Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1873, p. 1

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Tilt Morning fe PLAIN THE ERA Book and Jot Establishment AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER ADVERTISER 1 GIVE ME THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY NOV 1873 Terms in Advance ORDERS B il 1011 BIBLE Land General i i Barter HairDresser M Dr AMD ACCOUCHCUB Coroner for the County of l the at I ji iio of HJ Veterinary Surgeon TADIEliAIIl Builder- Contractor Saw lril1 mil Of Lumber Saint SKimjUi etc JAMBS Provincial land Surveyor Security ex it rA jwaiMM W ttS Trut of Tomto H McllAMS Surgeon c TtMOTBTtTBBBT We At may at all kauri I t Clocks terribly real with actor failings are they not written in tho lol started back ringing hand book of hit experience staring at her husband like in police force traced Isabel out mania gathered himself of the city but they wore long dn- and took Some men covering her They sent him eon an allium while drunk other jolly Untied messages of their progress be Hut m lie left his to follow every clue and mounted It rongocliis men to self like or a ribbon enjoying the drive dull care way and made of freedom consummate and disgusting a of Pickwick Club liimaeir it is for a IxHly to do when that fine spirit govern it drowned Isabel stood watching without Th bated the eight of thai iscle The intention and do if she I to nail bint by hi- own dropped the 1 iicrveluNS and Her maid tapped und if llm had passed of button and claba wait one day with the joyful that 111 a certain Norther CABINET MAKER And Undertaker Run Ma WARBLE WORKS Select Reading A Little Club Affair Isabel tower depressed than he bad ever been had commanded him net l search fur be wan minded turn and go back th him by His Excellency the Governor lien era loud cheers I have submit in the House nwr oft members of Ad mioiiOraiiofl which are at follow Mr Public Vrk Westmoreland Fisheries Mr St Just Minister of Mr of Finance Mr Laird Minister of the Interior Mr Christie Secretary- of Slate Mr Burpee St John Minister of lilongarry Postmaster Mr Ro th the that all was well I hat loco Hive- with her Such floods of change had Sir Johr steep grade a the rolled between them He knew not there how to approach I bark the dour Not addicted to aj her and at Bin thai n proa like I rs had ever coma hum tli world the deluge Yet Mrs Smith by sabel walked the parlor of her ie It was far midnight great was nearly silent I down with a supple Limine peculiar to her and a of vol turning her black eyes real and whirling if the r tlmr nil in the parage lhas had WHM it gentle have at her lisery Yet after all MM to bis rather Io a call to him a little coo ing cry came from the bouse it stirred him a sea Then came to the window looking out and up Her beautiful face was softened and sweetened for she had been in thu bard land of under discipline which brings out vide of woman in her arms she held his little child lb- her husband reached bursting into a low glad OR STRANGE NPEARSON DENTIST Dr Robinson Dentistry MonumentsTomb Stores House Lot For Salt OFFICE TOROro Capital- 400000 President- Bod J But had only toward Ins slroke Isabel cry of Ob I knesT youd After supper when the room was and the good maids steps had aid come the teased and the blessed child bad been admired till both parent were in a state of imbecility Isabel hung to a button of husbands coat and confessed her sins her dsys of darkness her ignorance of patient love till baby came to teach her Then took up r what parody and shrived himself and ill loved made promisee in a way which you gutter through peeled that SOU etc but that Mrs- lotvhed the same elation of human U nature tot Like all lood in judgi till a Into sun thrust have afforded tho Pickwick Club r I was mgle bis hair and shchvdherlirefnhfnT heated tneM was Her flesh 1 kindly I marble lighted by flre her n- lo bath her eyes her lips the poise head had an elegance of frCB hereon- But when go her the ftBtor J of Be added thereto akcn giftoUoiwrsiisiuveieihroiigh and j liclor uncle who felt 10 lb world for lu net ho not I He meddled in won y Why hrold hi uih be apniM loier- k The problem hovels il ii and plowed bad to A lovxmcii W ADAMS Strut Bait Toronto CANXOV D E T I S T l ill ww Tart MrUj lb FOR SALE i if Its Insurance Company Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES rsTorsbto to it assoiwi of Rates are Lower Ttiaca itidl terms peneralioni returned a had the air of ther l him which fascinated her sen- Do not search for She k little the world never be anything n site hint her standard So that niism came wooing and Ughl ure that all his best of ti in her she staked herself