Black Lustre a Silvers for worth Great BargainsReal Collars from SO t 3 New Goods in great varie NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Hamilton Timet answer the following le SffiSSSS that But this is not all a month in the neigh of 120 to 130 money letters Von robbed from It Office the money in many cases struggling men trying Central Fair had the pleasure of visiting the exhibition this week end we tire to bo able to congratulate itM promoters upon the mm attending their effort Some two years ago the Electoral Society of South Wellington and the Township Society of aided and en couraged by subscriptions from the Corporation of the Town decided upon trying the experiment holding a grand Central Kxbibilion The success attending that experiment so encouraged those undertaking it that detent climb their way up world last year following by equally there is no word of vigorous measoros resultsbeing only J I to pieces generally because the thief sp lias not boon bile on I the other hand in consequence of the Premiers plot to cheat Montreal bo- jing discovered bo is making a terri- ado meanwhile the Ministerial press raves with much fury at post office MM bat forget the a conduct of their chief Gentlemen I fire the other way the Provincial Fair The exhibition this week is therefore tin third annual show and baa proved highly gratifying to all concerned whllo this year figure up being an increase of over FRIDAY SEPT 19 a- Township Board Trustees Our Toronto Despatch oa Wellington County can boast of some fine stock and t ho display mad by breeders of that section would do no discredit to the Provincial la the various classes of horses there were entries in cattle in swine Saturday la I for the purpose of tak- SmrgJZ dairy 1hm into consideration the qeslonef fioe Li School Trustees compulsory attendance at School i y made an excellent show the f was a fair I j- ui a I Hall Add to these a creditable of Tr tees other leading j play sewing machines musical of the Township- Pi and the usual show of rue limiting John Kan- fancy things generally found large fairs and the reader can form an idea of the extent of this central i exhibition We visited the grounds oi being present was called uiton I V- i Wednesday and learned from itboritios that about ticket re sold during that day add to is the number of exhibitors attend- ts etc and we may safely say that about 12000 people were on the grounds that day Wo have alluded more particularly exhibition at tins lime with of impressing upon and others in this section portanco of making an effort The I some section paid mills on the the years i Provincial Some lime about the beginning of while others paid only He also from Toronto is month Sir John A to the fact that out of a school tot he held rote a letter to Hon J rope of population of about in ibo Manufacturers of Toronto bare a of which appears Township only of an average pressed tie tint page of this days issue were in attendance a Reeve Mr Inspect for the Northern the meeting I that among the many arguments given in favor of the proposed scheme j of Township Boards he might name dilation of tho Assessment Poor and mall sections would thereby i ceivc assistance from the wealthy parts of the Township also convert parents by abolishing boundaries economy in lime and money in the number of school cent and lessening bitter feeling be- by continued change in boundaries of si paid from learn that the Premier Quito a discussion followed in of Canada instructed Mr Pope to which a good number took part but offer the bribe a scat in the Cabinet the of feeling to aid the while our own in the Riding we make no doubt be glad of an opportunity to handiwork throughout At tho the discussion the following resolu were adopted unanimously lUtliorin by si day to Mr Workman i throughout At tho conclusion thereby that gentleman to spend his wealth with the view of wresting the constituency from being represented by a member of tho mors it smacks of a deep laid eonpiracy against Hon Mr Young the sitting member also On tho 2nd of he mouth Sir Jobn I p bit friend Pope that important Teller awaited htm in the Montreal Post Office but 1 HUT With la letter was fyrthceming The next day letters were scattered hither and lhrn thither in the March for this special I missive but no trace of it could be found On Thursday morning the The Genl Lee Monument precious document appeared in the The Provincial Exhibit Ion of the consternation of the rial camp An examination bejbre the Police Magistrate followed and the evidence adduced that on Wednesday last the letter was J among the of the Hon Young with a to him of Jitwipiit1 01 Im Johnston K tlmooon sad et- and ml a of Owl Lew The cl