AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER QIVK KB TO KNOW TO AND TO ARGUE To ABOVB ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol XXIINo NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY OCT 1873 Terms 150 in Advance JAY HORSE HOTEL Land General Agent Si rtiiiiAM Barter c BJOY Barber Hair Dresser c V J i a- A jppovli I JAMES of York Roads IPASS it mi ft arc AMMtt Veterinary Surgeon Coroner far the County of THjJ LATEST STYLES FANCY ORDERS i Builder- CoWactor t A ill JUiiliiXI I I ii ir Hi- Watches Clocks A Irirlr U ll of jrrsn an J da replied You have no claim mi to the question tin but man so much like confession hat he a roguo that he could not do it And yet this was only right and ho should have takon it firmly Letters are often written railing attention to old in which arc well limed allusions debtor a known integrity of character and to pay every dollar rfa How a tho world if Such letter should never bo I for answer will si something that in a justice will bo construed in of In paying off old able to ppm will a arty seek a rev claim let the debtor and also lei him bo against him who in a p A the old of them guard allude- i If to the Read no have digressed for enough we are sorry I say of that laan of del ioni who morally im law on side he fully numl to keep il all Sundry at gel old claim Then dull remarked Jenkina Gdbding with ft very face and more tone of voice replied at all doing I life dull my Another Ahem I Mr began after a naaae do you think can do anything for me It thero in anything i can do it will with becrfnl way Yoo atrongof whisky aid a tier they had ridden little vjy turning his to back part of the waggon an he apoki What have you get her a old oil my wife ban been tea for last rain barrel I tried bat fin get You I all 1 Dont remember that re wore riding home one evening bunt two monUia ago and I called your attention to the old account ua and you pro mi lo pay it aoon and thought you could let me have Illy dollara about the time my quartern became due Upon my word friend Gooding MARBLE WORKS NEWMARKET that he citing lie money but Jenki in life Mr had been balled unfortunate in from the want of rigid at leant and rogue re always or from which more wary than uld not well control he the nidi torn f Jenkina and broken all to a man named who had enough that he gave up have been whom you riding I never I owed you any thing or premised to pay you fifty dollars about this time that you dollar be in the three hi ittwo fifths world In the hope that friends being all that was realised from the would intei fere to prevent bin being debtors effect Gooding pitied sin- sent to jail of his creditors the mifortune of and pressed eagerly lor balance of pocketed loss without saying a their claim and the unhappy debtor word ir laying the weight of a had no alternative but to avail him- flnger upon his already burdened If of the statute made and provided shoulders But it that as for the of individuals in commenced going extremity It was a sore trial lor world Gooding began to go down him but any thing rather than lo be At the time when former thrown into prison clearly worth Ion dollars face his creditor After this tempest of and ho was hardly able And I am jast as that I not returned Jenkins still undisturbed while Gooding as might be foil bis indigna tion juai ready to boil over But latter con rolled himself as best he could and us soon as be- could get away the atom of Jenkinawith- out doing so in a manner that would loud to close all intercourse between them he loft and returnod to his own place of business chagrined and angry the same evening as Gooding was riding homo bo saw ahead of him on road He soi overtook him Jenkins Of Hi DR SCOTT Accoucheur and Surgeon Street A I till JAMES- HAIR DRESSER Luc DYSPEPSIA bli j a Land Surveyor c flat a llnJaa form Swunty Bond Ac exe- Mai nil TnM Western Co FIRST PRIZE Capital- J400000 President get money invitation to gat up and rido pay his quarterly rent bills that was always given on like Several times he thought of calling was extended again and in a attention of his old debtor still against him which was for borrowed money ought tainly to be paid But it was an neighbor had taken pleasant thing remind a friend of aide Gooding said Jen old obligation and Gooding foi there fell upon the kins a great calm himself from public tion lor a lime But would not lung lot him remai obscurity In a few months I is again in in a isirway His efforts were an old obligation and Gooding for a kins how yoo serve me tioualy directed than before and to bear his troubles as the trick as yon did know proved Ho made some- least disagreeable of iwo alternatives very well that yoo promised to pay TOROSTO thing above his expenses during the last however difficulties pressed my claim and also proniiaed to pay i A hard upon him that be forced mt of it today if RIsXa Ulna sal Dr Robinson lived about I did Bat it was out of quarters of a mlc distant from PZ r plaws of business in a