Newmarket Era, 17 Apr 1885, p. 2

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vi -r- j t NEWMARKET ERA APRIL I Hew Advertisement A Co J a low of A SOW to Bra FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto Despatch to on irfcxvlor The repaid fitmfrp Town Talk on a of nod fcftto committed for the ftfn the Mr of Coed Sir be would rry Ibe QDtiUoo to court of Brooklyn la for two 8tnl bar aolber who wo by a on to the condi tion of op for chanter of bribery gone loto Aod farther Mood TERRIBLE Messrs Cane Reduced to Ashes LOSS MTIHATED AT ONE HUNDRED HANDS THROWN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT A BONUS Q1VCM THE FIRM THE TOWN TO REBUILD One of the won calamities that could of Newmarket on Thursday night of week in reducing to ashes the largo Manufacturing establishment of Messrs William Cane Sons About halfpast eleven oclock the peaceful quietude of the evening was broken by the incessant tooting of the whistle at the Factory and shortly after Town was aroused by the continuous ding of the The streets were soon lined with ex lyings the sky lit by the lurid flames reflected from the church steep and tallest buildings like the rising of the sun and but few minutes until whole Town and surrounding country was illuminated to the of day Long to- fore the crowd collected on the scene of the disaster it was evident the building could not be saved and Attention directed to the of the adjoining property MOW THE FIRE ORIGINATED it on IliiiUy left Hi Hiving J for mill was to sooo isicbioiit rent to work to the of ted with the Mr Joe he the rauhiotrj in or two which It to oat of uiieottt ftfttr job km ryj the ht the job the bo throujth the the scroll the for whbtle ud for bev from ia working order bat piece of Lot to fciye fce4 Mr ire lot toed tta ihicagb the kilo Ume4 rto to but Mi return fire tint he eater Mr to lie bdrint la fat tbe of o tb but s id was off brlrfi1 rtile the ml wer eocb Is Lour tie blew tie frtxewoik lathe jrte of SOW oil re or iv or dry kilo oil i- SOW piiU Id ilrHmilhitdtpirteot a of rfr ul ii firui li l iA o wbkb fa with with tbe effete of Mr thru i fibril of for Ore pro- la 4 formef bid tite to s num ber atUiLe lie tie JIU jjji fr tbe Zit Km by w tbtt iiVic fcft the of to Tie rtefUwLippolbttb iMetliOUke to lb Urge pirtoert rcvlf in tit Ton fillirsitabootthrMparU fall- of Dr Mr P Reiser tit to a be tor then est trot the of Cam It d end wcad be He giro each it weald a proper guiduco to Ihd in the Sevb AUuger of the to Dr called cd he wxned Ihe ritnitiea very from a j not from of If were eaployrd by the bit of in at i by entire Ibis directly tded by ol J by which to build op the to its To this withdraw frcn witbdtawtl of a Urge pert tea which be branch of trade to fy a rate per the firm cool J cot with riral carry firm tbe to remain in the for close competition not s good u at other joint They the a small acmle timOar to what it bo yean ago and would not to aid bat being ullified their wu a benefit to Town if the people cheerfully gin them a they re build at one on large a scale when the fir occurred and substantial formerly that insurance would be greatly reduced and row in employ The aspect a loan then ehown to bo it ion Mr if the capital had been remanentiTe replied J bat banking the fundi they bad teen spent in and increasing their wbicfi was row all swept away J Esq stated the ex burin enterprise of the firm hi J the means of rctkiog known the entire and bringing it iuto a mercantild And centre He great in fallowing retolattoo firm of has greatly Town of Newmarket By Investing a largo amount rats Wed nesday the a very dral to bo to fill all f materia by the of itay The will with at if Railway will be wii to inn to thdr Toronto market equal terms with kilitalions which they net jl dined to kffr Rowland fell into a Urge tank of wen more than a cold docking No Co calling for men on the brakes certain her of gentry looking with their hands jockeL shame by offering to their assistance Annie Emms Cane Mrs Peek an J Emma special mention for the msnner which they carried water and dashed it npoo with good effect by a backet- rip Mr roreaons fishes which were telling on the to wejt the and kept them from spreading to the adjoiniog the large operated by Park Mr Henry Canes and Engine a Urge of juil timber from being at the rear of Victory working at that point say if 1 Engine bad gone to the same tank on its arrival at the firethe bird- wood containing worth of oak cherry maple hare been aired with little tfonWe tongue of Talaoo Engine acci dentally broken boys were con veying the same to the fire bat by attach ing a span of hows it in time to tare the conjunction with No and another bucketbrigade under Sir J Hooks under Mr Wilson did work la tearing down lie to the and removing lumber well as aiUtaneo iu the Mr John Bennett who belongs to this Company had one of hands badly blistered while in office when was