A i r J ERAv J King Council- ill at J hut to iic rf one the tiring Jutj Ehr Id I III In Co The fcarji lb wftUt which other J to visit lity Weir- J fflWMA8IHBSLi8Aia in J Murray board lift lfi for ft roil Hatred 2d McDonald WU TO J Lloyd jjr jir jit I- feTjb tra A extra lrry vilcf Iie killed i J to for iil W ns rvic la iLe to of lbs Mr iariu forjuatrbnvniBgacIfioicg op of lie lot Cods- at of He the for the pat- of repairing the and maaicipility for year the following are hereby to the for In is to Din in Cod Win I J 9 Con and John Black Dir S J Cod Pit Coo it Hat and R Com Con SUa Dam Coma Cod 3 Chippel and J Cod Com Cod Ireland Com Tbos Rom Com Cod Wen Cod Saul A Cod Fuller ind M J Coma Dir Cod It Win Com A J ONeill Co nit Dir Coo Com Dir Coo Coat 8bp CoiicciI to at Hotel rtSyHagbHI on AND FANCY CAKES i fr Wiio our customera Mceij Sodnp infg box per lb fei pyYceVlbuUanas 10c Abernethas PROWSI0NS Hotel arc received weekly being in small quantities are always reliable j I j All Kinds of and vegetables in Season A House Plants now on Sale at Low Prices A wE CREAM l l And lio fiapplied with all the favorite flavors Private on short Try our Cigars and Tobaccos To TL AT Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of for IN NEWMARKET I Undertaking Special Attention Via NVtt It It Canada Hod nd IK Crockery GOODS ANi i Wool Carpets Carpets and Oil Cloths ALSO FULL LINKS IN STRAW HATS AND FELT HATS BOOTS AND SHOES Teas and General Groceries CHEAPER THAN EVER FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES at ROCK BOTTOM J A SMITH I member of the Bat talion writing bet wo do look a lot our clothes are worn well It would be a job to any one with good Mat hi his or Wo badly If they do not us soon will have to to go in bard legs and wear our kilts Juno William A Fuller man who killed Alfred in a quarret over a bottle of in March fast was brought before After the had been taken jury re tired and after about one hours do liberation in a verdict of man- laughter This morning prison er was sentenced to two years in Kiugiton penitentiary of seems to have thnughout Ontario aimI extended as the State New with viohiier- An amount lifts been in on and fruit iiiuany jlus pine of bun In St vtskiljd by Pit June wen to day Vlth by aw by iians i a i Miliar to typewriter the a at each end of I ifie ii 4 V1AA A A PRIVATE RESIDENCES For Bile TO BENT BRIOK STORE lately occupied Apply lo WM CANE SONS RESIDENCE- by A- cellar ilabc wood Ac Apply lo Newmarket of town of MewuiiTkct water A cay for pit for active An drew t for tale SALE a J j II i lor jrcaattoo 10001- vlctiop of ftijvc low o CI LUMB RI LATH SHINGLES 1 ARRIAG CALL AT AND DROP for lor w Ha floove J DEPOT WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH FLOORING SIDING MOULDING DOORS SASH AND BLINDS fl Building Lots for Sale in Tut Town of Newmarket- jittljr apply lU I Junclloif PO THANKFUL FOR PATRONAGE OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OP SAUK WE AIM TO OUT WORK L0WES3 POSSIBLE PRICES r WM CANE soars NEWMARKET LET haw to Ibii ftfr one day aroid ftOO received in lint year this timv for per t- wvk for Jlwy ttir for four tent tfjtbrl rrtHiny in for 9tfiiH tit Crying f bo for ipjnrter ihat hot wvitior OP ait to olr not out of plac In 4kA i to pifefnr frf for of nivn J do vff4vj or hit A nfriOJnt nitiivml dii atd tM of a it la i dirt It tlmt iiinirf lively nVd nit vli Tit of jcciitf b it teen ho hid- their- vay into tin tyAtfjfi fcver to JtittMitg