-i- Friday Morning JACKSON AT THIS TO KNOW TO TO LIBERTY- lll i I j SSI I Cm Isl f NORTH YORE fitSc res ftBwjnABKEfr Branch J Vol XXXIVNa Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket OntV Friday April I Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year AOENERAX Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED ATA sit AT ALL Note Celled NEWMARKET INSURA AGENCY INSPECTION AND INSURANCE P T LEE seen Tfrn1B4 to Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons Nursery 7FCEIS J- STORE ING -AT- J Cr JOBVTSTOHE9 Toronto p lB CoaTeyftnter on A US l Ontario J A FOR Fire and Lire CompanUi iiOHZX TO WAS AT PEP CENT on flrstclua THOMAS BBADLEY PnpcrXfansr miner Ac- ALL TIE AT PRICES THAT CANNOT HELP BUT PLEASE NS fiiH AND FANCY WORK e Q- ROBINSON la Ac Loan ft first door AUCTIONEER For the County of yq for on band t percent SOLICITOR it rtrOR ONTARIO Block- MONRVTO LOAN rill T IN A Cbin Block Money to Loan mi can be time ale left t she Era to ALBION HA SKI St for pail favour while Id florae to notify them Albion Hotel opjUe the and propose a flrtclf wilt be lo all old HOLUEKNEBd A Seattle Hotel COOKS BILLIARDJARLOR AND CIGARS AND TOBACCOS CIGARETTES PIPES FANCY GOODS a SOUTH OF POST t Reduced Bale l Call Early Price are Low JONES A EVANS DIRECTOR jOppotlio Iho Etc raOmce nut- a flHllBlll OF CANADA OHHTAh AI Hat thy CHAN A TKKBTi all timet INTEEEST ALLOWED OK -DRAFTS- ISSUED BRITAIN AMI IN CANADA Notes Discounted LITTLE BINDER OUTS en or REAPERS Mowers AND ItEAlt CUTS The While Threshing AND TUB Rennie Ditching Machines CHAIN SPRING HORSE RAKE A3 0 STOKES An April day the all with clouds bright of rain seemed to braid themselves with the sunbeams and of southward coming air seemed fall of the vogue of daffodil and grass grow ing green on sunny hillsides Hiram sat by his city the air lifted the hair upon his forehead and thought of the when he dwelt under bit vine and fig tree and watched the dancing with greedy eye Marian he said in bis feeble piping voice Marian dont you think we might a little walk in the park this afternoon J air is so f so tired of those four walls Marian looked up from her desk at farther end of the room She was a slender pretty girl of seven or eight aud twenty with large soft eyes brown hair and checks By and by dear father flho said gently when tho gets a little lower And once more eagerly resum ed her writing the pen flying swiftly over the smooth surface of tho paper as if it were winged with speed Hiram turned to his wife I who sat patiently sewing opposite to him Wife said he apple trees will be in blossom at the old farm soon you remember bow the white leaves used to shower down oh tho ground like a snow storm I The old farm if I could have ended my days there he added with a weary sigh Here Im a poor weakly old man and nobody nurses me or cares for me in the city whirl but there every is a friend of mine and the very among the branches sounds familiar in my ears Its no use thinking about old times dear said his wife sighing al most If I could have been contented to let those oil speculations alone sumed Hiram eagerly I could have bought them a month only a month earlier But I was mad and wo are ruined landlord was here this morning persecuting us because the rent of this room wasnt paid I never thought I should come to this His wife made no reply Marian still wrote brow slightly con tracted Still wo would done well enough went on poor old if Marian could mode up her mind to marry young He is well out- we old folks could have had a homo with him with our feet on green grass and a pure clear sky above our Its not too late yet lass was hero yester day when you and your mother were down to those musty old newspaper offices Youd better think of it my Marian looked up tossing back the drooping hair from her brow Marians cheek glowed at this un deserved taunt but sho made no re ply Fathers not well said to herself and hes old and irritable and his hot weather frets him will bo better when And there Marians reverie stop ped The air was full of tho sweet breath of new mown hay when tho open car- rolled along the green country rustling boughs of elm and beach and waving willow Hiram lacks brightened the Wood seemed to le3p with now im pulses through his Ah ho cried drawing a deep breath now I am beginning to again Why this is the old road with gnarled oak hanging over gate Them are fields that used to bo ours Daughter why did you toko this I thought you would like to see the old place again father It isnt ours any longer ho cried those clover fields I always said it was the best ground in the countryand the tall com grow ing so loyally And house looks just tho it used to look I believe it is the very