Newmarket Era, 16 Jan 1885, p. 2

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t NEWMARKET ERA JAN 16 Advertisement Slock J Price Co Gift Farm Tor for wits A Per to Beat Jos to FRIDAY JAN TV Our Toronto Despatch to Era Toronto Hen Ed- the of Ifcs iff a JJbf- ta sdrcttted a tad to car to Mr of a eon tut whicb proved the A km the urns tin- of tn it a Fire giro in st d worth pro Works started up a pot to The School Reader Monopoly It or leu diffidence friends of the Ontario Govern ment approach the discussion of the School Reader not any special delicacy in regard to the propriety of so doing i journal ist but the rather because of the- large tbiBgi anticipated from the pre sent of Education- For our otto part we entertained very considerable expectations and spoke approvingly of bis nomination for the office To him we looked with a cer tain of confidence being in- the right place to repair the blonder of hi afflicted predecessor Hon Mr Crooks and to restore created during the temporary ration of the Education Depart ment the present Provincial Secre tary Hence when the School Rea der muddle it it termed was first announced we refrained from more than a passing allusion thereto in the hope that further examination and enquiry would reveal quite a different story but in this we have been disappointed our expec tations in this regard have not been realized and as becomes our duty cannot but criticise and condemn the deal as being opposed to public in terest and not in accord with a due regard to economy In the first place be it that the Department to get out of the muddle created by the author ization of more than one set of Rea ders for the authorship or com pilation of the New and issued three stereotyped plates of the same which have been handed over to three publishing firms viz Clark A Co J Co and the Canada Publishing Co- and these firms alone have authority to print the New Ontario Reader for the whole provinces Wo shall not now stop to discuss the varied rumora of wheels within wheels by which it is said the private interests of po litical friends of the Executive have by this deal but discos some of the broad facts connected with the transaction and point out wherein wo consider the Head of the Department is to be blamed for part in the transaction In the place then to get over the difficulty created through the blundering of MesraCrooksand Har dy who had authorized three seta of Readers the present Minister wiped them out and paid from the pub- lie exchequer of the Province for the compilation of the New Readers about to be introduced in our school and paid for losses sustained by who held the right of publica tion of the previously Authorized school Three sets of stereo typed were then struck of the New Readers and these for a term of ten years handed over to who received authority to be the publishers during that term instead of placing the same to open competition thereby creating a of an exceedingly distaste ful character where there no real therefor As a consequence the ince sutler in two way 1st of healthful competition in increased to the public for the benefit of the monopoly thus created In order that our readers way be able to com prebend what wo mean by increased cost to the public generally we here append the price of Reader under the old and new with legitimate trade and a bold use of departmental authority to enable the monopoly to plead this agreement as a reason for maintain ing a higher tariff than tho boots of the old series commanded Even in their published advertisement the monopolist already announce that the discounts fixed by the Minister of Education are discount they will bo able to offer to the trade Now had the Government after pay ing for the compilation of these book thrown open their publication to competition the Minister of Educa tion would been spared the ne cessity for questionable interference in trade and the public would have shared in the largo profits which the monopolists will now make under their monopoly agreement That it is a monopoly is now beyond question from the fact that Messrs Warwick Son hare announced that they are prepared to enter into large bonds to publish Readers aforesaid at thirtythru and per few than the prices now advertised by the monopoly and also pay to the Province a largo premium for the privilege of becoming publishers of the series This is pretty strong evi dence that a blunder has been committed for the express benefit of the monopoly at the expense of par ents and guardians compelled to pur chase these Readers There are numerous side issued pro and con in connection with this School Book question to which we have not time or space to refer but the