tfrV v r NEWMARKET KB A APRIL School the Firth ItfiLfKMird Aart lit rJt or- Sear Scai lit Csi tea Sod it Clui lit 2nd Pbillip put fif Cllt 2nd Sri 1st Leon- Snljtr in Its for Starch Stl Fcatta IrtJM Bait- 3rd Lin feoSor Third CUm lit Elite A Third lit fin Coot lit A Cl 3rd Part of CIu- lit fcIBiddPMillp Cecil Jqp din First tit TVs ion Adsuj 2ri Edu can dartSR March wiHJyffr3 A itr Adiv asf A Cm Cock Lottie of who Law attended da for the put A ud Lottie Hoi of hare day Edvid Lcco J Albert of prtieat In any for the months Why the the We want all eeonomieal Buyers who appreciate I I P values to inspect our entirely and very attractive stock of Wall Paper within three months We have rolls of the most beautiful paper ever seen Dont delay but Come early and select your patterns before the stock is broken Fion fftraid A reflection moat the reader that the ability to carry troops and supplies to the North west own country on our own roads is an immense an in- estimable to Canada In the first place the Canadian road is the shortest and most direct route to the As was pointed out in the House of Commons the Canadian road much the safest Great Britain has bitter enemies in the United States who do not make nice discriminations between what is purely Canadian and what is Imperial In fact we have had these enemies invading Canada and killing Cananian subjects and yearly tnreatening us with dynamite and murder Those gentry in United States would have ample op portunity to wreck the trains contain ing reinforcements for the Canadian with theia favorite ex plosive Even if resort vas not had to dynamite- there are many Fenian sympathize re working on United States railways any one of whom might easily arrange to a train load of Canadian militia through a or place on the track without being suspected It would be unueccssarily rash to expose our citizen soldiers to this danger is far from being an imaginary one We all know that there is no desire in Canada to add unnecessarily to the risks- and dangers which the soldiers have to encounter and are equally certain that the relatives anil friends of the men will infinitely prefer to tee them go by a route which is known to be safe as well as speedy And these statements may be made without casting tho slightest reflection on the Government of the United States who may be willing to have our troops pass through their territory- but who cannot possibly guarantee them against accident or outrage Table of of the will find the of at I MIL kuiiCjjLif icuLKci Hill to via Llfaiitg lioc 3 to ivs yuAiitllo to to iiitTcu Hilts in tot BOOK NEWS DEPOT C NORRI pis ami POPULAR SETLERS TRAINS WILL BE RUN THROUGH TO MANITOBA NORTHWEST BY THE LEAVING TORONTO 24th APRIL 1st Free SUopera No Hotel Bills Bonded Through Special these will be enabled to to their Stock on Apply to J ROBERTSON AGENT FOR NEWMARKET CHEAPER THAN EVER ft if FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES A SMITH The ox plosion of a vulcanizing Mr I Dentist of on his blew the nil to inllietiMl injuii- on jHrfOl and diph theria prevalent in v and child had just left the refill or fatal injury to them would likdy the Albion Hotel was burned Saturday morning Two persons were to lister of tho proprietor and a hoarder juuiped from the second storey window was found guilty of on by jury at St Catharines for causing death of lib employer Alfred of Grantham Farmers take heed and pay up your insurance At the Court held in Ayr Mr Jan Curry of fcuid the North Dumfries Iiisuranco for four yean of on amounting to over badly scorched Jlalancu of the hoarders escaped with great difficulty This trial created considerable inter in their clothe est in tin ihe do- was a very A Good Little Boy Two litilo gov a quarrel and one of them to the other If it for your ina Uch a wojiian Id tear your you dare I to it because your ma would have to mend and i want to put her to any trouble leciuw gave me two the other day An with Mine grown up people ihr way to a lie4 through accounts for the fact that people wont pay due to the isjtd except at a tea meeting otter JJIuq received a dry looking repoitoH Canadian yet the