ZTZttZ T iir4- NEWMARKET ERA JAN Croat A Bind J Art J Bra I fc Sfc FRIDAY JAN Editorial toteMttca paper of brflHinily fljjutnttd by Bunt appcari la wis cart A of Ken on nntil nay Berlin a It tea tbi book never tfcan five I Merit Into Our Despatch tBpgeJiltoih Toronto York County 1 matron At Criminal Court on Wed eft- day Of with fiuanlt U lid and ffurttaicW At recent mayoralty that Ihero mm wJctwfcrro recorded ficrcrl or differ- win irlM At Iiei Volume With issue wo commence the Volume of the Era and enter upon the third year under it present For many Newmarket fa the of the most circulating aaosgst the people of North York This it has kept and a quarter of a century of pros can still to the best corJuted and roost at the of reading this district Toe Era always the attention to local news and few week ly papers published in Ontario fur- such a complete record of event transpiring in their county- aim In future a in the bo To girt of ch To a la to Altcclio our- 7 flpcitl to car Id the Era W5 by lit of A tbd ho leal it en for tf to aid JtiJitoQ the to lc out will it the Tge the Exhibited jrQt and fronj wctioi to Statu JlS for ih now go- en the t fill Mr It P The rxiir tie u fixed for A Supritste tMt wbeo Kirriigc but contracted io ihc a it Lots of to the to get lie tied and now loa can iL joanul of tore To Iratb troth d bit j To te a trip to kci To for ill the go of wlv- to ttnd to o the of la To food til the The and flattering plaudits we as that in respect we not failed among which tbo most proxoincnt ore Cant do jHdI local I A lo oar we txk the Utter it does JlaVtfgS day lllixiSc e bava I rf a t Cab ft We hope to retain goodwill of people in the future we have held it in tbo put and we extend our thanks to largo number of subscribers who have promptly re- titwed subscriptions for number of patrons added to our There an a very largo number have overlooked to uj matter and we ftsk their Attention totho it worth to jufct wow 15l be three tuontbs hence if want the for kindly tUi dec We never object Jo a from our Hit when tho paper is paid for date but we to lie to inter valuable that will til our oMdbseribert year alter haw their cooperation and circulation not simply by lending paper bit to for- wurl tfeir to Act The Mms It be to consider to for officers and Judicial decided that the Act bat of will Book for the a bra never to Utter It un der it tod tba old renewing youth each and like to bora toz eternity As Ottawa despatch is nodcr tbat Minuter of will id tad act It that all potatoes be aod by weight alone Act that the of thill one but it clearly thatia tbe it not helped which reduce the fally per not Tut following extract from regard to of the of of the GorrhixtPtf to indicate tie will to the for tart man fait lone that ibf the I Drops- wry of Of Wood I Ln to text ntw In 2nd A Town If v It la St Id at siorc- School taoat Personal Mention Mr of Warden Mr ifcCrackea of ilich on a Mr on tick lit hat is Mr A t 5uith of Toronto Sunday Mr from a her comla A ad r afil try poorly Ftcod li iog tin Jackson left for on to the dtath of Hay of Co aro with III- St Geo Kortfrn and iJr of Toronto were a Town week Mr and Cornell their two of Pickering at Dr Mr- Knot College it the of the tionjas for Newmarket for en year Very hope for the of ton of Tom to recent rc A in Dakota for to My we bating a with fair arv a lit tle fctighter now wheat wnta Mr and lira Wo for Mon treal on in of the illneaa of daogbter who an officer in the Army at that city- Mr and Mra Wis- after an absence of are with Mr Ellis They cer tainly look if tbat agreed with them On ateniog of lut week cetera of from Lloyd- town and invitation to an at fathers where a pleasant waj fnliy enjoy ed Mr brother of Mr has been spending the put Town accident by which ha pearly a finger and on day inform was that another brother Conductor hid hit band which wilt lay fir three or four Friday before 11 of at of bit filler of Klog of unusual intern Whtattthoar for dcpir- many wltVa were tdrj to day i5l to attecd tho tca at Ottawa fint of Rink aud cufaL Town Band collider to and acting