to Jenkins h what was of denying ride small wag clerk srkrt th Sad of ii Insurance Company Three Years Policies Dentistry ADAMS King Toronto i Ttk CaMslUts thousand dollars But with this prosperity came on the part of Mr Jenkinej beyond the suburbs of the city to pay old obligation They Gooding was lame and used used the law against me and now let I to and atoro in a am them gel what the law will give gov which was used for sanding them ho to say Home goods during the day Jenkins w There was a curious provision in usually walked into town in the the law by which Jenkins had been and homi treed from nil the claims of his credi- tors against him and this provision is usually in all similar laws though for what reason it ia bard to tell It ia only necessary 1 promiee to pay a claim annul led bring il in full force against the debtor If a man owes another a hundred dollars and by economy I and selfdenial succeeds in saving twenty dollars and paying it to him bo becomes at onco liable for the re- DWELLING HOUSES ling the of doing it be very guarded and is in danger of a prosecution although unable to pay another cent A prudent man who has once been forced into the unhappy alternative of taking benefit of insolvon i aiwt careful lest an farded moment be acknowledge a homo in Iba avamng It gTT fnKtUy ajoaia1 la ma lWa a bla vrtook tba lattar W i riding home after when he always a seat by bis aide which invitation was never declined were riding home this way ono evening when Gooding after clearing throat several with aslight faltering In bis voice I am sorry neighbor Jenkins to make any allusions to old matters but as yon arc getting along comfor tably and I am rather hard pressed dont yoo think yon could do some thing for me on account the ihroe hundred dollars doe for borrowed Hit bad been a r mot blame so A burnt child know dreads the fire Bqt you know I never would have pressed tbe chum- your claim be satisfied but a acknowledgement I am not will ing to make could not in justice lo myself have dore anything u Jmu- to him too three hundred hundred dollars if be t I to do so said Jenkins j year passed during interrupting him dont give your- which time Gooding made many Ml Trest a J Surgeon TIMOTHY STfiEKT ffktre he may W Contulttd at all Aoura COUITT OF YORK Mm Box liolJ Uh CANNON D E T I S T pises Tsstb Tons Lb si fro trscUd lb 1st pus taptt lb of hUrst vans Pi a PBOPEBTY SALE M ste aa on spgCSaot Ybabb mil to A old creditor before it Anxious is to assure this one and that one Of his desire and intention to pay them if ever in bis power and them that he struggling This said in the blandest way yet in a tone of earnest- but In 1 late for their hia lips most remain scaled A word and all his hopes gelling fairly on his feet again the best of terms with him bnl pat him off with fair promises that were never kept These promises were never made in the presence of a third person and might M Liverpool London danger of shipwreck do something for Indcrstanding the binding force of a promise of this kind writing or in presence of wit- 1 disappoint- certain of the more selfish or I y lllU n lesa manly and honorable class of of months creditors are seeking lo extort by I lh finlt fair or foul meaoa from an von can let me have nate op everything an Available 127000000 ol his indebtedness to them in order will If in my power yon tbt they reap the benefit of hTe first efforts lo get upon his feet again want Many and many an honest bat Two months led on and Good creel debtor has been thrown on his quarter day came back once mora from this cause and more had been said by Jonkina on I all bis hopes in life blasted forever- the of the fifty dollars well have been made to wind think their binding force was Things grew worse and worse with Gooding and he became poorer every sad Lib Mltbi Head Office Canada Branch Montreal TOIKB VnrmstTbrf ii of approach to a debtor Tbe e many and Do yoo think will ever be able to do anything on that old account blandly asked in tbe pres ence of a third party is answered by hope so Hut at present it takes felt very about minding him of bis promise was short in making up Ins rent just the willed until late in the day bat Jenkins neither sent nor called As the matter was pressing be determined to call bis neighbor and remind him of what he had said He accordingly round lo liio store of Jenkins and found bias alone with his clerk bile condition of as steadily improved One rainy afternoon Gooding drove op lo the store of his old friend about half an boor before be usually left for borne was standing in door Aa it is raining thought I would barrels Jost burn thorn out with flash of good dry shavings and they are clean from and tight as a From rain turned upon and at length Gooding brought up old story and settlement of his claim as a matter of charity You dont know how much I need it Necessity alone compels me It is hard I know I am very sorry to- you Next week I shall certainly pay you fifty dollars I shall ho very thankful How