title of the various documents enumerated About ft num ber of French officer of whom the principal was the Count do grants of amounting in Oak twenty or thirty wilts north of Toronto and of these fifteeu only how reualnl One letter in tlie Volume it of peculiar interest to us from with this portion of On it narration by A lay Jesuit brother of the fearful end of the martyr Wrtboruf who along with tor- to by the remarkable that while the giant to four or hours torment who bat a bore it for twenty one hour acvi then Lad his skull by an Impatient Indian be ho would not die Cherry Pectoral fair He claimed that the not delivered at the right time withstanding that he met one pay on it and allowed the company to under the belief that were insurers for iImj full amuutttof his policy The verdict was given against policy Liiofsi with costs a or r tat Lai f I a U iLix i fit- J A In a vhfeb jfcifl up uSb rf A AJfS- a TO TO AO of Klog felt lit tff April Apply to A HOE Mewmarkit Farm Tor to lull the Norm of Con la acres aod In good Apily lo JOHN Villus TNorltiich Co- of properly In ho of hud Li polity or Will or I For fcpply to A Vivian lot a In ib Luii of It a good brick and oilier Two Well of to ply fjowtuiiratl TO RENT for of my a lu aiu jour J vr Jwy Croup A jttrtotilVAiljiktn III with It if be frm wH lb of KaHjWi a In j IN M i It mi uiUut lf tfiiiV Kioni J J jou ci lip lately occupied by Jlchott A to AND H Main adjoin- l Apply tj our faliririvii atKMMantr5V Weil St Ahy In for V to piowwa for tr irft a fAkt March Iittlffr4forUM i I by of r racier a pTatw of KKCTumf I it fcr I bait Of an Of tc Ara CRrtv K70iu tad afwff 4UU4 Lot JOHN ARM 1Olt hnlf In Urn Am of enquire at IT I ATKINHOW ftAIiIJ- I Howard for to con- Hit AppljbJ ARE SHOWING THIS WEEK ass W I COLORED SILKS PRINT c AT- REFORMER BLOCK NSW DRESS GOODS Prices it if GOODS BUILDING HARDWARE NAILS LOCKS BOLTS C PAPER TAR FELT CARPET FELT FORKS 4 and TINES AMMUNITION CARTRIDGES CARTRIDGE CASES SHOT POWDER BAR IRON STEEL SHEET AND HOOP WHITE LEAD BOILED AND RAW OIL MACHINERY OILS AND AXLE GREASE BoilerCleaning COMPOUND TERMS CASH JAMES MM BISCUIT FACTORY I OK A BISCUIT of Co Toronto Wo are prepared to all who may favor with a call with SODA SULTANA WINE BISCUITS AT PRICKS TO SUIT SOL AT- I END STORE Vrir NEWMARKET EALT So say the Board of Health ACRES IN KING I It A j on J Sot Hi In itiy i flckiii J Jill A on in J TO HIM Or J KM of hi I In 1 rLhr IfJIMIo I KUf Twuiti COMrOHKl of of In of III JJ flrt IoIUa two a ruiritilber LutbnlNlni Aftti a ujn ina of well cn enquire Mr KcukLry For Ad And for of Bread Rolls Scons calces confectionery c TO ROBERTSON BROS DYSPEPSIA AND ALL KINDRED COM- IQ PLAINTS A LEFT making nHlinnllHIl DnUOi their Celebrated NonDyspeptic Bread Cakes THE STALLIONS Milesian ORIOLE HASH FOR AT FOR SALE LI iftatthm of filqttufiibCon At lh I 10 It i neon rocillljroijfhlboXowo All very low ktl lo OWM OAK RIDGES turn Aincrlgj tJ on IhUCooiTntni or In tflcJedlooniewooAbfototu RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE Stock I LOW log A Word to he Wise is SuHicient VIclorlnTAjmiDla CENTRAL FURNITURE for DttMCek Are CtoieJ ibuomce lit Pel Via Ktw York el Ullfutfeatfcliri At are from TbmntoaudNKJL tin a wiiit tibaroQ Km- from to tfty Cj Aim or loSiilA iW the United Bump ft Cards for Acy yA no extra cannot 1 In Of lfrvLj i card but aotoUfrid Lei tar be puled or a cent tot for each The above Id tannot torUJ tOlhelcadlUcrpc eleoll paid double Iheamount of will be charged on delivery leaded be relilered place In be LnadiJIIIiatolbepuinjera the United litrailon fee on all letter for of leuenilor l before the of On all and eluding ill a ad jrMai I tbo rale one wet jr J which to jrte United Kingdom b cr HOOK PACKETS DM limit or for rtrifj lDflo Canada I A to loryeiyJt vboiipuUd ID be y rateotonrrnlper4ouucef loAdniUiaUc- by of of by exceed ounces I- parcel in nor WJ of paroel be forwarded wlilehexceedaln A of J Money eat red u j too cod ft JlolvU VI AND WP- i of North of Toronto and fob to Em tSJM WILL DROPSY JAUNDICE erysikus OttDEREB WORK A SPECIALTY CALL AND US SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE w