NEWMARKET ERA JAN ARE SELLING- Mens Overcoats Tapestry Carpets All Wool Carpet FOR NEXT WILL BE T The Whole Stock of war Wishes its many Friends A HAPPY PBOSPEROUS NEW YEAR We Invite your Special Attention to Four Bales Grey CottonsOne Case Bleached Cottons The ever Shown in Newmarket Come and see them or send PostCard for Samples 1 1 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF- NEW YEARS WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS In Fine China Glassware Motto Teas and Fancy Goods at prices to suit the times FRESH FAMILY GR0GERIES ETC RECEIVED WEEKLY Call and Examine Stock No to Show Goods R A SMITH MAIN STREET r SCHOOL SUPPLIES I OK CHI Ik KIKKU Jin later fan FILE and VI while itrtttfttJfrlthlljr In v CHKACOM trailing J he h of Ida HEIFER on forehead and Information lead rretoveiy ijo reward- It SHAW IMPROVED CHESTER WHITE BOAR J mrorii from Philadelphia will kept for on tbe firm North of cacti GEO JUST ARRIVED A Car of Best American Patent Flour 1884 1885 IF YOU WANT SH COAL COAL I I for pUtUcz v A FERRY CO aaouL Blacksmith Goal Stove and Nut CHAS Huron JOB HUNTING AT THE OFFICE IB IP The Best Pastry Flour the BeBt Loaf of Bread the Best Assortment of Cakes and Pastry and the Best Plate of Oysters in Town go to ROBERTSON BROS TERMS CASH to CO to tf HOLIDAY Presents for At AT Iff A- Tea Per Cent Prises Given Away ox ALL Jim Of my abotr IsUrM My Inter Slock nil My Winter Slock repute in fur nil do And I gladly In i Jo a Ira Jo Urge And low charts anil ami 1 Warm Tie lr tuny time q rKM percent to lttichiuora BOND In Im had Ami in a ii iiTvt I my htn m jtji Iouil Part irCaclilt HOW Jr I ami I iinakv J riLMifiiilj hi mo Hold on Jack AND yaaijtfW FIRSTCLASS Biscuits Confectionery Oysters in Can and Bulk Canned Goods and CHEAP FOR CASH AT BROS We are now taking orders for Wedding Cakes Theres Obadiah And and Jeremiah And Jedediah and Aunt Sophia ALL GOING TO GROCERIES DISCOUNT SALE I PER all of 91 over fur at FOR HOLIDAY THAUK 11EFOHMKU BLOCK Watches Clocks JEWELLERY SPECTACLES ETC I NEWMARKET I JM M I STORE HAND til KOI ALLY A 5SAVER MILLS NEWMARKET HOLIDAY BARGAINS YOD CAN SAVE FIFTY 50 CENTS J A BALES OO PROPRIETOR W my Mill to new met bod of making flour by rolls ft to Offer to a Very and O EVERY YOU BY YOUR -AND- BOOTS AND SHOES AT- SOUTH a a ARTICLE OF will convince Ijfern it their Interest to it- AND FEED to any rrt of Town Vno of Kx- a A TRIAL SOLICITED PURE AND DYE STUFFS GUARANTEED FRE3H AND TRUE IN latent on urdock Blood Fruit Salt Electric Oil Fluid McGregor ParkeV Preps Beef Iron Wine Allens Lung Balsam Hair Restorer Safe Cure Warners Yellow Oil to by A tk of JlrcubciOf ftlUwrijAlQEii from Hum Mr oil toot J Ml oar AVort THE BANKRUPT STORE Old Newmarket Just Received A Nice Stock of Bankrupt Clothing As wo nothing but Bankrupt Stocks wo enabled to goods for groat deal toes than pay for CO OLD MAIN NEWMARKET WHATfeVKKia of Ware will and new will your on every haul We think our of Clock Ac And caouot for mora wo puce Choice New Goods Make your of acj a and a arlicre Ooq A Call Very Respectfully Solicited Before ATKINSON SKATE- Acme Climax c Knives For Spoons Pocket Table SAWS AND AXES GROCERIES DUE if- or ana we will mall you royal valuable sample box of puiyoa In ibe way of money In a fewdaye at ocl can live at horn work A llol Mzeiof all 3eeHUUUeaAlrearotleTereveo lor work may the ire make Ibli To all oi well we will free fcUoIouiy Dontdeltf Executors All to be late of are to time the or all are required to Ibe previous Ibe dale orlbeKiccutore will bold tor cLalco JOHEpUOLOVKH IMi Notice to Creditors or WILLIAM DECEASED- to of Section The Villajenfltollaod In York who died or about Ibe day of November A are hereby rcu1rl toeeoJ by of W83toTbw J Executrix of the will the wld aad the full of their the or the of their and the nature of by and after the Mid of February Ibe William be the to rtarUcolrtotbecUlLdiofwhtch have bad at above required not tenable for the or any part thereof to of the ucdtnlgned shall not had notice at the time of tbedutflbuiwoof aad aveu at tbU of to are to J for of Partnership that uoeralfioed la hereby by mutual cod tout attorcey ea of Family to hand for bo Holidays IS Teas Sugars Coffees Raisins Currants AND CANNED GOODS 3 Cans of Tomatoes for lbs Bright Sugar 6 lbs Tea gallons Oil 1 00 100 in connection Foil Stock of FINK OLD PORT WINE MEDICINAL PURPOSES ALL AX PRICKS I SOLICITED Main North