vmI pump do ftoV nil thta but fccaW Cherry Pectoral ffi tclUfifil by Of col a a fatal In piorrD afrt Trill iIm ftMi4LM all FOR SALE PARK FOR BALE of hall of KtDltid Property all and AH and In a rjf a ffxnH In a iiwi9 A Scotch lit dXtn IM- iMAt J rot of By lie Mhud f a pern- I atl Jiiy r ire Vt July mi- Croup- A In iuOiMi It cll If jtlM KM family of WM a kip JVi ill in I All tb iiijMy- TV 1- t- IaJ or at May I IHL I hate a fti hi fiJy V l ptcia It re fvr trjj alUflrit with cm I by la A hi Wt of lot in It of fr4ruj mil oilier ftcMl I 111 KlL Further Farm For to Norttrllnir of Kail ayxjtf acre In A TRY iA AT 1 EXCELSIOR BAKERY EMOPRIUMOFFASHION NEWMARKET SACK Cibi MorilifuUof ftl tisU ti p4 m 0 tj anj I rilKmoitiiUlir I In tnuloeer end VfjlJ a mutt bit fur- la Inor vlilcli no without popularity of Ilia jcLtntmc Ho J nil No York luteal lavtt than bun fi atonftKrlitvllnjr rovlinrfiutflitnoTown In lavcati Copy- Ail IxiUlnthaTownof jietfaiftrktt WHO FOR BALE OK TO A OP at or aa wrt 1 aHtHmtl Ml WltI frVTTiY WDtT71A ita them April t a- octroi AfvritufDtiaDuiall to in rocf cheer- many other at on Irifonnatloti at ifra Aruerlcao of by all lib A New MBS Kit HlKlKO MILLNERY IN PAWK Newest and Fashionable Styles w a Intent of FLOWERS FEATHERS ORNAMENTS AND LACES In ftul Colon and Hoop Jtnseya for f and A ftwtlmnt LACK AND COLLARS AlfiO LACK BOBS AGENT FOR PATTERNS fllamplrig to Cleaned Tire tlio MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT In for the without nl in wlldthiff the old In town and CO unit puccl Ho IM pit to BOND JlciU Irrxo atij kltcheui AiAtll or litrit- irtti brfCoUaeldcrttlr f Oil ma of Hep- l Of rot require Toucan Uveal iou at any bulneae filial lbCDforaIll Jul Inf ant work leu lb to for to Mil etc fiy certain for all at A at aiiytbjnireUA by an for the li oi which to ftiOfipy In Aft of frorrt hour brmj to Me At Uo Melae lQCaaJJrvi an or uui All Id you a fielcAK of once oh fir you more tbio any to America WfMMiwitiNdiba all 1 he unit or to at lUelr own for EVERY FARMER Jew WAREROOdS OPPOSITE MOTEL aod He for York Ontario count im in en for all WM UKI V l You will find a and PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN CHAS C NEWMARKET FOR- rail LIQUORS Always on hand Full Stock of HUMS SCOTCH AND MALT TO a double the lb A A SLUGS DA VIES AND ALE and PORTER in WOOD and BOTTLE FULL STOCK OF PRIME IN P J MAIN STREET NORTH NEWMARKET IS LT So say the Board of Health m AND ALL KINDRED COM PLAINTS HAVE LEFT SINCE AUAM their Celebrated NonDyspeptic Bread Cakes KTC l A Word lo he Wise is Sufficient OILS Boiled Raw Machinery Castor VARNISHES Furniture Oak and Carriage PAINTS Of all kinds either mixed dryjOr ground in oil all BUILDING Tar Felt and Carpet Felt Pitch tar Spades Forks Galvanized Wire and IRON and Full tines- DRY HARDWOOD jab the able for WlaJS V Iiif fy alt tbt w itSi HOOK PACK fcW ftua Sample igOT iy jirlvalo dually at i of for 1 iroautlcCliuiuViK I fouls iirciata by aodiuiisiBOieiMeas I iutuy bo forward via In the cd a lb rale Ordfra A great rfrluctlou has money orIerr ivroocnu over rn Ureal VH ton in ftlo on a from for Irmuutliloo lolOfUca every be J A FREEMANS WORM POWDERS virgin PROF Baking Powder The Slrougcl beneficial AT- KfliiaArt it taut portion of Ilia liUoapu it j bHaaWicuittc Ira Mil al bavins U J 5 I much iAi CO Will CURB Off DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE SALTfiHEUM HEADACHE DROPSY ACIDITY Of THE STOMAL DRYNESS Art of toSniard OB BLOOD- j