of sale applied in of this I to a of of at th and TV portrait will U by MbacriptkMi through rogular author 1 and will a by d Chair- mm of Association portrait to and hops uu- No 17 k Ohio sad ap- of Believing an was made to play on his credulity be showed the missive to the Hon Messrs Hod who declared that the letter was Bring assured of this he conceived John was conspiring against independence as well as himself and handed the letter for publication to the Herald Perhaps in this Mr Young was wrong but having be- com roaster of the situation legiti mately and without procurement An his part and being at once satisfied of the design of the Premier it is a very grave point to decide whether or not the interests of the public at large doty demanded its publica tion or suppression That letter sl forth a conspiracy by which a con servative was to bo bribed with an office and a second possible candidate was to bo bought off the track It reveals a Ministerial Plot against the honor dignity and indepen dence of the sacred rights of every abject being the case justice demanded an exposure of the intri gue Ho one question that the thief who stole tho letter should be punish ed but aM in this are hue Id not forget that for this Mr Young is not responsible The hue and cry raised by the Ministerial press Mr Young is just the usual outburst of indignation ever manifested by criminals when their misdeeds are exposed aad while may unite in condemning the thief to the let as pot forget the merited jp that attach ad to the dark intrigue became expos- ppojnment of the brother of Sir Johns organ the Mail gj As wanly on Mr Young fltmling ioOiorte the of this it reo stream Iks seal of cnt indicate the MmiiUrs regard tbeir cm mplrll Is IB skill Tb rsilining of cloak I in sad then mar with lifllk day Provincial Pair this year will bo held at London Out during next week and according to tho London Herald promises to surpass any pre vious exhibition held for several years That journal says though the list of entries is not yet f complete sufficient is known to war- 1 i rant the most sanguine expectations The number of onirics during the last show in London in was I in Hamilton in there were j year up to the time entries reach nearly 4000 with the list still incomplete are therefore save in such a gratifying stale of affairs augurs wolfTor the success of the exhibition of Every department shows an increase on previous years with tbe single exception of that of agri cultural implements from the fact that association have decided not to offer in that department year by request of a majority an ufae lures The grounds and buildings will be in a complete state for handing over to the officers of association in a few days several ad ditional improvements having bean made by local committee over for mer years Applkmtun sasojsby several Boards the sad rata tor the year cation srrflflO a a to ioe by in in arrnd outlet from froat anil aid from towards defray- by Mr He by Mr that lb CVS to notify Mr of that thi to pay John the must est load from as will a luadi srpsraUly la to of Road laying oat the plot Township thou I J for lies of road and matter that Treaan ones pay the BUI of Card by Mr Board sob of P a rnaaiag Use Bead to the SUfs 1 Carried by Mr aareeded by at rraaew aud that the order of expense incurred Carried Moved by Mr Comer ascended by Mr thai of Highways Road Ihridoa So IS be instructed by the Clerk Stake off the Road established be tween Lata No X in the fttb Ceo the polity eaces en each side removed by the G day Moved by I Henry that as of ways No Mr Jad unable to the labour of aii of municipality on of the la the of a P to the has where each labour he hereby to eipend sari Carried and Providing Tor Friends the Dominion Premiers friends are exceedingly dubious about the result of the Pacific Scandal Appointments are being pressed for by friends on every hand and made of a most glaring surrounded by circumstances ig with almost unerring certainity political considerations as mr principle Oar Toronto des patch furnishes a notable instance recently occurring in Toronto We Id name perhaps dosen re- Goo a Council be Council met at the village of the llth lnL Member all present of meeting were The Rem laid the the legal Union of Mean Blake Kerr a Boyd la re- to the right of way to the gravel pit by the Cerporation from John Rid- informed the that OB reeneat few ratepayers he had Dr Noble to a ait to France who state front some disease and that he weald for visit The Clark the following catioes via I John Boyd for far killed by sags from the see of High School District No asking far of Q0 reanirsd from High frees Be lie giving of adnuaaioa the from Mr draaaaal Riddel