I J NEWMARKET ERA JULY New Advertisements Bailer Fee J Hone lijcsi For Residence For or Store to fieihs aid Lot for Silt Miller Cell iJE3 A Keeper a French Northern Train Tine 2 M ass 5 JULY 3 Our Toronto Despatch A Sailor wdI of hit time Jill bused lc of ite jailor of Monday vt A Scot Act on when a isolation Jo text to to quest on to ft Jit an Wrl7 Tie corner took on Tuesday the North ibe-flt- of St In their lien of ibe Court And the to case from other A deputation from the County Council of vm attention of Ontario me time Ago to very the J cry have lb the only holiday Retention of for n vho supply milk to toe other nd re going to tofmnS Iler prices of ft IMV Or Id Toronto with appropriate ceremony- of the was very lame MtsiMtnolcRoItoaanl Mr Otter by thcaplxlngof tbtlr boat In the Hay j a aw- The C P Resolutions policy in ra- gArJ to the I he conceived to of omission and some portions of we quite in iwith not that part wherein rcconi in regard to of the P in Ontario On a pre vious occasion Hon gentleman the opinion that these leas- little of around the neck of the Company other day he spoke of theso leas ed as being a material of profit important as affording ad ditional to the Government and not be omitted from tie to to given by tho Syndi cat to the under the neK arrangement Hero wo have a double set of notions presented but whether profitable or otherwise wo think it will bo pretty generally con- coded that any legislation calculated to cripple competing lines with the Grand Trunk in Ontario would be against the interests of this Province and in favor of Grand Trunk monop oly Hence while the strong conviction tbatamplesecurity should be from the Syndicate for aid granted we are not disposed to include in the mortgage the leased lines in Ontario at least so long as that security can be given without interference with those lines which are now being operated as com peting railways Earth Wert at pi flat of tbf ricalh- Editorial Notes laded a special holiday en which for tumor tad mirth Is to tbfl Grip Sack a copy and try for the Scdtt Act will in the Victoria on of this month UrJaati Gallon aayj tbe Lie his i The trial of DadJey for concladfJ in York on Toealay when the the prisoner afttr only fife on groan of is cow In court for her to to in an their up the rolution3 aid Kill way and Upon founded and Commons pro vide hat of stock re- by ho under the and ivjd in thereof of ar to Ito place of tint UHUnt of the loan of in and the the to Iw in discharging its the railway provide that the unsold portions of the J- It land acres to ho as security the to be in lnw of the as describe etl hut at the time gives up and its to tike of the way for default as the se curity of the 1 ret loan will huvo the ling W tympany to which will have to oil before it for Kueli action of fhese arid founded iin iuouiit of is yid for loan journal add it do thai it M dJiTjinMid IV- iJr ttfice with in this datii to to the original the of thin koI bwjil to to llio It in ij- a land and of complied railway monopoly of all railway Of the North and exijptioii from all On ether the SyiiJktkti lo between uncompleted joition previously the hole To a Mr Symmea one of the contractor on the Ontario and Pacific Junction railway stated the Tracklaying being at the rate of per day and the whole 111 miles will Incompleted by middle of October nut Tbe Toronto that f of Ontario bus a of annuities which ho placed the market at a rate of lelow sold Jut tar which were the firat offered to in Canada were cold at a rate a friction cent froa Sir ntincM fca Iris Fcted fci hat leader for Br tio partial returns to hoar to yesterday is no rftura for his d Wft the all gone Ministerial CaoidUn loan of t bis two floated by Sir After com ud other charges will par of it the Ink Drops today Big in Town Jut Saturday Monday Model School holidays toniht Saturday was a hot Too hot to breathe morning corded morning Thncder rain and hail Sunday p The hay crop Till be an abundant one Farmers complain of too much Holland Landing Lifts an cat Whitchurch will ready Wild plentiful Now potatoes aro in new Is Tenders wanted for Old Reirtry Office Fanners wiU be haying Fair wheat Is ont head already It wont bo now till Sep School Board meets Tuesday Ths had a lately monthly meeting asme Kiin Street night Strawberries a bo here on Tneday wedding being talked Weather still wet and Local and Other i Patrons J at a ticket ioaIy prior Owiogno doubt to tio weatbir its vu IciEg pro K3t Mr bo ftQ for personal Mention- Ministerial of la Boom of on ft if ere bat fitablo of mi to lands to for the of the Teachers Exam of tbe to write for at