foregoing is the way the matter stands so far as we have been able to gather from what has already appeared in print Of course the Local Legislature will assemble shortly when no doubt the exact facts in the case will be made public If it should turn out that we have misapprehended the situation it will afford as much pleasure to make he correction meantime the whole unfavorable aspect and one not at all creditable to the Education De partment of adopted a to the Parliament of act la this Editorial Notes A states that ronon art current to the effect that Mob Mr Olid state will from politic- life at the cloM of the present of the Imperial liimeot Th flapremo Court decided Dominion Act Mail announces will male as they are until Council from and that if tea Do Act is illegal the Scott Act alio Tax of ihaDomioicn petitions tiroaghoat the to tba and Commons for agiimt movement for al terations in Scott requiring threefifths majorities in of the Act before it can be brought into alto for the total prohibition of lienor trifflc Tub of Knirtr against the Phdnix Volga of OddFellows of fcr injuries practical jokes played opon him his alio of swardeJ to editor of the Pott Arthur against of the Sir aid bare both been upheld on an appeal to a higher court Ottawa Fret has an On Miller of Nora Scotia will to called to Cabinet without a portfolio to nil toe Sir Charles Toppers The of will go u already slated to Hon- J Pope and that of Agriculrar and Arts vacated by Mr Pope to White P for the Lennox campaign wu under section of the press aongbt to dis credit Sir Leonard Tilley as a temperance mao reporting ha was about to take the stump fa that constituency toadro- the election of a rnmeeller but it turned out that ho did not go and now assert missed an sxcellent opportu nity of adrocatiog election to meat of a who will rote for pro- of the made election trial of Lennox observes There be doubt that the political parties attempt at election to carry the constituency by bribery and that the victory is won by the which is the moat to distributing money to venal class of which is created by Ignorance and corruption of our political methods Christian Guardian published the authority of the united Methodist church at Toronto comes to us altered in alas and general make op- It is now pub lished after the style and contains 16 pages It is ably edited by the Rev who Is assisted In by the S Stone All bear the stamp of being attended to care and ability There are many new features la the Guar dian which wilt bo highly by its large circle of readers A start lingannooocesfnt in our this week froa J Wit but facts am revealed so plain they need no comment from ox Theres money Is ft for bard times As of acIclea was presented to Mr A by his daughter Mrs lird of Winnipeg took first prise at Moose Jaw Fair last fsU he eat it to this lor It is a rare cariosity and has been with great Dont Do It Dont go out of Town to boy your or Tickets when you can get them here just as and also have assurance you been doped Mr passenger ticket for and Allan SteamiblpSt u return tickets to New Orleans for and to Mont real for 5 Steerage to Liverpool only Change of meat too late for this weeks Extend Your Business We oar manufacturers in North York and Town of Newmarket in particular will take advantage of the offer of the Govern ment in our advertising columns to defray of freight in conveying Canadian exhibits to Exhibition at Antwerp commencing in May from there to and Indian Exhi bition In London in They will be returned to in the of their sot being All exhibits should be ready for shipment by the of March Xhe oddity of a In winter drew an audience of at Town Hall last Monday evening to hear and see Todd Specialty Co The performance was of that character tending to create laughter rather than edify Some say it wsa the biggest sell to Town An accident on the stage rather Upset things for a lime White performing on the horizontal bar one of the actors made slip and nearly broke his note which pat a damper on the balance of tbe entertainment Dr who was in the audience was called to dress the wound Bennett say that oldest and pomp planter In of the County having been in the Mr is a practical of and the firmIs wells mnuaoed lower than The meeting of tbe Keith York Teachers Convention place Model School next and Friday The Ontario ranged to conduct Teachers and J A Esq will bo to take up teaching of at least three subjects Thursday he will deliver an in the Town Hall the subject of which has not yet been made known Ink Drops ft The rainy friend of Key of the King St will to while to lilt Sopdy km livj jirtjiin tod little ate now to of of Mr who for the It Atone time a good the Her