nearly by flames No Engine Co ramped a tank dry in quenching the timber and the Font dry Although the wind was from the South west large cinders were strewn all the KhWnerlyingAttha tct ta 7 with valor from I to an but Brooks Use flrat man at at IbantfcaQneeoi Own and blow the Took the train at oclock and at of ttpcfk or supper Wed across loo to can miles miles march I of water to Rod Bock- men were pretty of soow at Port wo Were wttb real meal sloca leafing borne and be boys bad of a AxcJgaraltn outlay of la Winnipeg Is a to ffbat we A letter wa from a former resident of now at Fort Niobrara coo- about bis wo not room It this week it army circles there on account of the number of Fenians leafing that slnlo adjoining territories to Join Hells forces fully hating fait parsed through Editorial Notes Tbe Jdrcntbt like soma of oar weather jTophets who last fore casted a mild open winter dont eppear at ell disparaged by fail area Daring the last thirtysix year they predicted the end of the world no leas than fortynine time bat this abode continue to pome the tenor of Its as if exiited Ann ho her sens street Mr p waa Jo Town on a rial to the rales a days this Ha looks well Eight yean a lad Frank Mr Al tfow 14 yean of had hit leg pat oat of joint by an incident the to set three different of leg sgilftthrcogh a and great pain His schoolmates should him a call to cheer Mm op The Toronto It that the famous Town ley estate amounting to nearly won be amongst It has been that Mrs XL Skinner of Alt street is to receive a large share It is peeled that solicitor wit tall for Eng land to attend to her at once The family in Newmarket of which Simpson and Mrs are are to the heirs of this Estate Voter to whether the for North York Hon motioa to the agreement entered into with respect to the production of the new School Read In reply we hire to we dont whether he it or act hot had we been asked if he to sue- Hon agreement we would stated his name does not appear in the dirisicn list or among the pairs The dirision list is in tho Old of We dont blame htm for not rapport fog the motion High School in of unfortunate difference la the of Trustee has been in tolls for lime Last week Sir O In ft I e courts on the In erection of a woodenware and a large number of private reside id creasing the ratable property of palltj By giving eraplojment In various their to bands who together with their llles add no lew Br paying out lance sums of money In warta to nearly all of which aam Is spent wltbfa corporation stimulating branch of business and trade firm of Cane A Son has met with a heavy at tb rough the recent Are and Is not able financial ly to rebuild and on iho on same scale heretofore i It la greatly the Interest of the people of tbli that the said should retained here and be con ducted on as large scale a former ao that our population should not be thrown out of employment fltUtSertferc we the people of In meeting SLUernbltd do hereby spectrally requtitlbe Municipal Council of the Town to submit the electors at earliest practicable mo ment to provide For the Exemption of tbe Factory from Taxation for a period of ten years In case It Is rebuilt raising sum of on creditor the bo or twenty aatdsumof to flrm of Wen Cane A a Bonus from vexatious conditions to In at before Dp in seconding the we would very in firm to remove from The junior members of firm wereaoxtCfUi to remoTe to where greater facilities could be obtained as soon as the present stock is ex- for which they are about putting up temporary buildings Already some three or four offers of from other plate had been Mr Atkinson bis objections to the tonus which were net very received J favored the revo lution waa that was cot asked for initead of lie referred strong terms to the imposition of Northern in exorbitant freight as Mr John llaorshan supported the reaction He figuring on the and found that attHWud lot at would bare 2C per year extra to pay on account of this bonus lie Atkinson he did not desire to a man better off than but from a standpoint thought it money well forested and If would sup the a bones The then put and except but for one baud The was uoaoimoutly by J J and seconded by Jundy that the Council place tbemuties In with the Councils of Aurora licjxovi an en the S with a view placing this matter of charges ilan- forcibly as to a which would iter the The tbsuts of the wer then at Secretary with titers lit thv ueci cur Voluuttcrs the hr the of of the wiih ibe fcr If that u arranged the plsu buildings will built of thru apart arJ two high The atctiou theaCliott on either for the ttr totnta of ttunilfactUfVi I his ill glf thrii at tovre fcr Factory The built of ft Id the rear the they at great hied of the fouodttfon fcr4tt it was laid If m- propwd it will be 13IaJl being two store high hi at a feet from the Factory the present the firm the old fitted up fcr the of all the alerts in the when the greater