Newmarket Era, 1 Aug 1873, p. 1

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NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER T11K TO KNOW TO AND TO ARGUE ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY AUGUST 1 Terms in Advance THE NEWMARKET ERA Book and Jot Establishment rtW THE LATEST a PLAIN ORDERS peeling I see she J am petting old sjio haul iBIWflr I was a tittle bard till him my boy Minsk Alice And bo one night she called A lie her Mid as she sal at her feet ii an John bad done her it and I die soon and want to see my buy Perhaps I was wrong about It would do me no barm thorn once Alice And Alice gently that it would Ik better for them a I- to do so but she avoided her ltiJ friond eye and there scarlet flush unusual next day Alloa under Barbara directions wrote a Barton Tdl him to soon ah said Alice wrote thin Miss Barbara rid thought intently ft I Una ofttco ho her reeling on her hands aha Bold again hi bring his wife if ho liken I least see her to please him And I tie i he note waa written and the of despatched tie- all the time donned her her her rawl costly then sat until she board Mr John stop on the flair and himself came in a of old Of course lil spoken which they both talked helmed then tttyaMpJ herself to grave as Where is your wify she asked I in her ok grim way and rang tho bell She slain I told to stay ill Ard then a the Rata In appearance show ted will love her a little for my tempt- sake John M a light taita again bat step was at tried the experiment Just BO I thought jut not you never had Well have I tried it ystrrdav have come mile on l the man that printed th much of a 1 don t think it Mat a few moments smith net door to my house when Im to home and he gels every little period Now when hes sober hes If TOO keep oat of bis way hot when drunk he goes home and breaks the dishes and tips thrown the hard are around and makes it inconvenient for hi wife id somen A J I Bag a v par pose of flogging a man camel Can- stopping there During row Jim was so seriously injured as io cause tteath in a few days after and Mr Ferguson also re- dnir and then Miss Barbara preserved her and so she fix led Alice en rue in Jane sab ajl worried until Jane was almost My Mr Barton distracted her irritability id then engaged and and you may be is John would To surprise- John coolly pot hi became at last arm around waist of ly I ono day when her and leu her usually bard Alice Barton Then he we asked im ao went for me the est he knew how but I dont hold no grudgi against John Smith for you ditl he Easily hold doors the Commercial out with his wife on the leaving their child aged weeks at borne in bed On their return between eleven and twelve oclock thay that Pjksm he the child breathed heavily and mother on examining the infant in who fouml night saturated with Further allowed great toe with three and June who in place when you pour down tho spin no have sit as i an advertisement in the lead- and Miss Barbara pets them almost of his Thats what I come for extracted its ls for a modern and lepers lthe effect that she want- to death while Our visitor who had mar watcrcou rodent It had bean crying fulling over an ottoman a a neat and lady Itko per- hi- aunt laughingly about the doll down a drunken mans back ami in agony chair and making worse to bom she had considered until p m- then went when parenta homo confounded in the rtsm dashed old women for me him sacrificed But if there is any up street to find nun at Miss Barbara and took her by savagely in response the tie person whom Miss Barbara loves lhat Barbara he said and then ith the mischief in his Then Miss Barbara a little ftr my sake please or three lay then send- great directeil bim to tbo plot limes bis and calling on his neigh born aint pleasant Not that want to say anything about Smith but DM ami my wife think ought to Hi came homo drunk yesterdayand all the kitchen windows out of and followed his wife with his carving knife talking about liver and after awhile he and laid down by and o sleep I had been thai itlle piece it wasnt much of a piece I thoaght if 1 pour cold rater down his spine on hi Iek and make him it It- his wife a square thing all around So I poured a bucket of spring water down pine John Smiths back an you say Jack but Mister it made him mad Ii made him the maddest man I ec and Mr John Smith ia a good bit never kn yesterday and he bless him I handy with bis ts to I should suppose be is the handiest man with his fist I ever denial of Mr again it the latter writes m this marring the Your readers will noticed the diplomatic through the Allan and Abbott or my state- meat in regard to the that organ Jiol withstanding these deni als I the charge in all its Mail I announce that I can that the Messrs White did not only refuse amount but thai pressed iheir claim fir it not a few lime bat many and not only mo them but both v A paper says the half part the got from ligbtninir An engine was on the track near the office and tho man upon tho ten and others heard a crack as from rifle and immediately follow d by a loud clap and the of lightning was observed by a of to along i wire and enter station it i one n No damage was We Mr tho agent just left the board be- by Ho tiig ho had a from trmk lightning other than goodly fright litlli fixrg no great damage in killed by Street secondhand rioted that im bad feel sooth me to th Iron an of was spilt op- i the nptelely xisitl PHOTOGRAPHY A occupied by Mr PHOTOGRAPHS Of or OLT PICTURES siUnsl eiuU Particular pains taken The Confession of an Invalid Mtniacsad ft TssMrssl of U look of surprise after mo he behaviour or Jane who has imprinting a half dozen her tor thirty years and then withered Aunt to d You may go Miss Bar had revovorol from shock a little and as Jane bad retired she folded her bands tightly Dr LDS1 iy A A S Dentist East Toronto li ck Md I AT STORE Us tf tksr tll la MUt CWissasJ a fob Thru Years A SQUIEE Liverpool London Insurance Company Available Is of jura Party f CTsisw Pin iW M etrij Firs tub wj Head Office Canada BranrA Montreal SAMUEL together and turned upon John There was a cot dcupair on the this unpropitious beginning but he said nothing Nephew John Im disappointed in you I am not angry but Im deeply grieved Why aunt of her I silenced hi TwTdi returned away and days afterwards the lawyer accompanied by a tall slender young woman who had to see Misa would engage her of Miss Barbaras black looked faco keenly at her fur a moment and after enquiring sharply into The blue