Newmarket Era, 1 Aug 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 1 New Advertisements Jan- carta k paling John MfccdoD and We ask ffji W 4S for Richard himself again Declamation however of no avail the fiat bad gone forth in the balance and found land then were there not other in the field He was at last brought to folly realise the import of a lines ad your colleague 11T would not hesitate to garble or suppress portent stats A true extinct from Mr spiked down to tlw beans I about two month mad tit in the mill used far the mm be lie ved by the en be par protecting ore Of count ss roan- 1 p xoomted Company a Irion of in the matter of bar igi FRIDAY AUG 1 Our Toronto Despatch i J a yea Some imaginary doubt ask who are thee prominent men of the future in 1 with Conservative Party Hiding Our answer is that it not our province to draw aside tho that enshrouds such an important secret rather let us wait till the of incubation has in the full no of lime they will buret upon an astonished world Rumour faan it that they come from the four point of the compass and that is Legion And tell it not in Oath publish it not in Askalon but tbe says thai our juvenile scribe of the wouM himself take up thin falling mantleand for is aaid that he has already gone into training anticipation of the coveted honor Holiday Excursion Wednesday hut was observed in Newmarket as a civic holiday Place business were closed and the day generally observed pleasure and recreation On that day the Ncwmarfcet Fire Brigade had Point and which waa largely attended riving at the place of rendez- good people of band to meet excursionists and render assistance in making ar range men for the comfort and of the party The hotelkeepers of Sutton run free stages between the Point and that village forth modation of alt concerned and large A iron WK that he has insured hie life that he H reverently consults the oracles of th unHiEltay not prorogue the party that ho takes deep draught House a Royal composed of from Gum Swamp Judges of Courts ha been ibt be spends sundry hours in Thu will bark- enquiry burning won will Mainly he governed lhe a printer s devil which be trusts phrase and enquire no further Thu will i hut out half the when repented to more appreciative Trunk Conductors here been audiences will win the applause of muted for to bruit- men i- the vulgar thousands and bold A raid was by Ihr police on a lot bound lisUniog senates port and wrrral ar- fpm to dispel mail TV abettor were all fined E President Jeff wife d daughter in so prom arc topping at Falls on the Canada a youth rather let us relegate The Newmarket Lists on the of August will the ungracious task to the hand of some aspiring friend This only will we say j ion that when the hour of cor rives we have reason Here that the Reform Party will have a Richmond in the field which like that other one at Sundry Richmond In the Field representing the party of good gov- eminent and tbe cause of In last weeks of the Courier will achieve a great victory and there appeared an article under the wipe oat disgrace the last above beading in wbicb tbe diminu- two elections have entailed on editor of that diminutive journal Riding vainly attempts to bo witty and ear- at expense of certain gen- Mr Brydges on the Scandal connected with the Liberal party in this Riding Though this Foxy production seems lo require a passing notice we certainly do intend to treat il from point of Elsewhere in todays Era w a letter from Mr Brydges Pacific Scandal contradicting portions of Sir Hugh Allans Mkfc ttJSS lik of one of Sir Hughs letters having and truth and good allotted to him a certain amount of in matter could not Pacific Railway slock The contra il on such a basis diction coming from such a source more than ever inclined to that Pacific rumpus ato a wide ranks Hon Senator leading van But what seems singular is that whilo Hi Brydgee denial of all knowledge of stock allotted is accepted by Ministerial press as perfectly satis factory still they refuse the same kind of statement from Mr Brown and by inuendo that the latter inderatanding The Leader refer to Mr g letter a a for those who still hanging in the background rather wish to point out to young hopeful whose school days have been I prematurely superseded by thodutioe of editorial sanctum one or two facts of which ware which by showing that dry mar the harmony of Tory Councils turn his feeble shafts of sarcasm upon his party friends Is he not aware that on the an- of the probable resigns tiou of man Dodge who for one Liberal Conservative Conservative Liberal Baldwin Reform Union and Progress Party cams all way up from Peterborough to sacrifice him self on altar of his country by running for vacant seat Is bo not aware how this modest proposi tion of the Local Candidate was re ceived by the