J I ri ERA JULY 1 1 Herniations Jano foltorfng regulation concerning the of of Onfcutfs trays following and paragraph of tio regulations and orders Men tent to in- par from their corps they to thboipteltiwaIbe paid paymaster of the district in the hospital is sitaatL Each paymaster issue a pay certificate in duplicate one copy to bo forwaraWWittiVpftytotWeribr the district Co which the patient is totSa fi If sua Is sent to Mi Lome from tba hospital for further treat ment In place of rejoining hit corps the paymaster of the district In which the man home Is vQl issue pay to the man daring the period ho is from following his ordinary On of the Deputy Adjutant General of the district who will satis fy himself by medical certificate of the mans incapacity bat not bo after corps has been relieved from active carried If man belongs to a per- corps cat on bo will when discharged from hospital be tent either to Ms headquarters of bis corps according to In either he will draw his daily pay from corps The Reeve of was fined end costs week for using In the Council Cham ber school picnic Is to be held in Mr school sec tion No King on Friday 3rd of July Messrs of hew sub stantial mall and other carriages now ready for shipment to K At a convention held Tuesday in it was decided to circulate for the submis sion of the Act in the county without delay a pretty girl down gentleman her what made sweet Ob she replied in innocence my father is sugar planter EST On Saturday forenoon last a heifer belonging to Wells of King strayed on the track at that place and consequence lost its life The Least badly mangled talis tVyy The Grand of Canada of the Independent Order of Good Templars opened its thirtysecond session Tuesday morning in Hamilton A resolution was adopted appointing ft committee to suggest measures for taking aggressive action in the direct ion of total prohibition The village of Ohio thirtyeight southeast of land suffered severely from lattnights Stone business portion of the place being wrecked The park around the courthouse was complete ly ruined the trees being damaged to an extent that It will take twenty- years to repair EX A brutal affair is reported as having occurred at Iowa last week a female school teacher being held by a woman whose enmity she had incurred while the womans daughter furiously lashed her with a rawhide inflicting such serious injuries that the victim now lies in precarious condition ffidaJetoorejthe founder the prphs mUdjtnd Emigration Charity London Ont left on tie a party of girls and boys be tween the ages of and 14 years who are brought out to this country for adoption or hire chiefly among fann ers Already many applications ac companied with good references have been made for the children A fanners wife In speaking of the sroartnees aptness and of her son a led six years old to a lady acquaintance said ho can read fluently part of the Bible repeat the and weed onions as well as his lather Yes mother added the young hopeful and yesterday I licked Ned Raw- ton and the cat into the well Here is a for farmers Last fall a man in Clyde had a number of stumps which he wished to remove He bored holes in them inserted saltpetre filled up with Water and then plugged the holes About a month ago ho took out the lags poured in kerosene oil and set re The stumps smouldered away without blazing and now there Is nothing left of ttvi but ashes June The heaviest rainstorm ever teen this suction over hero this afternoon by heavy lightning lott ing about two and a half hours tho ruin falling level over six and Quarter Inches In the lower jart of fclroei the water was running a foot deep The sidewalks washed away and moat of the cellars along Main street were nearly filled with of the gardens are a totAl weck A house belonging to Mr Woods in the village was struck by lightning and slightly damaged alto one In the country but no one was hurt Most of the bridges in the vicinity north of this have swept away and a great deal of done to crops The Mania There Is an almost universal among young people for rollerskating Its popularity