portion were is f tied up as a Factory v lUg on wh aide will High School and out on Street Mr A Mechanical Super- attempted to save a lalthe on at the fir and wis nearly soffo- before getting oat of tut in bis face revived him Tbiee lengths were by No Company white pumping on west lum ber piles The Fire Water Committee should purchue toother hundred feet The heaviest Inters among in the sbif of tools it Frank at 176 David Mit chell McDonald and Thomp- too each Wis and Dooill Morrison Mr P A also all bis plans aod works Mr Will Campbell were the first to the Fire Hall the Utter sounding the While carrying articles out of the Tommy Gsrdner a nail run through bis boot into hit foot but fortdnste- with no a pifttct of that amount of piping which strewed the tutus on Friday morning it of any not even forVsating purjHi The Mayor tost nearly all his law books in the fire and the firm will feel tho need of their took plans and engineering The only book of any importance the one containing the order the Core Company rivifed the ruins on and of the Waterloo Mutual arrived on Wednesday All that vast amount of machinery the Factory completely and only fit New machinery of the improvement is no the way here Cane bad hit hands and ftce burnt while the Id the the ceiling of which badly Not many got away the fire without wet feet and there would be a many tired limbi and aching buds through out Town last Friday Although the hut handle off both aafea iu office neither pep nor woodwork inside were even scorched About five oclock a to the rear of the where was a warm water tak rendered in saving the stock timber The Factory engaged of Friday the the and lumber piles Work was commenced Monday mora- towards cleaning up the by a wlijg Of the aamill reeved to the North- We it the Livery the by pftaLt Part of the it revtodr It with The Battalion According to dispatches our boys reached on Saturday morning till Sunday evening order vine to on They reached on Monday was from the 12th tho former making for Calgary The between hero J covcrul in nine the greater pari of which the was wet and cold and the road almost Although men were iu the wind every or through or inches of one inarch of was in and half ft re cord which battalion point to or accidents of any kind occurred and entire is with ex ception of Hewitt of Company who back to Hospital at to a sever cold On morning half of waa puttied on the other half remaining at FROM Wo arrived hers safa this arttr a ver bar J Journey cap ou never f In I v ltmilb atJ Of r fo aft1 I Woo Jay teu aJ sarlly We Ivfl at LI Oil rtatcra ft 9 at night ground that he had furnished certain goods to the High School Board It appear that afcwartlclr of aterea were purchased of very limited value from Vauxant lad this was held to of Mr that no contract but tbe court ruled that tbe spirit of the law waa violated unseated him Some days ago the member for North York enquired of the Minister of Militia if some arraogemeut could cot be made where by friends of vol steers in the North West might with safety forward articlea to them Hon Minister replied that the subject matter of the enquiry was then the of his depart ment Since then following telegram was receired by Mayor Manning of Toron to Hon Dr Sullivan Winnipeg has appointed purveyor to volunteers telegram wu by Mr and affords information that ankles for any of our volunteers through Sullivan of Winnipeg will be delivered allegation of Mr Jamas before the Public Accounts Commit- tee at Ottawa regarding the printing of the Tenant Fanner to the that the paid were largely in of contract rates aba that tbo work waj from two different offices from the plates while composition waa twice charged for usual be fairly met in order to satisfy the public that fraud has not open the Dominion What is Auditor Gen doing lo allow the perpe tration of a transaction like which Mr complains official was supposed to le too thorough a to cover up a Tory dodge Persona Mention Anule Smith returned from week In very poor health Mr wife of Toronto were the of the Reeve over Sunday Francis returned homo on hut from her uncles at Mr left on Mooday to former at Adrian Mrs returned last week from a with at and Owen Mrs Cook of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday and dined with Mr Mr John one of the pail hands Factory left for Buffalo Monday last Wool rtpoils from that the there turns out barrels coal oil a week Tlie Wright of are visiting In Town ibis week Mr clarionet player In the Laud one of the Factory hand left on Saturday for By Anil Arbor we notice that Mr Oscar an of Mr Silas has red tbe decree of doctor of dental aurgciy Dr Jultty ui to call attention to his notice In our advertising coluiuui duties he is obliged to discontinue practlceao out side of Town will suit their own to Ac a note of this and her Moullon roildeutaend school mates In iu alof- day after pending seven years fa an I were the Mrs