tor gravel aan presented by asm row of In fhs lag to sad from the sxy to Toronto on Township A petition was from J J Graham others of 8 Me far alteration ia the of said Sec- also for tohorrow the asm of 4 lea year and from line of toad us leading to the School Lately Bathgate be loei by Mr seeded by Mr Bid that the sum of be for of repairing the Bridge on the Sad Con Line nearly opposite Lot and that Alex bo to expend same work to be approved aw a committee of Carried Moved by Mr Henry seconded by Mr Corner that the Clark be instructed to Com municate with the Con My Treas with the view of ascertaining amount claimed by Mr Greene in reaped of the Sale of parts of certain lota of la the TownahipaoU In ISM lWe and 1MB and endeavour to settle seam end correct Moved by Mr Henry seconded by Mr that the account of the Reeve of Township Dollars for legal opinio Tad by Mr seeoaded by Mr Cor- hat the Reeve grant an order on the Treasurer to John Boyd for amount of taring two thirds of Aheap killed by dogs Carried Moved by Mr Henry seconded by Mr that the report of the Clerk is refer race to the action taken by him and other foi the removal of obstructions from outlet Lake is fully by as satisfactory and deem it a duty on behalf this municipality to grant their ripens the i going to Toronto on be paid and that the Treasurer for Mr cloeiugjart of the Spbikqhill A fruit is Hal Church takes Momlaj tho Tht is playing fast Sale Register and Colonial By the Atlantic Cable the place Was Ho I sjalnst V i r The as act ought to be made public It on that plea that they published speak- now note and the letter The defending those actions and comparing them with the Pope matter practically assorted that while it has a rigbt in the interests of good gov eminent to publish a private letter from one I Worm or to another to publish a from one Tory to That was the substance of it merit of verbiage and quib bling Was tbe letter handed opened and unsealed by the Montreal I public We hold that it was It set forth a conspiracy by which a Hortative was to bo bribed by tho offer of to use his wealth in an contest in other words to pay out money for Tory party It provision for buying another possible candidate both acts of corruption and the la a standing re solution of Parliament Resolved that is highly criminal in any minister or or other servants under the llriuin directly or indirect- to use tbe power of in the elarttoa of to serve In and an each will at all times he by this House aa aimed against Honor Dignity and Independence win in fringraieut tbe dearest rights of ever jnl ihrouglaMit the empire and tending referred to Ba it there fore that the Sacra grant order the Treasurer far the sum of fat sad ia plete tea undertaking aad the mania pah I of North granting a further sad as sum to that already the is hereby suthoriied to grant his order foe an equivalent amount aa in the opinion of this Council both arc and that the seal of the corporation be resolution Carried Moved by Mr ascooded by Mr ddelL that the for past rear be new adopted the diakoJtias with the lata Treasurer which prenitsadocioeattheaaltiafhasbeeB settled tit tiw ho sad is hereby instructed sJ9tad for in the The than pass ByLaws far the 1st By to loj- scdjact the rate of five mills is tb far Oaunty Tpwaahsp rat High school foe the year tod ByLaw to levy end collect special tea on the rateable of the by of r board vix No sum 0 Alto ByLaw to authorise iav Trustee of 8 No x to borrow the aum of for a Verm of t Lsr to and ia power sen off The Plot In attempting to prove a case if false assumption can be made use of a starting point any desired result Penny bare been stolen out of the Post Office when they agreed on its publi cation Now there not on ly not an of proof of this but all the evi dence is It- It has not yet a matter of fact been proved that the ratter was stolen at all If it was it quite clear that Mr did step not suspect ft Id have taken fringmirutof the dearest rights igbaut the empire and I letter then that fell into bands revealed a Ministerial plot against the honor dignity and independence of Commons- that contemplated an infringe of dearest rights of every and tended to sap the basis of this free and happy constitution Mr Young would not have been juati find in stealing a letter to expose such a plot that would have been committing one crime to cheek another ono but Mr Young did by so doing ho would have become a party to one crime in order lc expose parties to another crime But Mr Young did not know this letter to been stolen The only then is whether when of a plot came to bit knowledge in a legitimate way legitimate far as he was concern ed he justified in making use of it so as to thwart