Newmarket High of and are writing for In Toronto week examination will be presided by ir P S Mr J will at By the School Act the in rural districts for on first Friday in and reopen on third lo The re main the toe as before In citiea towna said incorporated Tillages public and high acbooLi also close on firr Friday In and reopen on the Monday August Tmiteea cannot the here tofore Following is lbs Freddie Walter lit JEffla Dales Jolly Sen I lard Douglas Annie Cbarlio Flood or Tho election of cent for the half follow Belfry Select ii J J Sister A Secretary TrtAiarer Prelate Stmrd Pair A am it ion will ha by tbp licit Newmarket to bo by adopted of en firot In Now tbat our farmrra bare aseored tbli wo trait It will not bo For ae Ton Imrnodl relief W 2 PateSt- Persona about reeling a or call oq lodge and bis Wteat cctal shingles fttorn proof roof will lirntj tha cf wcoJ and will hfi J per coat frill pay iDttttit tba ari wood Icing Aurora Items the Era- Prompt Prompt incaoiiboaU o inrd to k tip Sectoral tfoa lhf No Can or Cons In of purify It la ftol The Rev Of Bon r bo wlfaoiraoarllTra to 3 and wa coat and EveRYTU ISO When CI or ocean in orcs ho always likj lo a of It id papr When his arc or being ha to it in Bat Urge city bo can little fact that fall paper la and to get money to pay them Ho ignores efforts and for a ft Dta wads to a largo city a ron by ateam and fed by boy his nolo letter vbat keep a torn alive in the opinion of acts Hail Storm About four oclock a heavy thunder with sharp the Toiniy It effect most gardes track was washed at tbe comer of Second Strut it left a golly fife feet There also to Inspector hie From private aourefs that tt Warden Jcoiph StolceJ to York Co Home in of IX Phillips tsi can be do to gentleman mined but one a fie dis tant shoald be appointed and why not hue tho Homo or and in this of the not to Sunday Notwith standing rain tho School Room of Abo ffaa filled cholan and on Sunday from the School Was rery receired all memo wu the many being by two a cornet a clarionet and a in addition to tbe organ Ad- dreKa of an inteiratlog character by XL J Dark and the pastor and faster Beckett Friday lait of Lennox re elected Mr Hawley Hi in the Mr by minority not to certainly j but a a if elected by to many when the In the gwi time fox the Parliament it Sir but it to the Local Mr trump card Lennox it happy with either East baa reelected ova Mi opponent a majority of HO the temperance rote arising of the adoption of tbe Scott Act in county to of many doubts were to the probable Friday filing day in thete in tha return of Mr by the kbore lie ia a of atrict without at all ditjaraging hie opponent we may be a to the Hiding two dollar arc in The forgery to an iat rrAifr the renlar with tht XcepUoiJof portrait of the Karl of Jiuifjiii which tube but a correct alio of poor but on the whole tbe fraud re- aalicK executed A Montreal that a of lUcw ate circulation Mid the origin Ottawa from which it la that it hat to tome in York ait low reaping from their A from howaaii the city the of York itQUifeit that Tilt gia it Ml of The that he Kiel into the aod J under the JJomin- ho no hue u rhat VKtea alt in the the government while they were the leVltiu be rill the iatei of Mere in ire a of and aiJ to9tf half ilolliffc fj aperitive a large nuiiber of anything the full iaujic of cur defand nil Imply be a ji5e of vote virtuftlly to fulfill tin- i me luUd without aid- A then Mid iiOrtc of the hut di not gather fttt- ft further the and further aid wijjht vili the lid and Again would kf 1 duiker to lflpprlnfftd from of the were in Tut tfrp IViMirtg Com piny arc about to 1 of their Wiiiou of WiC edition a I tidied In tiro eh containing It of villi The beta written the alitor of tLe ergravina up In beat pwei There be a Urge In tha pried- at tip front and the coyer will be alco In will form a very for the edition part cuke an ordinary nd when In book form will he one of moat vain able the of each CO and predict a- ft Mr a Lee of Toronto Do minion Day in Town Mr John exReere of was in town Mrs- Roe and two bare to the Lake for the Homer of SL is spending a nitb her aunt in Hamilton Mr Reynolds of Pico Orchard re turned from California The Brown of were with Hiss Gardner Sunday Mrs Lawria has from her riait it improved in health The of King Creek are Tinting their Bin Thoa McDonald Mr Ferns of la on a visit with his uncle Mr John Hodge Dudley Mrs Edward to Buffalo on Saturday to return tbe Mrs Atkinson is Tiaitlng at her Mix Steely in the of jr of exconn Sutton is in town on a with Mr Rev Dean Herri of St Catharines IM the corner atone of the new church In North Dominion