of forty were tot cot- and of the ax well represented wo took a of wo find oar too to bat principal Peasant Cmrria of the Flower Girl Ella and A She- oalrry Student Muter A ChinttMo IaliOD Mr Sfaelwi Mr lot Sim Mr Frank Dade Mr Wilkin Fins in interest ing Fire gnitber on tbo lut afternoon by CO or A frame building vt of largo picking ot placed a of of then or of old cad a short which bid been coated with of this a of oil wai one of the of the conducting experiment At tho appointed lien- a light waa tad a wooden erection a mm of teething fiaiit Fanned by tbo blow ing at fltrce roared tn J crackled philt a great waj gentraUd When the firo male headway in of expfrta three of tha greptdta were broken into and men in a moment the entire tire eight feet wide and ten or ftat high completely of the wen with of a glut globe containing about a pint of looking chrroical flaidi broken of car bonic acid gat to cover a of fltme and action the the cans Mill farther gen eration of rapidity and of its operation aro limply Mr T Bailey ii for Town of Army got last of in me of plaining of It t to get now for of Star Lodge art resetted to bo auto of A mating of High Board Wed- a for it tond fall month baa decided It at for bit to remain hero Some people arc to that wo ithontk3ow- author A child of Mr Superior Street fell our of bed Sunday and A collection in ho Church Snuday for the of worn cat laborer it to to tinoo added The Oil In of J Mil lard Co to the jq it attracting tiJibIf dmrtion Dont omit ply ing for hi and for your Fair warning for alb of the in Ibe Army here the power eight aod five on pight on coining in at rota of wr day of over in by anrpricd and J tbo of e a happy neat out ia St Church Sunday service to fce held in lto0- OCjq la Dr Worm fiymfv Jala im bed food raMIoJac It Got to It fioob by Mi own properties bat for food Out fcodr Fluid la oulrcoro tor ncoraijla It or aa boor to enroll bat In tost ban a ail tbo wont one Keswick Items Ma Virrwriei lias very at Elder wek with Sunday VnrcaUon to bo held hero next and will no Joobt adiiil in Tht waa la tort ting and put by all Mr In in tha Co of daring tbo thin escherv prrnt Although naming to wero pre of log from and on and on tpbit atoidablo of Dr much regretted bat It led teicben to depend upon thimleJrea King Court on Cornell for current met at Monday l9ih loiXaotaod and qoaliflcattoo too from Proctor londr- from of action jk in to borrow tor tchool par items Era In the Sale Mr will talo of valuable ate tot JJ So 3rd of Xorio hay araln igm of ond under amount Halo at oclock will on lot of Eat bury Terra It of October tin turn over V at on oclock Jnniea Auctioneer Business Notices flTortoffce interttd or Chicken Fur tale art all from blood before ii In croAj1a or oome chronloformoJdWeoie Burdock tart will It J I a Hut lie it It a fiiht dn Ah a ch J I its j diipJtt tur H at and till then the Grit In jattcocv Whit- the it decided the will accpt at the f Aiding leifatkn fa and not to be pwloflgd ri J Local Other Items The The snap of hat week ha with Monday a atccd above tut it six Wcloeiiay low of our an indication v- who thin their and by arid effective medium circulation at Our too but aro their valuo when ten the of tbo aubtcripttoa by competition trade and bargains coming under by While Our list in freaking vJvcrtUing jo- lame Our Mr ftp Mount Albert Button ft other East and during couple of wks to add no to lut hep givobiro cold W at Wsstsj i- tht lHatEl Host tent will liteg Lit it u Ottawa en Sitnrdty llio Hon Minuter of Agriculture the Bell Tt- patent hive telephone corn- niunicalicn over the country The for ftUQD the tad the thcfitot fur having in artictea to the talent required two yean of j alto far Til or deliver lictuiei to jtrtom a the n of their ihe in fboreKfte will Mill the Jtell at Me the f not only Wivm uw i ltri and the Toronto Telephone it Itig three fciVO Ly S AltburTrIh lie atittt J IIjI and to Compter ftvaicofihne will come at the of Chancery to Toronto Court of hare jet to decide at to f the to try the ce4tkftBclit- eotf Co Tax Sale Several having made in