conspirators That was what ho did and that was all ho did and in doing It be sacrificed his own personal interests for according to Mr Popes sworn be would have bad Flout Inspectorship without such publica tion and it is of course very doubtful if ho will got it now He bad n interest of bis own in publishing letter and the fact that he did consent to it at the peril of his ia proof of bis thorough onesty of purpose That the Tories cars see wrong in tbe letter in question organised Ministerial policy of last year what could do expected Where purchase of about a sixth of the Commons is pled as perfectly proper It must a a slight matter indeed to tamper with a couple of candidates Political Purity Ibo Montreal says Should the political crisis the now pawing through patriotic Canadian mui fervently hope it will in casting out iptlon from its high places tbe most serious question for those ing purity of Government will bo tbe reform of the Civil Serv system of Public appointments generally The doctrine that to he victors belong the spoils which haa fallen into dispute even among Republican neighbors is still in this Canada of ours from a judge on the bench to humblest official in the Poet Office is considered right and proper thai Government of day should make all the capital in its power by appointments for political reasons The result same it haa been elsewhere under auob a role public interests have suffered and ption has been promoted while A Steamer if he I VIS LOST Sept A southwest galo prevails upper lakes today appeared ground he look no band I lU Tot ay iltul luminC talloo I of isioncd by Ironside of Hi 1 land not from inferior material and Grand Havon line minutes after the bursting thenae- foundered about Grand Haven high lea off promised of Donaldson lrtajiuU would go in it ho offer and a i Tbe other boats not been heard today to make from It is not known bow many probably ball beaub at Grand Haven The steamer Ironudet belonged to Knglishmans line connecting with Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad sod one of the largest steamers on lakes signal of distress was hoisted at a ra but bo terrible was the sea no assistance could reach She laboured in tho trough of from about the Post office and Custom House exhibit a deficiency more or less of honesty and effectiveness Borne genuine system of Civil Service reform such as has long been established in Brit ain and has been lately Inaugurated United States in imperatively in this try Some pitiful attempts been to justify tbe Premier paper has gone so far as to seek a for it in the late elec tion to the British House of Commons from Here Mr- Stephen waa of the three The paasengers and crow prepared the boats to leave her at about 1 oclock and last her at and bad got about a quarter of a mile from her whon she went down There were boats filled with the crew and paasengers one boat con taining five men and four women capsiaed and only one man of the reached shore Four boats reached shore up to this lime One boat containing and wife and five passengers has not yet been heard from It is feared are among lost Thirty two persona are known to have been sav ed and fourteen bodies bavo been recovered following a list of the drowned whose bodies have been recovered and identified steward of boat Halls of Charles Wir- agent Co New York Mrs A Valentine and child of Milwaukee A Donald son of Grand Rapids Michigan Mrs J S Dowitt of Millwaokeo Yellow Fever at Shreveport OauA5i Sept A Pica yune special from says the disease which Is raging there is genuine yellow fovcrc of most malignant type There is no abate ment apparent and sudden change of weather has proved fatal to sick Tbe Howard Association is well organised and is doing noble service but tbo city is being almost depopulated It is impossible to ob tain nurses to attend sick Three phyaicans from New Orleans arc there Henry Smith J J and Flancy The of this says yesterday fatality far exceeded that of any sir of the and cold winds fatal b bad the effect of purifying iphere and in the opinion of out will be conducive to of those who are now well and will assist many more to reoover ho stood tbe sudden change It that persons are now with the fever and the deaths far amount to 148 Another despatch signed by the Doctors ays No report yon may have calved from here possibly tho condition of affairs it indeed deplorable Twenty feu r all whites are reported ftr twentyfour hours ending today there were twentytwo deaths yesterday American Hews ALUXT Sept The Saratoga train due here this was thrown from the track by a misplaced switch the train the city Tbe ready by the middle of October interview Wise stated that his son was from the circle and