Newmarket Era, 3 Oct 1873, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA OCT 1873 Press Association withhold the retraction up or abiding CHEAP LINES individual end found- nc wo- and 1 t Mr lllt Banner Jackson Era Newmarket St Thomas Howell MI JoUn or for Our work is nor and wliili anbor8ebltlr wo cs into linn- hope I hat iff broad I LB1 tea- NEWMARKET store SEASON 1873 sT SCYTHES 8NAITHB CRADLES FORKS RAKES STONES Pulleys and Rope REAPER and MOWER SECTIOttS GUARDS be Worth and Beauty HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE YosiiiiTE MTU of Nature THE ROOM Actual Price 600 NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I mm LEE BASTEDO JIAVE RECEIVED A LARUE ASSORTMENT OP W o o a r CONSISTING OF AT KEETCH8 STORE if LEE LOCKHAKI main street I NEWMARKET IB honlti bo to Thunder The following of Ihe nail ly Cameron I In of the Canadian Association which vonr kindness me at the annual meeting it will necessary to much time the liTry of the unat In our record for the past year it safely be that the of Canada how advancement rather than a jierind the of 1nninirin and especially Ontario hare marked stirim of ileir their topograph I ANJ Harness Shop OTTO b1 l ssrmsai Harnett Shop 0m WbltUUf 11 lbs Bright Sugi in tin their the full new of their reports literary lone of their editorials Indeed it is doubtful if any a population as limitod a history a recent can compare with in the and general ex cellence of press It is true wo hare yet to learn when each year show sign improvement the future may reasonably held to be full of promise Among tho signs of literary BUILDINGS REMOVED REMOVING OR RAISING To Low JOHN CHUNK at Toronto of a niaa- tine little if at all inferior to best puMicaiion of and jfraitb g Such an enterprise i entitled Jj7 from the Pre and J the public- Nor dm the Canadian lling to itself FARM FOR SALE MSI In lL WILLIAM within national bound known that recent uiiique in Hew owned and published by Canadian i REMOVAL yet Canadian Beimels sending expedition in the mm KEiiTGH deemed it adriable to me moralize tlic ami Legislature in favor of the tht of on r NEW STORE A HDUMr prcsentul 1 four ago In with Irkharft and lltnJvMt unanimous resoluton adopted at the annual meeting Assoc held August The abolition of KKtage on newspapers would be a M loon publishers is and the public This is Dry GoOdS Clothing Boots Shoes of what ii called dead The amount of work done gratuitously for tho public by all classes of news paper workers i very considerable Publishers would consult their bui-i- interests as well as their self- respect by inislhig that all advertis ing the worth of own papers lightly the public will not go yuur own valuation Former ooupanls of this chair have enforced tlw ilea that Pre- should avoid personalities The prcitching is univentally in the spirit of this text The prat lice seems to bo mainly in There are unfortunately few newspapers in a to throw stones at neighbors concerning this matter In awarding the difficulty would ordinarily be the schoolboy one of finding out whoM commenced to make lares first There can be no doubt however that the journal which discontinues or which indulges least in personalities to be best in the eye of the Millinery Haberdashery c c Astonishingly Low CALL AND SEE KEETClf Much has been said another of the influence of the res That influence augment of read of aocietj i is multiplied Nod npt I the While Urge sections of the dependent entirely for opinions a well as for new on the daily or weekly journal This influence may be for good or for evil It is terrible thing in vest power in the hands of men without any sense of responsibility but a conscientious journalist will never forget his moral obligations He will not pander to low tastes but will as tar as possible develop and promote others of an I in a l IB the most refined woman This is true policy a well as corret prin ciple It Dot the loafers or the barroom whose fa worth hav ing thought and char acter upon whose shoulders rest the pilars slate and not of the sort who relish vulgar detail or suggestions In Palace of MISi SMITH Millinery Mantles GOODS Sets Tea for Tea for ytArr Goods for 1 00 1 00 00 sins I FRENCH WINES Alicanta and the famed Vie Brandy manufactured In St Georges own vineyard South of Boo Whiskey ami other litjvon a imu at lowest Jbsc LAARUS MORRIS COS PerfectedSpectacles AS Will AGENTS TO vll