Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1885, p. 1

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J a -i- I ERA Every Friday Morning JACKSON AT flLV TO KNOW TO TO TaCpHViNCB PRINTING of already And SUBSCRIBERS I in iho men Imucellosf to- NORTH Single Copies 3 Cents Eac 1 ADVERTISER OR TO soil rmmtrlciicb5t3l tfUblHi NewmaFketj Onti Friday 17 Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year riTLT DISPUTABLE REAiWjfAHLpitUeVliM lllY NEWMARKET INSURANCE AGENCY ph Life Occident LAD A173 P A Gentleman Boiler Inspection and Insurance P LEE yTU if Mutual Iusurance Co and Wellingtons Nursery HARDWARE KG- B KXQIVEVRJXU- BEAUTIFY MISS BECKETT great pleasure Decorative Art Needlework Kensington id thai Embroidery Embroidering on Satin Felt etc also Kensington KMBUOIDKHYSUKS MOO HE tonsffircr E KEO tfiKSdoon of lbFowlh Hotel n ETC and A gARrslKRS TO RO Alfred nobix8ox Solicitor In at per AfOMlox lo Karliyoffertdmlio a Urge J fc Ire And Life Compinlci TO LOAN AT CENT Poet OIm AS IlAUomlner Tlmotbr 8U first door For the Coaotyor York Toronto Mwwv ii It a a ri to a suit cf n a And coaccrls IuIIj it At fnttaiiu cigars i a I it one of and Oc who to which call op a flcih to I who railing at actions some hurt of iU Scores to tl or or wealth Thinks it a lo honor atdlth J What is a f Is it not rating the bread he his won Lit in upright And bis lowing tain en thfl he Cuing not hi bo Prizing fir cot iMthV hand bird Stretching it to grasp Goods as SOFA PILLOW SCREENS TABLE COVERS and work at OWS to rdor DRAPES FIRE Call MRS BECKETTSl STORE MAIN ST NEWMARKET band at A Block LOAN will Hardware atanj from to for talcs Era promptly to HOTEL TORONTO THANKING while In at Hone Hotel I leave to notify that Albion Motel the arket and a I will bo happy to welcome all old and general travelling J A Albion 2 125 and Pictures ioalty Reduced Hate Call Price are tow L JONES Ac A Loan Cham- J Monty to IDUVASir luoneheur COOKS BILLIARD PARLOR- 1 CIGAHS AND TOBACCOS CIGARtlltS PIPES GOODS WW a farrtiAiTy OF POST OFFICE CHAM COOK L JAN GEO JACKSON of MARRIAGE ilTTLE BI DER OUTS Oft A W EVANS Atcz FUNRRAL DIRECTOR promptly attendee IMC t HAS com STOKES LaC Wisconsin HOWE Orilff Mill HctfDiArkcf tilt A J bit l ONTARIO BANK on it tut IIANKIHU A Interoat Die tamer of In the CHAN A Newmarket all Allowed on AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL AtiirIfAn Motet to Uaoayer PROF Baking FISH OK CANADA lira ford Mowers AND CUTS The While Tbreshing Engine and Tin THRESHING Ditching Machines WISNKUSrRIKGTOOTHCULTIVATOli aide Market open Saturday or kepi may a i contalnlriiC run Helton It Vlciila ft KcFf W Money it ljucd on Who will ho In give Mr i What Siy is it birth iliVrj a to worth I It there a family to hid Spreading to conceal hat I Seek oat the hid for ratK Nothing to for nothing to bide he a coble or to he in trade the NorthWest Rebellion Massacre- at Frog Lake Winnipeg April Word has received from of the massacre of tho white people at Frog Lake northwest of Fort Pitt Following are of the vic tims T T Quinn Indian John rue lock ami wife priests anil two other men have not been learn oil is a prisoner It is not known what became of Cameron the Hudson Hay agent This word was brought to by Qtiiitn of huh agent who wiro and Clarks Cross ing apparently- is but King on ground and the circuit was eotablishwl a short today allowing the to through It is stated in tho same that is A INDIANS but no attempt has been on the barracks Indian been killed as reported Hud son Bay received iuUlligenco by way of and Calgary that the Indians raided Government warehouse at that and had gone to join the rebel They also receivwl a cypher from tho at Albert dated March in which ho says Tho whole population is on our hands am scouring the country for provisions ISond Hour and bacon at once Indians quiet except Sioux and Gives who have joined rebels- impression that reports of incursions of American Indians were exaggerated is confirmed at Fort arc on watch to prevent them crossing the line There arc posted infantry two hundred cavalry and a strong detachment of scouts The Washington authorities have sent the assurance that their Indiana would be looked after WORM POWDERS HEAD OKFICK TORONTO Powder Stronger Powder Made- In It In n to INTEREST ALLOWED -DlUlTS- -ISSUED- ON STATES AND ALL IN CANADA SIMPSONS Notes Discounted I jMIc for iwrnly ken J I Oct ho of liifr 1 lup lit fur hi Pure Drugs and Chemicals And Patent A tit A lAitn and It a TAKES THE LEAD n THE LIGHTRUNNING HORSE CATTLE MED1G1HES