Newmarket Era, 12 Sep 1873, p. 4

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I I I NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 12 VALUABLl FARMS Physician Surgeon For sale Bi tender TIMOTHY bm lul iapcr tie ml alt COKOSIB COUIlSf OF YORK Mr Jxb Killing at llio Ho thai is for of lhM Had HI- bay thorn ho will lot hi a Which of bo To live n Mr- Kiile Mac I a Whitchurch ami SIXTYSIX ACHES scythes III yon la if von go ion Mil Inira from Why in it that lightning that into tho river ami get thoj- dentil I Ml They aay that when the of mother letth reached of llerlin he rent Shade ami declared that ibo now i S royal I Field funk woman who upon being at dinner of her death Jost wait until I haw eating ami Ill show you mi tall crying why dont you go to NEW STORE not such a vagabond work before breakfast ell work after breakfast it is only little while lilTnlt Sale Dry Goods- Clothing- low Boots Shoes Dot wot iwy Millinery it unhealthy to between Ac an In Texas the other day a lt n doctor rode fifty mile to attends patient After bo had cam the Astonishingly LOW patient be a bill of and proceeded to complete hi pro- i n for the journey beck to tho A A PI J thinking no more about the matter A he about to patient put in with his rifle in his hand sail be I reckon wed better settle matter now and taking him You ftf want without a settlement Work then and dint dinner and upper Hero ten I inar thing jest get Last year nearly ported had to to in their progress owing to of postage The of another ruleviz that fix- eight day from the date of an the limit within which a lewpaper be for foreign ran minion also lead to the low of i law of newspapers such lumber year having been 100000 The Montreal nay The adopted by Huntington conntitutcH a frcrdi I S 9 I 1 two taf Knclilikitl Millinery Mantles FANCY ETC J ln Fashionable Goods In lU MIUKV willlo in thee mainotolvHecn by Mr Huntington likely to have we hour with Bon without th DRESS MANTLE MAKING at the 1Kb but for like acting play of Hamlet with Hamlet left Declining to appuar in the be may AXD PISKIXO nmp Co r nmonod he the the Gov ernment wilt virtually have to act it- own prosecutor As be din tbe legality of the Commission an a court however it is quite possi ble bo may refuse to recognize the summons in which will the pa i n it and penalties to be within their reach and place tbe rocaltration I member for in durance vile It iit doubtful this would botoaocordl him a kind of martyrdom that would only tend to strengthen his position a defender of the rights of i only solution of the 1 cult now would to bo the call of Parliament together at the earliest possible moment to give their opinion on the whole affair To it looks more clearly than ever it must come at last and to de lay it is only prolonging existence a scandal that is hurting iho repu tation of country- In San Francisco on in- Thomas a boiler- maker but and killed a young man named THE WEBSTER SEWING MACHINE ALL THE RAGE rill lh of lbs SEWING MACHINES For Dm Vort of York la all horUat isle Tfc boat ahaU the of exasperation caused by bis suspi cion that Johnson maintained so inti macy with In daughter Hannah Cur- tin fifteen years of age has long to prevent the meet ing of two but Johnson and Han continuod to meet clandestinely in spite of his demand to tbe con trary Johnson especially persisted in this course sad received a note warning him that if he continued abide the consequences On the night previous to rooming of tho shooting Johnson and Hannah went to a dance on Stockton street The girl returned to her fathers resi dence at an early hour in morn i The fathers wratb was aroused and after making preparations to have iho girl planed in Asylum be went out in search Johnson whom upon meeting on a street corner be immediately charg ed with having kept bis daughter away from borne on previous night- Johnson denied Ibo allegation and replied with insolence At the time turned to walk away As he did so fired inflicting a mortal wound from the effects of be died at six oclock in the went home after be It Stands Unrivalled and arretted him- OFFICE AT THE HOTEL NEWMARKET tad ill it a MONDAYS SATUMDAYS int nir- a mi 11 ONE HUNDRED ACHES Hi M Fifteenth day of irptanbernext DUDLEY wtiirkrl July 1ST In the matter the estate of the late JOHN SHTHTLEWORTE taWjoba lo asJ baud f any part to aaj pan boaaclaH act avotiot IS a JOHN SHUTTLE WORTH WALTER DUDLEY Jut S0 18 CltlJVOVa Uat COO aad g AT STORE Ntttj NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORK SEASON 1873 NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE CSADLES FORKS A STONES Pulleys and Rope and SECTIONS GUARDS tec AT LEE A BASTEDOS MAIN