lfl Friday j JACKSON at or it w SUBSCRIBERS ft 1 t GIVE KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ALL LIBERTY Hi SHOW WHERE It ita The Baking Powder NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Cm my Vol XXXIIINo 5L Single Copies 3 Cents Each MlKin no EWMAHKET INSURANCE AGENCY pe life Newmarket Friday Jan 16 Terms Cash in Advance or at end of year I Ooe OP retail ia of the jmtthi and other powder I am ac quis Dec a GEO Am ft snow nolo Powder itw from flU en PQJ retail Bros I v A Co Toronto Mir Baltic Ponder Boiler Inspection and Insurance X LEE Tim Tendon Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons Nursery J HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET MILL i lR i n J A BASTED AC EST FOR Fire TO AT CLST on AND THOMAS GLAZIER Ac of It iKRSTEftATLAW ETC- and St factory- it 15lf CENSED AUCTIONEER ir AfrtCQliunl Arcdi OUT MM A I LAX Solicitor Ac HONEY TO COOKS BILLIARD PARLOR Fine Embroideries Made to Order BEST AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCY WOBK MATERIAL m IN THE TOWN NEWMARKET HARDWARE o iccOv WALTER A EDDE AltKISTKR DfUrStOM Aurora NO AND fcOMiIK CIGARS AND TOBACCOS CIGARETTES PIPES AND FANCY A 3 SOOTH POST OFFICE CHAB V t i A IJ Finding the Credit System unsatisfac tory to both myself and customers I have decided to adopt Strictly LAWRENCE Ac Ac J JIEAD OFFICE TORONTO mock A From First day of January 1885 JAMES INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS MEDIC A I DRAFTS ISSUED OS CHEAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IS CANADA Notes Discounted SIMPSONS A W- EVANS ilk f iitr J YAIlKEIt on Milt Hit COME AriD SEE s I ho of fr Twenty Mill keep- up Hi in Pure Drugs and Chemicals Coloring Articles and lax lad THS WAY YOLK- I1UK bowThorcuhy J Mr llood J of HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES VinV CLASS ING to do UK In cm and In fact Ukumly kept In up Accuracy a cornel Mr who hut wbuUvviy AH Wowmrket- SMALL POX remove To A Oxide Oh lisMMfBH A Tin Types gQc cNtuOy fifio I In While- wc them IfiSPtCr of arllttl CI II KbarfDfOiat- Ac Jilfcii a Hi A o Jut Urn itltitiaw4i4 fori ait favor PRODUCTIONS ability 5 IN FANCY GOODS l In AIM VKRY Family by on a of AlbuioKvtfy Wwkji atopic aiiJ view Ij Card lJruceltj ana Slipper Braiding I Mint VflfMTAj la that can ct lo Tobaccos Pipes Ambers and are the arrival Be fe Ml LIABLE LEADING HOUSE BAILEYS TAKES the LEAD and euro of fearful ttiKicy y Afi jictrtff for circular to iAuek a New York It KINGS EVft formerly given to Scrofula because of a that could cured 1y a touch The la wiser now ft4 knows SCROFULA can rcu- j yAtlUliUatfraiL Main ark Largest West Stock VERY LOW will Vlf Choice Confectionery Sugar and Cakes A OYSTERS AXJI lotw or J Ariufix irotKLTonoKTO n mall vfil that In America AU Wiln with nth own all Jvil ALLxrAjiortltJyI ifklrjf a firritu Kr4 a an l- tLat fier flnt Jarjuaxy win Head all boa vltl io than tit worlds ALL of fcocMtd hour lo before em At iCS Main Tim l cured by a borough af the If tbroujfb generation Among earlier are Tu- Carbuncles Thy If to con Kidney and Liver Tubercular and vart or fatal arc produced by It Ayers the only and Hoodpurifying an tint it eradicate from the Hereditary Scrofula and kindred of contagious At the aaroe time It en and vitalizes Wood action vital And riJuvtnatlogtijecQtircajitenj TiiUgreat Regenerative Medicine of Dock the of and fcad other of and coin- la generally the medical and the beat aKtfiiAataaa Absolute For U1 vlllaUoaol blood It concentrated to tho practicable degree far beyond any preparation for Ilka la therefore Iho aa well the beat blood the world Ayers Sarsaparilla Dr J A Co Mats Analytical SoM by fiU for y The Surprise Joy in a When the fcraochea Very Safe from all feet Why art here Joy tied cried Why art 1 here to Joy Tears are my employ Sorrow yet I wo Tears to thee Come How to easo thy heart Joy ait down at feo And was taught a lesson sweet Fain would be make kind return Sorrow art too old to Kay I Then tarry yet awhile Till how to smile Since that hour the tiro have been Bound by Kin Sicca boar Tears sod smiles tis If a puzzled heart Soiree can tell the twain apart Select Reading Too Good Credit S ARTHUR Let Die show you of the fin est of cloth I have seen for six months said a smiling storekeeper to fi young married roan whose a clerkship was in the neighbor hood of seven hundred dollars Dont trouble Mr Ed wards replied the customer The silk and buttons are all I want Ob no trouble at all Mr Jacobs no trouble at all It is a pleasure for to show my goods said tho storekeeper drawing from a certain shelf the piece of cloth he had men tioned and throwing it upon counter There ho added as he unfolded the broadcloth and clapped his hand upon it complacent- there is something worth looking at and its cheap as dirt Only four dollars a yard and worth six every cent of it I bought it at auction yesterday at a good bargain Its cheap enough certainly re marked half indifferently as ho bent down to inspect