HUH r K in J It Is Put In Bottles J a MIL LA HI Oppoiite Forsyth In met In lljt UP with by Jltllf k hoia Town r known IN FANCY GOODS a auk urU I Lf at CARD OF THANKS Ii the In In rcin- ir fttnJ Vlewt Slipper liraitling Patterns In t talk ore the latent arrival their i a ro nut of nor Adults A Marvelous Story TOLD ll TWO FROM THE SON at VI He KftAt fttLATIClCPUClflCt I IMnk auk for tin Itll4fvtit vrUl year ftjo ft ftpoft tloeH pevlully ftrtMi4u Ter Mi I he vnCbKto I itl fliy i to lit cam FtflUUS FROM THE FATHER a for to to you frcta UO of a terrible qou avrc4 an x1 lctoTtrbld ftiJ iL tirt to i I My jrt- r p sad my life I cm lit In April eDt I io to el ftOfei ell Ltilo M I no to 4 vofk Lu ft In tiaM I Vl tnd all KraptlOBf Vie It fcVi aiU to tiu ay DrJ0Ayr0a DUCK An authentic rcort of Duck fight nu evening before a of was to talk of the situation it well known that Crazier with his men to coino to and as tin Halfbreeds bad found out two days before that they intended meet- Well at thin meeting it wo decided not to one first but to Maud their ground and bo on defensive next day came and when the llatfbreeds Major and the men tboy id on side of tho road that they could and follow their road in peace did not TO but thinking Halfbreeds intended to him and his men order to Mounted Albert VolunUert to on Half- breeds and one of tho Halfbreeds was to fall from his horse Major Crosiers having excited the a rush on the parly The was of short duration but very violent and police and volunteers received order from to retreat taking with them their dead and wounded and Mounted but I avf OH TUB VIKLU PUD volunteer Halfbreeds Captur ed two teams tho hones attached to two sleighs and alio two cannons iho dead on Halfbreed hi do live and no wounded slightly men under Major that is Mounted and volunteers fiom Albert numbered HO Halfbreeds numbered and were all mounted THE Indians Frog all and number in all only a was a Catholic school for Indian children at was In a condition loit summer That this coul4 have been work of Indians doc not teem altogether as hitherto bean and well behaved It will bo remembered however that as Into as of last December Big Hear with his band of 0J South jn torV Wtt stirring up local tribes it is not improbahto that ho may bo leader In uprising In that lo cality Two brothers named Kerr who their stores after recant fight who then I taken prisoners either been re leased or have escaped a despatch having been received that all is well with them Settlers from the North hurry ing South along telegraph trail in numbers They say Is nothing left to eat North of Gabriels crossing rebels having plundered the stores and houses and secured teamsters trains for- warder has lost teams Scotts Battalion now numbers men with officers of companies ficM Officers and staff officers and children who to Jaw to Indian raid upon Swift Current returned homo today with troops that bo- of supplies for sec ond of tho army Catling guns in of Captain Howard arrived Ca dets of tho Royal Military College officers noncommis sion officers and men of Royal Schools of Gunnery being instruct ed in their use from says Look ing through telescope from top barracks could tho Indians at work Occasionally five or si would bo seen swinging their arms and executing a in front of the store doors Then they would strike the door with their axes and burst it in Everything could not carry took outside stores and destroyed A cannon was fired across the river at the Indians on the- south for of opening op a way for Bird a half- breed courier Two or three Indians were seen to tumble over and limp off as if badly wounded The Indians ran away and hid themselves and escorted Bird across the river and gave him a send off TOUCHWOOD hills MILES OP April We expect MajorGeneral Laurie with half Company to join us in the Messengers from tho north say Kiel intends to make a stand at tochos Crossing and if beaten to re treat north or endeavor to reach American frontier best in formation shows that ho half- breeds well armed and that from Crocs and Teton Sioux arc co operating with thorn at re serve Between and nearly all the Indians on tho warpath The settlors lost thing Teton Sioux aro burning homesteads at is Crossing north of Grand Lit In short northern coun try is in bad sharp Grenadiers will us at the lake just west of Humboldt The days arc fine and warm but the nights cold Many of men used up but all aro in good spirits General said to day that ho hoped to reach Prince Albert in ten days provided wo meet with