NEWMARKET New Harness Shop ilia sad Shop in a It aiacaU allardtrm la Dm al fafBBcWa of NEATNESS AND DESPATCH altrtlioD lo Whips Collaxfl Trunks v it j frHI8ilrrr SHOP OH EAGLE STREET General Blacksmithing Daa it all J MANNING if Aurora Carriage Factory CLIFT BRiH to lb of Aarora on ha a Lb sad of Patent Eureka Harrow itrodaead to lb pa Mm nth toatk Ac of AHaltaraJita af loss laapantoa it par J af pa to HORSESHOEING naaot aorpaaatd ALL KINDS OF ih sad a datoraiosilos Pi aad FOB which can bo by a timely to this in ration has been by liundrctls of testimonials received by the proprietors It is acknowl- by many prominent to bo the most reliable ever in troduced for tho relief and Lung- complaints and is to the public sanctioned by the experience of over forty years When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs Bronchitis Croup Whooping Cough Influenza Asthma Colas Sore Throat Pains or Sore ness in Chest and Side Liver Complaint Bleeding at the Lungs c Wistars Balsam does not dry up a Cough and leave tho cause behind as is tho case with most preparations but it loosens and cleanses the lungs and allays irritation thus removing the cause of the complaint SOU La r Desirable Residence A TawaTBssiafBW Sad Ctftors ansa a sad SILVER Newmarket WBaBrtaJoJ7ttSl7i IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON IMPROVED PUMP far Durability and Utility Will aaj Wan Hot to be UNDERSOLD ROVER A BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD Fatal Ha baa ait fantbaVad ili ft All Style of Grocer A Baker Machines ens Year UK far OR RAISING dalln at own CRONE Joj 1873 if CARRIAGE WORKS SPRIHGWAGGONS Lumber Waggons ALL CALL AMD EXAMINE fat REPAIRING la Us lb HORSESHOEING LEE BASTEDO RECEIVED A LA ASSORTMENT OF WOO CONSISTING OP HUBS SPOKES RIMS SHAFTS c AlsoSPRINGS AXLES THIMBLESKEINS o Horseshoe and Baud Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL IIP It Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO September 33ly UNDERTAKING WRIGHT A SON MUSIC MRS SaTHERLAND AND FRENCH GREAT BARGAINS OFF DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES At 10 per cent Discount for CaL Jut Pabliahed I STRAUS WALTZES VIOLIN SOLOS k tor tent poet- paid Address J L PETERS Broadway SANGER Singing Festival af GLEES PARTSONGS CHOIUSES- Ac MALE VOICES Sample copies mailed paid or I Addreaa J PETERS Broadway FAIRY VOICES A MUSIC BOOK FOR DAYSCHOOLS I Send cents and wo will mail imple copy April IsL Address J J L PETERS Broadway NY IT IS FJCDT J Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES Vor jiour to hut your Slope and COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN W At prices that will astonish you A Cat ill jot tbt data that DwaksawsjarBWaaH tor farm Produce Sheep Skint dte taken in Exchange for Good First Star a J J HODGE October 11 IMP Save Your Money I rpmaadaratfBad thank tba pabtls Mud to Morris SPECTACLES aturaraarj OF APRIL NEXT will ha la art for If U1 11 Castings and Machinery I of Work a JAMES Land Surveyor a Surveyor Plans Plant of Bride Specification form of Contract Security exe cuted with and despatch OFFICE So Loan Conor Toronto sate The Most Perfect Spectacles vr Caaaa a aad Last a Great Many Tears without requiring to bo changed So they are the cheapest as well the best Mr SIMPSON FARMERS Save Your Time A Labour I By purchasing one of PLOUGHS TBEflt FtMibaaraJBatlbalbtsitbatanBar to and labor I and Kb aad la fail on nan and l bonea tba MORE EASE FOR MAN NORSES STB EFFICIENT AND DURABLE tor ill klada of trill rib to ibtoM ia fdU Order for all of TorningofWoodorlron atatod abettor nolle REPAIRED aa4 pMial Macklan JOHN ROBINSON roaadr Ha If if Horse Infirmary iffuunanrf- LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON Collar lb- HORSES CATTLE A I on MalarU For 8ale A UC 00 lndS IUa JOHN VICTORIA I Stcelliiuj iardlSa and all organs in cither Sex itaoftTaaj of too Ka fiotila LINIMENT J in the and Bruises SbsbbbbI Toothache it tntM Sold VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE WORTH ITS A Specific jr Burnt PUt ftsisW and Chronic of of every description par Sox TORI A GLYCERINE JEUY Fur the for removing Tan Sunburn It Pimples also for Chilblains 2e par fio I LTJMBEB FOB part Building Lumber A Builder Bill TOILET VICTORIA ECl VICTORIA lYCEEWEk HOSE Y AND WINDSOR all NEW BAKEI JOSEPH to to OPENED A BAKEBll BREAD CAKES t to merit a of BUTTER AND EGGS IN EXCHANGE A call la V sag travellers Insurance Company LIFE and Accident IXSUBj COMPANY AoeiJnt I of to IH I to k 1 I bj laratjtnx aaks for a coat af So to par I not Life Trs SS low ntto AllpallsrMBsa TbufaataiaUericiaaJ g JOHN Orrwra 2 Kinf

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