Newmarket Era, 22 May 1885, p. 1

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Friday J -DI- JACKSON STSAU prisms T ettiliw tf Of REACHED flflft0 tta TO OTHER 1 fc ONTARIO TORONTO to NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER It Vol XXX1VNO Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday May Terms 125 Cash In Advance within or At end of year Newmarket Branch AUKHEKAL BANKING Interest on AT HIOUlRr CURftHT DRAFTS ISSUED AT POINT J old Parmer bUcoonUsi Uosi promptly attend la INSURA AGENCY pire Reddest r Boiler Inspection and Insurance we P T LEE toe I Mutual Co and I stoue Wellingtons Fontliill J ROBERTSONS HARDWARE fiTORB Hire on i MOORE Conveyancer US HILL public A HARSH Solicitors Ac A FOB Fir Life TO TIB flnlciu OfllceKowninkt- THOMAB Ac Timolbr St fint door at Solicitor In WIDOIFXELD A Etc Block- JT- MONEY TO AND CARRIAGE PAINTER HpflilUotloO given lo HOTEL TORONTO raonV for iralni I OFFER THE WHOLE STOCK GLOVES HOSIERYFANCY GOODS AND WOOLS AT A GREAT We have the newest things in the Market and will give 10 per cent off all New Stock and All last years This is no trick to get a Bush of Custom for the MUST BE SOLD end of season as I intend going oat of business E York tor lb St lor Miur will J l ire tl cam be iopplicd at Newmarket to MILtfAX Vcltit ONTARIO of For of York or- irLOv Ontario Mutual Life Co jofturnncatcrjil NASH J KuanoleoJ The Co ftN A i The Co J McrCAnllfa London Tho Mutual A Ontario TO BUIL for nil of MOULDINGS AND TURNING NEWEL POSTS AND BALUSTERS ON THE NOTICE J CO Leading Furniture Undertaking House ltattoiiiifllcd HOUSEHOLD FURNITURES Parlor ft ml to Xljhl calls at en J k CO UK UHYSIC1A Oil HOWE C COOKS BILLIARD PARLOR rot LION AND CIGARS AND TOBACCOS C1GARUKS PIPES GOODS A K A W EVANS FUNERAL DIRgCTOH Nix promptly y- OK CANADA HEAD OFFICE MSXTAf LI thy A Oxide lliae- 3 DOORS SOUTH OF POST AMERICA tDLANp AnttCi corner Company hi ilKjitc0iinicAlro i of drAlftriL All client fct vrc Cent Ave lttl far J- Notary Aurora INTEREST ALLOWED OK OK UN WEI IIS CANADA THE STALLIONS MILESIAN ORIOLE Notes Discounted J Will hTASli AT OAK RIDGES tilt A iMiVt in ii Jln lltitr or Hi REA802S rnar by tin Vaj I rl to bumf To ii Bin to it ST KiK SIMPSONS rrrr ARE THE BEBT I tut wo J In Data In WI the Hi frthtfr Hit fore at it A liittf kttol A m Co Urn- i i riff with al If the I la If Up laputiillvil Pure Drugs and Chemicals iUi A rift atiI CATTLE MEDICINES A fc JMrofant M i J fur J ail coictjrit J a ibe J Jrf irorri Mine avj lUtony u all lLnjh In- a vActi anO lo it Of LEADING HOUSE WK MATY YEAlEB Best Stock LOW i bitch a J rJ h it I Boot Wiirioirkil 0Uta02 and ftrn In iLc Jir UP Attune iy Mr In our IN FANCY GOODS lithe r AIOucuk very a J Slipper ir Van Toy 10 mat can talk Pipes arrival UQt WINB at PILLS A pfOpOtllOll of ilo tltuj tic m act tlfrtclly tin to Jiiti Ion a of for all a jr- JLT llt0 iLO i- tJ il are of f it otter lLirlyUilitJlccil A iff I lei I Avicu Mo ace juj I hate a rc and I afo for m ni ir J dv Will if iK1 my It a the aliai do I of A ro JuLeJUtA liara ai couniitid aiJ lo iLcdttlrcd at ai at a tkuiMi OK iboy lWt I l ttuuk Ju of ji of I jtu fJ 7 a of at4 by rJr ad aoj lo objilcayionjy yaciAUKD ay DrJOAyerCo fcldtyaltJJuuw All Soft iIotcMihrlvWj I7 Hi UnicUu J tot Teaching School Ibranjli Why keep I Cant yea me this public schools Utile On the I fail to it Who will lowly notices of On a Here aw Icetbcr little faces hexing little brimful SfcilltJ In ill the Jrta Yon little Whit I the I go cut ha acid jre And in the comer Two ere Others Whit ft I wonder w grow crusty ftcioetilteo parent Jrop in Merely lb enquire Why his olive not higher he ehiltlren To mini their pa Will Dot be Sfllicg up the on thd focal music How the rejoices When the singer to voice Institute attending Mating out Oiling liillf of nil rts Keating ilUrtJlinus Keeling like a fool Oh the tenfold Of teaching public iVorthWest Rebellion I ok BOARD STIL May pm Another with rebels took tlii with what result wo do not know at this writing According to General Mid- preconcerted plan the cote with two heavy laden Largos left Gabriels at a in today and after anchoring a short so us not to anticipate the arranged of ar rival at Kiels head within one and half utiles our destination where wo to remain until the of the rebel by was he starting daybreak from the camping ground reached on tin previous day nine miles east of The however mate interfrrcd with the carrying out of these plans by opening lire on the t earner Hi ten minutes past eight just after she had got under headway The first bullet passed through pilot house The rebel spies had watched the steamer the previous On the opposite bank from and tho sentry could hear them OX The first shot was evidently signal to tho rebels of our boats ap proach and as bend a moment or