Day two Alio and gone to Keswick on the Like Shore for a day Mr of the firm of Taylor Toronto raa of Mr Monday MrV of after an of 25 ia over on a and fcptat Dominion Pay with Mr Geo and lady have from their trip the lakes of latter been greatly benefit ted In Mia of Toronto who hie taking in a of fresh air In and around Newmarket for the put weeks home on Wednesday Mr Erie of North in Town on Monday and apendingafewdaya with Mr Matthias a brotherinlaw honored week by a from of South Austra lia Hon J Bray who with his lady a few with T J- Rob- Iter Mr attended the Sunday School down in Whitchurch on Dominion Day which was quite In number although the air rather chilly in woola left week to join in Winnipeg Home eight ten children were a farewell party to their Hill Saturday Mr of Toronto on behalf of Metropolitan Sunday School visited market to arrange for their an Ho the Reeve during atay in Town It fa with notice Ik In Matriculation at Trinity Col- lego Toronto with hnnora French and Dr of of there to a Dr in Town Tuevlay and Idea of here Ills was ex tenure throughout that portion of King wo would take welcotftiog the Dr and family to Mr Hi Brown of Cordon Brown of Toronto the gnval of Dr WW wet and on a dtun young people enjoyed a plea- time in Mi following a dozen of the political of Ms The Wth under the of the Agricultural and will held In the City of wmrtneing on Sept atd continuing the 12th by that the Newmarket of Me chanic and Manufacturer again Amgotheia had the pleatQMof a call from Mr Phillip May who war over death and was Mr Alfred for or renewing eld acquaintance in Town and la now In the tile buaiivcatatid everything looking In that of the Mr tella ha the third on for over 81 ago and of the ft that never a pper during all of to a grand Strawberry and Lawn Party next Friday evening on tbe grounds of J J Esq pains will be aparJ to this tha moat garden party held card will include and cream etc ex tras A good of and will be rendered and a may be anticipated wilt be held on July by the of SU Church on Aahortha During the afternoon there will be tale of and fancy work and in the and cream will bo In The popular hand of twelfth expected The of this Society announced an addition to the funds of of the reaalt of the concert given by Morgan Moonlight Excursion Al though appearances much against the Moonlight Excursion including a sail on Toronto bay Friday evening wen sold at at Bradford and 20 at Aurora The excursion lata returned between 12 and oclock and report a time If the weather had been more favorable the attendance no would have been much larger it it evidently that cheap ex will bo popular if continued Sunday will bo looked forward lo with instead of befog a day when a large number of pupil like to absent them- they will all to be on hand Under the popular Saperb tendency of Mr J P Belfry the attendance on an ordinary Sunday has reached There officer and scholars on the roll bad washouts on Timothy Street East On temperance recitation The next re the farm of Mr Robinson just East of the Town the wind blew down a large portion of fencing considerable garden was complete by tbe hail rain washed out grown potatoes and made great holes through fietd3 in Its course Ten very larva and fell in such quantities flat It would bar been pos sible to fill a wheelbarrow with a scoop shovel with what fell off the bam- But the greatest damage appears to been done in the Township jf where it of a mud storm extending for abott miles in length and twenty rods width in the and Tie cloud that did the dam- ago wilh a long tail that moved like a find seemed to drive to pieces it came in contact with as fences trees eta Some of were torn to also two dwelling bouses to Arch and Peter and a loin be longing to Mr Pieces of latter feet were carried rods and bury Umbers were and splintered A ten stable and sheds on the farm same raluous fate A the staUo at the time was found in a position completely covered by the wreck and appeutd to escaped fron damage Fowls were carried out barnyard and twisted in the air till the feathers were clean plucked of them- they never anything like it before and it a greet won der that it was not attended with of life Passenger trains commenced running on a new table Monday morning lo the of neatly everybody even officials at the depot wert not award of the change till Sat urday night It utterly absurd that railway should spring upon the public that and should demand at hut five notice With this latter de partment of public service probably tbe moat annoyance is experienced On Monday and Tuesday parties were mailing letters to go South in the