Newmarket Era, 26 Dec 1873, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1873 SCHOOL FESTIVAL MS Saturday Dec MECHANICS HALL aa la gongs Headings CHRISTMAS TREE Atfoiswoit CHANCERY SALE SEAL ESTATE la f Comtf of BY PUBLIC AUCTION F W COATE AUCTIONEER ON Saturday Jan 24 1874 PROPERTY TERMS HIGH SCHOOL January WILLIAM For 1873 For 1873 I F IffYI Bow ME farear Mm AT ffB ASTRA UN We CHRISTMAS I PLUM FOX DING A pern lot of Peel i Pit RES AT THE BIO ft CO FACTION mMj v a atU Of a- ImmMM Wltaw lit IT 1 ae PI PHI J RECEIVED AT SILVERS NEW STORE A lot of GOODS for BOTH Orn A U GREAT BARGAINS STAR HOUSE nuiictM I Silver J M SMITHS FOR CHEAP GOODS New Fruits Fragrant Teas Trail Groceries TAKE PRODUCE TO J M Smiths job will A THE HIGH IT PRICE goods so A CHEAPER Than a70tW HOUSE is tie TRADE J SMITH Holiday Presents HPT GUTS ft New Year Praam 1 door or Market Mf ATKINSON gCHOOL WASTE Three Bull REMOVED BIS SHOP HARNESS MAKING Cittera Trimmtd Watch Clock Maker JEWELLER MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Alalia or Jeweller Jet I aae MM lapnuka Christmas Holidays Remember the place nearly Hotel Repairing done on notic FARMERS An I kept fcdtm nf of Whit lleh lite a HARNGFW I J and Mafia Hot I For J STOCK A3 JUST AN IMMENSE STOCK or GLASSWARE Which he now at GREAT BARGAINS Newmarket IS TO ANTED WANTED flSBv HOUSE NED FROM Attorney Its BOY Dm I AHBITBR Trout White Fish W Copartnership 17 DYER MITCHELL AUCTION SALE OF FARM LATE JOHN BALES PUBLIC AUCTION Hotel SpringhiU tnrd87 Jan J OF YORK ByLaw No I A BtUw to Mm- Junrtina oniwnj by firing Forty TbMiMxl to by of mmI to her- for and to aBUMfiir tM Special Rat- for the of the Mid and of too raprctino mnnleil in the Ontario and forty it that any or any portion of ant which mar be in the ronatmctiou of a railway or throof any part of or near which the railway or of any railway company thai I paaa or be may aid or aaeiat each Company by loaning or toeing of by way of or other mesa to the Company or Municipal bonds to or in and to each Municipal slwaya a on the Est year Sttwday the third day of January A of mill she mills km- each sid loan boom or van a Bylay for to or in conformity with certain provisions of by SB Act in the of chaptered en- tied an Art to incorporate the 1aie anctiun KaJlwavCompsny la that shall be lawful for any or any Municipality of any or portions of such bich may be interested in coo- of naid or nay part of which or which aakl the said shall to andaaiat the way to said Company or taking of or isenina bonds in aid of the name sod otherwise in such and to each as each W any of tncaa shall derm that no such loan bonus shall be until the ByLaw granting the aunt be adopted by the ratey- as required by the proeuiont of the muni cipal Act for the of debts ftWBSKh id not lass than twenty daaatrs and not in tke whole lit of forty fire dolswn wUnh aid debentures shall led with the nasi of the said of York and aUnod by the Warden or ether head of said or by each ether person may be Bylaw of the said the anas by the Munitipalitkra the Townships of and that portion of thr of ttie ity of the Lair granting a bonus of Fortyfire tbcsaid of the of York to pass Ity Junction Railway Company and it la And for each it is for that portion of the County of York mentioned being all that portion of the aai of York comprised within the limit I the J the described as West angle of Lot Number in na Coocossson of the Township of East thence Northward the of Second to tbr Northern Bouadary of said Township then East slong the Northern Boundary of mid Township to the East angle thereof then South along the Eastern Boundary of Township to South East angle thereof then West along the Southern of aaid Township to place of beginning all roadway and of the northern Hallway J nana within the sold Townahip of East the whole forming part of the County Municipality of the County of York to ram ths amount of Fortyfire Thousand Dollars in the manner hereinafter And mi frees the total amount of the portion of the of York hereinbefore particularly for paying ths said sum of forty fire thousand and interest on the debrntorer be and hereinafter mention as the name become due and is a For year 1874 the sum of For tbe year 1S7S the sum For year the sum MM For year the sum 37 the year 1888 the earn of For the year 1884 the sum of For the year 1885 asm of For tbe year IBM the earn For the year the of 111 For the year 1888 ths earn of For year 18M ths sum of For the year the earn of For the year 1 Ml the sum of For year 189 the asm of 3878 For the year 1893 the mm of amount of the whole property in that portion the said County my fatore lacrrase same sad of ear income ia of internet or dividends freai the work or say share or interest the week which to be raised or say part thereof mar be last re rued and eqi one million five hundred sad si on hundred and thirty I of the whole rate the work also of any of or divi or front say Meek share at uteres the work nana which the to be so be inraaaad to ths Last revised and equalised of aaid County fourteen mil ait hundred forty three right handled and nineteen dollar a us amount of the aziatiag debt of ths said of York twenty eight dollar for sod eighty hundred forty dollars for interest and whereas there is neither nor the part of the be by the said portion of the id of York two eight three re and sixty fear for nil dollar sad cents for raat whereas there Is ne principal nor Ami there is no debt of tbe id Township of or Last the annual rats as near ly equal as may be for the repayment of the debentures