haul of tbq to J Aurora vii moon over- Urn hate dark We Aball Ontario be Dominion Parliament on IS Several Area Holland How food raettoext Monday Toronto on Wlb Grand Barf aim at Ola Barrack well attended Sunday A Annual meeting of Supper at Royal lait and pork commencing to rise Id Ad at North End Personal Mention are being circulated by the Scott for to alteration in the la aj to require tolling of a rote An it brfuW into At a e Kieca- ol It unaiiuoatiwlrrd to iuie no uy iu Scott Act would it ox mike it difficult to or enforce ment It to embody the tame prayer a petition for total pro of liquor notice that of will probably k the Legit- to adopted at the teuton of County Council of York on a motion by of by the elections w to make tbeoi off on the meday of our exchanges be done both men and will take more In school and a larger rote be polled honor of tbe flut lo a woman to of At the late school election Ibis Tovn scarcely enough ratepayer to make nominations it will be it year under tbe of that and arrived at rcKtire tO the it bleb will take tie of thii it tbe Jroridra tbat lien of lr bow held and eta recall an annual Instead is and tbat this yarded aa a final vttleiuefit of the fiielloo q addition to that to put of all the of on half swamp ua The of ptovincefof others approve an prices if it Ptctuii It Mita aVinb McEjU larilf a very marked on price fcnJ will bo compelled here to a of do- add monopoly the rumor of sdvtNUjffe of political whole- lraawtlon savors of job of thn To ivid to wtyXsTavatton of it the of it an the orvOpotiatt that the Headers be vA general at Sxt4 above and County baa again Ita faith and Mr a majority of foity0Le on the Ibtt oyer Mr Allison who feat for by for the candidate Allison won tbepierloua by a ixs- be cortspondtnt lit the by lion and defeated by known to politic warfare In employ went of which Tory party here baft snccasfnl liberals of are anything but at the pro pott the Interest witb Mr was in oomWned the the gave a Tory ma Jorfty ThliaecurhUrttora On other hand epedal to be the re to be a rfctory and Mr In claimed that do Men the to give Mai lbs of whUb be bad daprited one yes ago by grow He added that would afford an Op- the of It farther stated that people gatbired at Vacates at dm the pUji to and who aided in The that Mr Alex Millard of Toronto up on Friday- Miaa Carter of Toronto was visiting at Dr Scotts Mr Grant Hughes of or Mr Hughes is in Town a Her father Harris takes hia farewell from Newmarket neat Sunday Mrs A- A Taylor of Conn Mrs over on a Mr Lowe sends us a copy of the KiDgtoo Whig to let us know ha is still in tlft Limestone City Sir Joseph of spent a few weeks fn and around ing home Mr A- Eraos has been down en Jury the put ten days and Mr called for next week Mrs of Town had quite a serious pwalyiio last week aud is hut very little Mr- Sam Drown left for again on about a week at home and with old Miss Smith of York Township and of Village are railing witb Mr J Qoien St Mr of England father of Mr of Ibia Town Mods a copy of the with an Alinansck J Jackaoo master at Mount Albert was last ftHay the time to out recent Caldwell daughter of J lb of this whobM been visit- fug friends in for the Couple of home evening Another wealthy firmer the person of Mr Winch of Is to tske abode Town hav ing lesud one of Mr auctioneer of has under doctors for weeks and tits complaint has taken as favorable a turn as bis would wish Jit of uncle of the daughter Wright and Joseph aid us a abort visit tbfa week Miss Jackson acoxnpaufed them on to a couple of at City- After of sctlve faithful Ice the King shorn Proctor decided to retire ft that bis successor will be ooe of tbe following fitokef KeMleby Walton berg or Lloyd may other applicants but wo have not beard of Fire Shortly before fiix oclock on Thursday night last week an unoccu pied belonging to Mr Edwin Hunter on lot in rear of the 2nd of King was observed to be on fire and was soon reduced to ashes There no doubt It was work of Mr Hunter his loss at about and offers of for that will lead to the of the guilty parties On after- own th bouse of Piper on the also burnt to the ground with all its contents Including and the dear old pipes White out for a walk the building is auppottd to bare taken fire from the store or pipes Fancy Skating About ISO at tended the Kink on Wednesday to the exhibition on skates of Mr ice skater of New York State program contained distinct the difficult feat of skating on stilts on the liat proper he cut figures on the ice referred for the purpose with great precision and motion aucb a square a a four leaf clever and a Ai program pro ceeded movements more and frequently elicited were with loops treble vine loco motive Uateb roll with the figure jump or Esteem An nddrws and piece of silrerpUte to Harris who his occupied portion of purer of Church in this Town for the past eight yearn and who who has promoted to and Parish Priest St Catherines is to pi sea Id Town Hall Newmarket next at oclock the Committee us to giro a cordis invita tion to public to present on the ca sion Win Mayor is to take chair Jibod to read the address and P P to make presentation There being no charge the Hall will likely be crowded to its utmost capacity those of obtaining a good sitting will require to go early The ladies are Invited iloBE A Mont real horse- buyer was at the Royal from Saturday till and in pnrcbslng some fifteen animals although prices were con siderably lower than were paid faert list year Mr Abb of Shsron did bet ter sritb his span of matched drivers than anyone else baring received The other prices paid 10 far as we could wen as follows William John Queens- J- Henry Sbsridso Win King Mr King Curry A Hodge 75 ConuinghstD StoJdard Bradford and Queeosrille wtk Mrs Forsyth agent here J A lbs fall of it ths fin tba Waterloo British Americiivand Com panies- This the of dealing with firstclan The The from of Flowers last reached of 11060 a sourofof rerenue to when it is remembered that flowers are grown on the premises and prepared by matron ill profit Mr J 9 Aurora it contractor for supplying the Home with was recipient of containing a beautiful of Flowery the other day from inmates of Home ho having treat on of etc Mr Session bis a Horseabet of sm Aurora Items MM f Ms Era Army bss made Its first of on of th old Primitive Methodist have a Their are again anniversary of Union Sunday School took on Monday oven with the usual suc cess Christian Silver Band Aurora were present aud was literally picked Four or firs aoeakers were and went home tot Era i Business Notices under VonMfes for Chicken Food For latent Town vo away from blood it crf ops in acroToli or soma blood Bit lrs What Co Do and Parkas Von will It InralQ4bld for call or and your blood la out order take It a few doee of Speedy Cure from Mr store Ay flaraftpa rills most potent blood and a health Ha wise in elm All baneful ar promptly removed by Doe Are with bilious or bed blood If so you wilt flOd a certain cure In Elder J as is knawn to his Father was surprised on bis third ih of a u- of his brother William and wife number of ad great to the number of sir Mrs and all repaired to room where Iter- Percy Willi an original poem referring to our aged father two recitations by Graham and a song by ion John father tirahstu is active for his ago bavin a half cord of wood ths day- He and bis aged partner have pitted their fiftyeighth wedding After many happy birthdays the separated for their homes well with their Referring to the anoiveratry of the Sunday School Day an item was omitted last week Just to tbe close of entertainment on of her class was presented with a handsomely Bible and a pair of beautiful by Miss aad Miss Aggie pauied by an the high esteem In which abo ii held in school manner in which At hid labored Mr Lewis is preparing to return to St Louis Wa for four or fire months about the 1st of February Jottings from Va Notes from Dakota To Editor Eta For last two and a half to during week after it wis rafalisbed and think It woald be a very dull with enclose and want yen to it We Mrs bad pretty cold weather of It three wfels during whirh tia lbs ther- raocieter from to below tern Since then writber and now it is quite warm bars about inches of anow had good flag hot the weather spoiled it This a fins country and will much better when the trees gat to themselves settlers came into this year ago It is four years was plotted operation and a of at Kingaion ana Fall j a 1 operation its with sornt very fins The Congregations Church wbirh was Hilt by the late Mr of Saw York Is fine is also large Methodists are here too hire a Church which rest and there is Public Library He ad jog- Room and Roman Church meoibifs of which are nearly all of the last we bavs a good many in this County and of them are and The of this County at lent that part of it lying in Whetstone Valley of excellent Quality It is ablick loam top with a clay plenty of lime sod prows splendid wheat oats corn flsr kc Potatoes all kinds of roots do well here and this is the beat to make garden stuff grow that have ever seen Hoping to the EfcJt as heretofore I remain yours John Jan 18S5- par ube Wheat do per En bag Jfsypsr ton fear lb Cord wood I L Toronto Fall neat Wheal per Oats Peas Hotter Applet per MrsirlV per 1 MONEY TO DAVID LLOYD JUcurjr onefoot movement skating around the sink with only one foot touching ice figure rings on