evening after the train bad gone The time for receiving and despatch of mail appears in our columns fourth page The Monday night was a grand and exceeded all expectations The and icecream were alt and nearly realised not withstanding the cold An from basement of church- The Band waa present and added greatly to the life of while the Church Choir and Male Quartette Club furnished a splendid program The latter composed of Amos with Mr as piano acoompinlit gave three pieces which were heartily en tub Cam Mr Meredith commercial traveller left on Friday afternoon last on the train for Newmarket At Allendale he went Into the on a seat and commenced to He remembers nothing more till be was roused up with difficulty by the conductor at the train approaching Davenport station and told be would toon be In Toronto Ho felt quite dated for some time and could not be lieve but that he Into Newmar ket On his house the clty his wife that surely Mine- thing wropg with him as ho looked so atu ptd Ho then went through bis pockets and found he wu in bills and til the money He feels he had been chloroformed by one in the and then has placed the matter the band of the dttecttvw The Town Band Eighteen of the met at the Music on Saturday to the question of reorganizing Prorn rejort it was found that about were In Tim Leader and Secretary bad lreu in Cor a manufactured of and prices been obtained ranging from to fur set of and political and not beck ward giving credit for aa exceptionally newsy which he with great In adopted horns Opposition Hon Mr- lake of artalfig It I aa decided to to Slagu teft ftU WHS v Lot all IKIola would laid down Wert In JO Leader to write firm aod mo if reduction not to on account of tbo duty Auuitcan It on ex- fa fit Ward fit fa Audrewi Out of Lb acouot tho i that t could decided to borrow AIM work It off bycoDccrf after meat With a act at we a band In aecond to fa coaotry sad worthy of cocomercfal of Mr Dr Howe and Mm llowdtn bar to collection of fa fit Ward Ml i fit Ward tad Smith and Mia St Ward and It fa hoped who not yet paid their proportion on will at to that frtboPI farther v What become of tboOommUteo who in band of the Town Line to Schomber Is any road work being done out there Sunday School Toronto at antique jokes about the greed ajipie and the Ami boy will shortly loom up though many will require to make them even yet they will do their duty of or I many there be that will thereat Sow that Dominion Day over the next public will bo the to Delphi the Where to spend the summer is bothering onehalt of world and how to get vacation to spend the half own of a building that baa not a leaky roof Although very many plum uc with the chestnuts to frost winter the that ihu fur loaded with fruit and that other smalt raits will also bo abundant exchange says Now that thtajminerhas do not keep littlo children penned lip iu doors fairing tir will give them colds or the bright will their Turn the rawH out A from in Town early Sunday morning for a nun says font men went Id a in Zephyr on TlriJiday of com CO yeara of age Two of the fellow J were Whitby jail and other two had not Wen arrested in tjko quite iu Mr thoxn bred Terrier la traced back for over years Are limes really a hard Is generally aujiiMjad if how ran accotint tha of at lailejrs It low prices of Us cults and groceries six of cattle In 1 loundon Pour been and pi tho other two on Saturday The new creamer taking well with the Hodge sella article Meairs Bros are making to tho racr tha cedar the basing rotted away Tho machine at Canes Factory not running as fait as it might it turns out pin rnlnutcbciog twice a fapee tbe old no labor lteeioia mill has laying cents for wheat that libs Wen ordered to home and that they will srrive in by the steamer after neat A parly of S3 young folk a four-hen- rig- left for the lake on morning about oclock and joined hy it party from Aurora and another from Vooga or slug they alt The North on the prize There room for more special ho lira Club will produce on the Town Hall Dont It arte of Vivian Tavern Stand f missed the on on day nlng to the change of time of Schools In Town called fur to to to wel come tho School on their Halt to Newmarket Mil wek Mr baa contract of cleaning out the on Mala Street It al ways looks well be of Canes Factory rabidly all up and tha window frames on tbo front wt yeatct Mr Hill a sheep Friday through fstigue Tho next low a load or shot that it will wake him took 1 ha had a rfoui attack of Dominion of Confederation was duly observed aj a holiday in this Town and as nothing going on quite a number of visited other of hied towards tho Shore or