Newmarket Era, 16 Jan 1885, p. 4

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mm Her Favorite Iyar wife a Mr Grimes to Mr last I fiia proud to aha is of power Wot is her Indeed what make the Mason Hamlin or Her preference it the or gan- Tho organ Why what do you meant Jnst what I Yon can yourself of the truth of the state ment any night after oclock by placing yourself within a distance of our deeping room The Telephone Girl When Ktyboy called op the tele- girl the other evening to in- arm the undertaker that the coffin famished for his wife was too short she was trying to flirt with a tele graph operator across the street and aid not like to be disturbed so she answered shortly and rang the bell in ear but be was in no frame of for abasing her as he had been at other times so he meekly said Oh and then asked to be con nected with No when the ran as follows Hello Is this the undertak er Yes lam coffin you sent down morning for my wife is too short Is that sol How much to short About an inch I can fix that all right How will you do it Here the girl switched on cabi net maker who was directing a law yer how to make a new office desk set level on an uneven floor and the conversation was continued as fol lows Thats the easiest thing to do in Yes perhaps it isbut how are you going to do Saw about an inch off each of the two bung up the receiver and lent the offending coffin back and then to another undertaker and the telephone girl has the to look innocent and inoffensive when she meets that undertaker who lost ajob through her mischief J St fob WILL C7B Recent floods in India have destroyed hundreds of booses Fifty three persona were drowned by the overflow of the Red Hill lake at Madras Letters from China state that active preparations for war are being carried on Recruits and munitions of war are being sent to Formosa and elsewhere Enlistment continues everywhere- The Chinese offer a month to foreign officers for service in their fleet Daring the year just ended no fewer than twentytwo locomotives and two hundred and passenger and freight cars have been constructed at the Canada Pacific workshops in Montreal and added to the rolling stock now in use on the line- On night some per son or persons the stable of Sir P at Oak Ridges up his horse hitched it to baggy drove off Mr caine here on Wednesday morning and telegraphed to several of the neighboring villages but wo have hot learned wether be has succeeded in securing his rig or not It a very fine Banner village of Uxbridge had another firo on of last week the alarm being rung about oclock in the The house Mr Ad JLawr bad moved in to tho day before was the scone of tho disaster and when discovered the Ore had made each headway nothing saved A handsome piano was in Much ay rn- fell for Mr and fam ily having moved into the place wore staying week with Bells the road It is not how firo originated being no liio in the Hamilton Jan 9 The iroublj and the Chief and lire constables kept in con stant at gate is on Satur day when it is re id I ho farmers will to and from city in a body and resiet toll farmer who to pay toll had a blanket from waggon by keeper In therefor farmers crying aloud for abolition the ato and will not pay loll Mr on behalf of the Company is just and toll must bo paid He In to biro a number of men to protect the and in col lecting toll on A of an odd turn of mind riding on met with another equal to himself in a lane bo narrow that neither could pass without giving way which neither would do Both halt and a word was till the took a paper out his pock which ho bo to read to with great composer The other determined to exhibit an equal degreo of pa tience look bis box from bis pocket very taking a piece of snuff gravely said Sir when you Save done with that pa- I shad be glad to look at it his bo humorist that ho immediately took off frpecta Raised the band and Insisted on bit going homo to dine with him another furious Orange outbreak at Robert Jaet week The York Fathers who are holding a mission hero 1 vero and In their dwelling An orange arch was erected near the and hundreds of armed OrAoguraen paraded the When the In- Hi Johns the consul Governor Glover the Uvea and liberty of the United cIt An sxtrtordloary meeting of the summoned corvette been ordered to Bay a of under has r teen lottoicene by spa- raff One night last week in Chi cago while on a drunks Michael assaulted his old father John interfered and was holding the door shut against young when the latter fired through a panel The bullet struck in the mouth killing him The murderer was arrested after shooting at the of ficers twice At Rookwood Toon John Crawford a dance in honor of his departure for The young ladies were engaged io a game called trap On Crawfords refusing to kiss John ho called her a fool This was taken up by her brother who ordered off his pre mises refused to go which enraged Crawford who pull ed off bis coat and followed oat into the yard with a cane in bis band where turn ed on