so later we were raked fore and aft by a fierce of bul lets coming from both banks From almost every bush rose pulls of and from every ho and tree on the top of tho bullets buzzing Tim fire was steadily returned by the troops mi hoard consisting of Com pany School infantry and not withstanding that the rebels protected by the brush and which covers the bank apparently some injury was inflicted upon them Volley after volley was fired and several of the lurking enemy were to drop headlong down the slop ing banks Ho the fight wont on hot wo approached IIAiTOiKfJ A TUBE The pretty little church of An tonio do lifted its crosscrown steeple high the other build ings on eastern bank A horrify- spectacle uifit our gate On Lank A mail presumably of Kiels prisoners was dandling by neck from a branch of an limbless treea victim of rebel rage and Near at hand the who lined banks for couple of miles wcro running swiftly and keeping with our progress Several mounted men dently directing movement- A volleys quickly them to their hiding placet they fought customary light They completely riddled schooner with bullets but it was strong bulwarked on the boiler deck where the soldiers were standing and consequently pur lit was light Just above rapids and a big rock with sand juU out in stream leaving a narrow chaimel on western side head of which is at a sharp bend to round which boat had to run her nozzle almost on bank It was hero tiring became terrifically hot from a favorably located directly in our front in which rebels The rapids were passed safe ly notwithstanding that ho pilots totally unacquainted with tho river and tho two heavy barge handicapped thorn handling steamer In a Cow moment tho cross ing was reached and hi it ferry cable caught stacks which came crashing down on hurricane deck tearing with them spars and masts Our misfortune ox cited LOUD THE mingled with from Jjidians which Strung from batiks wis just as wo approached it being to and in tho confusion to ensue to boat and its human freight Very fortunately for us this scheme but only by merest chance for had in pilot house which it barely missed wheelsman exposed to enemys fire would have been shot down and tho steamer rendered utterly helpless It was however in cutting oft our communication with lien our code of whistling signals previously arranged upon ha carried away with the Just then the steamer to avoid two large boulders directly in her course was allowed to awing around and floated down stream stern foremost for a while One barge barely tho and tho boat would havo been boarded by rebels but for the steady volleys poured in tho men A withering was kept up from title pits which tho enemy had dug at different places and thii was hotly returned until oclock when tho rebel firing a stray shot or two- Wo had run gauntlet of their fire for fivO So fast and furious was fire that it was evident the whole reb had gathered hero to make a determined stand As soma of the red coats were coming up in skirmishing order in distance our small three lusty This was the only glimpso wo had of troops The rebel loss is exceedingly heavy Father Moulin was found in his in wounded in legs by Kiel and escaped down the river towards Albert Our column will move toward Albert police will then probably be sent o Colonel Otters assistance A despatch dated at on Tuesday gives the first accurate an nouncement of the rebels lots Wo won the battle yesterday Eighteen Grenadiers wounded and two killed Thirty of enemy were found dead and twenty wounded More may turn up One hundred rebels surrendered Will move on to Prince Albert almost immediately The enemy numbered fully There is great bustle and excite ment at the camp A great many have come in and themselves up each and every one claiming that ho was obliged to tight having a choice to do so or be shot All join in charging Charles now a prisoner at Prince Albert with being the first encourage the re bellion while on Albert also a prisoner is laid the of having incited the Indians to join- The younger Jackson who was origi nal Kiels Secretary is hopelessly insane and so violent that it is neces sary to arms pinioned The prisoners ay they were well treated until about ten days ago since which time they have lived on meal and water report that rebels short of provisions and ammunition proves to bo incorrect as largo of both been captured by troops Many of the women and and children are missing and it in supposed hat they worn frightened and run away A largo body of half breeds and Indian been seen on the west bank of the river They down to the edge of river at intervals bearing a white They arc evidently anxious to surren der and chances are will soon be more than in at oil agreeable May despatches from confirm the capture of the transport train by