laa NEWMARKET ERA SET 19 1873 111 11 nh to irnvtr MlM to kTWeavilurit ing all id ilio truth ili jr The earth if for were the adjoining each other at cam ilc saw A juryman ru t I v the ho over read the the an for public Mr Ky Bulletin iioincva a Sun Jay school picnic id truly hojKK for one una will llwip revolvers mid I at home Mgr An from the country G I CHEAP LINES Physician Surgeon M CORONER COUNTY OF YORK FAEM FOR SALE Ha I iilrrfrm Swark WILLIAM BROTHERS REMOVAL J unmarried daughters wont t fc- iarnBtIn NaT If you dont want the go up tho chimney th of an fHlitor to who liim NEW STORE rem and Jlendersont Only lat week a beloved and nit Dry Goods Clothing Boots Shoes Millinery Haberdashery c C do more Ilia do could only get him ti Astonishingly Low A tody in rapid of CALL AND SEE 1iir th drank Then do reply Ml that hi friend being called ho did friend foot Saar A Ixutrdin lory in I i of In mm Jam M Wo nXhla Of hi- fool n il Jrt S I recent thunder Millinery Mantles turn- FANCY GOODS ETC DIM0OOM in 10c attack aid Bill a a traaada L HAT- J ljr HIM NEWMARKET store SEASON 1873 SCYTHES CRADLES PORKS RAKES A SCYTHE STOKES REMOVED AT STORE oppoaiU tat Marks LOCRHARTS GROCERIES AND S Broken Loaf Rice Currant Near Valencia of il prices Sugar for 00 1 i no I 00 1 00 DO Cheap Other Proportu Abo il cube of PURE FRENCH WINES tin Wood k far aolltta per Alicante St of lowest baby it on I- chill at that an I do willing nwhowteuJcator en into the totter repliftl the police give an account of Wild the Fashionable Goods DRESS MANTLE MAKING a all iu rfaaiieib v- In of the of the to Ve to ih ik Mid art rebj la trad I Maaat of am or tarfcra Day of October A at hith tin la aaid adaii hi for burglary in the third Irwin whoaa I the name bean connection with tho Fatal Accident Last Monday a of Mr North Orillia a lad aged ycara left the with liia a child about latter afterward re turned to the crying and alatod that Sam was Mr went with girl the plac- indicated and found the lying beneath a fallen tree dead She immediately sent for her husband who waa working on Northern Extension Railway near Steamboat Point Coroner waa and held an inqueat After and THE WEBSTOR SEWING MACHINE ALL THE RAGE I ii rtcattrad l thel Coroner charged jury that con- 1 l aidering all the and that there no evidence of foul a falling during the llioy in a verdict to that effect which was accordingly j SEWING MACHINES In the year 18T6 two years from Hay a World a Fair will held in Philadelphia enter- or city the national pride of United Slate and the Ml eT gronnda for believing that the display- on that will be worthy of the What with Stands Cook intornauonal travelling ar rangamtnta wa may fairly expect an influx to continent it of anything over before wit It the poople Canada to gird up their to take advantage of the at I their dratra Tho people of Europe even of Croat Britain are ignorant of our resource or advantages an ignorance and carefully fostered by Ameri can emigration agents in the Old World Nothing would pay Canada butter whether directly or than a good show Philadelphia 1876- would tempt many a lour 1st to sxtend his trip to the country that it with the result of impressing the inteltigei Europe a of what Can baa done and what aha capable of doing There ta not any to lime to make proper between now and May It a poor plan to leave everything to the mercies of a the matter to the o and Local waUM OFFICE AT THE HOTEL NEWMARKET ad Ic ilrruaud it a SATURDAYS lot JOHN WALTER DUDLEY lUaMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can he cured by a timely to this as lias by the humircdef of received by the proprietors It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for tho relief and euro of all Lung complaints and is offered to public sanctioned by the experience of over forty years When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in most severe cases of Coughs Bronchitis Croup Whooping Cough Influenza Asthma Colds Sore Throat Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint Bleeding at the Lungs C Balsam docs not dry up a Cough and leave the cause behind as is the case with most preparations but it loosens and cleanses the lungs and allays