statesmen whose dicta it is claimed rule many named party If ho is sot will tell him for these acts have become matters of history Aspirations of that ennobling char acter which ind nee men to desire on their country if not fur infilled the manly breasts of many of these quondam in palmier day bad boeo ready to obey his slightest sad induced them to receive modest proposition in chilling silence In vain did bo attempt by the slogan of former conflicts to re kindle in their breasts the dying embers of enthusiasm for their fallen chieftian in vain did be with golden wand invoke that material spirit whose abiding place Is said to be in the classic purlieus of Gum in hopes that it would exercise oer bis followers the potent spell of other days in vain did the gathering of the Clans the of the Royal Hotel revive the drooping spirits of those who felt that under the old leader and the old flag theirs indeed although it does give a flat contradic tion to the sworn evidence of the Pacific Railway conspirators and tbenwith the next breath belches forth anent Messrs Hunt ingdon Brown and others instru mental in exposing swindle Mr denies all knowledge of any allotment of slock and the Leader accepts the assertion as satisfactory but Mr- Brown does the same thing and yet the entire Ministerial press Leader included continually insinuating Mr Brown was a party to tbe allotment else his name would not have appeared in Sir respondeoce What humbug I Would we could of the Leaden as he speaks of Mr sod all ids him as a model journalist for sistency and honesty Yes I Yes It was whispered at a case of Mr Dodge resigning Hon Win be trotted out by tbe Prog as hi Let as sse what Governor of Manitoba said of Sir and how far Utter wss to bs trusted The Halifax Recorder preface Mr remarks as follows The Hon Win C ras a lost cause And yet was a member of the goodly gathering for from ihidiuol iu not Robert Cook there not of Manitoba reader will C Berk there not M recollect the rsssJt of Michael Wssley there Was not the change be then suds and how Wm not George hi ok finding Pox there not Wm Lukes o to do their selfish ends ie simooUwea his they found oat there f be was not oui optnion be ought to been for The Mr Mew without the presence of wsnt res old colLsagsss this gathering of the clan would such times a thing wers again abacs availed of in the matter of of danger theawdeaa If the risk other hand that dseSSSad awake when Uw sad the mill man deaUi by After a careful examination Um jury found Tbe John Cook wa Mill in Borne on the I iBth iliac by the accidental falline of of which injuries he aud that do hereby of Rome iron r blame in th matter York Co Teachers Examination Clam Six presented them tires for but sk for ididstat an arsosnatad by the Hand Central Mormal School suit will not be known till SSSaShSji entered for arrangement to get comfortable dinner About two oclock all re turned to the on Point and a moat charming place it la musicians struck up a merry tuno- young people danced Ibemeelvt tired while more sage enjoyed quiet game of chess or dominoes- others went fishing bathing lev and all to enjoy themselves amazingly Some fifty or sixty of psrty on tbe steamer Emit May made ound trip to Orillia The day being pleasant and the Lake unruffled they bad delightful sail About steamer returned to Jacksons Point and with three cheers for their friends the excursionists started homeward arriving at Bell wart about 30 Conductor Hendricks shouted aboard and the train proceeded southward arriving at Newmarket on time It is with have to record the fact that so far as we wars able to bear or see occurred to msr pli the Niagara Falls Excursion From the encouragement given the Managing Committee of the New market Mechanics Institute we under stand they bave concluded to under take an excursion to Niagara Falls on the week from to day will leave New market at fi oclock am Aurora and King at ft arriving Toronto by am in time to the splendid steamer City of Toronto for Niagara thence per Canada Southern R R to Clifton As the tickets are placed the low and as excursionists will be able to return same day i at Newmarket by 10 am and having four hoars to see the sigh at Niagara Falls wo anticipate large party Passengers Aurora or King may obtain ticket of the Station Agents or of the Managing Committee the car This will no doubt be the excursion of the son end will afford many who never yet visited the Falls an oppor tunity of doing so at a much cheaper rate than under ordinary circumstan ces Ws trust to see a large For particulars toes bills Newmarket Council A the shove Council held Monday renins last AH present hot Mr Aftr Mr ordered tab paid petition wss presented by the from Hi Simpson asking to peddle before Um hour of 9 a prohibited by Market ByUw Referred Market Committee motion