same robin singing in poplar tree by the porch His eyes brimming over with tears his voice sounded strangely as he spoke Who lives hero now 1 ho asked You said Burke bad sold it Nobody just at present Shall we go in and walk through rooms Hiram Lacy assented with a silent nod of the head It was all tho the old furni ture undisturbed in its nooks and cor ners worn family carpet same tinting of wall and woodwork Hiram Lacy could almost believe that it was but yesterday ho quitted threshold He sat down in the old cushioned arm chair which was once his special chair I shall die more contentedly for having seen the dear old farm house Fond Lac Wisconsin Who will to sure Mr a Father said PROF Id proprietor avti4U in Mil J a of Market ire Kefl circular AQKaSTil Baking r H Powder Powder Made Hi I- ffi ami by Mlilrl brurllclAl TAKES THE LEAD THE It over WORM POWDERS OM aQl SIMPSONS it flifrht flour Jo Oppoaito the Hotel- lu CARD OF I Hit of Ihe tn kc- Inf Jii tut In Pure Drugs and Chemicals Bluffs ArilcmnI IVrfurntrr and rtflc lJ tLMjlliKtberolvloftho fttiiiiSti4 of M of ItWffvld Mr WltJti yittrw JVfr HAS fc- of It avittbn win HORSE MEDICINES and by in fyt I tip V Mr J ft rat Murphy vtr pr1ndi I If A CO tYHotU Of ftsifrtti of Ifctt win pal Id way of la tUa at quired aid lien Fit I- Ins the w IMt not II lpfcjr pirlratribaorwrttln Kail tic to- an who V 4 IT IN FANCY GOODS I in our r Contain It a tUMtrojtr la CbUdinior PILLS A tcut Ariat act upon Ifctt wri at- to iLc by Ittcludlug a of utter all of ftfo a remedy Ibci6 Pill pb lb regular prao- In by medical ap wmiouthj of abtotnltljr from A Headache are luTaluab aud art I bait a ftutferer from arid jur tbt only 1 to tor relief will mora IvtfcU fro Jb art oil to at to In Co to Is Pit Jlki it- JVa I Pilu Ifutaxc4j by acd to fall to ibcdtlrcd at a family It art lot 4ubt to iua UcdJ tart nut baUt hJT -I- tttrttrt Kt ijAfclUAOK IflKOdUfi to It- A w AltutAtvery Jnra KAptc Vie Slipper Moil VaaToy strath to that atretic pCeaad you Mf Pipes Ambers and yi Me arrival utajiQ of lit appt- action gift toco and vigor to pbjaJttl DpaJOAyerCoLowelKMiH WO MO MIDDLE- All W rt r Of 1UCM have told you that I do not love him Love I love echoed old man snceringly Lovo wont boil kettle nor buy a gown I thought you had outgrown the ago of school girl sentiment I hopo I shall never outgrow it father answered Marion in a low voice And you ftro waiting for love to grow up in your heart your poor old father and mother may their Jives out In this city smelling den I hopo not father said Marian My writing I dont wont to another word of your writing interrupted Mr Lacy If it hadnt been for your ridiculous idea that weroagenius you would have settled down to bo John wife five years ago Marian pursued argument no further but her mothers gentle en couraging glance as looked up mutually testified that had at least one sympathizer And April violets blossomed and died and hung her of bloom on tree glen and forest and still Marian toiled early and fathers words often occurred to her at times of fatiguo or desponden cy a genius Was she indeed a genius If were oh bright im possible if every sacred fire of her nature was burning on altar of this book into which was inter weaving fancies of soul or brain oh if I And Marian grow and moro absorbed day by day and her mother watched her with wistful and silent can and old Hiram fretted on with incoherent plaint of old ago and the summer ripened into golden full ness under beamy moonlight nights end glow of tropical day Its getting warm weather groan ed old Hiram and this wa ter isnt fit for let alone a Christian Oh if I could only a drink of water out of old under garden wall It used to be as cold as ice when the sun was at its hottest I dreamed last of standing that- v old brimming and wild roses hanging over the curl all in a tangle as they used to grow Father said Marian who had just come in with checks unwonted- rosy and a light sparkling deep down in shall we all go you and I and mother or a long In the country old mans lighted up for an instant but it again Wo sHord it no said testily wo aro poor cos money IJut I earned a a from my book began Marian eagerly Rook Indeed laughed old Hiram A pretty book youd write Hut well go If you can afford to squan der moniy on your old Youve vcryclocJ won- once mora ho said in a broken voice Father cried Marian unable to restrain herself any longer you shall never leave it It is homo to you I Home repeated old Hiram in a voice It was home once I Know but And it is home now cried Ma rian throwing her around his neck and bursting into tears Tell him mother I cannot Marian Is the one who has bought it father said the old lady with fond maternal Her book has