lienbch Sunday At Methodist Sunday School MUi Moulton half an hour lu the scholars their spiritual privilege with those the and of latter and incidents She also delighted the children by alnging Sunday School hymns In the Jeptfct plesaurc of such a visit or by Messrs J J and Iter Mr In the evening Mist occupied of an hour after the aching service to predating to a very large congregation the habit and of the people of r of women In and the of ioilonary effort by Meacbaw fsnjlllar pieces In the Japanese which vers highly Iter Mr arrived In Town on and a fw In old He will not to pan Just but will rtslde In Toronto till be to be appointed to some circuit lo Ontario Their in toy trs glad to Ink Drops East tomorrow mecllng tomorrow Qtotz Dor neat Thursday Spring Show at day more March tbao April Town dray baa bad a new coat storms are order roads are very muddy Sap ran Local and Other Items Lacrosse The meeting on Tues day night was postponed till tonight en account of the meeting in Town Hall The boy should all put in an appear ance it the American The next mooting of the Christian Temperance Union to tike in of the Methodist Church next Monday afternoon when of Is to the interested in the Temperanc to attend Seeds The time of seloctiugeeeds for spring planting nigh and a new has been received from Ben Drag Store stating that their new seeds have just arrived The reputation of purchased at Is unexcelled and the ere always the newest and beet A case of indecent as sault was tried on Tuesday last before Francis Baoke Esq and J of a pedlar named Samuel Jones on a little girl years named Harriet Mills Con of Ho not guilty but the evidence adduced was strong tbat the Magistrates committed him for Quito a little com motion was at noon on A chimney took fire in the tenancy of the block Main St and the Mm Mitchell was aware until notified by passer by who rendered valuable The red hot in the second storey and it is said the door was searched Police Court A cow culled for Monday last the charge bring a man named Phil Ing the Army one night week The and police dicer appear id but accused did not turn up The case was adjourned till next Tuesday when a warrant will bo fr his arrest if does not appear Fire Co- No- Following is Hit of officers for current year laat Wednesday Peck Jiutcuaot- Secretary A Terry of Hose Micks Hose Boy a and Terry at the Fire Hall the day in each month and for practice the third of each month a By nit or der from the General the rate of to In the baa been reduced from to but par- llcular attention must to the in struction our or they Kill bo forwarded to the ter for want postage Fur initftuce the following would bo the proper for one of our men Private Miller No York Hanged Volunteer Camp VilQuApIHe School followfog of the above Institution oh- over percent at weekly ex amination held the quarter ending March Slat the being of merit University Form P Hull MjUnj ItoUrlf Nellie Kelly Form I McMillan J Putter A K Alice Header It Wat John Gardner Ill Form Cheater I he following hi the Junior Form obtained over J per tent Mary Phillips Eva Thorpe Itch n Al leys Amelia Toole Scott Thornton Kates flcorgo The deuce at still very being the roll Conk to Never before in history of Newmarket were favorable for a goo Town thau at thr present time and yet to djy without There always a obtaining enough members or to curing a leader but Is not There are eighteen on look of whom would make a goo1 and we have n and willing lesder right amongst Mr McDonald yet we hive no Kind The boys have been practising at hail nlghis of the week oil winter the old Court lately so not to be later the Fire Hall ul they are for lion we have no bind And why out of the 18 were borrowed inent and have hen obliged to return to the owners leaving eight or nine lostru- In the hands of the boys only two or three of which are Qt for use j Wednesday night this of worn- out Instruments returned to the Last Fall were ana out to see the Hind prosper and an effort waa to procure a new act of A roll was made and placed In the bands of three Commit teesone for each ward to collect for this fund collectors for St Patricks Ward went to work as awn list furnished to them collected atoil all sums of down for larger amounts stating thrt would wee The for the other two Ward have done any the standi Let the collectors all to rtpvt to the Town on purchsw set without gro cery and Liquor stock Mr P In Toronto and purchasers hare decided to reopen the in coder the of Mr J of Erin an active gentleman will open tomorrow and says will bo sold cheap oat for announcement Here at Visions of house gleaning are cow beginning through the good head while good op the breaks on temper spite on hit hands and prepares to clothes line whitewash ceilings and do many other little odd tbo In of family life and speml of veil regulsfed of tho household The Tramp Nuisance Of our Town has besieged by stat that there