NEWMARKET ERA DEC 191873 Tea am red Mr Ct I I ad m aid of iter I beard tbcm complain unwell was the reply element of a I rat- us Why Bui mil I had full Wile wife has become I 1 my dear ens picked them off was which calmly replied My dear did you ever ace any of her kind 1st Res Town Gen do yon find keeping poultry answer Country lent lately retired lo an sec theres the original coat fowl tbalnod down to know Well than I the eggs children the or Two Tituavillc P a solemn compact not drink any intoxicating foi year except when duck shooting for it of 100 One of tbcm I thirst without by keeping a dock in his barn yard to fir at ha dry The other invented in one alto A colored philosopher ll unlurdened himself on one of man weak ncttc Jim da dont make such rutla of damsel women as da women do about men If women looks at moo dey see a man in it If day mouse its a man and all look under da bod da fust to find a man I looks under my bad to And a woman boys toothache gen its highest altitude to when pain intense to an extraordinary degree to subside at nine and after disappears a celerity that ma be the If night that boy ha nt got foar quarts of butternut spread oat to dry up i theres no pi do I TONUS to MANlTfACTUKERS p irwis UOR PLANEING FACTORY Dwelling and Wareroom FlENCHBKDSTEADONLY380 LHOOT TEACHER WANTED m nsnaueuasatswr WILLIAMS Tim PROPERTY FOR SALE and saa aaayty House Lot For Sale Brie ard tssesily by thai TIMOTHY fin OF 181S4 New Choice Goods Mrs L MILLINERY SHOW ROOM IS NOW Opened for the Season Design and Color Evening Flowers I New Cheap Fashionable m- and WANTED THE AHD DAILY mi to imirriwa anr re Insolvent Act of 1869 Hi In the JOHN DENNIS An is ant day April aid the first of October 1873 nunHf la Una la be eeeatea to asll all will be a aw Mr jr m aia Tie Boo aj ictwARi walk am V Mar NMiaM Mat ir wnrtc Id twjaa tec m I as Kes muw aut laps As aw itrurri AND WHOLESOME Yarmouth Broaters POTTED MEATS br HMli ml Oct tt MrUfy PLOW Jri ROBINSON Clocks Harness Shop Support the Market A Watches locL MMiullj lift M f Ik ikM will af 1 vMnH km II PALACES FASHION NEWMARKET bar MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS ON TUESDAY NEXT OF TBE SSASON HATS BON INFANTS LADIES Lien BRAIDS THE HAIR BERLIN FLEECY I DRESS MAKING HOUSE sLMflOta BOARDING HOUSE I JJOTICE of Port Put J WSJ id sad miss to BoUEirQrLtHl j of to of York FOWLER EVERYBODY ADMITS ARTS c TELA ANlTHING TOWN AGENTS WANTED EVERY a TO ELI OF CANADA I raparwallf onLrj Ilarneu Shop Qurrfuri it of Insis with AND is- t- i Whips Collars Trunks fta das sari- TO pBRBsbacriWrussw SEsasitetartsf Uwsa Celebrated Harrows a satlatutka JTa The Farming IGRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO AusniA I CASH BUTTER EGOS SHOP ON General Blacksmlthing m Up mi M JMDlMd J MANNING Aurora Carriage Factory WELLINGTON BliJS acquaint ad tTirou that bssioraa nail ta brasrbaa tbaolJ tad I rt ao libsrsllj faaaUrwad tail ib day of The Mrfa HORSESHO EI G KINDS OK JOBUINO J IT IS FACT IsSst that J J HODGE FARM FOR SALE I Cooking Hall Bedroom Steves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES AW your tint your Stovtt and Slot COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will aetonisb yon BITTEfx FARM FOR SALE sod frwl ban a aavw wall abset sad half suits Vawwawkal sod TrwtMj Applj paid to WILLIAM abaif baa two sera Una doairad For Sale A of b11 A 1U1 far Ml it ral 100 la a aptriar aa rj work laalr lia ta a kartMt aica aad farm Produce Sheep Skint Rags taken in Good Doal Br Star J A HODGE PRIZE PICTURES HOODS diiLLdq I FOR SALE ATKINSON