Indians teams comprised the caval cade They were surprized in woods thirteen miles south of ford They without any escort and supplies belonged to Hud son Bay Co and consisted of bacon and other provisions with per haps a small quantity of ammuni tion A fight is reported taken place in which one Mounted Policeman was killed and a number of wounded Ten succeeded in making their escape It is understood that Cob Otter Is preparing to go in pursuit of the Indians in an to cap- turo the supplies A despatch flays J Killougli formerly of Holland Landing who is employed carrying despatches came in about noon with information that a waggon train teams and about trains had been captured by Indians ten miles from hero close by edge of tho wood Kilfough mot several teamster towards Swift Current him that early this iiioiiiing just as tho train wan starting from camp were attack ed by Indiana teamsters cut horses loose and escaped- Those who remained fill captured onslaught was sudden They wanted Killough to return but ho said that information must be carried to Exchanging his pony for ft good horse and avoid ing the trail ho started At place attack took place ho found two waggons and a hill two miles distant ho aw the last of Indians disappearing with other waggons Ho saw no dead bodies Ho behaves remainder of tho teamsters ten In number prisoners With teamster there and five other rifles ammunition tnxin carried moil for which had been waiting two mouths at Swift Current Shortly after arrival six mounted police scouts including a halfbreed guide named McAllister under of the Queens Own camo In had been scouting and on a hill at yards by a largo party of mounts Indians EUtot American army fell first andstaggcrcd into the Constable va lightly wounded The force- wounded man Into the ferry n ftiubuUnco or htm a minutes later horse The Indiana the police two of if given good to carry dspatcliei back to night but it was decided not to send bint It is for tunate that the women and children did not leave for Swift Current yes- as expected They go ing out with a small escort and would have been captured May The parish priest of today as to losses of the rebels in four days fighting He stated that had been killed and wounded statement is without doubt perfectly accurate ADDITIONAL WOUNDED at aro A forebcaj alight Tie jiw who I am are I for front the duty o4 my give more information ha 35th tie lo the herd to IjVo ihcir Yours Scour Foley yOth y left Sew CbristfCi Midland rilit arm a if Pilar left srnj Hay Scout arm Fraehi A d srrj all doing Sir other J Archbishop has received word from a priest with Indiana that there 105 graves of Indians as result of the recent At tack by Col- Otter Many more wounded The conflict was terribly severe and fairly astounded Indians May of surrender of halfbreeds at causes great rejoicing hero but all are turned anxiously to the country between and Edmonton- The Indians there evi dently mean to fight- It is stated that worth of Hudson Bays furs stored at Fort Pitt have been looted by Indians Kiel was captured at noon Friday by threo scouts named Armstrong and four miles north of Scouts hud out in the morning to scour the country but these spread from the main body and just as they were coming out of some bushes on an unfrequent ed trail leading to they spied Kiel with three companions He was unarmed but they shotguits They once recognized Kiel and advancing toward him hailed him by name They were then standing near a fence No effort made on his to and in brief conversation in which they ex pressed surprise at rinding him there Kiel declared that he intended to give himself up His only fear was that ho would bo shot by the troops but he was promised escort to the His wife and children not with him find he said they were on the west side of the river To avoid the main body of the scouts Kiel was taken toacouevnear by mid hidden while went oil to corral horse for him the other scouts being left with the prisoner When returned Biol mid Wolds companions had disappeared evident ly to avoid other scouts says was not in least when and was willingly made captive He was assured of l fair trial which was nil he seemed to want When he taw the go down with the scouts at Kiel was much alarmed on account Of his A1MKAUANCK Kiel careworn ami haggard He has let his and Ward grOtt long He is in a ion than of the breeds raptured While talking to Jen- could seen from the outside of the tent bis eye rolled from suit to side with look of a man He is evidently the loftat frightened man in tho camp and in constant fear of violence the hands of soldier There is no of such violence- spent nearly nil on in At the of the light he and with their wives and two children AkiiM out on foot going in north westerly direc tion Some of the were very bitter