the cloth but Ive no money to spare just now Dont wont any money replied Edwards at least none from such men as you Jacobs looked up into the mans face in some as to his Your credit good said Ed wards Credit Ivo no credit I never asked a trust in life re turned tho customer Ill trust you half that is in ray store was answered Thank you said Jacobs feeling a little flattered by a compliment like this But no want in dry goods to that extent A skein of silk a dozen buttons for my wife are all that I require at present You want a new coat replied persevering storekeeper and he bid his hand upon the sleeve of Jacobs coat and examined it closely This one is getting rusty and threadbare A man like you should have some respect as to his appear ance Let mo see Two yards of this beautiful cloth will coat but eight dollars and I wont send in your bill for six months Eight dol lars for a broadcloth coat I Think of that Bargains of this kind dont grow on Edwards talked thus he was displaying tho goods lie wished to sell in a good way to let the rich glossy surface catch beat point of light and his quick soon told him customer was beginning to bo tempted Ill cut you off a coat pattern said he taking up the yard stick I know you want it Dont hesitate about the matter Jacobs did not say No al though the word was on his tongue he yet hesitated coat pat- Urn was measured off and severed from tho piece There it is in a satisfied halftriumphant from the store keepers lips And greatest bargain you evrr had You will want trimmings of course As ho spoke he turned to shelf padding lining silk and Jacobs half bewildered stood looking on cut from piece to another un til the coat trimmings all nicely laid out This done Mr Edwards turned to his customer again rubbing his hands from an internal feeling of and You must very vest to go with this of course My vest is a shabby re plied Jacobs AS he gazed downward at a garment which had scon pretty fair If thats the best you have it will never do to go with a new coat said Edwards a decided tone Let mo show you a beauti ful piece of black satin And so thft storekeeper went on tempting his customer until ho had sold him a vest and pantaloons in addition to his coat After that ho foundno difficulty in selling him a silk dress for his wife Having In dulged himself with an suit ho could not upon reflection think of passing by his wife who had been wishing for a tew silk dress for more than six months you think of anything enquired Edwards- I bo hap py to supply whatever you want in my Una Nothing more I an swered Jacobs whose bill was al ready thirtyfivo dollars and ho had yet to pay for making his coat pan and vest Out you want various articles of dry goods In a family fa something called for every day Tell Sin Jacobs to send down for what ever she needs Never mind about tho inonoy Your credit is good with mo for any amount When Mr Jacobs went home nd told his what ho had done she Unreflecting was delighted 1 wish you had taken a of muslin said she Wo want sheets and pillowcases badly You can get a piece Jacobs We wont have to pay for it now Edwards will send in his bill at cud of six and it will bo easy enough to pay for it then- Oh yes easy enough respond ed his wife So a piece of muslin was procured on the credit account But things did not stop here A credit account is too often a breach in a canal stream is small at first but soon increases to a ruinous current Now that want bad found a supply source want was more clamorous than be fore Scarcely a day passed that Mr or Mrs Jacobs did not order something from the store not dream ing simple souls that an alarmingly heavy debt was accumulating against them As to the income of Jacobs it was not large He was as has been in timated a clerk iu a wholesale store and received a salary of seven hun dred dollars n year His family con sisted of a three children and he found it riecessary to be pru dent in all his expenditures in order to make both ends meet Somewhat independent in his feel ings he bad never asked for credit of anyone with whom he dealt and no one offering it previous to the temp tation inducement held out by Ed wards he had regulated his outgo by his income By this means he had to keep even with world though not to gain advantage on the side of fortune Let us if his good credit hud been of any rtal servtco to him It was very pleasant to have things comfortable for a little display with out feeling that the indulgence drain ed the purse too heavily And weak vanity the part of Jacobs was tiled by flattering of his hon esty entertained by wards the store keeper His credit was good and ho was proud of tin fact But the day of reckoning drew near at last it came Notwithstanding the credit at the dry goods store thero was no more money in the young inane at the end of six months than at the be ginning- The cash that would have gone for clothing when necessity called for additions to the family wardrobe had spent for things the purchase of which