NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST in in tin Mutable theorize at The for it will always bo a NT are you doing said a farmer to li- who at an iM watch IIiiir publican River the Mark they were surprised and a Harked ly larJo lodv of Sioux ami lake Moody light resulting in Hie my TlolaJic must of their Inn game Mr riflo boon tried Wimble ton and attracted muili Tin Loudon pros it favorably and the Ixmdon mechanism rating it Ixve the and in fact MILLINERY Season of 1873 iiij a critical aspect make goml Sir John assuranco giver lrre tho adjournment of House in May last that Cabinet lu complete by tho of August this Iim W inanplMhl irag who thought to have a of Tho eaten undeniable Minister of Public supporter of illy the leading men of that Montreal are openly declaring that Iriah pro- Mr Leadership al vision dealer Min Can supply ready proved a lamentable failure DM a yard ipork and that the French Canadian phalanx tin pigs feet of men in no longer reliable a- If understood nowadya- that when a young lady asks ring will on hi liltlu that he mildly hinting at at When is a paper When it keeps member of any landing to enter tho overt TUe London Advertiser says Vienna letter published today be road without call blush of shame to face of very how many of the reader of reader at the insignificant and insult- this own paper lliev read it spectacle Canada ia made to in- Worlds Fair Beneath as A baldheaded man any he word Canada on a box about a daylight any I square stand tiro bottles of tannin and which gel on the lop ol bis head they skate and slide so lu ocean and tin lo give the fidget the they lire taking their re- scandal bottles of which from for Mrs R BONDS SHOW ROOM Opposite North American Hotel IS NOW OPEN LATEST STYLE IX OTHER MILLINERY GOODS Jon I frora great treat Thorw ian rf imthrtuik bed about eight and lock iho rlainly stands an object of id scorn nations and Pagan We look with for tbe report of Mi ClIALLXNUn An il law tern alleged asau M P and bis the editor of the Ontario those two bottles of if the coat of getting it should Sir John to call for ten thousand lately tried fori As the jury wore coming to sworn tbe judge addressing the major told that if there were any them to whom be Bad an objection that the lime to chatlonge them thank your lordship the gallant but with your lord- jwrmission 111 defer that cere mony till after my trial and if they dont me by tbe piper of Loin- I ehallnoe every Ten Thousand Dollars More tit is tbat thirty woman employed on iho daily press York city at salaries varying to per week Rosa will nth li Palace of Fashion MISS SMITH It now Muck lAMri Millinery Mantles FANCY Fashionable Goods DRESS MANTLE MAKING on is all STAMPING AND PINKING to hi K Ri DRESS MANTLE MAKING In all its departments It In the of the of the late JOHN of the Township of in the County of York Yeoman deceased NEWMARKET SEASON 1873 CKADLKS FORKS STOKES HORSE FORKS Pulleys and Hope REAPER and MOWER SECTIONS GUARDS tec AT LEE MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Jan 171973 1U New Harness Shop REMOVING OR RAISING JlllIX CARRIAGE WORKS NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE LEE IJECKIVED A ASSORTMENT OF W O O ARE OT HUBS SPOKES ifH Walker Powell tb present Deputy Adjolantfieneral will perfon duties of tbe office and rumor to the probability of roil it being altered so as being raised an August 8 steamer running on the Hirer Between Washington and took fire today at Landing and was destroyed She bad about 150 passengers on board and between forty and fifty lire are lost Six bodies were found up to two oclock three ladies one child and two colored children A fatal buggy accident look place at Yarmouth Centre near St Thomas on July A man named Howell was returning from Ay mar with a fiicnd when ibe horse took f right and rein breaking the THE WEBSTER SEWING MACHINE ALL THE RAGE Day of October A D nnlOT will JOHN WALTER FOR SALE A rilVru tai 1 J All JOHNSON Newmarket ikiu NEWMARKET WHILflT rtf Harness Shop in fa is la Jrltr- NEATNESS AND DESPATCH In lUpariij