and in to did When she became not degrade hero very kept him up to her Proud and tender of her lie walked to recti many moons and never meant to but But was as society man he had each jovial friends who form such a jovial and select club The I Club ran over with and leisure and graceful gaiety To be a Pickwickian was to be recog nized as a tiplop globule of the city cream Youngsters of family looked forward to rising into this club much as the young Roman anticipated the toga of manhood It wielded ar strong influence Pick- wickians met in elegant apartments k imported wine and railed each other killed me and adore toe world black I bave no In anylhing Mr Burn ham in reading this scrap forgot the reposo of good breeding He fell upon Ins knees a if Hercules had hit him between tho eyes be rung for police and whirled up great hotel like a madman But gentlemen with clubs and mental caps hare a soothing effect on the most harrowed mind Burn down in bis da and ex plained himself in fragments to one of them who stood reading him like X the hardworked sod world A A great conquests among and they importuned so much to join them that he took to running in From taking Liverpool am I Club ran through all his veins Isabel knew of clubs they might be assemblages of gunllemen with something of a Company has a targe bank own property which I neve Per ha j she haa cashed that On iavestigation it was found that And with eighteen boom start pursued the immovable shelLbv wcll away from tho city by th time ription of lady and ladys wo- So they took i examined pu Burnbam measured his rooms or lbs or sat In police stations look ing like an old man Once when a juvenile I seised Dominion Parliament The Senate Ottawa Not The Hon met at 3 oclock Boo A Trudelle newly- appointed Senator was int sworn and took bis Scat Hon- Mr St Jn the list of new Ministers and ihe of the House daring ofiho Cabinet No I tu of order which being discussed run admitted and in obedience lo Governor Generals command the Commons attended Seattle when Boose was prorogued Appointments by the Late Gov- of tin Plat that was Left Out Sir John A loft out pnf the play that was promised tbe Canadian public by the Court entitled Sir John A vindicated ho arrest and imprisonment of Huntington Esq P in the common jail at Ottawafed on bread and dirty water Ac The of the Bench warrant for the of that perjurer arrest by the Foot Guards of Ottawa discovery sot Sir Hugh Allens Nov indignation js expressed at lag Mr Tilloy P Lieu IctiantUovernor of New Brunswick and Mr Crawford P of Ontario Mr The former men were in their places during the sitting of yesterday and their ap pointments were carefully loed by Sir Jv of his fdlowen Crawl was the I Ontario two months ago as effectually precluded from disetMUging ihe duties of a member of it the spirit of of Parliament is to be observe though patent had been issued Sir John A admitted in l remarks announcing to the the ta wMrwpariDg man j members tbeopbrrunltyorsteanngeverythin A lay their bands on befor hoy left Sir John and his leagues bave followed example It Is not yet made away with the of Treasury box but every Government to consider what should of be done under existing k was quite sufficient adjourned lo forb dlelg of the prerogative except matters of which cannot bo A abort lime afterward His Ex- this existed but arrived aid prorogued Par- ewe greatly aggravated liement He said lBt lle Minister accord to his own hail ceased Hon the Senate GcntU- to be competent to advise men of the Commons lencyatall It will be recollected Inconsequence of tbe resignation one of the of my late during the de- actually the of bate on Address I have called a Tuesday night wheaf administration lo my Council token the A largo hare been defeated of Commons having thus become others of his friend I have decided due re- I desired lo Cor of Obi to the of ease ihat ft will be moat convenient in the Interest of tbe to prorogue Steamer Bavarian Burned this Parliament The Nov took Nov took when id only two boats were lowered Many of the members bad changed both of which reached land contain In the front row on the twenty two persons altogstherr Opposition side were Sir John Mac- There fourteen remaining Who don aid and Messrs J Are almost without a doubt lost Cameron James McDonald Among tho fourteen are the Captain Plctou J H Pope Bowell and of Toronto the chief Carting Messrs Tapper and Gibbet engineer of occupied scats on the second row tbesteward of Tbe members of the new Ministry so three lady Mrs were of course out of their scats as and daughter of were also Mr Til ley and McDonald Miss Ireland of Kingston am In the front seat on Mr Wear of Chatham the Government