would have omitted but for tho fact that the dollars were iu the purse instead of iu the storekeepers hands and tempted needless expenditures The end of the six months credit approached and the mind of Jacobs began to upon dry goods dealers bill and to be disturbed by a feeling of anxiety As to the amount of the bill he was in uncertain ty but he thought it could not bo than forty dollars That was a large sum for him to owe particular ly as he bad nothing ami his current expenses were fully up to his income it was now for the first time iu his life that Jacobs felt tho nightmare pressure of debt and it seemed at times as if it would aulTo- otto him One evening ho came homo feeling more sober usual Ho hud thought of little else all day except his bill at store On meeting his wife ho saw that some thing was wrong What ails you Jane he said kindly you sick No simple reply But her eyes drooped as she said it and her husband saw that her slight quivered thing is wrong Jane said her husband stole to wifes cheek from beneath halfclosed lids her bosom labored with the weight of some pressure Tell me June urged Jacobs if anything is wrong Your manner alarms me any of the children sick Oil no no Nothing of that was quick reply but but Mr Edwards has sent iu his bill That was to bo expected of course said Jacob with forced calmness The credit was for only six months But how much is His voice was unsteady as ho ask ed question A hundred and twenty dollars I and poor Mrs Jacobs burst into vara Impossible I is some mis take A hundred and twenty dol lars Never There is bill and Mrs Jacobs drew it from her bosom Jacobs glanced eagerly at foot ing up of tho long column of numerals to value of one hundred and twenty It cant be he said in a trou bled voice But I am sorry to say that its all right I been over and ovr it Again and cannot find an error Oh dear how foolish I have been It was so easy to get things when no money was to bo paid down But I never thought of a bill this Never Jacobs sat for moments with his upon the floor Ho was thinking rapidly 8omuh for a good credit he said at length taking a long breath What a fool I have been That feltow Ed warder lias to mo completely Ho know that if ho got mo on his book ho would secure dollars to one of my money beyond what ho could get by the cash down system Ono hun dred and twentysix dollars In six months Ah me aro we happier now for tho extra dry goods wo pro cured Not whit Our bodies a clothed and our of display gratified to sorao ox- tent But has all that wrought a compensation for pain of day of reckoning Poor Mrs Jacobs was silent Bad ly was repenting of her part in the folly had Tea time came but neither husband nor wifu could do much more than food That bill for a hundred and twenty dollars had taken away their appetites The night that fol lowed brought to neither of them a very refreshing slumber and in morning they awoke sober minded and inclined for conversation Bat one thought was in mind of Mr Jacobs the bill of Mr Edwards and feeling in mind of his for her part in the work of embarrassment What will you doV said Mrs Jacobs in a that was unsteady looking into her husbands face with eyes as she laid her baud upon his arm him to pause as he was about to leave the house Im sure I dont know replied the young man gloomily I shall have to see Edwards I suppose and ask him to wait But Im Id rather take a horsewhipping- Good credit Hell sing a different song now For a moment or two longer the husband and wife stood looking at each other Then as each sighed heavily former turned away and left the house His road to business was past the Mr Edwards door now he avoided street in which he lived and went a block out of his way to do 0 How am I to pay bill mur mured the unhappy Jacobs pausing in his work for the twentieth time as ho sat at his desk giving his mind up to troubled thoughts Just at this moment the senior part ner in the establishment came up and stood behind him Well my young friend said he kindly how you getting along Jacobs tried to smile anil look cheerful as he replied Pretty well sir but his voice had in it a touch of despondency Let me remarked the em ployer after a pause your regular year is up to day is it not Yes replied Jacob3 his heart sinking more heavy in his bosom for question suggested a discharge from his place business having been dull for some time I was looking at your accounts yesterday employer I that it is drawn up close ly Have you nothing ahead Not a dollar I am sorry to say returned Jacobs Living is expen sive and I have six to feed That being the ease employer as you faithful to us and your services arc valuable- we must add something to your sal ary Now you receive seven hundred dollars sir will call it eight hundred and fifty A sudden light flashed into the face of unhappy man seeing which employer already blessed in blessing another added And it shall bo for last as well as the coming year I will fill you out a check for a hundred and fifty