published and it was a great success and she took money to buy the old farm back for her father and mother to end their days In Old was silent for an in- then he laid his hand on Ma rians bowed My daughter he said you have kept the fourth commandment and God will bless you for it his own good timo I never dreamed of this when when I was so cross and Unreasonable with you Hut who is as a the thresh old and a tall noble looking man en tered from another door One of our new neighbors perhaps there have been many new changes since I lived here No father said Marian growing rosy as pinks hi the garden outside its Mr one of the publishers of the new book Im glad to see you sir said Hiram Lacy with old fashioned cour tesy and Im glad you girls writings I do sir very much said Mr frankly and moreover I girlso well that I am hero this afternoon to ask you to give her to for my wife ton here last night to ferry at this point No rebels been seen We have had wet weather for post two days and it has with a strong gala blowing in face of the troops This has marching very difficult- N April 17 The Edmonton stage did not arrive yesterday reported It was a rig full of settlers from Mr Gaels colonization company who abandoned their homesteads There are fears that has been at tacked Captain Steels scouts start north tonight and will try to discover what has happened to tho stage This force will go to the Red Deer Crossing miles north They will be proceeded by Hot Mr with four faithful acting as an advanced guard of scouts The officer has instruction to take possession of settlers house near est crossing of Red Deer and fortify and hold at all hazards until arrival of main force Tho mounted rifles will leave as soon as possible Captain Cotton at Port was sent orders yes- to send a detachment of Mounted Police from to Col- with one ninepounder gun and this detachment together with twenty Mounted Police from Beaver Creek will leave as soon as possible for Edmonton Cap Cotton has received instructions not to await the arrival of Col Smiths company from Winnipeg detailed to garrison but to have Inspec tor Terry forced marches from there The Battalion under Col with the rest of Colonel Smiths Battalion and part of the Al berta Mounted Rifles wiljadvanco to McPhersons coulee on Monday next General Strange will com- in person is twenty miles north of Calgary Reports from the Red Deer River country say small hands of ore wandering about fully and settlers Lieut- Car- gill with ten of Oswalds scouts went north there this morning Edmonton is north of say kec doers ftftor an inetants fays Oh Mr dryly this reason John It is of I Iwliovf Mr And thus in striving out tho hupsnrHs of her found tins great gift anil sun shine of her own life here was a heavy snow storm here last night the severest this win ter and it is very cold Numbers of the 65th Montreal are under arrest for plundering the stores of their including whis key and will be tried by court mar- ordered to bo held by Strange and ft mounted policeman is under arrest for to shoot Lieut- Colonel Hughes of tho April It is ex pected that General ad vance column with one gun will hereon Saturday A relief party will at once bo or ganized and sent to Fort Pitt Noth ing has Inard from that placo since 3rd from which it is infer red that it still holds out for had thero been further outrages commit ted some intelligence would reached us of their occurrence It is estimated that 1000 head of cattle and COO head of horses carried oft by the tier Instructor Paynes body was chopped up after murder and thrown around tho barnyard of reserve Instructor is a prisoner with PoundMaker number of within the stockade is now souls Winnipeg April 17 A despatch from Medicino Hat this re port that a band of hid left their reserve and started on the warpath It is also reported from sumo source that MI Woods will rise In a body on war should tho under Gen bo worsted in first encounter with may take place tor are no troops and only x Mounted at Medicine This is the region through which fogitivea aro sure to escape Jo United if a is suf fered by them on the Saskatchewan Gupaawo W Apr troops arrived on banks South Saskatchewan at this place at oclock this forenoon A flying column with Oca Middle- Fifteen thousand rounds of Win Chester and ridges arrived by train at Calgary yes terday volunteer who took part in the Duck Lake fight confirms first re port that the rebels were three hun dred strong and were concealed in the house and in the woods They wero not discovered by tho till they verb withiu fifty yards Dur ing the parley an Indian attempted to wrest a rifle from a policeman and was shot This the opening of tho fight which lasted minutes