Crawford and stabbed Crawford ran into tho house end saying am killed 1 fell back on the bed add expired Brummott is or years of age and Crawford was is still at large Crawford leaves a wife and three children standing of the parties adds to the affair TO RENT BRICK STORE lately occupied by sir Apply to MRS SMITH FOR SALK Comport Col in CooorEtGwlUJmbary firm a good sod ether Two Well tad of to ATKINSON FOB SALE CHEAP IC THE Town of Newmarket HAVING removed to Toronto J of the premises lately 17 Main St North Two Norwegian the only of ill fated Norwe gian bark went to pieces the coast of Virginia on Sunday Dec have arrived at Philadel phia They tell a heartrending story of suffering and hardship by tho crew in their battle with tho The captain his bearings in a dense fog and was considerably out of his course Saturday after noon during the mates watch the stranded wind blowing a gale and the sea was run ning high In a moment the Lena was well upon the bar and the were beating over her with wild fury The weather was bitterly cold and there was a coating of ice on the decks and rigging which made the movements of those on board exceed ingly perilous An effort was made to launch the boats but was a disas trous failure Etch was in turn broken to splinters by the raging sea and the crew were left without any means of escape They clung to the vessel in hopes that the would subside After twenty four bourn of this wretched experience during Viooi which they were nearly frozen the bark sprung apart and went to Every person on board was precipitat ed into waves and with ex ception of two men all were drowned The two survivors seized planks from the wreck on which they were carried ashore The bodies of Morteu- who Caves a young wife in Nor way and Abraham were washed up and buried on beach The of the mate and five seamen have not been recovered NEWMARKET It a Good BuiinJ Will ON VERY EASY For to Mr Jr Newmarket to A- HUNT January IMS 3n- W Hair DISCOUNT SALE I PER GENT Ilicuril alt Iufctt of and Thirty ATKINSONS Watches Clocks JEWELLERY SPECTACLES ETC AND ESPECIALLY k5ler Ware fat lour ftvtry We our Clock M ODt lor New with tad iiAA or gray hair to a ait oral rich color or may bo trod By III flht or bo and aot cured It balr and a vuk to It cures era jxQUir to Am a DroMlor j It oil nor teller la ftod a perfume Mo a from Kittys fill my oomtatocod oat In abort I nearly I wed of a of Ayui Vioas which tie fail le j of lhIUrnod new growth I EV A foil and am that lor of roar I hart J of iho Oik Aran a joii for Lair I of It from ova tw and It toft ViooalaaUo a for dandruff raj hat prtpariUoa OTif to utira Ml Axoca Under of of Vocallata my hair to ilrc of which fioeUcj Viootj and to an of to tort actorti and la fact who lo the public Mm A- from Kit April fl Tory and I ait laid On Araaa Hurt toon a topped and a now a rooLth ray abort It to pnw la bow u as oid tut of bat It a J baa of to affltatyof Arias It tat a trial to J C RQ NOW ON HAND A CHOICE AS- OK- and ftoni the Salt Catharines Factories Also variety J boon appointed Agent for Iho of for THE CELEBRATED ALLAN LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS- Tiokots to be had at for Liverpool Glasgow o All information to be from J Newmarket A FULL ASSORTMENT ST m is and birthday presents I0 Fine Glassware Motto Teas and Goods at prices to suit the times OR TO k on IhoToira of wllb all Apply on to JAMES FARMS Tim Weal half tbo East and Weal of lot SI la Coo til In lowoihlp of apply to J J Tor Sale or To Let- or to Let term of iho of of IMacretaboot acrea clear ed order Apply to JOUN IP SHOP AND DWELLING HOUSE TO RENT la VUIKC Of Vivian for or more Tools at A man can do a IraJrj- Plenty of work and do opposition- Apply at to FRESH FAMILY GROGERIES ETC RECEIVED WEEKLY Call and Examine Stock No Show Goods A SMITH MAIN STREET iC ia SSiS sat VItUd ACRES IN KING SALE Id Con and the of Lot On flnt lotlta two and a Tbo of mostly dry well Umbered Partita can enquire of Mr J eforlb SALE following Farm and Hath tboStb being of ball M fith II baa acres cleared barn and AH a re offered low and of payment will be AUoHevefalfottlutheTotfnorNewtnar to tf MIL y if VIP YOU tliK to toll above Mill coo titling of GROCERIES GROCERIES STOCK of Freeh Family erica to hand for Iho Holidays I Sugars Coffees Raisins Currants AND ED GOODS Cans of Tomatoes for 20 lbs Bright Sugar 6 lbs Tea gallons Coal Oil 100 100 100 Alto la a t Ml Block el country one double chant boll- and all of ftt head and full and a flnUlMWara In dry Twenty of flrat- farm rood barn liable and all o will the for rood land Apply to proprietor by letter addctcl to WHO WANTS IT FOR SALE OR TO LET A OK The Dwelling fiowoo by Iho corner of aud the TOWN OF NEWMARKET large and bard find driving fruit and otlf lo good repair on If not tcld by the of tcrnber ibe prtmltet be to Let for a Term or A offer of terra tog land would be accepted id exchange Wtwtntrket Jupe I FARMS EOS SALE- miiB valuable following portion the late Hoe being FINK OLD WINE il at PURPOSES A CALL Main L NEWMARKET STORE a A Very BoUctUd for pucbattcg WORM POW a tore aid in Cbilda or more money than at taking au fall CoortraQdalna now offered for He Parcel No la trie 2nd About acrta In framo dwelling and cow In t No I CorflFO4ofth Half of Ho and Lot Ha of which about are cleared and the balance In tfood farm a barn arable Ac running through the log making it aultable for farina can be Bought on Easy Terms Ifnrtaold lor t given no April or lo plouab In the Fall may be from Ifil I ai SKATE- c Knives Forks Spoons CUTLERY- L Pen Table SAWS AND AXES i I 1 J j INTEftHATlOHAt ANTWERP IN IN ITU to have Inicrnailooal commencing Indian in In ISO will defray wst of freight cootejlng in Antwerp trout Antwerp to London nod alto of to Canada tbe of their for Antwerp bo ready not later the flrat week lo March Is believed will af ford known natural capabilities and of Clrculara and forma containing more part Information may by let ter to the Of Ottawa By order JOHN DepLof Agrlc Department of A grlculiure December J Post Office Office until a ii-m- CO I CD am for Deapatcb Are at Office followa For Toronto and Aurora North 9 fl fi 10 3 Ioudnya tVodoedoya and Fridays HAILS Via Now York and p to Arriving At are due as followa it riflttp Aurora It It haroti am pm pm Pottage Letter from or to In Canada anil illicit Conla fnr or or facllon thereof to Newfound land and Ureal for each ball or Correspondence between the United Kingdom way be AgoncUa at each Card union try- prepaid reply form are alio provided On cent carda with cannot boused place of twoceoU 0Utli loiter nor anything bo or attached to a card for Delivery rent lor each or fraction Ibereof The every caw be pre paid by iKkatagoaiainp wholly unpaid they but win to the If I I J than foil rule double tbo amount of will be on delivery leltera In tended be when to liicealo Canada be by To ami to KliiKdoro6coiJlarnclK Iihi nil Itltera he ration which not avail able for of ordinary All latlarafor abould be IS hour Iho Oil all and pcrloillwia other than from the publication In eluding all perlcullcala pub a the rule la one per four otitic wtilch propald by ad In United bo prepaid by poet- traction of HOOK exceeding 11a toot to Kingdom of for m- lug lu Canada The cent for to Manitoba and to Victoria and ttawple ft of not exceeding ox In weight lo prepaid by at raleolortcenf and put up hi audi to admit of Inspection execution of however amalllhd quantify tmy be or aont by private individual to not being actually liad patterns or aatnplea are not aa of for place In the to apectel rale of lOoenia by and tonal exceed weight PA Iareela cannot be by parcel to any piuca beyond Ibe of Canada our can any parcel he or warded to Muoitoba via the which weight limit of lbs limit weight of a col ex ceed lb nor iho alio a feet In length and 1 In breadth The rate la 4 per four or fraction of Honey A great reduction been made In the charge fur Up to I over up to flro and aoen On payable In Ureal and Ifncenlaooeafhaddltio- alJIK Money are luuel Italy Belgium aa VictnrlaTaimjnlaNewZeaaudund Navlnaa from on per cent Internal la will for Control of the Having Paa llookftaand every Inforruatlon to be bad on Order of J A of la hereby g La U n by mutual it li- of f In Arrears for Taxes iff Yo County mo to proceed or flu and day hour of ll la it the rrOBICOKE TOWNSHIP by oo the lot on by the by Geo A Kirby formerly by oo a by by by on hit of- 5 a of I -8B- a to a EAST Bile ill St A IIS IB P Wof Ii g US litWY l J ID lot t 14 I in IS- W- 12 jLU j Gore lot fl j TOWHlllP fc fiCABBonOVGII TOWNSHIP A Known J Mill Property pi pi of 1st tat James pi lit Bay OP LOT No 1lal CON HAY St Except KHbaof an U3rKr North pari y il7 On Don Road I Si SUBDIVISIONS OK LOT COS HAY J Moon ID of road J ornback 15 ttftiu do do VILLAGE OP HOLLAND LANDING pi Surrey WYSt VILLAGE OF fl ft lv J IB it Ml fe t J Side of I ran JJmi 111 I 1 11 Xi Plan n I IS Id fcJ King i t l lfl4 LamJowoe Jl Dunn Witt Afii8 jsttisa a 1 M Old TO Cowan Ave KM Noble I IIS it a lit tx I to Plan JO jj Id WW l Toronto JnblSiL TrVi published laNewmarkt Friday i WM CANE SONS MANUFACTUKBItS OP LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Sash Doors Blinds MOULDINGS AND Every Kind of Dressed Lumber WOODENWARE OF EVERY SITU A3 TUBS KKKLERS SAP LAUD PAILS LARD TUBS PAILS PMIA BUCKETS TUBS WASH BOARDS PINS Newmarket Baking Powder The Slrongcst Powder Made Active agent In Ac J In In ft J and use J to la an ant Id lino portion NEW KBffl 1 tlot etc and if etc I rat Iri of purity or Prof a -Vowder- I mi of 1 lha of flour It percent by and La ai fertility of cur flelda had bean by that a vonUerful win ita Arthur NEW ACCESSORIES AH the INSTANTANEOUS laftm in Cabinet Life I as PRICE- I It la Put Up In Glass Bottlw DlOUl ate io in ID07 and of Lav in A CO Hole AgaoU for A CO for P Box INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE AM I DIZZINESS DROPSY Baal And of LIVER KIDNEYS fc BOWELS OR fc

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