dollars as balance due to you up to this clay The feelings of Jacobs were too much agitated to trust himself to oral thanks as he received the check which the employer immediately filled up but his countenance fully ex pressed his grateful emotion A while afterwards the young man entered the store of Ed wards who met htm with ft smiling face I have come to settle your bill said Jacobs You neednt have troubled your self about that replied the store- keeper though money is always ac ceptable The money was paid and the bill receipted when Edwards rubbing his hand an action peculiar to him when in happy frame of mind said And now what shall I shew you Nothing was tho grave reply of the young man Nothing Dont say that re plied Edwards no money to answer ed Jacobs Thats of no consequence Your is good for any amount A world too good find said Jacobs beginning to button up his coat with air of a man who has lost his and feels dispos ed to look well that his dont follow in tho same unprofitable di rection How so What do you mean I asked the storekeeper My good credit has taken a hun dred and twenty dollars out of my pocket replied Jacobs I dont understand you said Ed wards looking serious Its a very plain This cred it account at your has induc ed myself and wife to purchase twice as many goods as wo would otherwise bought That has taken sixty dollars out of my pocket and sixty dollars more been spent under temptation because it was in the purse instead of being paid out for goods credited to us on your books Now do you understand me Tim storekeeper kept Good morning Mr Edwards Jacobs when I cash to spare I shall be happy to spend it with you but no more book accounts for me Wiser will they bo who profit by tlm experience of Mr Jacobs These credit account a to pro plo with moderate Income 1 1 never under any pretense bo opened A Good Excuse- John is an Austin citizen of a convivial turn of mind Not long since ho camo homo from a ban quet at a very late hour you not tho last to asked his wife I wash tho lasht ono to leave admitted wretched man Its a and ft disgrace that you always last to go home exasperated wife Taint my fault responded unhappy man that alt the of tho I da I cant em can I Tail Cleveland it his heo in the vein by to lbs Era a Hit height jqst holiday i wrt of a the fttd prospective the ever wel come until attempt to drop in yea with epistle before Slots his looked for to the of lh dear oil but to do Kill try you a few of with a or two politics in about the way tbere from custom and way of it proved exception to any of its predecessors the rich court bad a grind the poor were not the litter rfiAI are very numerous the present year account of in all kiodjof sad the opportunities wero Urge for Ihoie to whom hid pletuot places to dipeci EightecQ tod eightyfour his gone old Father Time with his scythe his completed his sod will retire to his thus the years go by speed our days A3 a that told Eightyfour his pished array bat not ill record that behind what record it is in deed The great multitude id new year with the ringing of fltiog guns and blotting horns white a met to keep in a of for ibe past with a detenninalion to make a teller record in and re new their covenant loconut itidtej an Id live and number that might thr unto the world New Years was to the fniia1ilhs of receiving call in their fine litieti faring Itiouly while many a Hut the Blessed poor ye have always with you and lie name was Wonderful tin everlasting Either of not where to buy Hi head that to the believer the to Ilia in pvcrly inns surely the burden here I want to to the of the rich pjor receive than crumbs which fall from their laths The M comnienced a of services on the 3rd and a great and full of fur theextensiou of work in the salvation of he hi aud the of from Montreal the Iter Mr He is a very piecing speaker an eir- that at once the attention real things are effected a rich looked for to which tbe writer says A word or two politico promised I may by telling you you already hat we eh ted a Democratic debt the we have more pleased to have preventol catastrophe could 1m voir hive done it tut that it may a Demo and about are trouble Mr Cleveland the elect has been a letter which mikes tberu lik the young man was driving the yoke of oxen lad who heard thui ny father there lull and IS tbere is no hell but I would give this yoke of oxen to it to be a fact The letter above mentioned gives ihe comfort and the office holder a doublful comfort and the writers opinion is that the hive a tuter thing of it than the and that after the March Ins may take up their Is walk Twenty odd years is a long time bo waiting watching for and then to not grt it The Independents or as are called Mugwumps who bolted Mr leaving the ranks to elect Mr Cleveland are trying to themselves that he ill certain carry out their Well dhill what we see Stabbed for Revealing carets Sew Jany a rushed out of No 12 Chamber In which located tho of ODohovao and tho United Irishman