Is such that It has in- with all other of pub lic amusement Theatres even letturos have suffered by this craxo Indeed such theorist have that It Is duo to mind that I I isiblo forces thit man beings mentally as do the body It will probably go out of as sudden at It into vogue As a physical it can not bo for it a few of the of the body A brisk walk of a couple of in the open air I of more value than ton miles of roller skating In a crowded filled with gas fight Even dancing Is more healthful as well as snore graceful indee this toachea young people how to carry their while toller skating the and body Into and angular fimmti OZiOTHINGr AND YOUR CHEAPER THAN EVER FAMILY at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES A SMITH ED AND At Sutherland Bros and get a Perfect Fit The Country Editor Goes to Church The editor of the Roar er attended church for first time last Sunday In about an hour ho rushed into the office and shout ed to telegraph editor What in thunder are you fellows doing How about the from seat of war What news Why all this about the Egyptian army being drowned in the Red Sea Why the gospel sharp up at the church was telling about it just now and not a word about it in this morn ings paper Bustle around you fellows and get the tacts or the Snap Shot will get a dead bent on Look spry there and run an extra edition if necessary while I put on the bulletin board Great English Victory in the Soudan Ex Win a Bradford was let in Just week for 10 under the Scott Act The next thing to a funeral procession for slowness bats a bach elor is to walk behind a lovesick couple going home from a party Several Orange Lodges of North intend celebrating the at South Lodges demonstrate at Bradford again l To print or not to print is what often puzzles a local editor Subscribers expect all the news but discretion forbids the publication of many items that would highly in teresting to a hundred readers but which would make one or two mad It isnt the easiest thing In the world to steer clear of trouble in a country printshop Jokes are considered very proper when cracked at the expense of other fellows but just keep our out of print is what we us and company say Star AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OK Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Sanaas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON NEWMARKET Fares to Manitoba lower than ever OILS Boiled Machinery VARNISHES- furniture Oak A Carriage all kinds either mi dry or ground in oil BUILDING all BUILDING Tar Felt an Carpet Felt Pitch Coal Tar Pine Tar Spades hovels Galvanized Wire and Barbed Wire IRON and Full Lines DRY CARRIAGE HARDWOOD a A isiiiAtj hi -AT- PURE PARIS GREEN WHITE INSECT POWDER DYE STUFFS GROUND OILCAKE tf TO RENT BRICK STORK lately occupied ilra l Apply to SAM MRS RESIDENCE That HI recently by JArfo cellar gi frJlCd Apply to J ARM acres of half of Wcit h3ll of lot 9 the cum of the properly to JWTOK1M Keltleby WM CANE SONS Drug Store from to a to- 2 to 3 p to and 8 to in LUMB LATH SHINGLES Farmers Threshers MILL OWNERS I Save lour Machinery USING MACHINE OILS Solely by BROS CO TORONTO For by J Post Office Farm pOft term to suit Half of Lot W Id tlie Host ltj acrc about In Apply to JOHN T- FORT ABLE Ami of land for In the of wltlt privilege A And for brick brides a ravel pit Apply drewHtjto MRS J for ale until SIntlji for Aurora Via North Toronto pm SO ftDdOeorgliiQ- I0tiiu on ilundoya 1030 KNOL1SK MAILS York in On id A raw was re nty hired by a cabinet maker in oily and like a to for than he worth- One day the proprietor showed him a pretty mahogany vener ea bureau and told to it off as purchaser would call for it io the of morning Shortly after Johnny made his appearance in the Well John have you made that bureau guess it look bad but job though I couldnt git at it any other way and I took foreplone and peeled bark all off A Marvelous Story ID TWO FROM THE SOH aaSSflfcift iXj at flU tell a affac la Li I ObUJ at lent of aartfocu en abnt jij ay ft ap- at to t uiue yox pftyvLca J f i gl I ftMtlj to la FROM THE FATHER