neighboring woods About the only thing to dUturb peaceful quietude waa tho beating of the drum as tho Army passed to nd fro on a visit to The Rome Only fe were floating in the breeze and what boys at horn had a game of bill on the Park to pais the away Some ten or twelve of Uniform Degree Camp joined tbe excursion to the Odd Demonstration A team from Cricket Club to To ronto end victory again crown their efforts would not allow for the game to be completed it decided by the Brat innings Newmarket being ahead The tickets gold at the depot on Dominion Day embracing the followiag points of to Toronto to Holland Landing to Aurora to Col to In the evening Mr sent up a few rockets and Reeve entertained quite an audience with a small display fireworks Later on Mire up beautiful man candles Whnt to no unhealthy sore Cer ate InValnAble complclolr your if ihetfcod la Out of order take it a row Care from Sir Kelmsns store The of Robinsons In variably cleanses tbo blood from all ltesandrcitorot lo It Of la increased vigor activity and of spirits and be aura you get it twit Co llorrU sail fiib A prepaid reduced to Tickets may Jackson sgent Newmarket Lightning- There but few have suffered almost Intolerable or acuta pains To aucb an instant a Fluid Is untold bleating In time of trouble No to be taken One application of Plaid cur63 Sold at Jas- store Doric Dollar upon dollar frequently a rent on or articles entirely worthless Speedy Core are pot asked James drug store and get a fro trial it will cure you of Ihe worst forms of Liver Com plaint 1 no matter of bow long standing It you nothing Bold to bottles Hoe testimonials from persons your own Dominion Day was lively in Aurora The drew a good crowd In tha afternoon in the them was a large atten dance at the Park to which place Ran gera Bind headed the cf firemen tog of war Aurora acd was postponed until on account the King loya not turning up A cumber of frsoaa tho lit is Decoration Day at the Cemetery aid Improv ed of their plots A sevens hail storm passed over hero on Sunday afternoon doing considerable dam age to fruit and One farmer hid a fid bally cut op he said he would lav it his dixigsatifMO A number of pines of glass weio broken in lbs village by the Mil At a meeting on night it was decided to go the new school house on the plans submitted the lowest tender for which was W6 The ings and heating is and and when completed will be of the fieii school the Province There was a alight low land not freight fcmw full that had been appropriated carious it S prudent to g or wight be fcrd wanted or where hi cr g on its There Boat fittal to Hi aboit mer and in order to fill Jotiflga from ferial flcttTrtarJtef To l he vi It Newmarket Foray Hotel on od Tbarrdvy of each month for disease Me particu larly all bat been atVen up by other pbyatcltna of years eluding cured many the year not claim superior salU but follows a treatment entirety now lu Canada If are doing well under your own cull us It labia purpose to treat given trying have fall to get Next visit July An retired from practice having In bis bands by an East India formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the and permanent cure of and all nud alio a and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints after lu wonderful curative powers la ibousaudsofcej felt It bis duty to make it known to bis rellows Ac by Ibis motive and a to relieve human suffering will send freo of charge toalJwbodesJrult in French or with full directions for preparing and using by mall by if lib stomp Ibis paper A Powers Vr Mr- held a at the residence of Mr George on Mori- Abb completed the lean to his Mr Irwin i very alterations and Ma buildings Everybody went to Dominion Day at Hoi land Landing Holt glories in two new houses this sea son Road work completed and a large amount of gravel adorns our Willie IT had bis roofs Coal Tarred but not fathered Very little rain hew Sunday Ira making everything shine agatu with fresh paint and paper Steam Saw Mill is full opera Hon Mr Foster representing Mr of Toron to gave us a friendly call on Friday lash Mr atd Mrs Robert Thompson were visit and frienda at this week i Chatham I it Marsh your a boy for Jotttnp a so and be know writes Hill Neva da My that she receives the prompt ly ami looks upon it as a visit old friend M John is comfortably settled in his own domicile Mm and AbbWillson spent Day with Mrs J at we fo to the case S Alter all ihia replcoiih a J entered it lh The principal twiioi J favorably with that of a- town can bout or with taatefutly folly kept tt and comfort of saw fin have a desolate appearance there are no wiig4MaaUslia