no work on the Northern Kiteasioo to that they are on the way south has been that they called at tome residences on rcnrating aid and when re fnwd used Insulting language to female Last Friday tramps provided with dinner and two the cell at night three agaiQ Saturday night one on Sunday night Missions A abort time ago branch of the Womens Missionary Society was In New market with a membership fourteen A special meeting held In the Methodist afternoon when who has jest returned missionary work Jspan gave a practical of what is being done and can be done to elevate the stand- of morality and social freedom among heathen females The objects of the Society and its were ao clearly demon strated that eight new were added to the liit A Close Call On Jaruea Wright of who charged with InclUogto pleaded gait before His Honor Judge Boyd but was allowed out on his own rccogniiauc for sen called upon A numerous signed petition from prominent of Northern part of the County and es pecially from around in his fa was laid before the Judge by Silver and Peter who testified as to Wright 0 previous charac ter Judge the petition was by many of the re people of the most of whom be know He would respect the pe tition and give Wright opportunity of making a man of himself School A regular the Board took place on Tuesday all members present except Mr Tbe following hills were pre aud ordered to bo paid hart anew off roof Rat cliff advertising and J wood Tlaylor cutting wood S J A Campbell encasing J Ironside cleaning snow Madden jr do R Travis repairing chimney Prior cleaning School The Report sUtea that a class has just promoted into the new second book As future promotions ore it Is the in- tentiou to introduce the new Readers so lo make least to the Mr the It and ill Divisions Heading and Writ during examination last Friday Thirtynine volumes were exchanged at the Institute IJbrsry last It will soon be time to dig bait while your wife is housecleaning Marble Is doing a lively lie paid this week for freight on raw material Tfao annual tax will likely to heard at Council meet of nights Iutroducethe tig gentlemen and fettle the mat ter Another carload of Domestics rived in Town this week The targe tales of these machine continue Mr Millard has also received agency of celebrated Bell Organ of How the to have your put on the roll to look after It now It will coat you a word than lose time attending courts of aad other unnecessary trouble Tho wooden block the Smith block the West side of Maiw St had a narrow about three weeks In the rear of Mrs Beckett atore that to have been quench ed iacking boxes but the prompt application of a quantity of snow saved that An agent for has been doing Town a couple of days this week Star Is pick up lately Quite a number of the old member ere returning Indies Newport the it wear at Well to i A nine flaricuire- a of of bcnrels lhesioiseioives liter lime Wear sUndKjfduweat Leather It North- West 13 Tlio whole of Col Otter just began march South Saskatchewan A It has sold Pectoral and sales Incrsaslog It cures cougbs all lung Is to take and for ffmolccn- We gney Empire retailing at cent all to ny In IXjmtntnn All lovers of a good should not fall to him a call and try this Justly celebrate brand crreet JJoondneaa Ofboirand mind la pure blood Leading Of Aver beet OScolporlfylns It tog and both and brain Waterloo Walter of Waterloo write Yellow Oil ha dona great rood In bis family bis wife being of Inmpstbst other medicines failed to remove He also state a neighbor was of by same remedy Whyl the utter face enveloped In roll of not Im wild that that triable me how foolish I by dont yea go to Drag Store and get a bottle of Fluid Teas tbao in only costs Scoff Emulsion or Pure Cod Liter with cholera Dr W Indoors I find your to be reme dy In lnng troubles especially lustrum- qui children and a most valuable remedy In liifantnip It la ft great to aappote cant be cured but endured and life gloomy an J tnere- Alexander of was cured after suffering flneen years UooJ Bitters cured aim I yon bo or Wound in anyway proper thing clean and AtarkeaCarboMcCer- ate be sure McGregor Cerate the Druggist has Aroiultcd every age llelng easy In take and though nod ploasant are fxml searching la effect lo all Jls- stomach bowels Is prominent manftnd JiBrwylcy I ihotcuimonUls for Speedy found I not to York Philadelphia or Texas lo flod living value wo plenty tight hen o provo Its I cot a It right away I us bad Fever as I think could bo Ijiw taken three bottle and am well and rati eat kind or root without me may tht teller Free trial Dr of Toronto will vis It Newmarket Hotel on Thursday of each month for treatment of all forms of Ho Invitee all case that been up by other physicians although of years for be has cured many of such past Dr doe not claim superloraklll but follows Mutant eutlrelynew Canada doing well under your do not call It Is his those given who after long