He rfiu IIS to J Iron in the Blood Sea MAKES THE WEAK S Irruvian Surup a Protect ed Solution of Protoxido of Iron is mo combined as to the of am with th blood as food It increases the of Nature Own in the ricked and vitalized blood per- meate every part of the frosty Fashionable Goods DRESS ft MANTLE MAKIPG is sll STAMPING AND far lit Still further it may be laid down as a sound business ax urn hat lbs Prose afford to mast WAITED Business thai will Pay as repairing damages and searching- out morbid disease to feed upon I secret of the This success of this remedy in curing I Com Chronic risaash Chills and Fevers Humors Lose of Constitutional Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Female Complaints anil alt diseases tot in any form Us but are permanent Infu sing vigor and new life Into alt parts of the system and building saw an Iron Con- Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak sickly suffering crea tures to healthy and ha men and women and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give a trial See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP LA HAH Co Mass SETH SONS Proprietor Desirable I Que t i snpsrss to Is it to NEATNESS AND DESPATCH A Whips Collars Trunks fcc HUBS SPOKES RIMS SHAFTS c THIMBLESKEINS a 1 She Bar Horseshoe and Band Iron Tire and SPRING STEELE tad TO Celebrated if mcI SHOP ON BAG LB STREET General Dm m m mmIm J 10 Aurora Carriage Factory WELLIHOTOB JOHN W CLI FT BIU8 to sIdI IshsWusU Of lsisssnrrri- is Stud sod by with Us see Ixrrsllj Ins lit of Patent Eureka la hj a to lb lights Harrow WUs Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket STOVES Lumber Waggons I GRAIN MEASURES SCOOPS o And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO Aurora 18T1 33ly A Specific Remedy for all Bladder and Kuhxfyt Complaint mala and all of either Sex QUEENSVILXE CARRIAGE WORKS SPRINGWAGGONS CALL REPAIRING HORSE SHOEING IT IS FACT J Cooking Parlor Sail Bedroom Stoves Shingles Pine Cedar MWUIJ band Pin UNDERTAKING LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices thai BOB THAT ill you r to m A SON so Us ud SMI torsi Farm Produce Sheep Skint Sagt fatal in Exchange for Goods North ol J J d jW wishes to sitesUsa to hi of HORSESHOEING i Asrsrs April 1173 PUMPS JOHNSON IMPROVED PUMP Walsh tor Durability and Utility j lbs sn Met be B Jobs MUSIC I MRS MUSIC AND FRENCH 1 GEOR6F SUTHERLAND At Rev Canon Runs GREAT BARGAINS SELLING OFF suck DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES ROE D IS II Save Your Money I I SILVER imjUJl IA BAKER SEWING MACHINE BULL AHEAD OCR all villi Tuckri A Book Accountor Note J that if MM 12th OP APRIL NEXT Of The Sight Cutinn and Machinery I far sll of Work A ROGERS NEWMARKET WHILST far dsriof Us It mM or so pat sJ to sssjssa trhiat ort SS By Lazarus Morris a Cos SPECTACLES I fern fcj las it Md nmik Us iV7 Trie Most Spectacles CONFER EASE AND CO the Last a Great Many Tears without raqahing be chunnd So are the a well a the FARMERS Save Tour Time Labour By one of Rfkiiiiois IlonblfFnrrow PLOUGHS lhis h owing Jrinjhl and labor Os ila Hh In toll l the MORE EASE FOR MAN ft HORSES Toast by aid AND DURABLE ill k Orders far TnrningofWoodorlrofl sn lb lost torsvt AUUsdssf REP AIRED J a to TkrsahH MssUsss JOHN SI 1ST Horse tor alt s LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON to to lbs Inhabitant or sad sssissualiis lis on lbs as HORSE8 CATTLE Ac o For Sale A Ss I far ssls sr is ACRES U sriU WUEKEAB Jest or I Id all on my 7 sttcr date 9orta Casi pro Sola 110 VICTORIA LINIMENT For Jlhevmatum Stiffneu in the ii- Bruises Earache Toot far JUT IT THY IT FRITH frit Bull Ud M VICTORIA SAll A SptciSc for Cuts Wounds Burns Scalds Bods Pilct L and Chronic Debases of GLYCERINE for removing Tan Chilblains Frost Pries per TOILET VICTORIA CARBOLIC I VICTORIA VICTORIA HACK RIM I warns NEW BAKEI JOSEPH A 0PENEDA BAKERYi ON MAIN STREET Nat It J lot bud nkS BREAD CAKES AND HIS UTS rt brt f BUTTER AND BOOS TADM IN EXCUASOB J H I wdUUi TRAVELLERS Insurance Company LIFE and ACCEDES Accident COMPANY Is Imbmm Cosipssj or by to of to SitoWis Isjar far say sss folofj set spselsllj risks si ratos Life Deportment is Ufa TrstS Lfa sad fastsr f Us tost fH tos sou It sail lissna J falsrsdiridsssls Its Is ssd seJii to ssssvb f its polity boUr adrastofto Is rats piss JJJ5 IU JOHN J Kinc Street TORONTO

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