irritation thus removing the cause of the complaint BETS Mm Desirable Residence A REMOVING OR RAISING KM fint JOHN CRONE Pulleys and Rope REAPER and MOWER SECTIONS GUARDS c AT a LEE MAIN STREET 3 QUEKNSVILLE CARRIAGE WORKS J rail NEWMARKET STORE DpSBEBniB Dyspepsia Asthma j Appetite General Debility l LEE AVE RECEIVED A LARUE ASSORTMENT OF W O A OF SHAPTS orJSB la THIMBLESKEINS SPRINGWAGGONS Lumber Waggons Harness Shop io tk iakabitaai TriJIa MirraaaVai Harness Shop NEATNESS AND DESPATCH aliastioa to A larja aappli of Whips Collars Trunks aaad af CairtarVtaWY TO aVihacnbar sow RAGLE General aid all J MANNING of Foil s a I SILVER Jal7 XbJHX Carriage Factory STREET CLI FT BKtJS to aeqaalat aha iaaaUtaaU of in a JMaaxla earrrlkf all karatoaW Stud lat ta atari aaeporl of Patent Eureka Harrow to a trod a- ad to Iha llsbtaaaa with to atnaioa of lb Ac I of Ihi A toapaei ton par to a n of HORSESHOEING ALL KINDS OF JOBBING with ant a in with atodarau a aatlala Batflaa aa baa April 187 if IMPROVED PUMPS IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility Will farotaMj as aadoro Not to be A BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD I 00 all faiailnl aaU ftuilUrt All Stylet of drover REPAIRING HOftSE SHOEING Bar and Sand Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL mm mm Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket allp Hold all VICTORIA FLUID STOVES Shingles And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD 1 J ANDREWS CO Auaoii 1811 UNDERTAKING WRIGHT SON riUaJ IT IS iL PACT J Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves MRS SlTraERLAND BaTOStoiihnBtkalBaatataatoorVfweurkri aba to a few lor MDSIC AND FRENCH For Tama ass la MRS GEORGE SUTHERLAND At the Rev Canon Ramsay A Specific foi the Bladder ami Cemplantt mala and alt tews organs in either par Sold ill VICTORIA LINIMENT For Rheumatism Govt ArardUi Lumbago Strfnas in the and Sprains Bruises Headache Earache Toothache alt BIT IT TIT IT FBOTIIT Me par Sold all bnnaaa TORI A SALVE Specific for Cuts Wounds lie per Raid all VICTORIA GLYCERINE JELLY the Complexion mi for removing Tan Sunburn Pimples Ore also for Chapped Chilblains Frost Bites Sort Li LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES your time to buy your Stoves and Stove j COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE BARGAINS T SELLING OFF DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES At 10 per cent Discount for Ch TXXaVT farm Produce Sheep Shim Rag Ac taken in Exchange for flaan J A J a MM Just Pub STRAUS VIOLIN SANGER MALE VOICES Sample copies SOLOS copy Id postparti for per Addrt J PE1 I FAIRY VOICES A SEW MUSIC TO DAYSCHOOLS Send cents and re will mail copy April 1st ACm J L Save Your Money aftCV- Lazarus Morris ft Cos Book Account or Note UTS if 12th OP NEXT taa all la Can ate Cutinn and Machinery A UBS Land Snrveyori C0UBTY ESGNEES ate Plant Descriptions Reports Puns of Bridge form of Qtmtract Security Bonds with neatness and despatch OFFICE No Loan at PERFECTED SPECTACLES Tka forcaaad attaua ad try aid at aad lb aaaartiea thai The Most Perfect Spectacle CONFER EASE AND COMFORT taut aad Last a Great Many Tears without to be changed So they are the wall as the bat Mr SIMPSON aea FARMERS Save Tour Time Labour By pore baaing one of PLOUGHS TBatSB tka thia aata owiaa to tka aaiag atTaoUd and auaaal labor Oa Fallow aad It vorkad raaili ilk Two Horn aad fall of a koraaa do work of two bar by MORE EASE FOR MAN ft HORSES STB0NG DURABLE tor all kbada aad alii rib p to gtoaa la width Turning of Wood or REPAIRED to Taraaalaf JOHN ROBINSON May UTS 16lf Horse Infirmary BUM to an D aiarkat MalaaaCdlfaa CATTLE For Sale fA A Load Magis 1 iV aary far ar adkrfaiaw ACRES Of aald Lot fro- SOAPSt aij VICTORIA VICTORIA SOAP VICTORIA I SOU AND WIS I SOB ao4 by all NEW BAKEAYJ J0SlHaULTB7 OPENED A MAIN STREET door to J BREAD Ci BUTTER AND IN ll la rMallallT a TEAVELLEES Insurance LIFE and Accident IE TRAVELER COMPANY i Is s laaanaoa Cotapaaj ataiaat or DaSflaaaH ACCIDIST to all lit awaadlafl ajatoaa low rata auk aaUola fcriaiUU arlftaal a far Lib or LUMBER FOB SALE toaaptrfrLamlofaarkBa4atsaaaiaa Building Lumber A Boilder Garbott Hill JOHN Oreioia I II