the bit of for we teg to Ctll the attention of our to the All are jatented of tut the of are that will be at hotel again on aud Saturday of next week to Tbu it a opportunity to ditpote of MtsioAnY An- ill be held St Church on Monday at eight oclock lie a4tkera to are iter itr- of Toronto It A of Her I tin atrial alUndt with the W4 I abut addition to giuet Mill Want fifl- a lit It I Green Hiding which very heartdy tt- tJltf a yrrat for tt aithcxfiy ft inj of rtftrrad to the Ktecbiflv Wiltrgtly with lt by lit a pa lb l tit lut ibviL of froro of the continent to the Carnival at the end of Jan bear the JVoainf ftor ft out a number acriotihlng will ana lr tuned IB It bare attack on lccpilc acd by in all cent pomp and the nlngfeta the idlj in- lb Ihuundr of and rota the kind of lb fancy to ice plated ple It will be remeirUrt4 t a the CnrJvat of up star a a It ft thU trill Li ferthttJ of Dr If fia a It to Id to tht jUitberv Co till a copy wbttItilto hi lilt Coops- land am the A advtrttttuitut announcing ar rival uf new irintt ap but the copy not re until after thrlr divert I ertent prevail Call ad 4IiIm OrOKK At tie regultr of Court on following weredulf by A aod high court A J Knotty rt Ed i J I an It fl Cm TeaPast The on in tht Chriiiitn Church here waa a complete The fowl was an demand exceeded ween and in of ttettmratt how made tha deficiency and all apparently At 8 Elder took chair and program which occupied over two and waa with by choir by Bar The chairman rather the dUcbarx of dntitJ referring In hit to bit connection with the of community orer yit took for the of hit the Bible Iter Mr on Ken J Will Cine a few wordt tut to point on frien I ship of Iter l fiitiviliea thvir and Elder ttuatniDg up rtinihd former touching more on Phatdni by Mr vat wH Sailing by if and Mr law Dr Howe r A lr llowa and a very entitled Heart or the taklu fur between tfba and biUie which won bv the latter by on cake which provided by Mr Stepheu Howard with and A wit held the third public enter la TuWfi night The night reached tod including aro over Give In of No Ml Albertb which op bit fitting of tho Court hat given the have given the eat my mined a of with a to tup- the pljlnttlTa toed but I am to hold that the of the the Agreement a fatal bar the right to recover except for actually rendered I fiiid In favot of Dpott the facte and leave of alumce fur two and thtt be therefore without I God that he an titled to hi up to the July wben Me teaching for bit did duty fur him with the of the until the loldwrniccr dtte I do not think Trutteet ptreoftlly liable They at aod the con tracted at there no intention to bind thenuelve It bat been a number of where of a public officially and innocent miittke of tha law In the other contracting party equally with of knowledge neither at the time Ivok log to the are not tucb liable nor the cor porttlou lltbU Here the ol Mil an end Good Year Bon are a WoJ for Entertainment will be given Temperance Hall by the School on erg next oclock A very fine of recitation be ren dered A entrance fee will charged Proceeds to go toward baying for the children All who take Public School work will no doubt attend A young man named Jit of Mr of the Old Survey of King killed while chopping in woodx Mr returned flatardty tbe tpot two in Jacob which hat provided for are or the of work of at the and W carried on with of la addition to ordinary work hare re Indiffreat the Province for the of log of agmnUnrc other mitten of to have excited hare been largely attended and likely to prove of to the great In for of which were davitod number Province the put year it not to preceding year acu glad to at that have on whole bias a tomewbat better and better to earn a livelihood for thtn who came to the in the year to rut of io all part of you be to for the narpjip tettliog the la rectnt ytari You will bo that Landing th by tthrr of Ilouilnion the volume into rhe of Province laiw and hat tf-stidcr- exceeded of the year tbe The Of proves Cunningly Cork that lived at and in and directly if they of fftitft a latpeclcre at AH lie bare WonJcrfLiMyjoipnivetlbe health j At a the bit eiual fioea ibis Are you troubled liver or bad blood Burdock Blood or Are Well the remedy not at determined Worm A Settled fur In and I miiJ lullatutuatory For the r tin And hit tblu Prof Im of Cherry 0I ail of the It wilt Hid nd vu fleilbliUy I vitality and to llbe deafly A Wide rotirccr nd Kilter euilre biht- ix llcrtd lunja in It for the lor celebrAUi which It pronounced by nil good Judaea to be to In loveraof ttuolte Mm a C41J and try Iblt Juitly celebrated brand To the J IfkeU Cerate will rate of lJrnplH ace or face una ao ailruiior Live or nut bo ditto to be Iilebutiic at Cong and Cold Tinilurjfffrriunily have irr A of I taken over the la will relieve and will affect cure la A Wreck hat been tally rheutna by Hard UrtAl Irn Ao old from practice In bit bauJt by no India in- Ay for iff itiil IhroH n I alto a cure for linpta1dlt after letted feritt duty to to bit follow fitted by tout a desire relieve free of charge It thlarrctpc French or full for and tiItiK by mail by ad- tiurnp W- A iJ stock V tow Forever to Whoop op for A like ont of the fire at Mill One of the wealthy old reel- waa 00 to two of wheat and made a great outcry over low ignoring the heavier of and the mill Itself While trying la a email way to recoup himself by gathering c out of the a Hit ttartel to make up the of placed tit our hand we would help the which we very agreed to and take it oat printing had 95 tilt another wu wanted to make the old man happy Now dont all apeak at once or he may be cress that were not lie only acre Co el News from Holland Landings Era Carnival the air rink neat in proper costume fr The with to tender their hearty to for remtmbering them at the good health aud all with a and proa- eroat futnfo Mice Lot left We thit intend her already education at St Joaepha given at evening io of the Connect a num of cur of the end the usilal tata the party broke up alt time for the Friday and jour early in to avoid the crush at the Thorny at at- lending 111 County Council in Toronto Hits Mettle from the City Saturday evening Capt end paid a flying villi to our town North York Teachers Con vention Gibson for making todeflne road allowance tola IS and In Con from Robert elf alio board and horse from Cane ont fret of rood plan per from Cat for discing ih at and Con of ccOnnla laid over next of Mr Norm a a Introduced a polo and year waa received rend finally and P Gray being appoints and Joho and Joel Mr- Mr moved the Treasurer bo Wfurnlih Auditors all and papers to- batik booh tbat may bo rcnlred w heir Audit and alto t in their report to tu separate from sit other Carried Collator for tbo Southern to bo relieved from On doss owned by Nell McMillan dollar each and Soon Mr seconded by Mr moved that be and am hereby lo sell tender Or alt on road between lot is and is Con and report to tbttConocU Carried- Mr Irwin by Black moved that J ONeill and Baldwin tn and are hereby to plant and call prepared Invite for n new bridge If at Leakey and tamo to Council for Ha approval at the neat meeting Carried Moved by Norman seconded by Mr ONeill that tbe offer Frank Morrison for printing of ibe audited copies Voters Mats Road Lists Abitnurt of be accepted Carried A ByLaw to a No borrow On motion It resolved to purchase a set of books of modem In which to keep all Municipal Accounts and Also to a In which to till belonging to On was to advertise Newmarket York fcvunn Banner to Invite on aunts Clerfy find Municipal now On TrMurer received laid over till next of Mr and were appointed to fttiO nod for for of bridge on iiij And report at next of Council On motion tbo Bonds Treasurer A Law to determine bo time and place for of Council for tbe current year adopted motion tit tender of John L Card bridge at 9th far or was accepted On motion of Mr- Brown Cbaa I were examine culvert at lot found to Council beat method for rebultdlnx It Council to meet Ultra the February Ontario Legislature by the I the ll J u of tle on the regular weekly th IT a afternoon During a a fete tht from a Mi of the Secret try to bit Toronto J llojicgtbeid to vacancy Kelly also elected Aftr tetetlot Ihe of AIUjUi the apparently by ty till the tgrterneat of which he entitle to a hd to It the si lie Ijim In of the jfovltfohi of It to he ft the tine ally wo or In other words to the Mr teM th contract have which It admitted It full to Jane will u I make It or the rata f I da- dart Sd00 aid hy the cm to the lat due pltlctltTof There be a for plaintiff for with full pull Of wit plain tiff and for he will will aril li4Vtlllj by iKvl alike it fatmi tantiordloory rcnlivedtinvlru ftMbren by pint rtirjjtt fully ninety nl Ibis iJy l5MirlIn wheu It Is A f to tun whim the frtcdllnes aidwbera ires I a cur all- with the rami the el drtn the permanency at by four one bat man- cured fronts application the at boms meat favor- orftiposdy permanent majority o titles at one WaonAKm36 Kin and tump or treaties JrpffAtr met In School market on and fust After devotional and confirming the Mr read lirou and how to teach it a telegram was receivo from Dr hit Inability to he present on account of mere tilts Jennie ltoat appointed to at till of ill read a thoughtful on to a 3rd A lively folluneJ Uniform Promotion waadlt- oclock At amended it ordered to printed for dlttrllllon paid It entitled to a of id cents on the club rate of auy one periodical fur Mr Vlce- occupied the chair Reader gate a A by and A itiolutlon carried that In the opinion of thit tln the In favor of have r wtfht than ad Mr Martin The Mao Hat fiKhtt were then In order Moral with toys j Price Ho the llltlethtpt Tbe Hod and Teaching u a Mr Primitive teaching and Slinnlantt In iUdlt for ex nation Mr the gentleman then Robert Kennedy of a Adjuurncd at 101S in HAY by prayer at Mr on to time opinion on thtt could employed to drill Ac tut not to Mr J MoHlngaheaJ atttel of the of and at the a of put a 6t the After a dltCUviton the- Mr ilcKe l 1 of South at Mr Martin Intro dated work In Committee reported Mr VIcePret J Mr Hoi Price Sutler an Martin Audi tort Mr J and Jennie Rosa A for Convention to be In October Mr Hanoi appointed del- to tha The tecoud of the Fifth Outsrio wot by Lieut Iov As tuual a and pietent Honor was at the by the of honor and the chamber was to make the following It with much that I mtttyou as a for the charge of luhri which da voire upon you under our Iu of the agteemeut between Province the Province of Manitoba which of our Provincial ILiuudartet Judicial of Her Privy and am hippy to it Wwer to you to fir at their deal their hate adjudged liue to be were awarded by and have tinea been on by lu to the to the claim of Manitoba y Government that there be at to the our whole northern- boundary and alto of lo certain laud to which the Federal On era me hat set up a on other grounds Tiiocorreandeuceoo sou other bat taken on toatieraatftlu Territory ill bid the Council I a Into force Act at your for th ing Provltwnal of By another piccbruitlon by that ptttoftht 1iovlnre lira old Hue from Inland errCled a lit I I the of letlon will the of and of of 11 In territory a bill for purioct will he fir your to your attention alt vf by fret in of the territory to you that tinea your lau her Privy Council J J 1 in to the of the river iew5jlivn by the I have also to sithftcthn thit the to of tourhii of the IktM bv Ural Pallia- in Hit Atj by tit with lrabfrt exxp thv en tcfvlel of the which an hit thut nvd Provinco with tad lal rciufnif of klltote that to cere It any the it a rrt tint lutrket privet wbeh provided fraUH the full ftt of huvett bat not been tab to any urh extent In former yrart- It It to tint tho lumber Province froio which a f our hi cot rfjolptd the Other hers and during the put year but loiobar will In riozlatlitadeofqrcat anedurioj fiat few it duty to you chat a farther expendi ture for a Additional at are also required prtsent ting for care of now an there alio applies lion for with for want of room it baa been lo of of the will receive your care ful Owing to change made in bo labile and fiapre Schools Acts of it iadetiribl that another bemads Pills for this will Iei which trait will and at tbe lame timd extend further the