to men to compounds which the Scott Act has done drioka from the of treatit diiitjQii four and five be seen again lo try the strength J waves on trip op Our At tention was directed on Saturday to the alts pity of fancy show room of Mr IS Millard retail agent for the the Forsyth Hotel The prices of work Including and chenille Sowers ft leaves on plush and felt cloth which would be very suitable for soft panels banners table and ill silk with wonderful the Scotch thistle peacock feathery birds and in making very pretty tidier welt as very beautiful for ladies of stitching other of from of including fell on sail cloth in several varieiir atitched on with oper ation Tlda work all done the Do mestic right hero hi Town and the of the machine la that it Is tfr Johnsons little boy but of age in vie a considerable jortlon of the work hdits it nut to here Johnson the wholesale agent tak ing It with through the country as of whit can be done Be euro and and some of work Beautify your homes when 1m nicely and In such a comparatively on a tow blue The ail hies bavo ftiueo removal but wo are told that they wilt be on exhibition Saturday Business Notices- or A Nnnnl injector With Item JVlcoWcU otd by the At all vhen the la foul and poweta feeble or the liver and kidneys lujctlvc U11 Hitters are required Are You luIteKthmconattxtuii jaHlvdcure Hold by Its No preparation of In quiry been steadily and prcyreaalvely A It leads tho list 11 truly preparation all blood a Now most success baa been achieved In modern been attained by the Dixon treatment Out of patients six ranuins fully ninety per cent have been cured of when It pa themselves to act clou are while the pUent other advertised cures never record a euro at all with Hie claim now generally believed by the men that due tho precure living tissue Mr once adapted his euro to their eater ml nut Ion tbl he claims is Is cures by four cures atlll No one else has this man- treatment hat ever catarrh remedy Is simple nod can at the present of year Is the most able tor and permanent the majority of the at with It A King street and stamp for treatise catarrh Sj Noi A iirmtiu with rlieumatlim un feel aehlvfg Joint Yellow OH cares ixul Voriyaprptn and You have printed every bot tle of Vitallzer- It never lo cure Jaa Kelrnau a Hoc refer to Are you troubled with or kidney comprint or If you will And a certain ours to lilood ijnuUJoa or Im re Cod with For Atnanla these diseases the an of the win build up lbs system and enrich and vitalise the blood and assist nature to his condition quickly as Will ImmtdLately relievo ooogb and Bold by Kelmno l JVrUpufiorxinliymciJlfln yard UL will uoptcvlall In attmiliy It euro and Bold by a of Mr Moftifttm of Two of jliWfcWi To Editor Mr I Ins just little work laying iho umcriplursl aud iu which he inveighs against thoaystemtf pay ing the clergy Tht Anglican liiiliop of the other hand In bis charge to the Jo a couple of weeki ago sgatntt the inadequate given the jieople of his to the faithful men who among them Which of them right A Couple of In his annual charge the compared the of wiib that of the mechanic earning d do not thtnk that fiir for the has tie of highly skilled and then him with third rat clergyman Take highly skilled mechanic in one caw and compare bis plight that of the highly skilled and see bow luicUou It to talk of Ihe sab ai lea tha clergymen but do of them fairly any I his of study of ten hum a fr ear aod then Id a position to corn wsga as generit still to urn them labor Is It with oar They college for years out of which they enjoy three or four months a year then during the time thy work tor are thoy enliven arduous Willi games of cricket and at ol their how many of them come forth skilled workmen Wbat percentage honors I and is hat content a hare lavs degree I St Paul worked at Ma trad that he might not chargeable to anyone bfstxsmpte might In this re aped be at day with ad vantage by our clergy as well as when they the Items The friends who Rev Man were pleased to see Sunday mora log Rev Mr farewell Two nephews of Mrs Lynch down from her in moving away the Minnie Lynch a of her residence of Moore and presented her with a pursr pjrlfugs are tad but the Is in the when and how we meet sgajn Mr Moore and hit son veto Mr J a couple We were pleased to see the old looking News from Holland Landing Dominion Pay duly crowd park ftiouaemcoU flllod up a aayuollilDfoflho M W ftjd irilbouV ll I Keswick Items Them was a largo turnout last to bear Iter Mr ifruh hi farewell avrmoo Mr left for new field of labor on IVrat Circuit He many at this tut year and with Wm it Sunday ft expected Rev Mr