelop pretty form of who had heard every word of the interview by Intoning at the roached her own room and herself into a chair I am the by selling a million Rob the money and much good may it do him had I acd a certain portion Hoi had regarded with and aha had not reamed in fei- will he impose such dor but Scott m MUSIC IT us 111 Ml I 111 MAM I Surgeon c OFFICE TIMOTHY STREET Dr vt I BO BOS for the CoAity of Man DENTIST FIRST TEETH f the downtown it been the site tof the Mo residences of New York wealthy had long ago ing Mr Temple i among the to a seal aire to bold his ring business thorough fare I I uTih of black still bung the 11 1- knob four day after the amice on when a ariiy looking greatest importance pulled it firing admitted he If lam to aid Into room which kindly in his life used an beg This bent and wilylooking do was lawyer Good morning tbe lawyer the whole story of th my Ho Succeed Lite I am always sorry for a man who know How do one thing I have seen many such men I gave ten to one who could apeak five or six languages and irandate beautifully but In the middle hard not living I retrfember another man who bail until throatfailed hi Villainy In High Places I abore I journal bid 0n thU oft and up little donation for bint ho was good A nothing but to preach I knew lady who taught school for twenty years waa a poor nervous broken down woman know a man that wauls to keep st and bo -it- with bis thumb Mr mouth waiting be kept beard a minister who when his peo ple gave him a home and buggy had to wait for deacons wife and show him how to harness t know the bits from the OTja Now boys and real mannbouhl know how to do one thing right well and bo ought several things wise farmer has a OR he always puts in else so that if hi ably thing liv your money ill ha all you basket Don pot one pocket get along right well learn sort of work to get along with urt gives out At military school- were Ihey boys and teach them to feel soldier they hare to learn among other things to ok to make bread and own beds and to do duly may call hir I and the ho knows how to do the moat things the sailor beat sold that Is say beat man work handily but I liked bar all the heller for ii and I never saw a mi work neatly but thought the Dr Robinson LDS Western Assurance Co I OFFICE T0ROST0 Capital- 400000 President Hon TJ1K Till J I A IIKNIIERSON SCOTT aysJeiiB and Surgeon of ti f ha SWA tan CANNON DENTIST prrtfir a llwll Batstj Aaron of Dentistry Insurance Company Three Years Policies On Isolated AlurbM DWELLING HOUSES tine of C ADAMS Street Toronto jd the itk Tortfc ol Tth ilk an JI r VkMiisd Alia ft- It Im U aad eia MiptabtiaiV lea aad loAaroraAWllr PHOTOGRAPHY A HOOD BROS ABOVE BtSI Recently occupied by Mr ha is take PHOTOGRAPHS Of or old PICTURES Mid and taken Rates Lover Oxi Three Years ly enough marks of rough social usage entered and extended bis hand rather listlessly morning was his reply Well Well the lawyer You got my note Asking me meet you here got fidgety that work is something that needs to be done and ho who knowa oat will have tho make money or which which you may still make him feel like oat confidence useful man For you see if a man raged My told him that he is of no use in the world of the will the man- Us a bag in a crack and if she had blamed Infer lhfl and drop bar feelings in the mat- be pinched always anxious about thai crack for fear that something is going to happen and thai he will he out in tin cold or else jammed Such a mai bo happy bocam what do you drew my grandfather I did two days before be died ill Ybat I ha right tell Mr tried to look very severe It is with the surrogate now and yon will know contents on Tharadaywben it will bo officially opened I couldnt think of violating my official Of course she concluded want to the fortune but at tte price stipulated in tmjtll- Can you help mo Mr Temple a while in deep fet lhmt to much long in fact that man make shoes he can curry horses lay sidewalks rake out of the In a garden take brightened with pimple always interrupted Ihc yo be plain and brie paid for i myself and my cousin are tho only living relatives of my grandfather Wo have been up here In this house together ard each hates the other as mtfch as possible Now Ive no idea bow the property left and I want to know I am quite willing to pay for the knowledge in advance of the opening of the will and you hi laj head Then Robert One thousand dollars 1 so much A note for a month will do Tbe document waa quickly out by the young man transferred to the lawyora pocket The r assented with a nod of your price idea and he air client