In a afterward a innn coffered with blood tottered down to Ibo hallway and bin blood flawed in ox flitomsnt at took flocked Several officers up and a fow roon toward tho city hall Iho police followed them of them was arrested and brought back to where tbo dying roan w lying I man who stabbed you asked Yob that is roan bleeding man but by heavens if Im going to Ill dio WILL TWO OP US I tho byslnndors could Iris iotontions ho drew a rovoWer and fired two in quick auccea fliOD man landing bforo him Ono of balls took in thigh of his ffouldbo muixiorer This further increased the ox- neighborhood bo wild with all fcorla of rumors man who was stabbed proved to bo of Kan tea City aged his assailant of Short of avenue Sbort butcher nil knowledge of stabbing Ho acted as a mnn who had boon offended by his arrest Whoa how blood camo to bo hi- ho relied villi Iriah iv iidhi I Evil you a Jy you know taken lo the dying lie is IN NECK AND BREAST other Etrrivod iu city only InmrA lio wag bo reached hero ho went lo J two weiil at to A few minuter ftfter ho entered ho attacked THE The Stiiwell Murder Jan inquest on case was re sumed Thursday in Eden Hotel- Tho young men and Albert who placed under aged twenty two twentythree respectively Thoy appeared to the matter easily analysis of the was lucid and exhaustive various points of discrepancy iu testimony clearly pointed out the jury were charged to find a verdict strictly iu accordance with evidence jury reliriHl about four oclock and at ten oclock re turned with the following verdict That Lewis to his death from a gunshot wound through head and reason to that ho foully murdered We alio from circumstantial and contradictory evi dence given at the inquest and from the fact that said Hansom Forbes and Albert Thomas only persons by their own evidence known to been- in company with said Lewis Napoleon the afternoon of murder consider it prudent iu the interest of justice to commit for further examina tion A warrant of commitment was then issued by Coroner and two young mjii taken into custody by Detective J Clayton and Constable Pierce of and placed in tho Co Jail at St Thomas to their trial at the A Victim of the Crazy Quilt What yon doing Mary a wife I am sowing on a crazy quilt- replied any on it No I thought not he flald ll wouldnt be like you to bo sowing on anything that buttons and drawing a ho proceed- d with a half mtttobi claim to let I to telling him to on to Now to liij office ihuf ho had im for him Ho attend lOi and it is tho in ton I ion to kill him has boon premeditated for wet lor giving away tho ferrets the Chelan Was flaked if ho wanted a or priest No ho replied want anybody I bo in any religion I am fol lower of MOTIVE OF TUB HEED News of he stubbing and spread rapidly and Inquiries wero on nil aides lo who Short appeared to bo known to many men identi fied with several revolutionary motif woscoridcruned by number of his for giving in his paper week to an interview printed in Iho Kansas City to ho hud with giving a de tailed account of tho operations of dynamism In Threat wore against life niul it was said that his imme diate friends hud determined to form body to protect him Lawlessness at the West A gentlemen who has recently arrived from Ibo Northwest staled that Iho of the North west is likoly to be seriously ml broiler unless Some- tiling is done to rid iho country of whoraiLlacroasthecunlry from Mon tana A short a of four by two looking charac ters arrived at American side They at once offer ed team for sale to manager of farm but as it was dis covered had nut paid doty collector of customs seized tbo rig and Dion lined and tin- prisoned for violating tho customs On it was that a portion of it was part of a lot of that had been stolen lirho from Dell farm by thieves Major visited City Montana after giving a do- that had been at Heginn bo learned that- it was that had been stolon and driver murdered by months iu as it was homo carrying an officer of the United army to of outpodta endeavor will prubably bo made to two in whoso possession the team was dis covered on a charge of murdered driver Twenty years ago the Danes imported nearly all their sugar Now they raise it from beds Sioux City la Jon A man who arrived here today from Run- Water brings news confirming report of the freezing to death of seven men on tho Niobrara River Road in Nebraska Two of the men were found sitting in a buggy stiff horse having reached a with his silent drivers No yet been learned of the victims The Nebraska freezing should not bo confounded with that previously reported where it was stated that fourteen -men- had perished along new Sioux City and Pacific grade Nothing further has been learned concerning 1st People hero had friends who had started to locate land along new road and great anxiety is felt as have had ample timo to get to communication and not a word boon received The scenes of two tragedies are about miles apart the railroad grade being almost duo west of Niobrara Riven