the different spins The Town was prcstut enlivened pro ceedings with good music Local and Other Items to will jeUtlou4 lbf Oar A lengthy report of Holiday festivities and the Asylum has been but Also the reports of the Whitchurch sod We have bad all aorta of weather due the ranging from to above kxh rain and floe weather early will likely It alt off A nkaltou elector in corrupt cat at lata Municipal contest bare information on other etd the sooner eta fija Influen ces fcr lie Wants Care of An man to to a called at Or night of last and on being the door quietly walk ed out A short time after he went again and only Mrs Nash be hid down his bundle took a chair by all appearance Intended to atay- Having all manner of signs to indicate tint his tympany was not wanted and be having bis stick in a Mia outside and Mr TbOl- Norton not far off He to lite and quietly helped out but as he pointed to the Hotel tbe old chap laid hint list aidcvalk with bis aiick which produced a lump about size of egg head This produced quite an and a soon col lected when tbe old man wu walked over to During the evening we un derstand be a from some of the Town boys turned and on Friday morning when several were gning to be occupied n sleeping berth the front entrance of lli- He evidently enough Iu this as be around here that but he wants looking after Some ay be is neither nor dumb only when It suits his purpose Although the docket Inst Friday very chj wtri quite intilcato and considerable Honor Judge prtsld and bis decisions gave Usual general There were adjourned from former cruris and tint were granted new A case of piilicu- tar Interest to Trustees out of tbe suit of vs tbe Trustees of Mount Public Sbool for to end of the From the evidence presented it engaged for a year but be dismissed at soy time on a that obtained leave of for a week prior to the but as lie did not return at of week the engaged substitute to teach moretbe balance of the term up to the holiday During vacation Trusses that not Inland to come and the piss a resolution for formal ufasl aud engage another teacher As he bad teaching previous to holldsys the Trustees that ha only en titled to proportion up to such date but proved that be was In cor respondence for a qualified substitute to complete Ms Counsel for TruiUcs contended that the agreement did not contain the corporate seal not binding but the Judge observed that that did not alter the situation for the Trustees the agreement could be held Honor judgment will be awaited wilh satiety An- other case of Interest wss two suits of each In which the was Jobnaon SlatCMCo defendant two note of vea for Ith and Carrier Co could not write name and It claimed that he authorised son to sign It for Sevan wftcuates wets aintntd soma manner lbs Fork for once being for The quite allended and did adjourn nU oclock School The first meeting of the new took place Tuesday evening Present Messrs Davison and Montgomery Mr being the On motion Mr Chtrmaa Several bills were pre- nted ordered to be The Report states that have been during the put year as fees from nonresident also from the pupils of the Model School The Secretary also re ported receipt of SI cheque from Provin cial Ticaiurer on account of the Model School for year Tho sum of to Alex for care of room dur ing the past year The Secretary was atracted to cords of green ftom Mr wood at Si cord for of schools The man named the following Standing Com mittees for tbe current year Me t re and Messrs Jtlcliardscn ry and Messrs flosdhouse The Committee on Furniture sis iofetucttd to exchange the Clock for a more dur able article the adjourned Have you stamped cans that all cans of fruit and vegetables sold iu Canada hate the weight or their Pout forget the Cemetery Co meeting next Monday even ing The of the Methcdiit Church here decided to hold a Tea- Meeting early in February An new cottoi sign from the of the aad attracted considerable dam at the had a narrow Mon day from wiishing out again assail Hals were covered with water The Station needs some repairs badly would be more acceptable would be new prornibCil ago Tba bounced out of Itoyal couple of lilies arc the Town ihiseek for a dftut know much the but tb- are profession afa iu at tell a joke vcek about a young that went nil the way to to married but came borne without the bird Ail the Candi dates recommended tut entrance to New- High Scbwl have been admittoi by the provincial A lutofciti- who fail to off their walks be quite interest tike up a goi deal of though few never Intolerable from or Ilka acute To such ab Instant relief as Fluid an blessing In time of trouble No dlsKUftlocOoosLve medicines to bo taken for days of Fluid cures- Bold at