Newmarket Era, 1 May 1885, p. 4

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1 ts raw MAYi FOREFATHERS Anient ARE THE INDIANS THE DESCENDANTS OF THE JAPANESE 1 I la lbs largely of did an Lave wo most tfco two to for of ranch u to tod origin of red by Lbs of embraced that J descendant of ft which At iota period of are theories peopled ttlfia lal lie wcL is thftt of lrA lb which group of to yrti I think anC la llio fcliel of group of coiijoralively Firo oven of very ttvcaat in A of account in tic frnjnipiio3 may if tbft raw which at day a Kxprto Dr Japan its the peculiarity of ttivhitctciro its form ijr ihnt tofldiog are iboou- rrl of a held op by to admit tb of An inJxJ accords ith thai originally a th roclbcJ by have try- I totVa jan rtroogtr Iban your famou wars fborei Of be Dai XIppoo Groat of Is the turo ftjick current by nari tic eirigatof it in It and tan appreciated It a veritable rirer in and for Japan it climate fr to TMlU of piscatorial Jamin eon- Japan principal of tbs world to that tbe Jdiaft3eMlkrfoaocle9ttttn it y tavo frCc have Wen alon itii for from anl r to Ctn tinjes tap lni again lo imtAjioi craft their woary on ironbound of or Alaska even fartber In wilo only tie of atfc of would on the little in Ltnvtj cod months of a pre carpus wbil god survived to tell mora natural iLat yean ago rneli away Co part of iLe fcfcciv land Rtd mountains Kith a rare American In It jbysically lift lane of I ai wilb the Atbcfc jt it forgotten tbo dwhu tie ir drafts pbyfcaK I roftra-p- Ja an- Kn- rally to In urtbifu tie dually pit- the It may of American totbo fact tbat when my ljTsn arU f civilization bis re- T front greatly a an family to fault cud to a lUnl and that on caught typhoon and driven over American cont legend by this Via ancient pftrward by iwatbenait by Hay ati1 tried in vain orb lb bo bo of till I tbumauijratlcut J art- Lor a yf J of a will rviOinbr wbn arrival Mexico by and lUjy bJij of In deeply I In ttib kfloof iatii of fvrti jpeiwxti Sow Lent No we la and in roaidect Arc cat J- AifflUinjipJ3cg l all ear And weseo Tift Like fair en br brightest turn In Enjoy emvrtlii And boarders fire On flifjacki aikj Ax article of lo farcer for the of on Cattle in Atteito by Hark Pcrtrxitj are froa direct photographs of a tbe daringcoirj of one of by Col pro tU over twenty- in cce week while EdttUip by Mr A pnhJucei fans red baiter in eleven fire dtyj writer who authorities en An iolrtjii- tb Cleans liken lb Chanrd IaJs to be tbe having for a lock J all foreign except wfie imported bid to at of arrival and tij resiub prices in this country are of practical Kind kind words kind acts And warm hand shakes tend to brighten our through life Spring Fair was held on Wednesday of last week and as day was fiho a large number of present There was a good display of iiopleroeutb That of stallions very good and taking it altogether of the shown The following circular has been from the Education Depart ment for admission to high schools at midsummer will be held this year on Thursday and Friday 2nd and 3rd of July The examina tion in the professional subjects for third and second class teachers will begin of July For first- class grade on Wednesday of July for grades A and on Thurs day of July The professional examination for firstclass will beheld on Wednesday of July SO jr more lliun it nil it Ivtrhv If it will a of jinny joy WORM An to tiic tb I r ttuaUio a effectual In Ahiuialiw Jin fti-Ixil- fay erc ib- bii i wtb 4iJlt of bifniii 1 I I ll t 1 Illc I I Vegetable Sicilian HAIR lc 4rftClSf diviit f Imliatuil tut Ii4m rut I ail lt- irtaliiitM Hie p1 j Mr A J of an ftwit3wllvr for mi itj lJ irl En Kt4 ttiJ A ft dr- Cure Jiruu A anirlt ju J ft I ihiimt If hi It it Lot AIJEfi lrj AallUrii la of illy to Wby yvttbt of ltv lets to liScr from i In of A n1 tln of A ktU a v BYLAW NO by Of jam of Fir Dollar for the of ElVlBff to William Henry partne In Town of William -csJ- But the wi w JT011I iM HI conllnue to his loUdtfcem orecoronieocln wider to Arm of ViiUamaSoQ i Over una Town For ltblo of ABE FOR WHOLESALE AiS TRADE Merchants and Provision Dealers throughout this section of country will find a great ad vantage in purchasing from me as I am supplying a firstclass article much CHEAPER THAN TORONTO PRIOE Consumers will by Asking their Grocers for Baileys Biscuits BREAD AND CONFECTIONERY OF FIRST QUALITY FAMILY At Prices to Suit the Times branch of the Bakery continues to increase in popularity and is an evidence that Quality is combined with Quantity PRINTS GOO is a TRIAL GROCERIES C J -AT- A 