I i sot lT Mr A In AtL v Tliillvi fLIis When nitron like of MAW uJiM robber to he ivl 3 thiol bait i torn il h II PROPER FOR K House ft Lot For Sate I Hew Harness Shop i TO FARMERS I Ihi- and OF 1731 ah e Choice Goods afOTWii ffiawiY letter he pent 1 J- IV eker I night MrtiBr ij There arc two way it said Pat to a- be Mo nulling and waiting It tour thousand I in nut lay MILLINERY SHOW ROOM JTilAIS General Opened for the Season I Vh shall I i r new Design and Color in An I on ic nun lie 1 aid I ran dolt then- Evening Flowers on tho of the I You Jon l I WOOF GOODS THE i Sew Cheap Fashionable LOOK IIKIIK ROOT CUTTER MffSk 3 Carriage Factory nmi MMWalUr1iMlau A FACTORY Lit KjUiStvllMl ll lb UmUIci hORSHOElNG ttiljyi wiNJtoi JOBBING iSSSSSSs Dwelling ana Wareroom jsnaTEr WIS ihiahiv Support the Market TaIlie irmi9 LBinnniTlt THK AIN SCOOPS And Seasonable i2iEaaiEgia9 FjSL rrfrSWF FARM FOR SALE Sail 1 Kit I FARM FOR SALE I1 ki W J LmI lnvlf rniU frM WILLIAM JdJOTlIKIlri trim Or It J 8ale A MM A rfrM Hit Uo for mMmu iaitiJi ACRES in TSX HAH uiikUt3kt mI IWi I HOODS Awarded I Pipit A FOR SALE HI a he M THOR ATKINSON aamardjahiiM en apparatus Desirable HI of tWUnVilWIi j First Cli menu Stock of in fin- I iUiifclTvr gat mum and larwwoa Satisfaction guaranteed IP lUtRKK GREAT BARGAINS SELLING I DRY GOODS Sewing machine monk At 10 per cent Discount far TRAVELLERS f iTur p Save Your J f i I Jr Melodttmt Tuned and Repaird WW SOS Insurance Company LIFE and ACCIDENT rf October acfvpBtMi ia f an It o t it wkljinJfubijfnr I Yarmoulh Bioalers cured rfo to 1 lV lllo BUILDING In rfr la OB J fl5 Account or Note AH to of U 10 r ltN fcifbrr Fall Ufa lift Ik Wat lU a notice fur laUcd for liobT and jartira on ai ay W t faatata arifiaal iLiCij for JOUS Mm jZ Orricb 2 ti Get IM AT tali J fgr reUoTnid llllgiolnnh lytlcxpfriWo k a nil ho most looping it Chest plaint Bit c ot dry leave tho J oscuafTntd and allays irritation mm bo complaint fcrw or APRIL tT will in unit ftir So ill sum Qui 11 NEWMARKET lfo iliMltWW OR SALK Lot In the Con or East Gwlllli ibury Id Tor A MILLER OTOYBMrt I MORE a STOKES FORKS REAPER art ic I IS if DRY GOODS for II rf im4 u rib p yn BTnaiiSiSiS farm thy JilN STOVES 1VH THAT A STOVES wcrjin SEED SeIaRATOR Wexred J C t rfhofSl biliar- Mill nvU J A Campbells STOVES PIPES FirstClass Furniture I to mm Dont Forget the awm art MAIN ST A A of 1869 pf 9Mv FARMERS By of tt T I0RE MAM fc HOUSES Horse Tntlamary fclkllbmj MILL STREETS am a purely Aha rf tb ft tbe great llfftgirtait principle of in tbt beltl man to an it at writ u MtfpJflir r Id CanninaUTB CarrninaUTa rrtlatit Altai iratrr The atatta by btop or other WaLVaaj te Ma r arnj or- AolAffWUU to the lime nth Vmrnnm Hoar In AUnek ritlhliw lit ftya Hit lllu fflrArnTiN JMASPW ttWW WWW JfJIVli ootE stjffiyfii ffifl in fflWJRS Liquor Store FSOVI8I0NS AND than A J I ICT AMI I tt iSHm ITnTS tlfc a to