Jaa- Kalmana drag store Fact if a yards Oil Is fur in aud case of and Infimmmstorj com plaints Hair vigor beauty of balr and motes Its growth Jt imparls attrjettve appearance I tin It stimulate lbs roots cleanses lbs scalp and adds to its effects are enduring aodtbas It proves IU self be best and cheapest artlolo for toll A great of consumption and of ty snrea la aorofuta Id blood- Burdock mood purify entire system and scrofula as well more common blood The on the late Municipal Election has at last aided politically wo are more calm and James Anderson of Iowa is visiting with her mother Mrs and other friends Chas paid us a dying last week and reports business in Hue brisk Win has been unwell for some tim but is now get around sgain Mr John has rented the old roar blacksmith shop from Mr Gray and gone into for himself only two thinxs insure viz a wife and a card in the KM- A surprize party at of Jeremiah of birth day and a enjoyable time Grahaoi came to with his about the sod has ever resid ed this Township Although old man he enjoys good health and his faculties re main Albert has entered Uou his duties as school teacher May EwioOn Bl King To the Mr of a and In the I of Mr J proprietor of union Hotel of a son At Aurora Tuesday tbo of Robinson Esq At St PaoPsCburob New- by A rtctor on the nth lost- Mr of VatisihaoTp to Miss Margie Kerr of Whitchurch Tnonr5osIoTownOQ the nth lost Mr Chixrles Thompson aged I TayloHIq East on the Taylor of Mr Martin Taorsgedtyrs At on In stant Into of Lake City Of typhoid fever Whitchurch On the 3rd lost ElIa Maud daughter of aged Turoato irJ BUGGIES Top f w flcotta or Liver Oil with for and marasmus Ma his efforts htvoiilMHcolts for years and school meeting here patient and children with found vary reliable- given It when pa- iicoi could retain nothlug else ibo sto mach It WiieelcroEverton highly of Pectoral It crexj him of of the and an it loosens and lungs ysiieu speakers win find est benefit to where Is any dcucy it Wines Irritated membrane neandstreogtblolbe vocal or vigor to the Jve6 A Wreck Many a iron has been totally wrecked rheumatism I was cured hy It cures all blood Impurities Merit Proven la spent on the riliii or fur entirely Not you nut to purchase unlit Its are Call at Jamea slorovnd get a trial If no convinced It will cure you of worst of matter of bow ling standing Wo and gl testimonials from persons your Mr elected trustee io of Mr term had Annual of of the for of Trillin will be iu Toronto on January and It Ittfpcl that this merlin will bo and interesting have to secure the reoperation of of and discussions upon different with thr prohibitory movement 111 initiated by prominent gentlemen of ability and expe rience the of the fiiat day a coiriplimcuUry supper will to the members delegates from will delivered by the Hon It and other promi nent On evening of the second day will held a mass meeting In SL Andrews Hall to be by sad on evening there will be a grand ad drrased by wine of the ablest of day ofthecoHvcn will be to be public but only members aud delegates will bo exacted take psrt In voting All the principal have sgreed to t tickets to patties kltendtng the con- notion forojiefiratclui fare and a third To aecure this reduction laities purposing attending the convention procure to that Iued by Secre tary of anil them at the commeticement of journey Tbe Northern return tickets will Is sued from the 15th to the Inst and will be good to return to hut Tba Alliance organisation Is the Coin lit of thetriow temperance and workers Any temperance or church organisation that con tributes annually one dollar or upwards to the of the Alliance considered a branch has a right to send to the Con one delegate for go con tributed In addition to delegates ao constituted worker gppio- of objects of the Alliance may be come a member by palag one dollar or more and other application the Secretary obtain reduce- of to attend the nitons the haft ill wnl privileges of shaking end at The AHUnca funds are solely for the of I Act pwblUtcrjr worfc An old retired from lu Ids hands by J cidtK a for cure Conumpttou Catarrh positive ami Debility nit Nsrvous Comply a wonderful ban fell It Ids duty in 11 a It known to fellows Ac- and a human I will free of in nil who desire It lu with full for and using by snail by ad- naming tbta IV A lis V King The Auoual Meeting of this Society was held LtrMint to St tut- ill the Music Hall on Thursday of week the Mr Michael Murphy presiding In Opening the meeting very the Attendant only some lifg The Secretary Mr Chat to read the Annual of which the following is a brief summary was en motion unanimously adopted as feting quite satisfactory The annual Show held iu April quite