iA t NEWMARKET ERAv APRIL -I88S- On Active Service THE TO TBI 4 for On tario Company Infantry and from Own and GoL Otter Jon Foot Captain -Toad- of London Battalion and mpniei of York and Since composed of to from th a7tb tod A P Big Col P Tee Field Bitter Jar Winnipeg Rifle troop of Captain A Troop Corps and the Pro riBciil Breaker An Corps composed of J in Ontario lie following tire to be raiwd la Manitoba and for ABiHilion at Han command LieutColonel A Battalion at Winning cder of Scott ACcapsnjit Company at Captain Wood Rocky iJcEtiin Rangers Captain Major A at A at Char A cotnpany at Calgary A Company at York town Thomaa A at QaAppelLa CapUio want all eeonomieal t appreciate values to inspect oureritirely new and very stock Wall Paper three months rolls of the most beautiful I But the undersigned will continue to manufacture his CELEBRATED Dont delay but S W SULTANAS AS FOR THE WHOLESALE AND TRADE Merchants and Provision Dealers throughout this section of country will find a great vantage iu from me as I am supplying a firstclass article much Come early and select your patterns before the stock is broken BOOK NEWS DEPOT The Minneapolis School Fur niture Co Among the tiotia of which de- chronicling is be Minneapolis School Furniture Company o which A convent is to bo built in A public meeting at has decided to an School house and instructed the Trustees ac cordingly Mr Alex lumberman of Aurora has made an assignment to Mr for the benefit of his creditors A Panic was caused among the audience at a matinee performance in Montreal Tuesday by an explosion of gas on the stage which caused a false alarm of Fortunately noth ing more serious than the crushing of OR HALS OR TO LET t OR TO LET tare wh of Joi6uuldtbe of to J LOWE Kingston Board of Trade in asking the Grand Trunk author ities to better ac commodation for the city merchants theaaraenttfiprivUigts as given to Montreal Samuel in where case the coroners jury returned a ver dict of Jus homicide for shoot ing Alex- Mcintosh at ISt- Thomas on was to trial for murder at tlifriicxt tS Mr- Barker of Sharon who loft his homo last winter remained away then returned He week at tho instiga tion of his wife on a choree of of unsound An examination Jjarkcr to all and hi was charged Wednesday last Mr Stephen of drove to Toronto and disjinj his drove to the place where he stops driving into yard he that of his hones was fcick- He unhitch the once Ut had ha rely done so when it drop It was an for lu had refused mini hut a few days previous Ban John Paulson is president and a few ladies resulted sod vice 1 dent and superintendent It just coraplcting at considerable cost a large factory which besides the main threestoried feet also includes a feet foun dry and a feet of which are of brick as well as extra dry kilns adapted for all kinds of lum ber and capacity of feet at once of features of the new companys manufacturing will be the Patent Challenge School Heat chief lions of be arc it is durable and less liable to get Out of repair than any other feat in mar ket while it ha the advantage of taking so that a larger of pupils can be accommodat ed on these seats in a given space could be on any other The only objection to it would teem to be it works so delightfully that pu pils will bo tempted to spend their time ill rising up and down in their instead of at tending W their lessoni Mr Pere grine Gently obtained the contract for the furnishing of seats to the whole of new High School building at Tint too when he bad three of the best seats in the United States in against him Mr Peregrine is already iu posses sion of other for various iin- in school furniture and ha sixteen that for the Seat now pending One of these for a pa tent adjustable desk to be affixed to the which can or lowered to the amount of or inches for convenience reading and writing One point about the now will at once com mend it to who have profited by bitter of other As that it can never to much raiwd to act as a from the teachers Another advantage in tho adjust is that it can taken seal at pleasure so that school room can be for lecturing or other purpose without any change chain this it will bo seen that the rw company in with a good drrd in itfl favor It going in work in a thoroughly way and has peculiar and exclusive manufacturex one of which at the received the of official Approval Under these cumbtaucej it thau likely to he a and Paul ton arid are to play no sfjiall in the furniihji of the A Minneapolis and the in future sir water acid SILVER ARM TO 3 Acres Iftf or fall plowed April Apply A GROCERIES AT REFORMER BLOCK NEWMARKET THAN TORONTO PRICES Consumers will Save Money- by Asking their Grocers for Baileys BREAD CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY OF FIRST QUALITY FAMILY At Prices to Suit the Times This branch of the Bakery continues to increase in popularity and is an evidence that Quality ib combined with Quantity fill IS A TEE BAILEY TO BENT TO BIUCK STORE lately occupied to Applr by mill you win a of Uric you WorkltutiTlJlfl once you than In America- AH ftbout Ihe iMl 1X- all ei fur Urn only a worker At own for all Jl Co a Mnlno