soon after doyoii thiuk you will bo be able to lot mo have balance of the three hundred Say as early as least I Harry do y Gooding turning to the back part of the speaking in a elated manner Oh yes came ringing from the of the whisker barrel dickens is that ex- claimed Jenkins No one but my clerk Harry Loan Commit Sept The financial decidedly brighter The Na tional Cook County National and the National Bank of Commerce opened their doors and resomed at the usual hour this morning and although they had paid out con money there is nothing that can bo called a run opon any of litem while there have been consi derable deposits The influx of currency from New York and from try noes tobe largenot than having been received during Saturday and Sunday if incoming currency a good goes directly into the and the rest into the hands of merchants for the pur base of grain by outside parties of the based with a numbed of bankers and business Pacific Mail Companys steamer Costa Rica from Honolulu had been wrecked at Point Diablo near tho entrance of harbour All passengers of Costa hate- been safely landed It is behoved that one of the crew a Chinaman was drowned The have been rescued good condition and brought to the city The ship has seven feet her hold 23 Several do- line In front of the savings Bank thin morn- dent says they post lore an Union Here replied the individual named himself up through K the loose bead of the upright barrel Jf and looking into face of the di- J Okie Witt a broad ft of satifation upon always A lK All ttie morning jour- at in lb a a the banker who overdrew account hand Nonh America to the then 1W j he said while the humor of tbe whole thing pressed itself so fully upon him lhal he could not help amiling See hare Gooding if both you nd ay a word about I will give you with the Bank Largo orders ue to be received from all over miry by brokers for pur- con founded a check for chase of Blocks ding ia anticipated reopens hen Stock have four hundred only dollara the principal ten nothing lees returned Gooding firmly Yoo have iedfid the debt in tbe presenco and if twelve oclock I shall it again- III Volunteer Drill for SlngU Men Fall with some good industrious young woman Pay to her faithfully and res pec lively Face In popping que Mabcu To her parents and money before that time will keep this little matter quiet suit is brought all will come out the trial As you please said i ask tbeir consent wl houM her Before twelve oclock on tho next ftnd day however Jenkina Clerk al the store Gooding and paid bin four hundred and dollars Inch be took bis receipt for all demands to dale The two after on terms of sufficient intimacy to ride In tho together Whether Gooding clerk kcjit the matter a secret don i know It is very cei it was known all over tow cm than a week and after tbo newspapers as a most capital joke The Financial Crista Albany Sept hanks hero are working under the New York plan Ford A Fuller brokers announce suspension until further notice New Sent 29 The Govern ng Committee of Stock met at 130 oclock today and passed the following Aaofo- f That nothing Governing Halt And reflect seriously on the dutica you have assumed and thee perfor about From haunts which you have frequi when single and prefer your A Vest that should bo dooblod The harvest The who I am foolish if saddest when I sing be sang much Who oldest lunatic on record Time out of mind Alluding to chignons Mrs Clearer A girl now seems all head Yes tilt you talk to her replied Mr- Clearer Dr O Do Wolf is a Chics physician The sudden and announcement of bis name might a nervous patient ay A peasant girl on arriving for the first time at turnpike gate nearest Glasgow knocked and in quired Is this Glasgow and being answered in the affirmative la Peggy lo Two were standing of lb- te of Stock bo construed as absolving any member from the to the rules That all parties to existing on- settled contracts who were solvent at close of Slock Exchange hot shall refuso to surrender a factory principle or furnish a margin in cash or securities shall be That so much of articled of by watching the big as author an office wheel tbe water in every lo close controls one one of them as to Mike isnt this a contracts During the the tbe M President shall appoint a Committee whchaall be in session their hurry 15 to 345 oclock to deter- to get to before upon an market price fashionable soason ends a family sail- is hiJiT shall be made to other day and loft their round for yoo he said a be SsSo to determine tho baggage in Now York The old man drew op hi horse SnTrta of and he could get along Very much obliged toyoamdeeoV be settled by occasionally retorwed quit well plesjssd all contract- ball bo wife and daughter aitaoUy wept stop a moment nun Mi ray A as they ded down the and then I will be with you but AChinese wrvant was brought clearinghouse but sagr servant was a or two came by gentleman JJtSTKlASSSSrV paired ktad In bc Wi groan- ha yoo of gat a carnage I I will ouironey I nil to j