and interest the same shall became ems sad ale to be levied In the said portion of the said Cooatr of York described ie follows Fee the year 1874 a rate of two mill sad of a mill on the dollar Far the year a rat of two mill and hundredths of a mill on the For the year 1171 a rats of two mills fiftysine hundredths of null the dollar Pot the year a rate of two mills Maty hundredths of a mill For the 1878 a rate of two mill a mill on the dollar Far a rale two mill of a the dollar For rear law a rate of two milk sad sixty two For the rear 1881 a rate two milk and sixty era handled of a mm the dollar For the year 1881 a rate of two milk sad sixty the dollar For the year a rate two milk sad fifty suae of a mill to dollar For the a rale of two milk sad nitty of a null on the dollar For the year lew a rase of milk sixty two hundredths of a mill the dolkr year 1884 a rate milk and three hundredths of a mill the Far tint year a rate of two milk and of two milk fifty eight mill on the For the year lews a rate of two milk sad fifty seraa a mill on the dollsr of the Ceaaty of That it shall sad may be far that jBrtioa of the said of York d scribed to eld aaaat Lake Junction Railway Company by of Forty 8 raised for such j thin twenty to take by I with fastsratt me at the rate and at the That foe tha porpoae the or other heed tae York say of of the said Coonty of York to he mads JUST FRESHGROCERIES seal fca CAaVel WINES Treasurer or by each other person My id shall define the portion York ft Thst the dsbeatures shall be mads within twenty from the day hereinafter mentioned for By to take the Bank of Tomato Toronto sad attached to them coupons for the payment Council amy by earn of tbe Con of which the a That for the purpose of paying the said debentures and inter at the rate aforesaid the special ream eat the dollar to discharge the debt and interest when respectively payable I mwhwa I ether rate be asaed raised lvie1 and all the in the portion of the nary of ths year 1874 a rats of two of mill on the dol I hundredths of a mill on the year a hundredths vear a rate of I of mill the ity dollar For the dredtha of a mill the dollar For the year Uk and fifty nine has I red of mill on the dollar For sixty three i Per the ratnof Tar 11 lUt a two mill ud nil dollv ear rauof two of mill tha Tot tj r a rati mill and of a mill a m dolkr For mi a rata of 01 ud ftftr a kill a For o of ftftv a mill ISM a rata twa a dollar aS aaatl mm after tba day of oar Lord on tboajaad ml onl a ba 1 a after af by baad aaar to tba IfaaaMwr at Toccata at Taraata aaaaj to to ail Company maaaar ajawjaata to aw af aaall by aud Traatoa to aaid Caaawavy far aaa of mid railway lyia to of lb hurcbaadakatOwilliaaktry May padaJ to tb id Traato a aartUaaU iafaad by Cbiaf barker arid Copear araid ike a tbaraaf a aaaU to id tba if any af i ila bla baada bat id a nee to ad totbaaOwt dot id akHway at aaar lata- tba TawaaUpa teat awl awl farther that Caamwa wat tine bit a Bylaw to the laepnrtioaef U aid to the Cat dad a by the Hat- ipj Coaaadl of Ye that be arid tha rat- the elector the id Caaaty bare a tofoa drarribad take tbk For the of Gworfloa Tor af the id at Rail For lb Tear at tha At For that portiae the T hi the third day 4bt law aaal the taraiaf far Far the J Far Dirawamaf Mr Anaraa For Id Til ill OwUMmIwjt- Hry Far that the TowaaUp bet 1 f TAKE NOTICE will bra oaaaiaraari by the York after law war the dak whath ties the ewaaarket Jra aw lb lib day Ibaarwa A k aba Sew- a 1U day of Darhar Ml that will WARRANTED Y R Daily tar to Partis U Paid for Farm PISH lasasatof White Fish Trout While Fish DISSOLUTION COPARTNERSHIP sir To the Public Brodcast Seeder JOUltHUl a HOUSE No 1 Millards Block would inform hi patron and the public generally that he i daily receiving OF- FA1CY GOODS GENERAL GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING S60 ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS FOR SALE TO CASH AND SHORT TIME BUYERS At price that will COM ABE FAVORABLY with Iioum in the trudc An Early and First Call Solicited Wm McMASTEE 1873 FOR TIE FALL THE ARRIVAL SEASONABLE GOODS HARRISON SHEPPARD Co BEO to sprprise their and Patron sod generally their now every which they to t aurh most ensure satisfattloa IN DRESS GOODS Silks Belgian and Figured and BrUlkat Ioloan DRY GOODS SBS FAMILY I For and prior equalled by law in ly none CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE I Having bought in quantities they gnat BOOTS A3STJD SHOES worthy of by who desire at a naeonahle Silk and Felt Fur and Cap Ladxet Fur Sett in style Broadcloths Overcoatings Doeskins Tweeds PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS A Urge and well selected rtoch at very low rat CLOTHING Readymade and to Order By experienced Workmen under the of wives at a Mfflaent guarantee for fit and workmanship A hearty welcms to on who will call in stew the goods at the centre aloft- WON OF THE BIG T Where the value will be given fur HARRISON CO September 10 1873 tf NEWMARKET ARE 1873V4 LEE XT AVE A LARGE STOCK OF Sleigh And Cutter Stuff RIMS SPOKES G C SLEIGHSHOE AND SPRING STEEL I 111 llllf HOUSE 8H0ES AND HORSE NAILS AND DRAGSAWS Carriage and Cutter Trimmings PLUSH FELT 8tc Ac tumnbks varnishes PICTURES Ac etc Main Street Newmarket JUST RECEIVED AT THE SIGN OP THE FLAG AT AN STOCK OF NEW GOODS at Tnd at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES I And cloth nun woman or child from m of the foot to crown of lb at PRICES WHICH DEF rl CALL SOWITBDat Main Dec 11 if

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