STABLE bo Main Street 10 JOHN ALLEN Cor RESIDENCE- Motive tilled ToffQ of ow ill TO RENT- if of ill ilij fort JonrH of at ring from C0O to 000 of a rin to York WW jiroflUblc in a CSu Church MurklLin wblch thoroughly TCaFurribhcdi to i no rid Window ltj Mr A two It Atlciruon Mr If Mm Juidf One Alio In tntiflofy It firit fcrad rector Mr the it ftjtptcUd bo About the of the church Mint very and t Joy own had a from Major Lloyd of He had up his mind in a military to lay in a Ho cast his towards thocoiniJnydrill slud and a person spoke up Ho you have property for a skating rink this l yea it ia nice place for to enjoy on the itf 1 want you to fork over ten to Major do it who you the liberty to occupy itr I Vol Kvr it to a com nutter to take can of it The Major had to without his money Cor of Maimer April afternoon the oice hero Receiv ed a telegram from Hamilton a little girl of ilary Morton who had kid flapp ed on her way to this in that city Nothing child could Ik found this river so officer of On police crowed over and a Search on the American in Gliding the little jil in with an erjely York Central railway depot p ir to take train for Philadelphia whither the woman givtv name as ticketed returned with Or tr dive to Hamilton the little girl will rHtorl to her and the woman who kidnapped her to the rat llie Vtliiterii In to for Every HalfOunce or tut lUcrtUUtlf live lb HirKrani well a lh ir lie J A IMKTKIK lw Farmers Threshers ASH Save lour CM LARDINE MACHINE OILS Mb fact or Holt I BROS CO For ft J every Apply lo iho premier J Farm For to cult Half of Lot Coo i In lb Knit IMJ Apply to JOHN if FOR SALE WttV Hair of lol In Con Klnc Bui Frame kirn fiOI BUILDING HARDWARE NAILS LOCKS BOLTS C SHEATIN PAPER TAR FELT CARPET FELT FORKS and TINES lfci J l- A AMMUNITION ftoll fur nrther paniculate on lo the lfoirlclorontlj flit SALE to Vlllai or Co- of to feuldMt tea Loam la P li4 la with Uib ftud Will for For A CARTRIDGES CARTRIDGE CASES SHOT POWDER BAR IRON STEEL SHEET AM HOOP WHITE LEAD AND RAW OIL MACHINERY OILS AND AXLE GREASE BoilerCleaning COMPOUND TERMS JAMES ACOMMODATION Post Office bu from Arc Bifolbvi r Toronto a nil Aurora ylt Ufitti4veannJUriElc2 lic mi 1 ftutaFrlUyi Vlft Moiiaiyti I lUllfA S n STORE in of logMacfi- JUtbt Jaiii It a kooJ brick Two Wall of lUYmboo Office to AND OK Aurora It Jt i to not Li adopted to prowtit much on tvcijiriX neighbor hood of fuitay Iter of boy vhoc five on ah J in yard in of the mid the in It may thai many of have at id their parent think they It would for to their aa to on after fact uuEuneo be- ao that ynlca it by the or parent will to the nun of all who are In thy ha- Warren of largest Enterprises fct totr J a Ifofula in of IL tf acrf aobitlitt4dUt tfafrutcf Wcca Mr Lit a- bai fall tocfftclatadki Jr to Its til or en lit lltnU of ad iHi iifii IhrCU loop itaJlrtnlafftdaal rciintiit of No mas of by Mr lth fililcti allaj6 It 1 IrtlUHTO atJ ruAtt4 Mr iitwallf J LC cartful ftUttTallot dtdwi to ll toCkltft In to It for f Mi effect of lilrfi Salt fiori all Of all ti Id of k lo l Mai at at ttjfctb York tcntll of jmUnl to Ira Vvl4balDnU Coo 19 Ii Si v i V itfl for to n- of to JAtKKrtAJAOKl- Toronto ACRES IN KING Jjoird of tin the two aEloiiicj orchard a of wNtHil wtllftucoJ Mil ibo Mr- For BISCUIT FACTORY HAVING OK A of tnio Co Wo ftro prepared to favor call with SODA SULTAMA WINE BISCUITS AT TO SU IT THIS NEWMARKET AttbOQlceare duoAi It nip a Itlt- wick i DnlfM ftttrri r to iifri 1 r hjilroip or tbwl llxlbilucmnfr til or Hit hi Aitit4 j i aluDJrap- try- ft mi rtliftrt Ml rioyibictrsbt j or ft card for cent or or lu by IV i- MdboI ftlW of pVii when JUL ii to J MoOlWNfH tfOrth SALE lo tbp6lb fl fitn Alb All Mine I4iida anij7vredvIow la of Newmar ket- to Ptf WHO WANTS IT FOR SALE- OK TO LET A OK Tut J TOWN OP NEWMARKET Dwelling aoU out tablt mIJ bo And for tlio raid of Scons cakes Pastry confectionery ROBERTSON BROS So say the Board of Health DYSPEPSIA AND ALL COM PLAINTS HAVE LEFT SINCE BROS a Bread Cakes ETC ETC A Word to he Wise is SulTicient iiwwwtwwww go I 11 1 J If nil lie by illoit areKUH for fcreiholuAir Jo nil iwrirlSeii tbnn ftu tlio allrcitfpaf rtflfiJ IHbiO a which by KJnitoiii irtiall wws I1UOK if Tliallrnltnf for lwl in oilbVfftt lory to Victoria excetUnj m in r lie UNITKOMATrXIanfjiicfil7 Of IdfCPiiTJrfrp air of Ly and puce to fttiy w- ilia lltniuof in itirtbUorMaoHobjxtu in weight tint THE STALLIONS MILE SI AN ASU- taVca I pMtoitti inoQj ra4r I LJ3 oi ih at He limber out IUb l to would aocpl lo aatbacj ORIOLE WlM HAH if OAK RIDGES by hone ocf bur J It In In ln en Mitt CttnTiittjt now Jim WUJ y Va- It fir nJ To A to pJ careful a ood It THKOLJ-r- A L -ANJ- LEADING HOUSE FOR liaud Largest Stock of will low It pure but to lira ipu pE JoUSEj A ln l- it ll tajjKar J IWJT ALBERT j lib India ftlllcc from percent a tint lit Is pipurfrt IO id Parlor ind BedRoom Suits flritcifitvic1 tt05WJew1aljS AaJTwirlogOoAooliorteliiotlcaorJallVprlc OF ACIDITY Of DRYNESS BOUND TO BE UNDERSOLD i diiortarad W OR BLOOD ha h with oil to wo recti flrtlcUihr uoilout fuuvrl WI CURE OR JAUNDICE SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN rlon