Agnt Awarded First Prize Union Shew New 1S73 Organs MILL ST Tlruxrlrti fmm tlieloll- al IMWifllisuM T A Hen APPARATUS Desirable Residence o Stock of Materials a w Jit Satisfaction Guaranteed LANDSCAPE a a kbijanBrapbr to the Hotel A M HOOD T BOARD BOARD FILT LIES BASTEDirs Jab I at -mTr- I Walka Bui AtUa KKHRUY FOR can be cured by a tutu ly rcsorrto this stand ard preparation as lias by hundreds of testimonials received by proprietors It by many prornincnt liyidans be most reliable preparation ever in- relief and cure ol all Lung complaints and is offered to tho public sanctioned by tho experience of over forty years When resorted to in season it sel dom tub to affect a awMtdy cure in tbe most severe cases of Coughs Bronchitis Croup Whooping Cough Influenza Asthma Colds Sore Throat Pains or Sore ness in ami Side Complaint Bleeding If the Lungs c iTLttLL Balsam does not dry up a Cough and cause most preparations but it loosens and cleanses lungs and allays irritation rcDOT cause of the complaint A BAKER SEWING MACHINE ST I I All OUR No all iiL Hemmsrs Tuckers ft All Stylet of Baker DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES At 10 per cent Discount for atacbii 1 BDILDINGREMOVED rBt baa a I an a FlUaa far REMOVING 0E RAISING Save Your Money I NEWMARKET hardware store SEASON 1873 scvTai CBADtES FORKS RAKES A SCYTHE and Rope REAPER and MOWER SECTIONS GUARDS TSRaaraad ia tk iaj bar Book Account or Note OF APRU NEXT will ba far tar Castings and Machinery Repairs for 11 Work IS UaaUa SMITH joat a and wall alack of PRY GOODS A dkv TV highest Market Price paid Jot Farm JOHN SMITH Pin and Tuned Wit Sl IMPBOVED GRAIN AND SEED SEPARATOR 11 J tea moat all nun into if aMda rat moat ajriKiV f it for in sad St athsrin and if I TUAT ARE STOVES A Campbells Furniture TinWare of every Forget the Place a A kdaa MAIN ST NEWMARKET A CAMPBELL A ROGERS NEWMARKET WHILST ibaaha far libsrsl put Sasoasc that to sll for NO FAY rsbilitj fis Alas By dsrsct will sir akSJ AonAadsf A ROGERS M Insolven Act of 1869 of the County York TN TBI MATTER At CANADA Csssty On Tuesday the a December newt to of lb SALE Lot In the- 8th or East ACRES TERMS down anao1 pnarnt 11 p oral nlrr1 for Ian For information A A MILLER Hu FARMERS Save Tour Time By rebating one of PLOUGHS pURAK siaf Jf bland labor It MORE EASE MAN HORSES It- by aid I sad 8TB0H0 AND DURABLE Ordan far all Uses Turning of Wood or Rtaeaiad an Mtiaa Allkiadaaf MACHINERY REPAIRED dad urn to JOHN Horse Infirmary are a mountains nia of are axtractatl tasaa of Alcohol ia ajj1T dally aakad What Is th unparalleled of Vinoat Oar that tbeyrsaMa caoae of and the patient nt bis health They are tha nasi blood a Kcnorator fnTign aysiani Never tba a itlsa uf In asaaaf of roan sn a aa wall reborinn I health They blood pun tier a life git by pi a perfect of jjBsBr of tut a as wall at edon or TnaaanatsaTai viatwaU of Da HunterIrritant tlis Atui ta TRAVELLERS Insurance Company LIFE and ACCIDEHT Department THE TRAVBLBBS COMPANY la doeidsst pastil if samara or bolly to was of 11 fasalsa and at rats ssats aw af It laarea aatuaaU its aad a I if a jhill aas a rUkiulclpa Mb I bar la Its lb fall sad I bast af bast da at a a adiasuasa sot ilatliiMi lb at rats lu tea Mn aad ess iba laastsst- it IA for Lia or VETERINARY SUBGEON Vatorttwry fiaVjWtoaniiarB tit or by on do do Every Description for em NEW PROVISION STORE I jt MAIN St MILL IT T Grocery Liquor Store GROCERIES PROVISIONS AND Cheaper than Everl tn Nwmarbat J J MORRIS MbarnTn a Black N E too erfectpdSpectacles Eg St BLACKSMITH intern abjbt ai A EiSni It