a to to it Unfit I Ufa of OGtaleUly WTtci4 a ltsor a4 croflwi lVyVrablo luLfr uo lU to fiow to tMrtr I Wa a I ita of la It altoc My 1ilq to at all I Ml ry ahU to a tai ab a ay I ra to fliuiriaiill Vt sw Am an It all aid tflMUi Mttoa az4 feT WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH MOULDING DOORS SASH AND FOR PATRONAGE OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES MAN NEWMARKET Cctalnihotron J a inro ami of worms Jn Adult EVERY FARMER fJEW g luttlo EMOPRIUMOFFASHION NEWMARKET OPPOSITE rORSYIII and If for iJOtuHle for nil VorkCoutilylylitf imciil Albert It awl MBS IK NOW I WO MILLNERY urn- I A In Newest Shapes and Fashionable Styles Alto a of FLOWERS FEATHERS ORNAMENTS AND LACES rr Hoop for Wool for A of LACK Kit ILIA AND ALSO LACK LEADING HOUSE AttUIflOniceore From am l p in p IIaIc JLtlttrA J to 111 for or frnctlon to bait Jiiitl United may be Cards lor any forih iinhJ cent ilm atamp attached of nor can anything be or attacbeU to for Towu or iu rutcamuatlci by ban but will 1 1 I ho If jj I full deficient IMTKIH In- vticn to bo to tenia IslfAlhit bo by which of All potted 16 ue Aud autl iini la- IlihttllcM a inonlb I ho fstugu com per four be proilil by In 1 mutt by pott- or fraction tin fttjt to K1iiui1ajii r limit of fur la rate la I Jit Victoria tern mid and of not in by at jcr wolgbt tut r to admit of may be or eot by Individual to ot being actually or aro Largest Most Stock Of HtovcaTlnworei of York which will icllat LOW It will be to to give me a call AGENT FOR to PATTERNS and LEADING MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT la for otlfgalirai In t frlndt aod ard fca untuully Ho for people la fcir in royal vAinahto box of gOrJa l will put yon of money In a few diva at any You can live at home aod work all or alt wbo part of lot Id the Con of at Kino Orchard All anil Now and a atnnll orchard well dfMrAhe foru homo to anlt or will pari a larger lot tbo TOOIR Pine Orchard ARM SAW5 WncrLj bring of lot In the Con of gixi aUblo drive for grain lit second to King Township Further particular on to the proprietor on the prettily liAHLIi aim Newmarket Building Lots for Sale Town of Newmarket- a lota imd The whole Will block or on For pittlcularaupply to KI Wot Toronto urtoUait POU IK Ik Howard or lufnnitallou leading to coo of cutting timber tbo tola Apply lo I Church SALE following Hcrcaof Lot Lu tin North of half lb 111 i Una CO la aitu a gcalledlu2rofidlhroughihDTowtw bin All vervlow and AlaoMeyerairotalntbciTownorNowcoar to AHOSH Newmarket- WHOWfflTSIT FOR BALE OK TO FOR OP YKARS The mid now cupled by HI at corner of In TOWN OP NEWMARKET mi That all may teat wo IhU Jo all who not Well aatlilfed wo will totay for rouble or writ log rlaln for All who auri at i A Adrat at anything by taking an aenoy for toe Terms fr- wjiy J of for th bo rate by limit exceeds in weight lOMTlarcela be traiia by to any place beyond the Dominion of can parcel be forwarded to which weight limit J the limit laoibi The weight of torce nor the aire J eel In length and in per four w or Orders A great reduction been made In the Tor money orders Up to charge la up lo On rdtn and up JtO too and ten earn adJitloLalilO aro alio Jimiifjn Victoria New Zealand India Havings on wblcb Br cent Intercut IniimmlMiuniotheOentralOfflce of FoatOinceMTlnt Hooka and wate irdof bearing fruit repair appllcitlon Hunt eld tomber of and summer kitchen auinll or and the by lit or Hen will be Lei for be accepted it Wilt OR DIZZINESS J DYSPEPSIA INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEADACHE DROPSY OF TllE HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH WVNES3- And wiling KIOHEY8 BOWELS OR v EXCELSIOR BAKERY BOO BABY RRIAGES DEPOT You will a Beautiful THE PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN HAS C CALL KENT ML AND fill Ho v- 1 Hotel JVmnuarccl Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of IN NEWMARKET Undertaking Special Attention A NEWMARKET AMI Always on bund Stock of JMS SCOTCH DIAMONDS ODD AND MALT A TDAYIKS AND LABATlS BOTTlB FULL STOCK OF PRIME IN CONNECTION i MAIN STRBBT NC iY-