house where the rebels con cealed was not discovered until after tho fight commenced Cannon were immediately brought to hut un fortunately in loading polico put in shell without powder thus render ing the gun useless volunteers remained standing the police fought lying down hence the greater loss of the former If on Lawrence Clarke fought bravely during the strugglo while many were kill by his side Prince Albert dead remained on for seven days when sent a messenger to the police to come for them but tho latter refusing messenger himself removed them The rebels captured fifteen rifles and about rounds of ammunition Tho Indians robbed the dead of two gold watcher but Kiel has to them re turned April 18 of the campaign appeared this afternoon in the of three- of White Kind captured by a reconnoiter- ing party of forty mounted men under Lord They are two sons of Cap and a soninlaw but of them are of imjiortnnce Tho Indians were headed oil after an eightmile by Captain John French who despite their guns two doublobarrellcd shotguns loaded with buckshot and a inches ley with them until rest of the troops surrounded them when the Indian surrendered Thoy were brought to camp and interviewed by Gen Middtctou They say left Kiels camp at east side five days ago and that Cap with all his lodges of Sioux ref uges from Minnesota in Of halfbreeds were poorly armed Nino lodges of Teton Sioux are on east sido with Kiel and five lodges on the west side hero are some lodges and Indian but they do not number more than Kiel has divided his men into fighting bauds of ten each Gen asked oldest of tho prisoners what ho would do if ho were allowed to return to stores and goods they wanted and burned a number of Royal Grenadiers arrived at pm today in a blinding snowstorm having been almost con tinuously on the tramp since leaving station They an enthusiastic reception from the already in camp men are in ex cellent health One private Beany was left Touchwood being ill with congestion of the lungi is forty railed northwest of us and all accounts agree that of his men ore deserting him but suffici ent force remains to make a stand So far as can bo seen how there is no reason to change the opinion that Indians not will give the most serious to all the expe ditions Gen naturally doe3 not tell his plan of attack on since the latter gains information with facility but Genera risk his men as as possible and trust largely to artillery to pun ish the rebels The main settlements of the fortified church are within good range of the ninepounders from west aide Thirty days provisions have gone foreword to Col Otter Tbo troop3 of second division at Swift Cur rent aro Ml in excellent health steamer now at Cross ing and which assisted in Col Otters transfer will make an effort to carry supplies for Gen Crossing Difficulty is experienced in passing the sandbars at the Elbow The crews of steamers and barges said to refuse to go down the Saskat chewan unless the troops accompany them Col Otter with Mounted Police C Company Mounted Artillery of the Ottawa Guards will make a dash across the prairie to travelling forty miles a day they revcli in four days The Queens Own and other Infantry corps with the Gov body guard will fol low up as a force Stations have been arranged at miles In tervals over route to The main body of the will move miles a day Over100 teams are employed in service Four April It is rumored that hit ion of Kiels force is moving to cut off the supplies on route between Gen and Tho York and been ordered to keep the route open and depots being formed of two com panics each at 20 apart Companies of the York and Siniojoo Battalion stationed at the crossing under com mand of receiv ed orders lost night to immediately News from the Border join the of the regiment at Fort QuAppelle The from Clarkes Crossing would indicate that a battle may oc cur any day between and the troops as former still de fiant The trail has lcen found very bad in some places The Bat talion waded two coulees with water up to their waists manfully and cheered as they crossed streams of the men are sick rainstorms made it uncomfortable for the troops in the tents Despite this the weather is warm and balmy giving every indication of spring that ho would to Whito Cap and tell not to whites then told him to go Ho leaves as soon as da comes and will tell all Indians that tho troops not come to them but to punish halfbreeds whoarein insurrection severely end to hang all who murdered whites or been accessories to such murders The Goner fur ther told messenger to tell the Indians that should receive- five hundred dollars reward rescue of any of so von prisoners now In s hands and proportion ately for of alb In