advao- of which hat contributed to much to the llf tod vigour of our The higher atten tion from my Government tht recess tod considerable progrvat hi to wards a Federation of the of Province from which may be expected Among other In or your consideration are a Mil for extending of the courts a bill for farther promoting the of the of the Province and bill for simplifying titlee and of real estate In certain Jndgtt under Act of last session to enquire into certain to corrupt of the At- report which with the evidence I will canto to be submitted for your The report also of the various depart ment of Ihe Pablio Service for past year will be laid before yon The for the current year been a view to economy and efficiency regard to every cae to tbe of interest which it it duirable to I feel that wilt devote your- selves and assiduity lo subjects which I mentioned and to all other matters iEVS The Dynamite Outrage More Fighting in Egypt Gen Stewart Wounded tin to particulars on the ptire we the following Jan 5 city in a frvntted of whole force on duty and troop in around the city are under arms lice patrols ere whew to each othrr and a cordon of po lice been drawn aroond every public building Col- chief is sttafel dyosmii lit four or Eve pounds compressed could easily l concealed In pocket or In the folda of a womans The wai terrible and was for miles up and down and crowds The which the second must hate under Utile it of the the WOUJtd- force the that a man vat yard from the lobby of the House of I Comment completely dentolithed A clue to the perpetrators of the outrage it thought to have discovered before the occurred a carrying a hand bag a cab outside the yard sod away no direc tions as to their destination They bad not gone far when Tin- prevails and received at the War 05 on leaving figliilg inarch of Geo from wellt to f the way appear to hue j S On morning of the j Aba en in in of the army and a fircA butt Gen Stewart received a Charles p and tcn thefiild About few York Council Jan inaugural of County Council of York wi this afternoon at Court There word Booth Cook Duncan Frankland Diuij Irwin Jones l ONeill Robinson thorite Tiwl VanKormati Mid John Duncan reeve York and Thompson Pork of for ffa and on a ballot line was lectod to Mr Richardson in taking chair thanked the council for honor conferred upon him 11- briefly reviewed of in threat in connection with county af fair And iu conclusion latrd and welcomed The following wu elected by ballot to standing committer for Messrs and Lluvd wax til Councils of IMirJAt to coopfrote in It Jjfclaturo for additimial for our insane A number of arid petitions of motion jjivn the Council adjourned An liiun I tin fl if tho in year and ho soy thiy iiutubtf cab out acd hiitaued overtaken lutctioti PaTltitaent that the of roof of the of the and StkftxtlktUs up thtt It to veuiura aoroii tffJereJ the firtt aa iviJ iu cloth and vii lung by a wide It second of White Tower floor were thoroughly wrecks many The took place exactly at J oclock The fultdaud tha Civ with great Tht wat thown th i pMliu in Hall In a downward direction wens to hold a man Into oar of tbrw forme Cot violently throwu It ex a aid other truffle In tht wcw tnathrd out of til of their former wlrr A the flvr at the teat ptacrd hrad a limit at Ihrougb tbt wro fit the tut any dine by tho flame fteretxttn The wit driven tho throughout ma with of broken other of a at Dillon who arirtted at thtTuver on fluunliy In In of gather- of an of the In the J art It no doubt a atunnit bcd to lynch tut tot tho the Keyt the which fitted door lo by January wire of bVantfOf ton flu of by the thMtbtf of bride sir of Kvalck to Mill- At the te by v Church to Ida of James Durham Comb bitch In on the 19 tit Mr J about yejrt- Jt the K and on of Sir Mm till iT shortly Mr hit family In I aliiera In visit madfto which hit children tymwttiy J for Home y6 UANCerAt intiutriti ntanlaruh the a It FURNITURE i Parlor AT LOWEST PINS AND PLAIN FUNERAL lvccf TORONTO iortijei realvuthat I roll par pfrf Applet oerbbl tvi wrha Turners eacli f MB- ts a v w 3 1 J Otto I