14A4A14 f a FOR- if AMD Always on hand a Full Stook of BRANDYS GINS RUMS SCOTCH DIAMONDS ODD RYE AND MALT WHISKEYS ALSO- DA VIES AND BOTTLE FULL STOCK IN P J ALLEY MAIN NORTH- TO Ap ply to il OR OR TO of in on to Woolen factor RKSIDKQK- on Jyil- foratintHe with All Apply on to GOODS till of I lK can AiifibvUI tut TO til- J 111 iic for if f I A a Iuuilit4 kI fcffJf via MI ilt iren t lMu It put it WW of like iLoto ill of BUCKINGHAMS DYE I ink WHISKERS ltpHutcirii i will it I a It It Apt lid P HALL CO Haste TOR ALL THE or fcyero fiareDpaWlla gACOMMODATION TO RENT- Ontario every linn Apply l MRS J On tbe For Sale to suit the J Half Id a ml In good order Apply to JOUN W PL A TESTS varloodfcrptionnd cm ploy li number of worluneu Jo d j And the and of And Bom were recently by flr very completely the of the d Cane crippled by 11 lmpoiblo for lhm to and Premium relume ibelrimld New- market upon scale w heretofore employ of work men formerly I said and on rccclvlnza of Dollars rebuild llAUy their lb iho Town of bit finest on the tame made for and are willing Co security lliat tbey will And a Meeting of the of Hie Town of duly called Ibe on the or retention was carried a gram by of Newmarket to William Cane of AU1 fcyuAi J tot the Aondd and on above men terms And It Is deemed advisable to grant iho laid of Five to said William Cane And boot for imrtowa aforesaid on ibflr to earry Into offer as contained in the fourth recital hereto Jmluflwpi It Is desirable for the of paying be raisMby way of Loan upon IebenturtiofUie Corpor al Ion of tbe said Town of be liinoi la such bo deemed best such Debenture be for a less turn than One Hundred Jollars the said at rate of per cent per yearly hereinafter and the said for the of Five Tbouiand to be payable as hereinafter namely In Four and nine ind fourteen and nineteen years the day on this ByLaw force to provide for payment of lie on said as the ahull fall dun and be It will be to a certain sum for the due payment of Interest during the currency of the and until all become duo payable as In the year the sum of fi ll I if ISM Ml ha si iWrftitei and creating a islnk thereof there fthall and of and of alt other rat the aald Municipality of market For the yearly the ii II if i I Will tn ISO pi 1 lol It 111 in 1M Si REFORMER BLOCK NEWMARKET 10 seres being Weal Half of lot the 2nd Con of Klri Purvey Frame go shed and other necessary roll for grain Is second to none In King Township Further on application to proprietor on the It lui If ii aland In Village- Of Co- of under of properly ion wblch In Fail of build In With aubte and other alio plenty Of hard and soft Will alitor exchange for land apply Co tKNUOHK Vivian FOR SAL of lot lj ngViacri gtl brick other good Well and well of For terms Ac apply to tier acres I I W H tor to con viction of culling limber on above luts Apply to a ACRES INKING sajk NEWMARKET a A is E ALT So say the Board of Health WtflHnlfnf In the the lid on the lot IWll mid fsllhi ftlrcntit The of wilful aoll Mr KettUby tral J- tteafoflh- Kami and find a will blink- the forth of res of fiimiieAHiUijru fr fttti qui ii Till lAflUrAlslnereaolenredwtlhKOod bhriinnJhrit4rrih rind la Aieun AM low AUoHeveral Newmar ket to WW- A Newmarket AND ALL KINDRED COM- LEFT Commenced making heir Celebrated NonDyspeptic Bread Cakes S AWord to he Wise is Sufficient GOODS BUILDING HARDWARE NAILS LOCKS BOLTS 0 SHEATING TAR FELT FELT MANURE FORKS 4 and TINES AMMUNITION CARTRIDGES CARTRIDGE CASES SHOT POWDER BAR IRON STEEL SHEET AND HOOP WHITE LEAD BOILED AND RAW OIL MACHINERY OILS AND AXLE GREASE BoilerCleaning COMPOUND TERMS CASH JAMES AND- BISCUIT FACTORY HAVING SKCUItltD THE OK A BISCUIT BAKED of A Co Toronto Wo to supply nil who nay favor with a call with SODA SULTANA BISCUITS AT KICKS TO SUIT TIM And and of Broad Bolls Scons cakes Pastry confectionery Ac JO TO ROBERTSON BROS CENTRAL On DYSPEPSIA 1N0IGEST10H JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEADACHE DROPSY FLUTTERING OF ACIDITY OF stomach DRYNESS IIVEH or North of Toronto anil at GASH ORDERED WORK A SPECIALTY AND US J KM il nut inl provide for create a fluking for lb payment It falls duo It as hereinafter a uin qqoqI vltb lo rlw from and of Tlioutnoil us it due sum to loiiotv For sum of I it It 11 Ik ll fW S00 US ISA mattl not exceed leg pay able ttao uld nd a- to pay off anTtLt turn of bed for li levied rud jean annual rfV ld Tear by a ij wld of the lU market pay the to of ibftCmSH be fall upon out of for hot In Mi hand thla fund hereby l or milt in A any and on tt A tfntca And be it hereby votes