Whips Collam Trunk lea TO FARMERS Harrows SHOP OK General Blacksmithing Ik liarlrtt J J MANNING Aurora Carriage Factory JOHN CLI FT lb iail MBrlulu Eureka Mini AXLES THIMBLESKEINS I SPRINGWAGGONS Bar and Band Iron Tire and Lumber Waggons SPRING STEEL ll Torto lb Co REPAIJRI HORSESHOEING Shingles Pine Cedar Eunn it Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket STOVES GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO September SJ IT IS A FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves MUSIC MRS MUSIC AND FRENCH For apply to MBS GEORGE SUTHERLAND At the Canon Ramsays LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES Sow is your time to buy your Stoves and COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE that that NATURES OWN VITALIZER MaSB rmt to bis of HORSESHOEING buggy Iho ditch and How thrown brolr en lie formerly acted aa lo Sir John A atacdooald and was also at on time servant to Iiowland and a porter at tho House Toronto The following is a of too registration of births months Mark ham ViUwk believe that the another time of calling haul which Sir John out of Sir Hugh on of last was used by John Hill- yard Cameron in the Peel election which occurred on 29tb of that month John Hi I yard is a nice man to bare the deciding vole oo an en quiry into Sir Johns bribery in trigues minis- tana nominees on the helped in lo spend iho which fell to his share for cam paign in and around Quebec It can be well understood that neither of those men hare any intense daair the investigation go on and that their are sale the of SEWING MACHINES JTsrtS I Hub ib snUa Thaw alMaU stlvcUsf slatvann It Stands Unrivalled prise nidi AIssm By OFFICE AT THE HOTEL dnmd iii B pB Saturdays House Lot For Sale Brlh M r J Mr jib Mr Not The Square Thing One Firm bat Several Agents Ms Kama ts i all It rf lU ssssatsi Sir las of last sstlss j a Co Br I si trick ia lis GREAT BARGAINS SELLING OFF GOODS saJ or M IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility Call at Ik Not to be UNDERSOLD BOOTS AND SHOES Ir-l- Just Published STRAUS WALTZES Arranged as VIOLIN SOLOS cony in board 1 I M Tb m im bbJ mi Ha 11 mi M MM MMM U TUMI BUt 1I5 11SC Jmlj MUM la ft TM UU MOT BbB1 BJl A SON Co He BAKER SEWING MACHINE I AHEAD I Full MVUm bu iaipravBKMU k Tackeri Ask for Mat for 1 AddroBH Broad my SANGER MALE VOICES Sample conic mailed postpaid for JO per Addren J Voices FAIRY a FOR DAYS Bead cents and we sample copy April 1st Add J L PETERS Up FARMERS Save Your lime By purchasing one of PLOUGHS I J I males ami all in either Sex VICTORIA LINIMENT Limbos Amti it IT CARBOLIC SALVE A inM Burns Scalds are and Chronic of the of every description JELLY For Beautifying lite Complexion tni for removing Tan Sunburn Broadway NY Lazarus Morris Save Tom perfected SPECTACLES Book Accountor Note tat 1BTS If Iks sasu art set paid OP APRIL NEXT 11 Ctutinga and Machinery Orasrs all of Wort Lata The Host Perfect Spectacles MOOT CONIKU EASE AND COMFORT Cuss a cm prw plolDr tax jJoaiKi Bias a do work an sn lit- tl can be ilk IW MORE EASE FOR MAN HORSES STRONG EFFICIENT AND DURABLE tor ill of si also rib up to la width for all of REPAIRED Jsd atwatioa Tbroaaisg JOHN SUroa Kay 187S IB if Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON of Ontario Vstsnaarj TOaONTO i HORSES CATTLE o Medicines of Every Description fo Horses Cattle aUcays on Hand t For Sale WW Cm Mr AIM far Ml M Ml Ik ACHES Of aland- alba TOILET SOAPS SOAP VICTORIA SOAP VICTORIA ROSE 1IOXLY ASD NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SOU Uli of Somarkil anJ OPENed BAKEE7 BREAD CAKES BISCUITS TRAVELLERS Insurance Company LIFE and the most Favorable Terms Department THE TRAVELERS I bolt IriaabUsf a son of to acsJh sssklj li St ix for m cost or a to per tbooMaJ tesaavl sat bajauJouj isksttvktnat ratos Life Is Lite ill and is tha cub pastas MBiplicatioei or ifprsBiissi SIS do bash a sBnstaiw sot mdtt Is rats a fen Last a Great Many Tears i without requiring lobe Sol- of ict i a Mr C SIKBS0N an ApplkailaM far Lin Mlik pnapt Aram gO iliiViirii- HESBV King I It