Received at SI a v cry large and Fashionable Stock of Dress Goods Call and see them Great Rush for Clothing ERA SEPT 1873 llSCIlCi1S MAMMOTH HOUSE No Millards Block FOB THE FALL WINTER THE BIG A RIVAL SEASONABLE GOODS HARRISON SHEPPARD Co ribfrt Patron and the tint oi4rtmn and Aral the genmUj FALL patron at daily In- A To Builders Others GOODS STAPLE tZ groceries I CROCKERY GLASSWARE FAMILY GENERAL GROCERIES I SOOTS SHOES BOOTS SHOES Broadcloths Overcoatings Doeskins Tweeds andfancy testings OFF CHEAP AT AT HENDERSON p- OK B Fill BALE CLOTHING Readymade and to Order BRICK CHURCH CASH AND SHORT TIME BUYERS J SIGN OF THE BIG T iiakiusN THAT ARK STOVES An Early and First Call Respectfully Solicited Wm McMASTER SALE REAL ESTATE MHANlfe HALL Friday Sept 26th 1373 JAMES PUBLIC AUCTION Company merryolengland FARM PROPERTY LOCEHART AN IMMENSE STOCK CROCKERY CHANCERY SALE A Campbells REAL ESTATE In tkt Tanuhip of Ful GiciUm PUBLIC AUCTION iV New Songs New Characters GLASSWARE ROYAL HOTEL s New Burle c Furniture I if Forgot the WAIN FT NEWMARKET A CAMPBELL TWO FARMS FOR SALE BY AUCTION GREAT BARGAINS CAUTION TITLE INDISPUTABLE MORTGAGE SALE PROPERTY IN AURORA PUBLIC AUCTION QUEERS HOTEL to Mr Thorn PUBLIC AUCTION On the next HOTEL ML 3K Support the Market To The Farming Village of Newmarket Saturday the day of Oct ONE HUNDRED FIFTY I ACRES I BOARD Oil Tail FELT PICTURES HOODS fat AD 1813 tend and lb villas A unu ion ToWDnbiprrf rtrtiinr Here Skid 3 FARM FOR SALE I IMPROVED GRAIN SEED SEPARATOR lm J c el St tented June 1873 iim 2r ul rrfanln lt J A ADDISOK JJJn CO IN CASH BUTTER EGGS And Fat Plains full an intint on IS 1873 Executors Notice A of liur Boar buy in the County of York Boar at York are for The t of January all to the amid sir rjiiindto artfle on or JOHN GROSE TERHY IB lnK fcAZARUS COS PerfectedSpeclacles man cannot be wWI fnolnSHat ftcaa lb of Mm ara mart at AS WEIL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT AGENTS ITU aril Book lirufiU IS tu per day Head Wat apply and lwpTvtiii a lnaIlitKlraai aixl Urn and good Irani ami a half tad well a jtriiiK and an roe hundred IrUir APPARATUS Stock of Materials Satisfaction Guaranteed Stream by fiaalaaj reaaaltj rarenaaa- lain and idea of Sharon and i tr of flMit mad to the ho rear quarter ahont and of the village of four and of In the are ral and nulla Iir to dawn at the time of ta the emdcwa anil i ton one tenth of and Into t one after al or at ourcliaaeri option reniainder may remain on Mortgage payable at the end of two from aaV with at right per in one a and ring the ll he entitled to eonreyanta of the aaid For farther particular at the organ K H A liar 197S LANDSCAPE VIEWS Ike Hold a not I Bd On the fir it day of October HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE I 171m HALE In of a ft am awdaoanaaodlaaillJWaOla S2 NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE CORKER OK MAIN 9c STREETS rtwpeetrullr InUmalaa to la firocery Store JSSSSS WINES AND Cheaper than Ever I flora la A J J House Lot For raoaatly ay Mr a hi aaf acre af Land Terra Wood and all all lira For ply Mr New- ai I AT tTENTJEIaoTS ta THKOSTtl and all to got at Toronto price At ARRIVED THIS NEW GOODS NEW SHAWLS Black Lustres A Vho pAPEIW ENGU6H AT If AT I ONLT 50P A Fan liqalfo A BOOKS AT WHAT IS NOT OS HAND can be or- dared and In two dan and the United in one weak am July Will be pot in of U tan day data A HENDERSON NEW CLOTHS TWEEDS o HATS CAPS NEW BOOTS AND SHOES Special Attention TO THE Kamanet Sept 11 1873 J SIMPSON toe VINICAK BITTERS Jwrba found Sierra Nevada iicAiDUlntiftaf- medicinal of extracted ihrrefrOm of Alcohol la daily cause of ids Hfllglrtia of Vixkoah cauao of and rc- bis lKolthV They are the great principle a perfect Renovatir ami lm1 of the history of world US er before In world been The properties Organ in t Tin Walkers Abenent budorUAlUra- can pa these miter according tiid long unwell bones not de stroyed by mineral or other tneans and vital nam wasted beyond repair and Inter- mitten are so cat Id the of oar great rivers be Miles espedallr Grande with ie Summer and so daring sea- oat dryness are ciifd ami liver is Dr J they will gpmiii viscid bowels are loatled tho Sec and generally by No MkVat lite i l he hi Afmith a tin nan mote the dark- with which Bad the Lungs In re and a hundred of One bolt Dm Bom Eruption i ErlL Indfd Oil For InnauimatfiK and Chronic lentandlitUTuittrM adder I racsaaadby In PI I and Type- a a an tir Ball attaeaa I fcaldhead and of tboHk or nature luTjlly p Pin Tape and Worm lorking la of tbotuada rkinjt in the ttii of display a won tilde Vltlatrf Blood hakium igUmauh llnataa tin iwna or it tarn It when it is tall whan it- blood sod follow Steam Cabinet AND PLANING MANUFACTORY J MILLARD k CO ROBES AMD AIUKAII CoMtaMlN p irf on Til Fit- IIIIC FOR SALE VMrfcM April If I WANTED that will Pay a