dians will probibly act in good faith A scout from reached Gem Middleton here and reported no immediato danger The Indians raided South all The York Rangers Afrit Another contingent of voluntcprs arrived from the east this morning force comprises hmidred and sixty five rank and file foruiing eight companies composed equally of the York Rangers and the Foresters The oilier is as follows M P convoand- ing officer Major Junior Major LieutCo ham Adjutant Ward Quartermaster Smith Acting Thomson Surgeon following are tho company officers of 12th battalion Cap tains Way ling Thompson Brooke Smith Lieutenants Floury Allan Suther land battalion Graham Lieutenants Len nox Burnett Wanting and Ramsey Tho officers are not given by com panies as the latter are reformed and various changes made OF THE have been similar to other troops who came by the Lake Superior divi sion but despite discomforts at tendant upon several fatiguing marches battalion impresses one very creditably The men are a ro bust their snd deportment irreproachable have been on road lino nine days having left Toronto a week Thurs day last At bay they over took battalion but were delayed by limited transport accommodation weather for many days Was wet and cold and almost impassible Al though sinking deep in mud march of miles was made in eight hours and NOT Or a record which the battalion points to with pride Ho sickness or acci dents of any kind occurred and the body In splendid spirits Upon hero men fur nished breakfast at tho P It din- To Editor ftMs Sis of Its toterut la lbs of lbs la ifc method of of few of I a who on Kit of art hi Col forces Col to of titof ibo district troop lm iriUrely somsutj bar of of this ststo to rebel airing pui sUtf to of tbo Army ha Ms on tbo iter la log sad Neb Of mod m Qo Terry of Id to his to the lockout for rebels to eroes frontier will deprived of their arm sod horse tbo border Should they come u refugees dill be disarmed sod kept la I hive it from good authority tost mm- of Aid are la trying tossduca the at tbe Rose Bad Agencies to them la their rebellion They are alio negotiating for Indian ponies to Indian as pontes are and can undergo great hud- ships and hunger and to ihm any breed of Ibat pitKire I a of my -a- of ihc of eliman iiik Toronto will lo fto J ll fc procure propel Your Jons Ft Aprils IMS- tt fro Sir who not content nod a in to prevent mi from flffecIiDg my i of lint me ly toil filthy my of fcJ but to litter or tbr floit It unPtsWUlr to within llio rjfli in to the of ilce of I Ita re the coura my will bo ail3iif a by lot of J property tax ao l Ana iu to fair I respectfully Thomas aKWSBiCAWLKr Indications wellIn for still point to tut war preparations continue with uo energy Several mors were Into to day Itie now chsrtered t to be cruiiers of litis art is tended for Pacific la as to lb In of Anglo- war had iatertlerrs within tho put few days with Prince Khan the Pet- Minister and It sitd thut the special sabject the ex- Amur Ayoub If then Is to no war with Ayoub cannot be at longer ft Is becoming quite ye iter ally believed that arrest the ex Ameer a mere blind and that he will soon or to his A number of eightyton guns at being to Hong and other sta tions Chin Geo Kxniroff that all ihe frontier posts iluislso occupy their ill I to April Tbe Eiuiian ya Russia go to war at present The lit teal atme5pher of Europe not for a campaign against England A heavy nations debt tho of and trade and floanclai lures sbotr tha lime is Inopportune to be with any one ing Mr ft who is soldiers friend doing with his staff to the men coiofortablo In battalion aro a number of old mounted force who are to a detachment for service as Goo Moons residence in Bradford and ex tracted Imperial pensioners paid warned that in event of war between England end Russia all under fifty may bo called on to sorvtv veterans receive with great satisfaction- An de struction by dynamite of tho public works in Canada reported- to have been formed in and canals are first points by Ihodynamit- ers 13 Murray of was up before a bench of on Tuesday charged by tbe Inspector with being drunk and He pleaded guilty and was fined which was supplemented with costs amounting to Bradford During tho Fenian Raid a sum of money was subscribed in Brad ford for tho purpose of assiating tho wives of Volunteers who at- time went to the front to defend the interests of our country Of this was not appropriated It was consequently deposited in the- Standard and ay- certain num ber of gentlemen appointed as Trus tees to look after it The principal and interest now amounts to At a meeting of tbe Trustees held it was arranged that a certain sum per week should bo paid to wives of Volunteers who to the