no resistance If was In com munication by today with Indians are gathering between and Pitt and Ot ters will probably fighting scoiils Hum boldt on Monday up to this point are quiet Gen has talked with bands and distributed fond among them say In dians north would not fight if- they had something to eat A vest quan tity of provisions will bo required for the northern settlers and the peoplu of Albert QdAPPKixc April 10 Grenadiers camp and left for Touchwood Hills at o clock this morning General Middletons force will num ber when reinforcements it Otters numbers 170 with two Galling troops are in excellent health and spirits weather is fine Frog Iike scene of mas- lies about miles North- West of Pitt and about miles from Tho Indians of reserve and number in all divided into bands as follows Chief consisting of Ono and ko wins Wear Pitt located the Oreo bands of Bear and Kkcehee- at and Chippe wa at Cold Advices received by Hudson Hay Company via tan and Calgary stated that In dians at had raided the warehouse at that point and lefttheir to go and join rebels is over miles northwest of Another despatch received by Hudson Company says affairs at approaching a crisis Tho Indians on Saddle Lake number about 100 with Hun ter as chief Anril 10 Lino open to Col Irvine and Assist ant Commissioner Hied semi word from Prince Albert that all short of foed and visions and anxiously awaiting help Indian agent Rao reports from that settlers from Krog come into the fort at Indians making for Pitt trouble ii expected Homo Indians been making themselves very troublesome seven miles from White wood on tho P It provisions bub today they are quiet and gone back to tho reserves Mr Is at having a talk with Crowfoot and other Mxdicikb Hat April steamnr left hero at oclock yesterday morning for the north A special train with Gover nor and K Gait arrived lost night On board were tq man sjeatnors Baroness Alberta and which for Swift which point it they willuiako In Fifty Mounted Police under Col and additional troops that are to reach be fore arrival of boats wilt be embarked These will bo taken to Clarkes Crossing to cooperate with Gen force which is now marching Volunteers here are drilling reg ularly arid a nightly patrol is main tained A cavalry corps under command of Stewart is being organized between hero and Fort which will bo composed of old prairie men who through their thorough ac quaintance with country habits and customs of natives will be of eminent service to regular troops A detachment of infantry under Lieut which arrived at Swift Current thi3 morning have boon detained for the protec tion of town Two halfbreed spies suspected to bo in town picking up information for Kiel It reported on the streets yesterday that Saskatoon Colonization Comp anys settlement had been looted by rebela who cleaned of provisions but settlers were not molested April Word from Indian settlements in the Turtle Mountain south of says In dians are and stealing right and left American Indians coming in from St Peters The settlers are greatly disturbed Ottawa April The Govern ment havo just received word of of nine white settlers in cluding priests at Lake eighty from by Oreo Indians fivo days wo men was captured and will probably bo tortured to death Three who escaped to reach Fort Pitt miles from scene of tho massa cre At this station there aro twenty- mounted police who telegraph that they will hardly be able to hold out against tho Indians numbering who swarming down upon them April Then American troops of which cavalry on frontier duty Pembina Totten Poplar River Afuiniboine with a con siderable contingent of faithful In- in close tele graphic communication with tho War Department at Washington and United States coisu at Winning Mr Taylor troops at other points in General Terrys department number men of which 1100 are mounted They ready to promptly to any from to move in of the neutrality laws of United The news this morning gives only too much ground to fear that nil- the horrors warfare will lie ex perienced over at least a largo por tion of district Mr Mcintosh a settler near Ha who left Duck Lake fight and arrived at Brandon believes that Kiels force num bers over as there were num ber of Indians coming in from way Kiels headquarters nil winter with white man named J a druggist of Prince Albert who was with Kiel luring part of last summer ho through country It known that lew days before the light Jackson pretend ed to Income convert to Roman Catholic faith Mcintosh assisted hist August in building