against both for loading them into trouble and then leaving them in lurch after the light The lives had no fowl and no ex what stood in did net want go but hill BuiiiQllt fought like tiger nil The prisoners say ho had not slept for week working night and day had arranged for Big to strike us in tho rear wvok ago of the messengers descrtCil and fell Two of say was wounded once on Saturday twice slightly on Monday A scout told mo last night that he had seen a looking for ha wifo Ilie to inn when the scouts threatened to shoot He stopped and scout asked him to go to and tell him to come out unarmed and the scout would meet him also unarmed on which the rebel replied says he will never bo taen alive The scout promised protection to Hie un til ho was handed over to the Genera and finally tho man consented to this He said both Kiel and were It a very fir from they talking and wanted the scout to lie down or ho might breed left for bluff scout heard them discussing matters After waiting two and hours and no one coming scout return ed to camp Gen took no stock story nut said Kiel miles away But Is now evident story cor at least so far was con- Halfbreeds on west bank delivered of arms today Amongst them were several Win- Snldort Queens Own rifles from and one Springfield carbine RKnZh The papers belonging to the rebel Government were searched today The minutes show that the Duck fight was a premeditated affair and that the rebels were thoroughly of General Middle ton movements from the time station Numerous extracts from Toronto and Montreal journals were also found referring to and the strength of General command- The quantity of ammunition and the amount of forage on according to the minutes the movements of the rebels depended is given in the official account It was very small At the Fish Creek tight admits de feat He had over men there May MajorGen Laurie commandant of the Swift Current district arrived in the city today on connected with the transport service His main object to arrange for the shipment of plies by river to fie sayS the water at Swift Current has fallen two feet the past two days ami he anticipates considerable in shipping supplied The steamer is laid up not Wing at all serviceable The crew bus been transferred to the steamer Dr Roddick has telegraphed that there arc now seventy wounded vob in the hospital at Saskatoon All rtre doing well Two more deaths haw Wen added to the death roll of of that regiment and Private Alex- Watson of Co having died of wounds since their removal to the Saskatoon hospital yesterday At Fort the heat is in- I manufactured is superior Several men of the and 35th Battalions are suffering from d bub The lay out of the mill may Newmarket An important point on the North ern Railway depends principally on a commercial tropic but few in of milling busi ness The large factory belonging to Messrs Cane A Sons reduced to ashes a few days previous our consequently we had nothing to inspect further than In addition t sashes doors blinds and other requisites for housebuilding which were tubs pails washboards clothespins etc for the manufacture of which they had the most improved machinery Tho iron foundry in connection wag also destroyed We understand that the town will offer a bonus of towards re building and that opera tions Will commence at Wo took occasion to the two mills operating in the town and will first revert to the one owned by Bros situated on the Holland River and on a siding of the Northern Railway This mill is without doubt finest mill building in north built of solid brick and standing four stories high The combination sys tem has been recently adopted and is now working with a capacity of 200 barrels a day There aro three sets of Geo Smith rolls four run of The principal grade of Atkins of the Midland Battalion was shot in the leg hist evening by comrade who was fooling with The accident took place at the Crossing The wound is The remains of Captain Brown of scouts were laid to rest yesterday on the bank of not far from where the scout was pierced by a bullet The service was very impressive Rev Mr Gordon of the led the cortege from camp to immediately following came the corpse of the dead hero and a posse of spouts followed the remains to the grave As the was low many tears were shed It was a sad sight to see these brave inert weeping over their dead comrade who was general favorite News from Camp Tour 15 Slnc you I cm fought with it Hi re h of and in a to the old The country i irniit the prthfe the is from Duck pad about A of the in erpurt Infoiaii At snd thr lodiAni The fritting inn vilh with hetntmy the however at i tie basement wo packers chop stone also a room for Hour with a capacity of haunts Tin runs off this and is building the piwer of the whole establishment is supplied