the were both in close consultation ho can do something That day and tho next passed and f seared Thursday came Tho will to he do you say read in the office at Sopiwee hereafter you do oclock a carnage rolled up to the do aa the military Kilborno In it were Mr own every morning Temple and two of his mi intimate till you can do it better than your The former alighted and mother Aad girls do entered house In a moment he harness a till with acted It as quickly aa your brother but seemed reassured learn how a of the lawy into the carriage all whistle and drive nails without splitting the board and boys learn They proceeded to ho residence of hem towels run stocking a clergyman where they were and patch and expected as they were promptly earn how to grease boots shown into the parlor The reverend to lay shingles and gentleman entered and the Lawyer g doors when they stepped forward with Myra Keep your ears and eyas wido open We are couple sir to do all aorta of work and The marriage ceremony of iho ro word for it yoa will grow hearty Kptsccpal church was jwrformed a plume handsome and happy certificate was made out the two frienda signed it aa witnesses and Meeting 5f the North York Pro- quartette were soon seated again lection Society Court House Mr Temple to driver then said Mr g the A Liverpool London GLOBE Compa Available made it But he would listen to no advice and I had nothing to do but carry out his wishes He leaves all his property to Kilborne him biaacd Robert Hold amid tbe lawyer until yoo bear condition Ha leaves all property to as I said tn m that i an Wife If he shall decline lo this property belongs to you The annual meeting tbe North York Union Mutual Protection urrogate the clerk Robert was held at Town on the Lawyer and a 3ith of Jane last Tho annual Re few others were in tbo surrogates port was submitted From it we wedding party enter- learn that the expenses of the Society It 12oslocV The will during the hut year amounted to Two parties by thi waa read and Robert turned i for her Will you sign the agreement marry me asked No she replied Then yoo sign the property were prosecuted and convict ed for stealing wheat Two others by tho name of Hall who and a gleam of triumph shot from his eye flit ant Lib Montreal ChiafAl SAMUEL and convicted for per After adoption of re- port and nuking some On tbe tame proceedings instituted by Mr Temple en behalf property the same if she marries of Myra to obtain a divorce you that provision of froto himself Abandonment war of no consequence she is not likely lb ground to marry before the after 1 A few days laier Harry returned which will be I k ill I AKrl That will provides said Mr amendments lo tbe Constitution and Temple that shall lake the for- follow and if married at the time of open rectors were elected for the ensuing married to me and here year President John Randall let la the certificate Tbe ceremony was I Vice President Jared Lloyd performed an hoar ago Vice President Joe Sec rotary Francis Starr Treasurer J Clnbme J Wilkin Joshua Wilson jr Silas Al bert Stevens Wilson Thomaa Lloyd Auditors J Joshoa One of the amend- before the for bis we learawaa to empower the which will la to be opened marriage to she had obtained Vice to institute proceed- Here lawyer stopped and look- her divorce from Mr Temple The immediately in case of loaa by into companion face if j Utter was one of of the any member of tiie Society Hither expecting an expression of He If it hadnt been for you began to the President This Society baa for Robert seemed rather satisfied the grateful bride done ranch good in the peat and we than otherwise Stop Mr Temple hope It pleases me well said to be cut off the any for I half expected conditionally Ive rather fast and ibo old man dialiked see I it while Myras gentie ways and at I grateful after all tention lo won regard But no bill for legal She ia completely bound op is bar ever paid with better grace dot A young man named Campbell be was instantly killed Friday when engaged chopping a tree on the Hoe RSrU- marked stage of progress in Tea of linn Ckrlss connection with his Canadian Pacific of rrogoiu of What is lo be the la- than a national tragedy Is the J eh actor who now stand before a Canadian numbering four millions of lo play bis part to tbe end Is of- the play to bo allowed to in own lainy la the to be I by own be allowed gamed by such tactics It he President of the Pacific Railway If our virtuously indignant cor will permit on in opinion we would briefly ropl the last query thai we Hugh Wilt will lie main of the Canadian Pa cific Railway He baa the Govern