the telegraph line between the two rivers and says at wen marks of cannon wheels He was that Rid had six iiinepuunder All the Indians and Halfbreeds have excel lent and Remington rifles was a rumor hero that four teen persons wen massacred and some at Pitt It also rumored that rolxl Indians been at and that two Indians have been killed there ers Weeks previously in which stated how happy they were and that thoy were getting along very with In all there in the Pitt agency about Indians When limited numbers of the bands of Indians at Frog are taken into account it must bo very apparent that recent horrible massacre is not their work alone or that they taken part in this bloody tragedy without being assured of tho countenance and support of all tho Indians in that region It is no doubt an action in which all the Indians in the Fort Pitt agency ens directly im plicated In three bands regular ly located at Frog Like only souls and the number of fighting men would not in all probability ex ceed or at most CO and it is ab surd to suppose such a mere handful as this would take such terrible responsibility upon their as they have assumed April A courier scout just in from Prince Albert re ports seeing many mounted at a point of woods oh Swift Current trail twenty south of here He found a large de posit of supplies on the Indian re serve Everything is unchanged hero awaiting troops April garrison can hold out till the arrival of troops should Fort Pitt Indians not reach there The Indian program ia to take Fort Pitt and concentrate for an attack on tleford health of the garrison is fairly good and there has boon very sickness There has been death a child and two birth since the people were shut in the barracks IUtiuivoho April Our here shut up in the barracks and hourly expecting to be raided by the Indians has been a most uncom fortable one Our water supply ran out on scverul occasions so that a body under cover cannon were obliged to venture out to river to bring it a supply On one occasion Indians fired upon them but the was so long thajt luckily the bullets did not take effect Two Indians three horse were killed by our cannon April The rebels strongly entrenched at Crossing expected to give General a pitched battle on his reaching the river A des patch from Calgary reports that Lieut Cover nor left by special train for the east today He and Fere had a long inter view with Chief Crowfoot chief of the nation It is believed a large force will movo and North as soon as he has a number of at at command now en route there from Winnipeg divisions This will make divisions in vading the troubled districts from under CommanderinChief one from Swift Current under Otter and the other under MajGen from Calgary Telegrams from Assinnboitto and other on the Montana frontier there been city ami in tho morning for they tivo ponies and Mexican an equipment of Winchester rifles and Colt revolvers will co operate with General and combine the duty of and scouts all of them having a perfect knowledge of topography of country York Rangers and Forresters vacated their this evening somewhat unexpectedly by from front and left by train this evening for it believed Calgary A vigorous push will bo made from this point for Edmonton and Fort Pitt to quiet the Indian disturbances in that vicinity Battalion under Lieut Co Ion el arrived via lake Superior routo at eight oclock this evening and were welcomed station by a largo crowd of citizens After sup per In tho station they took of the tent vacated an hour before by tho Hangers and the 35th Foresters April The In terior Department has been informed that Crow Cheyenne and Indians in northern Wyoming are preparing for an outbreak and that the white settlers wero in dan ger Aft investigation is nit lake Previous butchery dimmed into insignifi cance by the appalling magnitude of the revealed by Saturday mornings Kitchen A of the was first to receive dreadful tidings announced the death f his brother and sisterinlaw by tho hands of savages Mr his brothers partner in the milling busi ness Lake was from settlement on business where the IN rotunilng day after was horrified to find the settlement desolated savages swept oyer the district Frog to Fort Pitt Trie homes of settlers were raided the inmates cruelly slain and their house looted weapons after killing unarmed settlors who went to parley at their camp in Krog Lake used with deadly strength to Indians and tho success of each attack added to their destructive power Mr was forced to retreat to tho