by a horse power engine a large water wheel the latter supply ing tho power four months out of the year Ascending to the we find run of Mono ami a double set of rolls second floor chests brush stock hopper J third bran roll coolers and fourth floor bran duster and I with the minor devices utilized in all mills Since the present proprietors took charge four years ago an excellent lias I been carried on and iudicqtiuitf for the future are equally The Beaver Mills adjoining the railway station is also a milt of con- importance It contains six run of Mom and one double set of McCulloch rolls bran duster elevator etc building is a four storey brick and has a store room with a capacity of bush It is driven by a horse power giue Mr V Itnue the present tiling owner has been in for six out the best brands of dour man with a gun scorn to like to shoot at a crow simply lltiMe little wmfil out sheot Their At tow to very unit the hrjjlsteil for tine in little urchin but but their pve out sad were rifleshots At Miry rumbled hut through i of our the reikis all Kve the army of to retire killing of the th re- I he llilfhretsll aura- and lliey stout rami- cattle And with lroke down to heavy luffed cmton lack SO sad severs turned the air nther a freak for tel en coos not the diJ The were cinu snJ Kiiol s never to for The killed I a sad Out fixhting with frrerl other few not hick tut Tra to hire June the fua going fallow etei himself mas of the About a from the battle fieM itu in with txJ f fct la his Mock of Fort with CommHdoner and their toUtllhford He in tiitlo Mr- of Sutton the from Cob brother here well in Sjlur- by fio North York bating a lo the fiuMioje- toy of thd Ft not hiving for or the The not very to our fcl- hive become of too I liken crane d id the lure whit he wiuld take If itlo with hair whist aC the which did not effect In the and on flobMnjf W and about 12 Iorl on the trail lu built a fort known to the Fort Monday another Co Touchwood from lle- at large quantity of alone- Co or the School J with men and hero hero large number a of kept down through of the walk of weal of the Fort J IndUot piloted which clearly they pre anything hot aeltled Tha Fit Hill and are on trok of a to aooo the fa up a fret la aald to be by WadJy If It coma to will affect very much and I fear great mAoy will lofce their Urea thoieliviajt in South of tbeit are a great many Indiana which of plan would bo to ihea away ill their by a fore theu feed not you will no hear of in the art with of lx good to eat and it is not much of an enemy to the fanner as some try to show notwithstanding that it will take on egg or a hill of com once iu a while One of days when the crows mid other birds are scarcer farmers and good many otlnr will with there were more of them to kill the bugs insects- ago ra of sent her son to the of the overseer to ask aid of the city but no attention was paid to him he ground that his had boon an immoral woman Ho begged broken victuals for a few clays more of tho people who live along the canal tow path but they were too to keep him supplied The wo man died tho other night and called in who said that the woman was starved Investi gation developed the fact that the dead woman was divorced of a well to do railroad contractor before she took to bed fed herself and the child by tak ing washing by the day young men for promo tion the men who do not drink on sly They are not the men vKo watch for clock to strike twelve and leaving their pick hanging in the air nor tho men who ore at the front is any strike They are not the men who growl if they required to attend to duty a few minutes after whistle has sounded are tbe men who give closest attention to the de tails of their business who act as though trying to work for their employers interest instead of trying to beat him at every crook and turn are the men who give attention to practicto detail and who look continually to sec they can do better or not This class of men are never out of work They are scarce never strike they never loaf and they do not ask for their pay two or three times day A great many people think ivy trained against the walla of dwellinghouse produces damp walls and gone rid but that idea is fallacious very opposite the case If one will carefully ex- amino an ivyclad wall after a shower of rain ho will that while overlapping leaves have conducted water from point to point until it has reached tho wall beneath is perfectly dry and dusty More than this the thirsty shoots which force their way into every of the structure which will afford a firm hold act like suckers in draw particles of moisture for their own nourishment ivy in fact like a greatcoat keeping house from wet and more virtue it has in giving lo an beauty t

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