stately you John able in her to manhood and had began to trust you a little and now you desert me for a dollbaby She ia not a dollbaby said the young husband indignantly If you only knew her would love her dearly Nonsense black map ped decidedly All girls are tools nowadays bat no matter you have chosen between us My will made and I will not change it will never be again to me what you were There real distress in Johns heart as ho rose and before her If you only let me bring to you be pleaded I am sorv you are so displeased dont let ibis part us have chosen could not have looked 1 ordered them not to admit you- you need not come again If will only hear me Bail wont I Good afternoon And so John Barton lea with colled her was duly installed in lb cf companion delightful companion faced gentle girl married To her graces and whom that boy I Enquiring Subscriber VISITS THE EDITOR TO Ft Covered op a handkerchief and one arm was sling ills bearing was that of a with a tiled purpose In view I want to see he the man that puts things into the paper Wo intimated that several of us earned a frugal livelihood in that war Well foreignfind Colonial Gazette Conner alive is out this morning with the following Wo need not say that we comment i upon the new developments with fl Lbo greatest possible regret that the occasion should arisen for our doing bat whatever the conse quence is to our political friends as independent journalists we hare bat one coarse to The political phere mast bo cleared of Lb out of the other follow who writes most Auot The attendant and liltle ways to snake her cheerful and contented in new home Alice said day as the girl sat opposite before the lire how old are quite nineteen the And Miss Barbara looked at hex in and dignified and hidden by saw how smoothly and plainly brown hair was fastened back bow neat and trim the dark dress how snowy were the cuff and narrow collar and her heart was tilled with wonder Ag in the nineteenth century without a ruffle a puff a crimp an a sash a suspicion a pannier shoe 43SiX JS I rt 1 it Pity for Kr face turned away from bim ana hand still clasped before Jobn Barbara Snyder waa proud I Shes the for she Barbara Snyder waa wealthy- bought be had only waited a Barbara Snyder waa of her flute he would have liked I am And then she dismissed the with a sigh and turned to for consolation As days went Barbaras heart began to yearn for her nephew She loved Alice dearly hat even she did not take the place of the absent one His face her and often she But she was and in her heart of hearts fond of John Barton her handsome nephew dearly His mother only had died when he was a little child and his father dying soon the first day of bis boose bad watched and made him bar object element scandal lot who may fer If the Government have explan ations to offer of the extraordinary documents which are now before tbo public the people of Canada will Willi scissors you understand We explained to that then Reasons when lbo gifted among driven to frenzy by acarcity men of whatever party ideas and events and by the clamor- coonted or wrong doing demands of an insatiable public to a of in momenta of emotional insanity until have lime to plunged ths They may exchangee Ho wont on bat ihe or wait rio- a voice tremulous with suppressed acthei offer tbo lliem const his front loss of teeth so presume so I dont know much this business bat want to the man printed thai tittle piece about poring water doom the spina of a mans bag k and him instantly sober on I want to see that man 1 would io talk with him Then he leaned his stick against our desk and spit on his serviceable hand reaamed his bold on slick as though he weighing it After studying the stick a minute be We told that so They told me be came that the man I wanted wouldnt be anywhere Ill I live North and rait for that man I gueaa Ill sit down and wait He sat down by door and re flectively pounded the floor with his but his feelings would not allow be still I suppse an en mans back sober perhaps Hy thev the public sillier that those telegrams and despatches never wore by them or that there were circumstances connected with them remove the impression which they created upon iho mind the country will demand their retire ment from office the just penalty I for conduct which if not alter baring tho Istcr the did I would hare been dead They are now taking active measures to ret ral of the rat which have been infesting the promises by hundreds Stock to Aastutn An important decision in a case of pool against tho of bank King- lock has just been delivered a MM points decided are that hank stock is liable to assessment Ha actual cah value is the proper basis of taxation that no matter where sllnate it may bo assessed at the place of business or resilience of the owner that slock held a resident of Ontario as trustee for a resi dent Is also exempt from taxation does not on business in tlie is liable to taxation tho eighth paragraph Judge decision being as follows Tho question of the where bank stock exists whether at the chief place of business of the bank or at tho place or residence of the owner is of no importance inasmuch as it is personal and therefore no master where situate Itablo to as sessment at the place of or residence of the owner Herald London Dodge Mr Anson Green after a brief bat political stage I- it is said about to retire from mo tary footlights The cause of We reported of retiring Is one which all will regret pecuniary em- The part that he leaat Indiscreet and Two drunken men of Dubuque Iowa while in a butchers shop on Sunday of last weak agreed to chop one anothers beads and the one who drat placed his head on the had bis errs rut off and his scull tared before the bystanders interior- th his down any drunk greatly feared local papei that wounded man may North York lie was introduced to the veteran manager Sir John Mao donald the success he so rapidly achieved attests tho discrimination with which chooses actors to play difficult parts Mr Dodges re tirement will little surprise he was always retiring disposition He wrote himself that be was beloved by all giver to all good objects of generous Christian character whose name is in all churches a man of liberal broad Christian views Such is rarely met With combined with the above saintly qualities His of course drove to the aide of Tory ism and Pacific cemented a warm friendship between him and that Italy good pious man Sir John Kingston

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