of Mr seconded Mr Sutherland placed to th Seder of chairman of for pay of labor on roads notice that would the authority of this Council to those parties who recently constructed Drain on Main Street then adjourned i of bo J ft raining 3rd Class failed Oatlfesawh Wjsa didstea Cuss A got Sad B 3rd retired 3rd Clam Fortytwo candidal- out of which number S3 succeed failed 3rd Twenty dates succeeded sad 9 failed Smart Three candid tea all sseessdedrs obtaining certificates to learn In this Miss Freeman 2nd Department In Newmarket Public School passed a e m n The Board of far York Is posed of the two Co Inspectors sad MsBsn Dean Boss sad Cricket Hatch A friendly game Cricket played of the latter Friday and resulting faror of two wicket to spars referring large soon of ass they were most scttve laid TVs two Clubs OB erenly the game fast Friday ent willow first Addison run out Wella Long Irwin Pearson McDonald Dudley Wells and lnria Aatley Wells Widen Tossl AddUoa McDoaald Irvlsg Inriu W Atkinson McDonald I HarUnaa flraham Mac hell Irani C Long not oat Astley BeaUey do Irwin Bowdeo McDonald c Walla Byes Wises Total Dudley Wells McDonald Dudley Graham do Hartmaa do do Irwavb Dudley Loon Pearson MschelL b Rogera not out I tan McrMsmkLn Dudley Hsrtman b it c rTlllLspsli Total i it wa an exceedingly p Irwin runout Local Summary Mr Hoods Photo as will Bar c sssT It is rumoured a log as to gtaaitraiabossksSUMeM find Courier pay hi she little Some person entered yard Mr Morrison soraar or Omssa sad East sad earrlsd a about Bee at both have been a In vain did the old leader urge upon this meeting hi claims to their tor the heart of all wernj baldened mad smooth by hie snpointo Agent to with a salary of per month and expanses paid During the time the oo the principle that Whan rogues fail oat Death of John Cook Last week we alluded to the acci dent by which Mr John Cook of Boms and son of Mr John Cook Court Clerk of this lost hi life The JJome Senti nel of this week is to hand from we learn the following psrtien- 1st regarding inquest Tuesday afternoon Coroner made from rwdnd by lblteg rtn mil I rtlhr fflliw i fhi Vimmmj lUkrfMr bald Mi -rat- thorough boald bars bean a white aaTiha Mr 1 Ignited from sparks A game at lacrosse For three weeks past a copy Mr I be under Cape Lloyd and other at Head quartern by this asonred the as lrwla adjoining the rules a eon Pits I is band and contain the sallowing selse- a All some Horn loalghit Old Mother and Chorus- I iday evening of SwaafSSBj for Chaplain Every reader of the for piquant literary picture of lb grand by Guernsey OM written 1 try Mary by by Lang The Discussion In Queensvllle Six With above caption mora JsaiMrofUtsSsthJsn last tonal not with extracts from article said to be from Rev Scott pertaining to You I frost allow to them the medium of year widely circulated journal Not tiring a sub- to the Sanaa cams 1 The second night he affirmed that infraction of dead fa essential to obtain lifa sad future reward end happiness Ma A Ssy of that it was the most plate fans that ever listened Mr lold distinctly that he not prepared to my much this proposi prepared to ssy much fa it of the chairman on the first of the dead but when he undertook to prove that such resurrection raarnlial to obtain life he he got of which entire man composed so corn la Ms mortal ryes that be could not Gibbon of Roman I believe a man fa and but after 1 of conacloua than pur fabrication frrrnce to rambling off into Gibbon He the I that be had nothing Gibbon wss I debate wberraa up for something to ss gainst me to allow himself to make that I am prepared to as such for these thing are not don was curtailed ten roiaakrs having occupied one hour twenty evening out of which Mr Scott endeavours to make false impression In saying after Gibbon was ruled out of order he that be had nothing further to In rapport of hi proposition snd sat daws I repeat it that Gibbons not referred thst evening to which this psngnph relates But on the tsird evening at the opening of the debate an extract wss being read from Gibbons History to point out historical facta in which Gibbon considered reliable sad which 1 would have by Scripture authority The Chairman at the But in place of then sttttng down after this of tbstsvnLSfs position and the doe of the debate third evening I requested my opponent t dis- with ms the suns fall evening Our bills stated one evening mere would be devoted to the dlsrnsskw each proposition For certain reasons it a declined will fire one more extract fit the same relating to Um evenings delate The should have termiiated renin th In Um mind of Mr Scott Um wish rs doubt father to thought abort lated facta in reference to this same em amply testify H expected by ence to break down Um discussion hot disappointed hence a reprteentatiooa Mr Scott fa