he refused to go unless tig son ho admitted that hi i out and asserts that substituted balloon was i The loss of shippiogo j casioned by recent storm passed ovor tbo Provinces it estimated at two hundred thousand dollars Aug As the ax cursion parly from to the Grit picnic loday were on the boat here to return rasa named Shelters of arrived in a buggy and to the railway station where his wife bo fired three shots at her two of which look effect tbe arts and the othor in side Us wont to boat where he fired saaa at shots at the Captain but did not hit him Soon be then attempted to shoot was prevented that plunged into the river but on swam to the boat and held out band to be drawn inwbich was Jealousy was cause sboot but hopes of her recovery A 1 Shelters He schooner Mary Buttle while for this port and when about 8 mils from hero this foronoon across yacht which was drift ing down the Lake with spars eat out and partially filled with water In yacht wore two men whose name was found to be Ward being olive other H Davidson being dead On arrival Dr J when the following facta elected from Mr Ward That the yaeht tender and baggage car were thrown down the embankment at Creek The firemen James Salter was killed the engineer and bag gage master escaped with slight in juries None of the paasengers Tenn Soft 15 following despatch was received boat They drifted mercy of the storm having oil spars out to right the yacht awaking this morning Mr found thtl hi companion bid lh night The jury rl the effect that deceased had faauslion and exposure facts on board tbe wreck of tie Mr Ward fan ell cared fer at Wood ftcj Merchant of a aoa t on wtteof MrlSS i of a Charah at aJai nolo Ruasrs of or Newmarket Market dates and a fortlio for England be Ing Solicitor that Sir of the of sew l syoarnad to again at is I Olaaa of at of so in such as himself the reapc Men who are engaged Local Summary oar old friend Mr esry rsi solars of be savsv ttW A vary painful disss ter G lad stone have England such parison would very likely be looked ponasagroas Insult to the British Premier MrJStephen himself denied any official arrangement mat er bet supposing any such had existed that a letter of Mr Gladstones colleague bad turned up in the way Pope- letter bad done the would not suffer tbe hue and cry after post office thelvee and their accompli criminal up their tracks as John A always but neither Mr Young nor Mr peony mads any attempt at secrecy questions if the loiter aside from demanding the Impeach a stolen the to be i and dismissal from power of She point at issue is wen who might be shown have issuav in a way which a resolution whether a itf Parliament declares highly I light from of the Telegraph in Arkansas and TrTxas dated Little Bock to night lateeuadvice La bated jrninh eitw ndescribafMo Of six men in our- JasmsKrr a office five have taken fever two have already diet The interments i average thirty or forty daily In a population not over Physi cians and nurses are worked oat and he people of the entire know these send aid to this suffering i Signed Baan Superintendent Sept A great i crowd assembled atBrooklin today to witaese departure of balloon The Inflation continued steadily until 10 minutes past four when balloon suddenly swayed to the north ripped halfway round with a great tearing sound fell flat ground immense volume of gas nearly 400000 feet which had pumped into it escaped at the s moment nearly suffocating who stood beside it Inspector Folk Mr and Police Commission er had but an Instant before ward and thus escaped being buried I the ling in what appeared way Into Mr Youngs possess was justified in making it public J Now whoever else may condemn him St CATHiainaa Sept so dolag tho Ontario Tories Twentythree thousand people right to do so for by their own visited Bamoms show on Satudday actioes and arguments they It was a gala day the country T iiTi end the principle that a people The show goes from here to tbt appears to aim at and thence to Haiti the performance of a public more Waahiogtoo crowd made a general rush over the ropos with tbe intention of tearing up balloon into small pieces and cairying thorn off as mementoes bat the strong force of police on ground charged and drove them back but not before many succeeded Mr who had contracted to fill balloon said it would be all folly to attempt another inflation as the bag was not marie of proper material so enterprise abandoned for present These having charge of undertaking made a great deal money out of it Yoaa Sept 13 The proprietors claim that Wise signers for payable three the M I wTiiehaataowosfia of the has BARGAINS did not to go did not mo for ml It Mllj- not to I to- AN IMMENSE STOCK CROCKERY GLASSWARE