trying have all- Next visit Thuradax Ma Free April force to tho forms thrown out in skirmishing order guns under Major Short and comes on then a lino of teams followed by and Queens Own bring up rear This order will bo preserved to crossing after which march will bo mad in col umn mounted police forming the scouting party will bo reached on Tuesday night Wednes day Thursday and Friday will bo in getting across if boats are there It was learned this morn ing that one of boat grounded and if A is is true march across prairie a certainty The troops present a capital appearance all go on foot men carrying and rpbber coyerjngs their packs being forwarded by teams weather ia and excellent for ITicre is no A trial of Galling guns was yesterday which was quite T April has just been received hero from the beleaguered settlers at Prince Albert A mounted messenger who left that settlement on reached this station on Saturday night He tho south Branch of Saskatchewan near the and skirted the Birch hills to avoid contact wxtb the rebels and met with no hindrance on way report from Prince Albert ia of a cheering nature Ho says affairs there are settler are cheerful and hopeful and do not fear an attack from the enemy who aro about fifty miles from the settlement Indians not numerous enough to cause anxiety The arrival of troops however is eagerly awaited Four April general impression here is that Kiel will attempt to hold a parley with General at Crossing general will no doubt demand an un conditional surrender will refuse and make a fight and then re treat either to the northern forest or through and Pitt dis tricts which are now greatly disturb ed to Peace river country merit and other however bent fighting to the Inst In any event it wilt be necessary to keep n large force of up north for the rest of the year Swift April Col I in tho Dock Chief hi- Kiel est condemned to death Duck rAkc owed vo to Word ftf 1 i their word of honour IW not be with prisoner whom EVV were torturing and Two rebel J El- to night Humboldt I What ever opinion ra fonnedofthofarci expedition was ho receipt of who conversed They that ho camped on of tho larger inland that having I of ft oo Indian- it- bert district Winchesters J rounds of J So far aa can be about ta nnd Indian Albert district and captured in SwVi and a large number of w They have the heavy woods in to shelled out by J their knowledge of faro may prove They determined it fight to the having that having only tie ngedorshottb the latter they anticipate I worry the long campaign This command after M marching in which ort i and water reals hero toiwni to arrival of reiaf and Toronto Col On their over SO divided into lftSartilferymta mounted men will move with all possible speed It the guru will front the cannot take this week are from the roM for tifit ions Scouts from Prince J day cay that Col Irvine men including Mounted they ore the Otters brigade composed of J children who in a stale oft Our Stock Register of Mr travel mule year Crock ficolttna lie people up JIiack mi-ion- a iiirtor from Ioo by Mr Us will roinjiia tfi- iiu llib of Mr J A of North Sale Register TOEnAV April of liuvkineuUeta pruvriy of lliu Jr laku ptbcooulot Ulntbo 3rd of till next Janu ary Mima over Sly fur tfraln of lliiNfo tfal oclock Kavaiiagb Mr Win Ohm will of lmpliiieuU etc on in or Orchard Credit on over except fur Kroln lo one clock Junius Ancllonrcr Business Notices A met tut or ttiilKantQctnti Cam Mr Joint can tbat Jlitd Oil la Ilia rente that cur I la alio a lot till button WIUom Secret Out lllool lilt tbeboweti liver the and tbo blood and vigor Our ovtn make cut to I vory to Ibo of all who rare and In lliaftlfultarloi from a weak anil of drain on Hon during period of or the of In auch AC- your the been acblaved In modern baa been troatmanl Out of folly ninety per cent mal ady when it not aye per cent of tba regular practletooerrUn6flulwbllatbpatiit cure record a cure at alt now generally believed by the moil ids man thai doe to tho to adapted cure to their estorinlnation cured and ibo 1 queailonod by four ago ar No on atao man aver cured remedy la and at homo an araapedy permanent cure tba majority of the at one Hon King etreol and acclc Jottings from AW- Although It io Sharon from tc not lie Yet new hit at a Hi- to an J very few kajI The Literary Society an incut a both In of by vitiout era Mr Mourn called to after a few well re- called en the lor the SueeJ which wai a Mu ter CivotheMtth by Graham tailed Kiiil by Harry Ttuttn on the in honor of our by Mr by Mr Wm duett f Mr Fircrains by Mm Amu fuu by loembere by Mb Duett Tour try an I In r brother Harry Aunt I VWl by of Club by Play lute Will- Win him and I hare omitted a by our Mr A to a by th who as nun called it coogrcAtou tb Society In forty and I locreuln of th firmer tapped bat received no relate yet Major and their to but aU Sunday here in itio Itlfbrciil sit ting April J for row Queens