new of circuit will ftccujiy tbe pulpit at hour One day exciting took a abort distance from here on tbe road leading to lha lake shore Mr Mr dif fered in opinion a which bad the and thought would muter They in riga and Mr accompanied by Mr On reaching road leading along through tome cause or other probably making turn two out which left horse at liberty It accordingly took the lead up the read at a rate with bringing up tho tear ftppar- doing hi to fcet ahead of make a capture Finally it overtaken when the and found to bo very little for runway Not so with Mackintosh who pratty en up the former lie having fell on hi face producing a very la figured Fortunately no were broken Something the way of a fibt took plic at the Siracoa on Wednesday evening resulted of partlea before Draper J P cose settled before coming to trial We understand our hotelkeeper bis been oil I ft fine of for telling liquor ftfrw ago to these young and varied con- to whs the A targe from bury paued village on the lit their way to Point A- a vliit Ibis week with view of starting a and un dertaking hen As ho talk of asking a ft la not likely be will la- hen- aw played out with the having In this The friends of Tilly will regret to bear that been ill Ilia She la now WM we would ptooouco intelligent horse struck our villigo day week animal in ejueatlou by Mr Silas Minn last winter to a young by name of lives down near and since miking purchase ho baa been iu habit of jeriolicaJly this The character of the visits are audi young men generally are wont to mike Becoming pretty well ac quainted with tbo road and gaining lib city horse starlet for but instead of to its old home made its way direction of a brick- did not far from here Some men think Mr Mann still owned ft horse hot It In going towards above boose Mr Kelson took the nlinil and telegraphed Mr has since claimed properly Sutton I torus Social AVemarier from hero to came Tuesday of week day being very but although the morning was cold and windy a goodly to the wharf where the lay in waiting to re ceive them on board About oclock a atari was made the boat to weal in order to avoid of the xsvea which were now rolling high As advanced the wind steadily in creased reached a gale The tod oclock left lULiri through the neat the lee ahore and asoi entertained lbs bo a ii went well until airtadji here tho wind veined to be m order to play pranks wilh vessel wind and the licking which the ids effect of this upon tie t boat axo appearance many 1 kept bravely op were and again process of was entered upon rigor all biro an end and ohs Jilii Point was at length and the some by no a life on the oean ware the The or The neat day the a at vji by tome of the brethren riliaxes day was all aired and formed a striking day The of certainly under obligation to of the frternily brie j so a holiday joying were engaged to carry all who avail from the free of Mr hi says steamer was also plated at of and a male between the Some in lai others etc and vitldim day was An Jacksons Iomt to So June that five more- horse were lynched of here last It is know Frank Morgan Hill Moore were cck near I All W re strung up upon H of Ho fl the ami down with feet the of lb mz in they tie New YORK Jute A of wife he light this murderer only hiuiaelf to police the statement he the The Kw- is Mr Thomas fi vrars and his victim Mary live years his junior Itflu iJ jealously Ate to fci l the causo of murder An 0 shea as a man who the Scotch bagpipe at gatherings that part of Tho man said he struck her Vila i axe and killed her and then her with a pillow or ft children would see and get that be bad drinking for some time and condition ho was locked up his residence where lie found three children eightj and two years room in the lay body of their mother Her had completely J iho brains ootid out of KisgstoS June 28 Dr was summoned to Lennox on fifiJJ to vote in the as soon as possible star ltd home arriving in rt early hour on Saturday After putting his team away f house He find front his bedroom and found it Going to tbo servants J l tbat infant a year taken bed about an fore neighbors and later on fin tell ringing to summon before six oclock the Mrs Fiftieth was Ono foot was exposed Mrs was dressed and had a small about her shoulders ihe baby was not found until is lieNved to insane months had been very mother bad watched it night and and for a week did not sleep at and watching iblo affected her mind rible act which ended her and suffering of her that on Saturday arrange mat on should go to hmltli Sho was about S was of small long since bequeathed grandfather w AUK TVonioandrror Call and t