hi his power and they dare the Pacific monetary conditio and signed an agreement ibal he should be President onditioM by paying to so care the election of members of Government and their supporters and would it be fair now having paid hart cash for Die charter to deprive of it A man deeply ad with principles of honor and rectitudo John A would never tiling of doing that do not be would if ho could But he dare not attempt it He is deep in mire is Sir Hugh Allan He was the first lo enjoy the triumph only temporary we trust gained by treachery He waa the chief in nation al tragedy Sir Hugh Allan only acted his stage manager By the Atlantic Cable mm U July The have In off bat at Cup Lennox Julj IS An Irish Ekho at This that Irish have off prise from English Tks Bight Hob Kir TbcaM Whit sa knighted Lord HI a he of tor throw out appropriation for the tit a house for the British Lrgstioe at tbat the Queen rivts bar to the of sad the Marie Alexan- Edward Mull founder and Ii gave him a Palace and of the aadirsee by the Eaaperor of on the body at Although the were emroVd with people who cane from all parte of the to witness the the The Aaabaaaador Japan re- flrat and bad aepsrsta interview of the body M- I Minister and the Dean the Corps address to the of the German Legation seas Eight in tbe foreign Minuter the ir chain with ceremony Miaiatar of Franca bad an with the later of the sanse July at to new on 1st The 8bwh ones to Teheran on count of an insurrection which baa broken oat within The Cora of Heat baring the Spnaiab larsagb ha hsias bar application lor extradition a criminal President Mc sa the grout that esse not of tae extradition truly I Ring ihrKorwrgisa King There we a fanlliaat to the Cathedral ia lYinor Arthur wpreaente1 the of The rate to be levied in this year is two and a quarter cents on the dollar and the papers are now groaning about it lew Thos Ran has received appointment of Master in Chancery and Deputy Registrar of the Pembroke Court The Toronto and Kail war Cnipnanv have offered reward of for detection of the parties who paced obstructions on the track near Goodwood recent- Tho Spanish provinces of And- ia Mums Valencia have proclaimed themselveaindapend- of the Federal In Burlington la ISerd a lady six feel and a half inches beauty and wealth Potato pound of Paris rroe to ten pound floor thoroughlr mixed and habonon the vine in the morning the dew is on is a certain specific for destruction of the potato bugs Noam Tbo fall show of the Agricultural Society of North Ontario will be bald at the village of on Toes- and Wednesday September 30th and October Jut sa The Orange procession passed in New York on Saturday n they had About Bf fourteen banners and two bands of strong police There force in attendance and passed off quiet from Portland Me In a letter to tbo Montreal Herald denies that ha r gave Mr Huntington or any of he Opposition or any ton acting for Information which the charges against the Ministry are founded or that ha received or to receive any coo peration direct or indirect from any person interested in tho Gabut Manitoba July Today Court met to bear the le gal argument In the kidnapping caae Tho prosecution all possible au thority English and American upon the prosecution they designated arguments of the defence absurd The Court adjourned till Tuesday when Judge Betourney will give his decision There are some doubt about bail being accepted Tbe New York a second article on the Pacific Railway in which it used the follow ing language and will find an echo in jo heart Of every honest man Sir Hugh Allan has declared be paid to obtain a public contract resident in Canada having prosperity of bis country life bo shared in ibis corruption From the Parry Sound learn that the grasshoppers are becoming rather troublesome to farmer in that locality They have appeared ia are not the ordinary grasshopper but a new species small wonderfully active but yet perfect devouring every greon and succulent herb within reach One farmer who peeled to harvest eleven of will hardly tare one the insecU having nearly appropriated the other CocldVt Sir Hugh Allan lo Smith think you have to go if blind in the matter of payments Ihave already paid and have not a voucher and emmet em Of course not Tbe editors and Govern- moot candidates who got tbe cash paymenta in lirwral amounts to bribe the electors would not give a receipt Tbey could not be expected to do xueqoentiy Smith and Allan bad to go it blind in the matter of money Probably Sir Hugh baa got his eyes use If not the

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