compelled misrepresent facts to make statements p- pear plauaiblr which he doubts Let or 7 chosen men to roads throw blame of the Ob each Other any rearjecfahls person that chooses to take fc up for air Newmarket snd discus with him u proposition over again subject to the agreed upon for the leave the others to chosen by party If decide thst on my side Um completely broke down or thst it fa a cos piets farce or the whole that decision fa in Mr Scotts favor I will pay in attending the dfarnsstoa sad other likewise Yours Truly 1 Seta July foreign and Colonial By the Atlantic Cable July The Orangemen of Ar magh made a demonstration yesterday In boa visit of a number of delegates from Canadian Lodges Fully WW Impaled There wss no disorder Loxdom July SB The Government pr- poss upon tb marriage of the Daks of wiUi the Grand Msrfa sfa to incre hfa yearly allowance to The Republican of Bristol bar kern manifesto protesting against say increas to the Duke of occasion of his marriage There are six candidates in Greenwich vacancy ha the House of Commons by Um death of Sir David As four art liberals the suerrstirrs probably carry lis Hampton Court yrstrrdsy by grand dinner Hon Mr pay job Gnat Britain to colony Tb cup at Goodwood day was wan by Helen Modeaa a Oxford Mixture third betting i it was to 1 the winner Pans Jury Government seived which it nan head of ths i Fin July A eounson between the inhsbitanu of Valencia snd the Republican troops is city fa apprehended from ths Government forces in Valencia con- July ManiD July The Bishop of out at ten oclock who was held prfaoner of the insurgent Thomas and Co BH that city been released mil between ADeerUh ha been recerrrd the extending to throe Office that the have raging commenced sn upon forees iu the city sre scUrely reaut- A dated 30 p and are confident off The tire is still raging iuaurretuuuuu Street from Lexington lo The Spanfah steamer Vigilante arise by i flames every house Frederick Charleshssfflre The firAxtonds on Liberty streets e consul July crty to tbe number of forces July Ad rue here from ources state that the minority Cortes intend to leave Madrid go where they purpose establishing i separate LaccMaxsar France July Don Carlo hesitated to advance on Pampeluna waiting for Junction with the force of Dorre His whole force number ISOftO men volunteer from Park rear of Liberty of of Liberty and ireet Saratoga west from fully arm an arririug demand ing ai July on of the inbsbitants famish ing with arms ammunition The town of Cape Coast is full of refugee Fan tees to the number of they been driven in by the Aahanteea who command sll the interior to within a mile c watery is prevalent among British forces on socount of th scarcity o July 2d Don Carlos has seventeen miles north west of Th ut coocen- before the town of Logrono the capital of of that will probsbly mad soon One sad seventy cures other clergymen have fled from Spain snd sought refuge on July Ia suburb city then bean In one day ms SCO cases of cholera thirty deaths have so extensive the Government barn compelled to order the removal of troops to Brack a small town twentythre southeast of Vienna In tin city tbe number of deaths from cholera fa reported twenty per dsy American News Y July Niagara Fall train of Erie Rail way collided with the passenger train of the Buffalo New York and Philadelphia train afternoon Two persons Mrs of and Mrs Pierce of Buffalo are sup posed to be fatally injured Some 10 or other were injured bat not seri ously The escape from desth of passenger on the N Y is a miracle The Erie train struck the rear end of the a A P hied psseenger coach knocking end off and throwing the car off the track to t psawengera were by the rolling of the car iron in lb accident on each other Ky July Good account are given of the tobacco crop in and Central Kentucky bat dvice from Westers Ken tucky report great damage by drouth The fruit great fruit growing regio State is badly damaged by the last frost Locis villi July 21 cholera haw broken oat again in Lagrange Ky Friday night there were too deaths and three on Saturday excessive lsbonr disabled the physician of that place and application has been made to this city for a and druggist Manitoba Items Fajlbt July In tbe Court room today while a point of J law wa being argued on the question of hail Mr Royal counsel for the defence crowded Attorney General rot A I tamo and while running an hour struck train demo tier la the thai of twenty minutes each far thai but pas not definite- nut ha opening rnoarki stated on the part of local sad the of wtthfuraigav Frederick Casttes of fas lend red Marshal srrdsne in favor trial for army The Mara to permit his evident The JtmrnmU says ptofact pasting prince of of Mans csrafajjyjpasr talking not f win 1 of order ant of J favor the Tb sfao ssya that Can