Own of O company of school of infantry and A battery rebels ami are within rane A battle is expected lit once ami men are eager for the fray There is great anxiety to know the result April 13 a ID OUriens regiment composed of York Itangera ami the Simeon rtxejved in structions this morning to proceed in haste to Calvary It is thought here that government has received bail news from crossing of hostile bands from United States con and then is no doubt that the condition of in Southern Man itoba is of gravest possible char acter via Touchwood Hills April 13 General has success fully crossed the Salt Plains ami it is believed may be attacked any moment A just conio in from the districts reports that insurgents are in forco a short distance in advance and that Kiel has announced his intention of light- in to tho bitter end April 1230 A courier scout who reached last night from Albert re ports seeing Indians many of them mounted at Point Wood on Swift Current trail twenty miles south of also on finding laro deposit of supplies on re serve When tho troops encamped last night is ISO mites from whore they expect to reach on unless they a battle with Kiel garrison can hold out till then if Pitt under Hear do not reach there before the troops health of both citizens and the troop in the barracks is good death of child is announced and birth of two since fort was besieged The Hay post cast of Frog is threatened Twenty live lice and ten settlers with Hudson men are besieged there but are armed and provisioned and hold out till relief arrives Fifty tonics gone from to aid tho Indians in the west The battalion from London were at last night ft is said that ice along the north shore is getting bail and it will scarcely be possible for other troops to follow named A strong has been or ganized at near by Wm late Captain of the Montreal Arms will be applied for at once as post is in vicinity of a number of Indian settlements A band of 1 Indians passed near there lost night about midnight going west All earned ritles and no wo men wore with them They were fol lowing nouo of regular trails The report that flen will neither allow Hon Mr Royal nor coin mission to interfere or treat with rebels except through him and subject to his orders gives great satisfaction to both the troops and people April Wo marched Ji miles today through mud and and at last are out on the Salt Plains men stand inarching wonderfully well Wo reach Humboldt tomorrow night and General says ho will push on at Clark Crossing to and fight Irvine keeps telegraphing Albert that- it la folly for to push on with his present force as oven if he join him which is doubtful tho rebels would outnumber -Middle- tons force- is ninetyone end a half from our present tamp and as it is three days of a forced march from it Would bo possible to reach by night terror are i rations except as to beef fotou the Carrot river route no Jirij is experienced reaching from here the distance chief and Mr Mncdowll mill owner left for prince night by thu route named is reported to three feet within the last at least including Sioux Indians arc joining him every day now on his way to join says that every man he lias will to death General expects his to about Thursday it is after at upon rebel Crossing fccouts of the already legun to the icoj i Kiel observed the a short en latest courier to Humboldt to Saturday night t provisions are short and will two weeks April York Rangers Col this Tho Col jrl commanding has West The Battalion here but two liU on to- row halting at fort The of this in this locality is much needed y Indians around here fort April troubles in this province pie here are not excited and is going on rapidly and scalo titan last season a hoping for plentiful huvtit heavy demand is anticipated Winvipi April 14- The Council has the place to credit of the some of to be tor relief of families who been called to J front News from Writ the prospect of Gen MM- having a brush with Sat unlay Col Irvine will posed make a sortie from with police and in rear of the enemy the troops reach ECOUls that Wf runners who fonl promise the from that nation not The Bed Deer Urs at Calgary escape a April noon a J piercing cries of anguish start in tire vicinity of and Tenth avenue and sands of men women into he streets J3 caused by fall of a re Jg five storey buildings on fourthstorey in a sudden thaw before storey was reached and baa taken down The bidden to carry hoiuescrac left by carpenters By the orders these were to used in walls to save bricks put in by Jr When general thaw set ta began to weaken and steps to brace them up from both that they would stick WSj J tho roofs could bo put on walls could bo rebuilt walls o re-uui- stood thus for ft week heavy warm of completed work 1 Ing completed thaw This morning itv three houses at the west asset end building wore and thirteen

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