up to former years and were awarded iu prises Heather for Kail Show was delightful and the tendauce exceeded all former years All tho were filled poultry The Auditors ftEccipyg in Treasurers bands at audit AilmUsion fres to Exhibition 23 Co Jrauts Miscellaneous J At her fathers residency cod Kin Saturday 3rd tiAHAir fourth daughter of Mr Tvrry aged 3 years King on the William father of Met of Newmarket aged years Interred In Vew Cemetery of faOr Mr John near Orchard on if Mary A Ran dal Mr J- J and days the Instant Floodaged pin the of the Church of England Delaware to when quite tDttrln Into Hill While he the dauhterof married ihey have pat sax treat many at lloachs I Vint and Newmarket During Ids residence hereof the years deceased the and of She community his able Rent Company of which he odd of Institution of great value to ltds Although not well for a length of attended to up to within about a week of his death the immediate caufe of which given as bronchitis Me a wife sown children eldest daughter who hud hlafji1ce whs nick while at the Monday nml removed to residence of Athworth where she Im In a very and will ho aide t set- even remains of her departed father a projpluaiit member of the at the the of Post Master he will bo burled this afternoon with honors was also and a number of that Order with other friends are to arrive on the iumfi at Church at thenco Newmarket Cemetery 10 REST- OoOorhamstXewmvaet If ARM FOR lu KOI orchard apply the lbs a sltfiidoinheSttior I tWES LA MRS AKI raatk on Ar tfv of is J i OR SJ fOD IS I 1 VI lit 4 lis y 13 I SI for lure rrnMUnltvJlnei6A of tlmtr t lots Apply A fl3l a Paid in up buildings grounds lriotio Working eipenses Including salary of Secretary baud 55 lOd 11602 New sac most extraordinary soccers Vim has born achieved In attained by the fast fully ninety per been mal ady Tola Is none the leas when It Is remembered bat not pa- regular are while the rcrord cure it all Hurting itrajnosticlentlflc ihajiAdtscoAoh presence of living pans lu ihe tissue Mr at aidptd hlscuro la practically cured and hoperruuneucy cura by him four are cores Mill No out else has to catarrh In this roan- treatment has aver cured catarrh The application of the simple andean be done at home and of tba year tattle permanent cure of cured at one treatment with Toronto and stamp totajhiUrqteiv Mount Albert Items Special AVviwrAef Era Mr Collin Smith of last week got a very serious kick a horse It seems he Intended to drive under the Oak and he went towards head of his horse he ran hone that waa tied bl Wng darl The horse kicked him In out teeth several mora culling his lips Medical aid was secured and ha La as well can expected Army Is amuflog to hold a hire stent the Inst A en ths th Coo cot four of Ma toes off Mr of cut bis foot a In log up to his tidy Terr ire Tutsi 50a7 The meeting then proceeded to appoint for the current year as follows Mr Vicirrrs Mr- Jai Messrs John IVasley Dud Frank James Isaacs Joel The fully ad visa of for the pub lic oo new of mrt diately when Mr diaries was reappointed St Treasurer for the yrsr A motion was also the of the next Show for and of October several of thb adjourqe4 till In March East Gwilllmbujry Society TheaUve Society held its Annual Meet ing at Hotel on the A meeting of the existing Hoard was held general finished up for the jear having a balance of over in the hands of the Treasurer The Annual deport was adopt ed and the officers tare elected for the current year President It Peregrine Jacob Smith- Salter Mains Chia KoUrl Geo Peter Belfry P Koran and Walter AudltoiJas Kavausgb A Wright At the close of the annual meeting the new Board met and reappointed James The new bright prospect s ahead for a good Show next Fall as they clear neat little balance on hand a member ship of over The been Improvfua Ihe last and the are to wtke It a Following Is the Auditors Report Member and Total Wdluprtiea etc Printing Paid doe last year Working Including of FURNITURE J Parlor Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICES FINE AND FUNERAL GOODS KCrrlNflstOCK- will receive careful and prompt BOGARTS I EflDIHG ftg GIFT ttUivU for thcr in the he jnH One Oil p One Tablet One Picture and One Dorm One Half Ticket will be Riivn for Worth of SIS v lJ- w A TICKETS A copy numhtr known by ooe Newmarket Celnetsry th Hi annual Co will to COUNCIL O MouOny form nttie alii faiintv- 11 A lull lutiliiitri tt JMIART made SIoqjIs favor Of stopped hcrehycsftticj West Stock NOW GOING ON AT LOOK OUT BARGAINS Heavy Winter Goods Remnants and Job Lines A SMALL BALANCE OF CROCKERY GLASSWARE All AT THAN COST I TERMS STRICTLY CASH- J DAVISON SSas 5

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