of the electoral hereon ahall be Ultra iuByLi 11 140 CI ll II la a lt 1SH It It It IMrt Wl IS lJ It Ki II ll I W2 2 lifnrii to ho upon all of for Ibe purpose of the it fall din ether with a of four dollar over and all other collected Polity of the of Newmarket 11 whole property of Raid Town of New market to roll of Mid Municipality for the year cUht and id Rum of four and fvca and tJfcULyxdoliis3Tli In ii debt the the Town of I for Principal Hit sum of Eleven which no In oroverduecUhcr fiv Principal or And It deemed advisable that Hie said for Principal fruiu of Five shall paid In namclr within four and yArat thousand dollar In and year dollars lu fourteen and ami eighteen hundred In nineteen and of on ihoflrHdny of January Thousand tUlit Hundred and Ninety and pxyment he ind on the a or Jauutry Ono the of Cor ration of the of ibe Town of It hervly ald tho Town f and pay to and a of liwi TtiuKHud Dollars to aid them In their nM Fuctory for and prepared building all varl- fur on iluMiton hero and promote manu facturing In Town of New ma that It and ho Lawful to ike and pay menu That the id bo paid the Mid rnd oou an utter shall come Into force William tfruit to Corpora Una to bo approved by the thai said William and will iikhlIIjn taking of aid I their Factory and lu tho Town of In to to carry their Industry on they ImnirtlnleTy the ruction Ihennf Hut win on bullae the on said Jc In iho for period of of this taking anil In iht and shll not of them the said i will reply to the ild of such port of Id ISonuota shall proportion J that pirl of period of years which not been on That mi said liLiLirnjl Dollar sh4ll bo paid to aid Willi no i and by In all other arc of said Tliat may bo lawful for Corporation of the Town of to raUeby way of for Ihe purpoici here the sum of Five Thousand Dollars That In order to td sum of iKillrsthu Municipal of Corporation of Town of amount and extent of IVillais to with Corporation Seal and slimed by and of said Municipality of a no Debenture shall bo than one Thai the raid Debentures shall bo pay during from the day mentioned for this iiw to and In manner follow I to amount of nine to be In four to amount of iwtlmuianO lo nine and year to amount of lieen iiunttHd In fourteen and ahalf years and to the Amount of tlnMcirlitit dollar In nineteen ami years from this lo lAkeeKvet and bo so pay able on the of January said periods at Ontario In Newmarket bo tu each for I lyoienl of iho accrue on the Jtne iho of a1d payment of Debcn tun s lo on of January flj tho Debenture shall bear at of HI per per annum payable tirt payment nil 4uL piymenta ally Jftuunry year during Debentures at Ontario In Newmarket and said of Ingres shall bo on the of for purpose of said the current or la shall ratted levied at collected upon properly of an- tho Corporation of Of Town Monday the ElvhiTv day of nay A closing at flvo oclock In sfuiw- day and ILal David VSSV and that be voles la feu in in flrOiftiiSOT Jackson DepttlyltetJrDi laklo the votes and the Chamber If iHP of Newmarket at hour of twelve are hereby an the hour when and I sum up against this p or vote Fourth day of May I and said Council Clumber ofeUht oclock the place and hour of persona to atltmd ft at the of by behalf of la to or opposing ii of this By Low THE Ii a true copy ByLaw which will bo labV stderallon by the Council Corporation of Town after one month from the At the North ii Era weekly In the said of dato of which publication I ibeTu Fourth day or April A and ihertuj votes of Uto the held DAVID Dated at Newmarket day of April A hours lr it 44 At Ufa are duo ll Aurora i la United or fraction lhornij to laoduud Ureal fraction thereof the a Agencies si J AchfisalioCardaforany try Cards srltfau tiri etit card an cent slump ho In ptire of ps cards but goto Office he pasted or toa card ieot for each half or Above must In wry case by When they cannot he bosont to toiler paid doublq a UScrat will bo charged on den y Ulltn rtelslrid when it Bute United KlnKdnm Ace IP fftrh hy which payment or ardlnir V tetters lor e p fcnfieal On all newspaper those from the puhiMttr one s lhoeoatjaratelCiUOCiil prepaid by to iiir UnlttdKlncdoin ae stomp cent per HOOK bestin Thimit of laSlbf anil lo Vlctoila nod Voti CANADA- Dot a when iicl Id per a J loadniit- caikiolMortfrt may be JJ to by ri pattern w not aueo- rot and not to AHOKb of in f iiioli lObUU4i a to J A real ha for for money order UP op flvo and seen On orders on Ishladla Intertit Is allowed flLS JS iti f Hank Ty to on

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