side were Meson j Huntington Wood and Can eve to Ann citizens grouped about tables 27OOO00O di Speaker read a letter His Secretary Informing the House that Hie Excellency would proceed to tbe Senate Chamber and f disgust and prorogue at four oclock pi under this alter Nov When t earner Bavarian was nearly harbour going seat last night sbe was noticed first intimation and crew had of the disaster they heard two reports and tbe steamer d tottered lift- Sir John A said he bod waa enveloped in flames in on instant Oaring eyes poor thing expected this announcement He There were four lifeboats on bad been poisoned great ulcers were moved that as a British subject was the names prevented more than ng wisdom waited for Jon back it was crawling from id custody that Aid be They only succeed husband because she waa roslless doalh and I hurt I sal down on brought before the Bar of tbe House in saving person j ssrly when be was away not because she the crying and wringing my Hon Mr replied slating was saved Ho says there si ha righteous tongue la pickle bonds the vileal wretch alive hod I there woe no hardship in the case been lost Among the i struck a suffering defenceless crea- which would be dealt with in due Copt the chief engineer lure IM could only have gathered lime Be added 1 have inform W of the rat on my lap end soothed bis yoo upon the authority of Mr Mao- steward Spei dying moments But he dragged who I have been informed also three lady of sight and left me everlasting charged by His Excellency the and edged Governor General wiib of Mis Ireland of Mr Wear i o- of the others lost it wehavs lifted it John M And at p at Those were save t libtra Montreal I in tbe ball bent nock her whole body crouched to listen They drew nearer gins they paused at her door and the being outside evidently without hands began to fumble and for entrance Isabel threw the door open when very bad hat with rub and back painfully if yoi beat beloved I I say I am instructed by that tli is port about twelve the Harbourmaster steamer Coreican called be morning nod took tbe saved eaei Havana Nov following is a despatch from General the of the Span trmps Do Pi Nov Excellency tfswolAt this morn- In this city for being traitors lo their country and lor being insurgent chiefs following per- styling themselves patriotic Varna alias Bern tta General or division Pedro commanding general of General Jesus Del Sol and Washington Ryan The execution took place in of the corps of rce of re in- fan try and the sailors from fleet of lis eyes gouged tongue slit bis cars cutoff and then to tell bow much be paid the editor of the Mail when In the little back parlor months ago Hamilton Timet It is told that the Election of Abrahai that of oil the valuable premises than did Sir John and his hungry colleagues and ful- Hamilton late Ministry It has been learned that on the Dr Topper looked iter his friends A favorito of his named J J Kerr who bos for some years received per annum for the almost sinecure of of Customs at Amherst Cumberland has been appointed Customs In- pector for Nova Scotia at a salary of 12000 and expenses and Dr Topper brother Nathan a druggist bos been appointed Collector at Amherst and the salary of the offlee baa been in creased to per annum which more than is paid to the Collector any other port ia Nova Scotia ex- Before prorogation Mr Cosmos Premier British Columbia gave notice that be would more- an ing that be may open negotiations with Imperial Government for the purpose of ascertain Eng on what con ditions the Dominion ma be admit ted to a full shore national privileges and reeponsibtlilles of the United Kingdom that result of the negotiations bo submit ted to Parliament soon possible Sad News Mr A one the operators in the Tele graph office here had the sad duty perform of receiving the m tailing the fate of the steamer Ba varian burned on Lake Ontario on Thursday last and also to receive tbe more shocking news that bis own mother and sister were among the lost Tbe young man was so affected unexpected announcement at fainted at post London Advertiser lady on U daughter named Miss Harris woe mode happy on day last week by eloping with the man of ber choice slots on effectual march on tbe stern parents and the beet thing they can do now is is situation and fonnv only child tor doing en of natural things In life Love at be doit Greet In the ability of Hon strong of hi wander gentleman with the duty oclock and received every ThoratUj and hi and forntnff the House that he baa ex- which lay id the power of Vs J to form one that will i of tbe A of fvil Service- a pasted An OriIHa Thee Wright Ml off a

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