Saskatchewan and from Crossing tho of the account of tragedy to Mr brother of his dead Mr Iawho Is certain that souls in the attack He odds in his despatch that Domin ion Government must be of the truo extent of Dig supnoscd to bo the prompter of the attack on settlement was a beautiful settlement lake Itself being a small sheet of water largest of a chain of small lakes which empties into the Saskatchewan at Port Pitt some miles to southeast Jfrog Is miles from is a good deal of timber sufficient to justify the erection of a sawmill the 2nd Inst the day of massacre Mr of Park- flsle letter SO of American Indians to the as reported they- have been made slyly in bands of two or three at time Kurt is being block aded and strengthened Another of troops via north of Superior consisting of Sim- coo Km festers and the York Hangers and 1 Battalions activo arrived this morning in command of Col OBrien P There arc 2 and men in the corps Intense anxiety is manifested on every hand for the latest news from NorthWest many believing that the massacre may be at any moment at Saddle or Pitt Commissioner received a telegram from this afternoon confirming the Lake tragedy gives list of casualties as eleven whites murdered by Indians J K Simpson two men of the Hudson Bay Company prisoners PITT The fortifying Fort Pitt Tho report that six Mounted had been killed at that post is con tradicted Gilchrist and wero employed by lock A lake and killed at tho same time as Mr and Mrs an lock of the Hudson Bay Company has not been heard from it is hoped ho can escape Tho Ottawa sharpshooters and B Battery of regulars aro expected to roach Swift tonight when under will be and ready to go down Saskatchewan The Canadian cifio a construction gang and expect to complete the telegraph lino from the station to the river miles in three days The steamers Alberta and with an accompanimont of twenty scows Col Otters brigade now at Swift Current will meet at river they will bo conveyed to Prince Albert Col Irvine and Assistant sionor have sent word from Albert that nil aro well but short of horsefeed and are anxiously awaiting help April General is mailing rapid headway with advanced detachment of forces and will encamp torJgbt with in twenty of Humboldt- They just successfully crossed great salt plain and expect to reach Crossing on Thursday Tho Royal Grenadiers of Toronto aro making marches to overtax General Middleton whom ex pect to reach before he gets to Saskatchewan Fifty surveyors of Intelligence Corps have Arrived NEWS BY CABLE eVe ir and Afghan Battle Russians and Afghaufl Killed England and Russia Actively Preparing for War Prince of Wales Dublin Th Kotnorcff of fciifila by he to fttUck of The mat jmI of ihe Hirer Kith In I of glint a All of lU Itut three killed oj April of Afghinlittn ilitMe four while up the Tit tj lofintiy nI the Ametr hat ItuuU hit ko vthtcb 4ut to tbft April to of the the Pilot of WalM vu to The of Priced lad a of of city lwng their broken ftftd loch won bo from of the ruth At thf tltoe with the occuptntj of chlhlrio who Kith lit shook with The old people of the Princely the The alio an of the London April are luilly with other and art actively War of from The in and the a ate by to eater the military of the war with Soluble applicant are acctf te1 are for the Work out of var la carried all of the too hate ordered to to hare their torpedo flttiDgaexamiaed llepitt hit It that Urge hiva been for field aod torpedo AM the hare fitd to bold therowlvfi Id foe Mftlw A ll tern wot to Vt Admiral trie bold fleet for iciRirir at to to take aboard It lift to All tfa war ar swift of Wall bare The of At lantic for the of Eng land I ho of embrace in liatria Sana amnio City Zone Admiralty fcato decided pet of Part of in Chlqetovatenhas len ordered to next qui at a point Ham which command to au of and largely command way to porta on Pacific Mrs Tom was married Monday to Count Magi tramps in lockup night last week and dur ing days Constable Baker had to entertain gentry in that institution impecuni ous individuals who claim that they discharged railway navvies mora plentiful thai usual this spring On Monday last April at pi firo out in Philip carpenter shop and with a high NorthWest wind spread to Mr premises consuming their old shop lumber shod stables and as well as fruit trees making a clean sweep of lot loss auitainod by Mr is inaled insurance Mr was finest in the village and they the of entire community in this tide of trouble Svn I I

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