of Casts Cm proclaimed a rebel by Don Carlos for being cKsswrned fa the to- day the treaties of of Gnat Belgium by the Daks Brog- wrn of A frura President Assembly received read Ths President says he will Clarke too close a the letter made disgraceful exhibition of comflture by turning suddenly from desk ana throwing a spit ball in r Royals face with the remark onareadirtypoppj The Attorney was made to retract the insult immediately slier- Tbo friends of the prisoner hopes for favorable decision from the Judge although it is a speculation Clarke and hi ale leaving nothing undone which can possibly deepen the indignitie beeped upon Americans AI strangers sre watched with suspicion The passions the people are ap pealed to in rmry manner sad the probability of an invasion from Min nesota is common street talk The following bojlein was in street lsst night Right or wrong can law be en forced To day application for bail was made for the kidnappers Mr Cornish urged upon the court that granting of bail was only patting a price upon the crime of kidnapping Tbe argument has pre siding Judge Mr MeKenxio wss driven home by Mr Wilson of Mia nespolis may mean nothing we shall see Caoad on the alert lop the God the Queen Clarks insult to tbe American Consul has been forwarded to the Minister at Washington Citizens here generally sustain Tay lor and censure Clark Mr MoCorley will tonight before make an affidavit that young did demand from him an additional fee of before the case for the prisoner charged in the j account that be referred tbe case to Brockets who refused to pay Post Man July M Ball was refused in the case in case of Merrtam whose bail was fixed at in two each Credit is due to AttorneyGeneral Clarke who has Mulberry Street the fine house on the North cast corner J Street is on fire lend Academy of Art the of Maryland adjoining a burning Cathedral ft but it thought it will The wind is steady from the east and carried the around causing destruction to wsar booses distant from the origin disss tor pm flr still raging Eight blocks fa buildings bave boon burned and supply is Jailing The best tbe firemen from wett ing to advantage BALTiaoaa July 25 mate of the damage by tho fire today is possible under tbe Bight blocks of fioo building ssvt been destroyed two out Tbe steeple of Us Central Prssbyterian Church is firs At 130 lb fiercest portion of tea fire was on Saratoga street batatas Park and Liberty Ob tat south tide every bouse in tqsan was in flames Among the destroyed were the flrtt Church on street gad tht Central Presbyterian Church Liberty Saratoga and many private residences Mul berry and Park streets Baltimore Md Juls fire raged till by ws completely under control CuMiaaLAHO July Tkh morning an engineer on the and Ohio Railroad lost of hi on a down grade raayr struck tbo rear of a fraigat nolishing twenty cart corn cotton and tobacco and two men were kill the conductor the brakesman drover badly injured Niw Yoajt July A tornado at Macon city Georgia today destroyed the Masonic Temple ad totally demolished severs small Two persons were killed sal a number more or less i L It Is understood thst no political privilege are to be sa to Cuba until tho insurgents layeswafl their arms Spanish Govern a call for men of to be employed in StThomss has under confide bytaw to raise 0vsfl per cent for the conitructioi waterwork A destructive typhoon Amoy on the shipping in the harbour was I dsmsged and tho cable Amoy and Shanghai was J Township Council of have appointed a Inspector are to carry oat the law in reference to the exter mination of that pest to farmers A husband and wife sails from to Glasgow en route Edinburgh recently the wif on her knee the thirtythird Of the thirtythree there are at pre sent alive twentyfour A mineral spring of reauanv sble curative proprieties in dish sod Bright disease has bees day covered in Wisconsin It is calls Botbesos Spring sod immediate re lief follows the use of its water spa A station agent East ran recently with torn of the funds an shewn that a mistake be mad is sal accounts covered the amount A message from tbe notifying the Commons of tbe forth coming tnarriago of the Dak i asking that pre July I Dr Rice of at the Sydenham street Church two clerjrnfEa for service in Manitoba German of Prince Edward CVsmC nag July Just of County of Temiscouata which 1 adopted a petition to rovernorGenersl praying into Mr charges doclaring against the ap pointment of a Royal and fsvor of s Parliamentary Mr member forth in tbe Common joined with Mr- Justin bis efforts and the supported them unanimously order during Um racess will done hi duty throughout farleatly maintenance of respect for Um well in spite of the abuse of American of sTtsaaewjsawnj MeCatownsy daughter by raialM

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